Tag: mutual aid
La Ricostituzione della Società
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale pubblicato il 5 di agosto del 2024 con il titolo The Reconstitution of Society. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. L’infame primo ministro britannico Margaret Thatcher adottò un’ideologia mista conservatrice e libertaria di destra che cercava di unire il pseudo individualismo al collettivismo tradizionalista del nucleo famigliare e dello stato nazione in…
The Reconstitution of Society
Infamous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher espoused a fusionist ideology which sought to weld pseudo-individualism to the traditionalist collectivism of the nuclear family and the nation state in a manner not unlike her American counterpart Ronald Reagan. Unsurprisingly, this ideological chimera led to an incoherent world view that rhetorically championed the freedom of the individual,…
Экономика, эволюция и экология
Joseph Parampathu. Echonomy, Evolution, and Echology, February 4, 2023. Рынки со свободным потоком информации помогают определить относительные цены. Но этот процесс довольно трудно заметить на обманчивом или неполном рынке. Мюррей Букчин сетует на утрату «моральной экономики» как отражение потери гражданской активности и утраты нашего пути в погоне за гомогенизированным глобальным рынком, рассчитанным на самые паршивые…
Destrucción creativa: repensar el fracaso después del Estado
Joseph Parampathu. Artículo original: Creative Destruction: Rethinking Failure after the State, del 15 de julio de 2021. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Cuando pensamos en el término “abolición”, pensamos en eliminar nuestras viejas nociones o en liberarnos de las limitaciones de la tradición. Podríamos evocar la idea de hacer borrón y cuenta nueva y quedarnos…
Economía, evolución y ecología
Por Joseph Parampathu. Artículo original: Economy, Evolution, and Ecology, del 4 de febrero de 2023. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa. Los mercados con libre flujo de información ayudan a determinar los precios relativos. Pero este efecto puede ser difícil de observar en un mercado engañoso o escaso. Murray Bookchin lamenta la pérdida de la…
Economia, Evoluzione, Ecologia
Di Joseph Parampathu. Originale: Economy, Evolution and Ecology, pubblicato il 4 febbraio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Nel mercato, il libero flusso delle informazioni aiuta a determinare i prezzi. Un effetto difficilmente osservabile in un mercato nero o diffuso nello spazio. Murray Bookchin vede nella perdita di una “economia etica” il riflesso di una…
Economy, Evolution, and Ecology
Markets with free information flow help determine relative prices. But this effect can be difficult to observe in a deceptive or sparse marketplace. Murray Bookchin laments the loss of the “moral economy” as a reflection of losing the civic space and of losing our way in the chase for a homogenized global market catering to…
Housing for Jessicka Lamb
Help us support and house C4SS writer and friend of the center, Jessicka Lamb! Jessicka is staying in Dallas, TX with no housing and no ID. After moving to Dallas a few years ago, Jessicka’s wallet — including all her ID documents — was stolen. Shortly after, a series of abusive relationships, that took her…
I Am “Bread-Pilled” by Kropotkin’s Vision of Social Utopia
I just finished reading The Conquest of Bread by the Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921). The book inspired Catalonia syndicalists in the Spanish Civil War, Magonism in Mexico, and the Occupy movement but still… I wasn’t expecting anything, I thought I’d be very bored because the book was written in 1892, I was sure it…
“Osservazioni Critiche sul Comunismo”, di Laurance Labadie
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 17 giugno 2022 con il titolo Laurance Labadie’s “Objections to Communism”. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Osservazioni critiche sul comunismo 1. Mette sullo stesso livello capaci e incapaci, pigri e operosi, parsimoniosi e spendaccioni. 2. Quindi premia l’ozio e non incentiva l’operosità e la parsimonia. 3. Costringe chi non…
Laurance Labadie’s “Objections to Communism”
Objections to Communism It places the inefficient on par with the efficient, the lazy with the industrious, and the thrifty with the extravagant. Therefore it places a premium on idleness and lacks spur to industry and thrift. It makes the celebate contribute for the support of the children of his procreative brother. It divides responsibility…
URGENT: Logan Glitterbomb Needs Your Help
 Logan Marie Glitterbomb – a longtime IWW organizer, one of the Center’s most prolific writers, and a close friend of mine – is at risk of being unhoused. She needs $3000 by the end of the month, or she and her roommate will be homeless. Logan is a disabled trans woman whose access to…
Call For Help For Elizabeth Sciabarra (Ms. Ski)
This is the kind of appeal that the family of Elizabeth Sciabarra (Ms. Ski to her students) never wanted to post. But we are facing some very difficult realities. My sister became seriously ill and nearly died in November 2020, which was followed by extensive spinal surgery in mid-March 2021. We nearly lost her again…
Anarchist Black Cross Musical Solidarity
One way that you can support anarchists in Ukraine is by purchasing Mother Anarchy: A benefit album to raise money for anarchist and anti-authoritarians defending their communities against invasion in Ukraine, specifically the Committee of Defense affiliated to the Black Headquarters. All proceeds of this compilation will go to the Dresden Anarchist Black Cross, which…
Molotov Pill Bottle: Radical Answers to Failed Capitalist Healthcare
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] A recent legislative attempt at Medicare and Healthcare expansion has fallen to the monopolistic death-grip of corporate lobbyists. What does the history of radical alternatives to healthcare have to teach us? Before looking at examples of solutions, it is…
Avanzar hacia la libertad
Darian Worden. Título original: Go Forward to Freedom, de 24 de mayo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. A medida que más personas en Estados Unidos se vacunan contra el Covid-19 y las tasas de infección siguen bajando, muchos piensan en lo que viene después. ¿Se ha vuelto a la “normalidad”? ¿Existe ahora…
Destrucción creativa: Repensar el fracaso después del Estado
De Joseph Parampathu. Título original: Creative Destruction: Rethinking Failure after the State, publicado el 15 de julio 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Cuando pensamos en el término “abolición”, pensamos en eliminar nuestras viejas nociones o en liberarnos de las restricciones de la tradición. Podemos evocar la idea de hacer borrón y cuenta nueva…
Solidarity with Afghan Refugees
Update (9/6/21) from IWA-AIT: We have bought them clothes/shoes, furniture, kitchen equipment, Internet connection, food stoke and many more. We want you to join us : https://t.co/QpuwbfYY1U https://t.co/BGzdvR1566 — Workers Solidarity Federation-IWA (@WorkersSolidar1) September 6, 2021 From the CNT-AIT France: English Companions of the Workers Solidarity Federation (WSF-AIT) of Pakistan have established a fund for the…
Creative Destruction: Rethinking Failure after the State
When we think about the term “abolition,” we think of removing our old notions or of breaking free from the constraints of tradition. We might conjure up the idea of wiping clean our slate and being left with the freedom to imagine things from the ground up, without being hindered by the structures of the…
Recaudación de fondos: Fondo de rescate de Anna
De Nick Manley. Título original: Fundraiser: Anna’s Rescue Fund, 29 de junio de 2021. Traducción de Camila Figueroa. Anna Morgenstern es una mujer trans y colaboradora del C4SS cuya madre ha pasado por momentos muy difíciles. Tiene una deuda médica de 21.000 dólares y no tiene forma de pagarla sin ayuda externa. Y la propia…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory