Tag: coronavirus
Personally, I’ve never felt a stronger sense of class consciousness — that strange mixture of anxiety, rage, love, and resolve — than right now. I can only imagine that many workers feel similarly. Everywhere you turn there are people waking up to the importance of solidarity and considering far more radical steps than they have…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 5 aprile 2020 con il titolo Anarchism in Crisis: Dealing with Pandemics. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Siamo alla fine del mondo, o almeno così pare. Con il Covid-19 che si diffonde rapidamente dappertutto, un misto di paura, precauzioni e opportunismi spinge gli stati a reagire in maniera prevedibilmente…
It’s a very difficult time for any person. And this is not war, it is not just an economic crisis, it is not just mass poverty or catastrophe. This is a pandemic, in some ways a cross between all these things. Ordinary people are at great risk, like all the major capitalist companies. The poor…
Covid-19 would be deadly and disruptive no matter what political systems or leaders were in place. Yet the scale of death and destruction is undoubtedly influenced by the actions of both common people and the people in power. Although thousands of state workers are doing heroic work, and some politicians are showing themselves to be…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 25 marzo 2020 con il titolo Is This Micromanufacturing’s Hour? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se operi nell’ambito delle micromanifatture o dell’hardware hacking, se fai parte di una comunità che produce macchine open-source, o anche se, come me, sei interessato alla rilocalizzazione economica al fine di sgonfiare il potere aziendale,…
Di Matin Pedram. Originale: Mises Can Teach Us to Solve the Shortages: A Case for Coronavirus, pubblicato il 30 marzo 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Lo stato può impiegare diversi sistemi per controllare il mercato e mantenere l’equilibrio. Il più noto è il controllo dei prezzi(1), accompagnato dalla punizione dei trasgressori ad opera delle forze…
Di Austin Reddy. Originale pubblicato il 28 marzo 2020 con il titolo Coronavirus & Critical Theory; or, How to Come Together in a Pandemic. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nel bene o nel male, il coronavirus ha unito il mondo. La gente è spaventata, preoccupata, molti non si fidano più degli spazi sociali che prima apparivano…
The end of the world is upon us, or so it may seem. With COVID-19 spreading rapidly worldwide, a mixture of fear, precaution, and opportunism has led state governments to react in predictably authoritarian ways. While some officials have been fighting for moratoriums on evictions and utility shut-offs, paid sick leave, subsidized childcare services, Medicare…
Anarchists face the question: Without nations and states wouldn’t a free society be especially ravaged by pandemics? Who would enforce quarantines without rebuilding a centralized institution of violence? It’s a fair question. Anarchism isn’t about a finite goal, but an unending vector pointed towards increasing liberation. We’re not in the habit of “good enough” compromises,…
Sul dibattito tra prezzi gonfiati e saccheggio Di Alex McHugh. Originale: In Defense of Small Business: On the Price Gouging/Looting Debate, 27 marzo 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Mentre il mondo reagisce alla pandemia di Covid-19 (o coronavirus), nascono molte opportunità di evidenziare la prospettiva anarchista. Il mutuo soccorso, nel tentativo disperato di minimizzare l’impatto…
Governments have various ways to control the markets and attempt to preserve equilibrium. The most familiar one is price-fixing1 and punishing the infringers by reliance on governments’ forces. The rationale behind this is that governments will allocate resources to the best interest of the community and, as they have authority, they can easily mobilize the…
For better or worse, the coronavirus has brought the world together. People are scared and worried and many no longer feel confident navigating social spaces they previously took for granted. Questions regarding the hygiene of the Other are now at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Governments and other public institutions are advocating for “social distancing”…
As the world responds to the COVID-19 (or coronavirus) pandemic, we’re seeing many opportunities to highlight the anarchist perspective. Right now, mutual aid is the shining star of the last-ditch efforts to minimize the impact on the global north. From communities passing the hat for those who are out of work, to neighbors dropping off…
If you’re involved at all in the micromanufacturing, hardware hacking, or open-source hardware communities, or interested (as I am) in their potential for economic relocalization and for undermining corporate power, you’ve probably seen a story going around about makers in Italy 3D printing valves to keep ventilators running for COVID-19 patients in critical condition. According…
Gamestop’s disdain for their workers is well known and the accounts are numerous. Whether it’s their Circle of Life program or low pay, if you work in-store at Gamestop, you’re likely not having a great time. But now the company has gone all-in on their exploitation. Gamestop has recently responded to coronavirus by trying to…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 17 marzo 2020 con il titolo Pandemics: The State as Cure or Cause? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Leggendo le notizie sulla pandemia di COVID-19 (o coronavirus), è difficile non arrivare alla conclusione che si tratta di una di quelle situazioni emergenziali che non possono essere gestite senza ricorrere a…
Looking at the news on the COVID-19 (or coronavirus) pandemic, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that this is one of those lifeboat situations in which a crisis cannot be managed without a resort to large-scale social coercion. China and South Korea seem to have turned the tide on the pandemic, with a reduced number…