Logan Marie Glitterbomb

A Catholic anarchist-without-adjectives, Logan Marie discovered anarchism through the punk scene in high school and went on to join the Industrial Workers of the World in college where she studied theatre arts. She is a former editor, writer, and co-publisher of the queer anarchist news 'zine Pink&Black, co-founder of the Libertarian Anti-Fascist Committee and the Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the Libertarian Party, member of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the DSA, co-founder of the anarchist Mardi Gras krewe Krewe de Main and their festival Coup de Gras, and current organizer with the IWW's Freelance Journalists Union. She spends her free time performing comedy, cosplaying, and writing comics.

Website: https://loganglitterbomb.com/

Maybe We Should Legalize Child Labor After All
24 Jun 2024
Finanziare le Cooperative di Lavoratori: una Proposta
24 Apr 2024
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Taxation is Theft: An Anarchist Guide to Taxation
23 Apr 2024
Feature Articles
Pelarangan Tidak Akan Pernah Berhasil
14 Mar 2024
Indonesian & Stateless Embassies
Agorisme Pasar Putih
02 Mar 2024
Indonesian & Stateless Embassies
Mendanai Koperasi Pekerja: Sebuah Solusi
23 Jan 2024
Indonesian & Stateless Embassies
Funding Worker Cooperatives: A Solution
20 Dec 2023
Feature Articles
Nullification, State’s Rights, and the Sanctuary Movement
04 Jun 2023
Otro camarada perdido
19 Nov 2022
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
Perpustakaan Menawarkan Model Ekonomi Berbagi
22 Oct 2022
Indonesian & Stateless Embassies
Леваки и пушки. Часть шестая, заключительная
14 Sep 2022
Russian & Stateless Embassies
Леваки и Пушки. Часть пятая
07 Sep 2022
Russian & Stateless Embassies
Леваки и пушки. Часть четвертая
28 Aug 2022
Russian & Stateless Embassies
Леваки и пушки. Часть третья
25 Aug 2022
Russian & Stateless Embassies
Леваки и пушки. Часть вторая
20 Aug 2022
Russian & Stateless Embassies
Леваки и пушки. Часть первая
09 Aug 2022
Russian & Stateless Embassies
New Year, New Focus
01 Feb 2022
Green Market Agorist & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Bibliotecas Ofrecen un Modelo para la Economía Colaborativa
14 Dec 2021
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
La Biblioteca, un Esempio per l’economia della Condivisione
11 Dec 2021
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy
15 Nov 2021
Grupos de Defesa do Consumidor: A Peça que Falta
15 Sep 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Still Feeling the Effects of 9/11
11 Sep 2021
Feature Articles
Ending Gun Violence by Defunding the Police
10 Sep 2021
Menuju Pembentukan Aliansi Agoris-Sindikalis
21 Jul 2021
Indonesian & Stateless Embassies
O Novo Terrorismo Verde
09 Jul 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Rumo a uma Aliança Agorista-Sindicalista
09 Jun 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Agorismo do Mercado Verde
29 May 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Empreendedores e o Lumpemproletariado: Comparando Agorismo e Ilegalismo
24 May 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Maccartismo in Verde
19 May 2021
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Agorismo vs. Consumismo Ético: Quanto Vale Seu Dinheiro?
17 May 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Agorismo do Mercado Branco
07 Apr 2021
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Green Market Agorist Episode 10: The Cryptocurrency Revolution (feat. George Donnelly)
19 Jan 2021
Green Market Agorist & Podcast & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Announcing Coup de Gras 2: Electric Luau!
13 Jan 2021
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
The End of Work (As We Know It) Part 2: The RICH Economy
04 Jan 2021
Green Market Agorist Episode 9: C4SS Holiday Special (feat. Alex McHugh)
25 Dec 2020
Green Market Agorist & Podcast & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Uma Hipótese Anarquista para a Renda Básica Universal
13 Dec 2020
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Empregos de Mentira e o Fim do Trabalho (Como o Conhecemos)
29 Nov 2020
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It)
20 Nov 2020
Feature Articles
Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião, QAnon e o Culto ao Estatismo
16 Nov 2020
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Another Lost Comrade
09 Nov 2020
Feature Articles
Let’s Make 12 Step Programs the New Food Not Bombs
04 Nov 2020
Harm Reduction, Soapboxing, and Destructive Voting
02 Nov 2020
Internet Offriva Libertà, Noi Abbiamo Scelto la Servitù Aziendale
31 Oct 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Only Anarchists Are Pretty: An Anarchist Guide to Fashion Part 2: Dressing for Anonymity
30 Oct 2020
Feature Articles
A Internet nos Ofereceu Liberdade, Mas Nós Escolhemos a Regra Corporativa
13 Oct 2020
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Uma Resposta Agorista ao Banimento de Anarquistas no Facebook
13 Oct 2020
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
The Internet Offered Us Freedom, We Chose Corporate Rule
13 Oct 2020
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, QAnon, and the Cult of Statism
10 Oct 2020
Feature Articles
Join C4SS and Logan Marie Glitterbomb at This Weekend’s (Virtual) NYC Anarchist Book Fair!
24 Sep 2020
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Mascherina o non Mascherina: Questo non Dovrebbe Essere il Problema
17 Sep 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
It’s Been 19 Years Since 9/11 and We Still Need to Abolish ICE
11 Sep 2020
An Agorist Response to Facebook Banning Anarchists
06 Sep 2020
Mask or No Mask: This Should Not Be the Question
02 Sep 2020
A Proibição Ainda Não Funciona
26 Aug 2020
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
L’anarchismo Elude il Calcolo Economico?
18 Aug 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Consumer Advocacy Groups: The Missing Piece
17 Aug 2020
Help Build a Queer Safe Haven and Intentional Community in the Heart of Cajun Country!
23 Jul 2020
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Does Anarchism Skirt the Calculation Problem?
13 Jul 2020
Decentralization and Economic Coordination & Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange
È Proprio il Caso di Riavviare l’economia?
02 Jul 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Is It Time to Reopen the Economy?
20 Jun 2020
Feature Articles
Demistificare il Miniarchismo di Sinistra
16 Jun 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Demystifying Left Minarchism
03 Jun 2020
Feature Articles
Shut It All Down
01 May 2020
Anarchismo di Crisi: Affrontare la Pandemia
24 Apr 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Anarchism in Crisis: Dealing With Pandemics
05 Apr 2020
Feature Articles
Contro il Big Tech
15 Mar 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Perché non Appoggio la Marcia delle Donne
06 Mar 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Solarpunk Visions: A Call to Action
11 Feb 2020
La Guerra delle Polpette 2
11 Feb 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Why I Don’t Support the Women’s March
10 Feb 2020
The War on Hamburgers Part 2: An Impossible Dream
09 Feb 2020
Feature Articles
Combating Big Tech: An Agorist Response to the YouTube Strike
09 Feb 2020
Agorismo e Mercato Bianco
27 Jan 2020
Italian & Stateless Embassies
White Market Agorism
22 Jan 2020
Feature Articles
Costituzionalismo Come Minaccia
21 Sep 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Constitutionalism As a Threat
20 Sep 2019
L’eleganza è Anarchica
03 Aug 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Ridesharing Paritario, non Parassitismo Aziendale!
20 Jun 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Peer-to-Peer Ridesharing, Not Corporate Profiteering!
05 Jun 2019
Only Anarchists Are Pretty: An Anarchist Guide to Fashion
04 Jun 2019
Feature Articles
The Hidden Consequences of Plastic Bans
30 May 2019
Feature Articles
Prohibition Still Doesn’t Work
28 May 2019
Feature Articles
Direct Action Against the War Machine
27 May 2019
Feature Articles
La Guerra delle Polpette
24 May 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
The War on Hamburgers: A Practical Alternative to World Veganism
17 May 2019
The Power of Counter-Recruitment
14 May 2019
Feature Articles
Agorismo, Mercato e Ambiente
01 May 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
An Anarchist Case for UBI
25 Apr 2019
Green Market Agorism
19 Apr 2019
Feature Articles
Bernie vs. Corporate Welfare
01 Apr 2019
Il New Deal Verde nell’ottica Libertaria
20 Mar 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
A Libertarian Take on the Green New Deal
11 Mar 2019
No, Bernie Will Not Save Us
05 Mar 2019
La Polizia Irrompe nella Sharing Economy
21 Jan 2019
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Alternative dal Basso alla Guerra alla Droga
17 Sep 2018
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Abolish ICE! End the Wars!: 9/11 17 Years Later
11 Sep 2018
Una Rivoluzione Verde Decentrata
05 Sep 2018
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Against Slavery, Environmental Disaster, and Fascist Nations: BDS in Action
02 Sep 2018
How to Support Striking Prisoners
01 Sep 2018
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Celebrate Labor Day by Supporting Incarcerated Laborers!
01 Sep 2018
Mass Incarceration and the War on Guns
29 Aug 2018
Community Alternatives to the Drug War: An Anarchist Guide to Harm Reduction
26 Aug 2018
Decentralizing the Green Revolution: An Anarchist Guide to Environmentalism
23 Aug 2018
United Against the Prison-Industrial Complex: Statement of Solidarity With Prison Strikers
21 Aug 2018
Center Updates & Commentary
Fallacie Attorno alla Costituzione
04 May 2018
Italian & Stateless Embassies
May Day is Ours!
01 May 2018
The Failures of Constitutionalism
29 Apr 2018
Ripensando la Legalizzazione
28 Apr 2018
Italian & Stateless Embassies
4/20: A Retrospective Meditation on Legalization
26 Apr 2018
In Defense of Walk on Girls
15 Mar 2018
Sex Work Panic Is Squashing the Mardi Gras Spirit
11 Feb 2018
Un Calcio alla Schiavitù in Carcere
16 Jan 2018
Italian & Stateless Embassies
The PUSH Against Prison Slavery
11 Jan 2018
Sanità per Tutti: Guida Informale ad una Sanità Anarchica
07 Sep 2017
Italian & Stateless Embassies
DSA-LSC: Anarchy in the AfterBern
26 Aug 2017
Airbnb e il Potere Antifascista del Mercato
15 Aug 2017
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Airbnb and the Power of Anti-Fascist Markets
13 Aug 2017
Insegnare la Libertà: Guida Anarchica alla Didattica
08 Aug 2017
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 6)
07 Aug 2017
Feature Articles
Healthcare For All: An Informal Guide to Creating An Anarchist Medical System
01 Aug 2017
Teaching Freedom: An Anarchist Guide to Education
31 Jul 2017
Fascists Invade Orlando; Anti-Fascists Strike Back
24 Jun 2017
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 5)
16 May 2017
Feature Articles
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 4)
17 Apr 2017
Feature Articles
Reclaiming the Anti-Fascist Roots of Libertarianism
11 Apr 2017
01 Apr 2017
Stateless Embassies & Turkish
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 3)
24 Mar 2017
Feature Articles
The Failures of Fight for $15
21 Mar 2017
Feature Articles
Terrorist is the New Green
18 Mar 2017
Time to Put the NAP to Rest?
17 Mar 2017
Feature Articles
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 2)
10 Feb 2017
Feature Articles
On the Tactic of Burning Trash Cans
03 Feb 2017
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Disrupt J20: The Fight Against Fascism and Fake News
01 Feb 2017
Don’t Let Him Build the Wall: A Call to Action
29 Jan 2017
Vermin Supreme’s Inauguration Was A Riot!
29 Jan 2017
Un Altro Dread Pirate Roberts?
23 Jan 2017
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Is It Time for the Next Dread Pirate Roberts?
14 Jan 2017
Feature Articles
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 1)
10 Jan 2017
Feature Articles
Unions as an Alternative to State Licensing
01 Dec 2016
I Proibizionisti: La Pornografia è Crisi Sanitaria
20 Nov 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Polizia Discriminata?
13 Nov 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Union Workers Stand Against Corporatist AFL-CIO & LIUNA
24 Oct 2016
La Rivoluzione Tramite l’Arte
19 Oct 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Don’t Call the Pigs: An Informal Guide to Creating an Anarchist Justice System
16 Oct 2016
Feature Articles
Revolution Through Art
10 Oct 2016
Make Libertarianism Working Class Again!
28 Sep 2016
Feature Articles
Police Discrimination?
23 Sep 2016
Of Flags and Football
22 Sep 2016
Combattete l’Odio, Ridipingetelo!
20 Sep 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Agora-Syndicalism and Illegalist Agorism: A Response to Nathan Goodman and Nick Ford
17 Sep 2016
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & The Future of Agorism
The Workers Big Labor Forgot
16 Sep 2016
Fight Hate, Paint Back!
12 Sep 2016
Agorism vs Ethical Consumerism: What’s Worth Your Money?
11 Sep 2016
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & The Future of Agorism
Entrepreneurs and the Lumpenproletariat: Comparing Agorism and Illegalism
10 Sep 2016
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & The Future of Agorism
Toward an Agorist-Syndicalist Alliance
08 Sep 2016
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & The Future of Agorism
CNT Announces Plans to Refound the IWA
29 Aug 2016
Il Diritto di Proprietà dei Pellerossa e l’Oleodotto
29 Aug 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Indigenous Property Rights and the Dakota Access Pipeline
26 Aug 2016
I Veri Figli dell’Anarchia
12 Aug 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Kurdistán como sociedad anarquista
08 Aug 2016
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
No Matter Who’s Elected, Patriarchy Reigns
31 Jul 2016
Feature Articles
Oliver Stone Calls Pokemon Go “Surveillance Capitalism”
30 Jul 2016
The Real Sons of Anarchy
30 Jul 2016
Feature Articles
Matrimonio per Gioia e per Profitto
18 Jul 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Anarchism for a Mainstream Audience
14 Jul 2016
Feature Articles
Fort Bliss: Agorists in Action or Cartel Cronies?
05 Jul 2016
Marriage For Fun and For Profit
04 Jul 2016
Feature Articles
Police Raid the Sharing Economy
01 Jul 2016
ll Kurdistan come Società Anarchica
26 Jun 2016
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Let the People Fight Their Own Wars
25 May 2016
Detroit Teachers Sick of the State’s Misspending
16 May 2016
Modern Slave Uprisings
11 May 2016
Feature Articles
Kurdistan as an Anarchist Society
30 Apr 2016
Feature Articles
Porn Prohibitionists Declare Public Health Crisis
25 Apr 2016
A New Strategy for Fight for $15
23 Apr 2016
Feature Articles