Tag: solidarity
Housing for Jessicka Lamb
Help us support and house C4SS writer and friend of the center, Jessicka Lamb! Jessicka is staying in Dallas, TX with no housing and no ID. After moving to Dallas a few years ago, Jessicka’s wallet — including all her ID documents — was stolen. Shortly after, a series of abusive relationships, that took her…
Anarchist Black Cross Musical Solidarity
One way that you can support anarchists in Ukraine is by purchasing Mother Anarchy: A benefit album to raise money for anarchist and anti-authoritarians defending their communities against invasion in Ukraine, specifically the Committee of Defense affiliated to the Black Headquarters. All proceeds of this compilation will go to the Dresden Anarchist Black Cross, which…
Solidarity with Afghan Refugees
Update (9/6/21) from IWA-AIT: We have bought them clothes/shoes, furniture, kitchen equipment, Internet connection, food stoke and many more. We want you to join us : https://t.co/QpuwbfYY1U https://t.co/BGzdvR1566 — Workers Solidarity Federation-IWA (@WorkersSolidar1) September 6, 2021 From the CNT-AIT France: English Companions of the Workers Solidarity Federation (WSF-AIT) of Pakistan have established a fund for the…
Recaudación de fondos: Fondo de rescate de Anna
De Nick Manley. Título original: Fundraiser: Anna’s Rescue Fund, 29 de junio de 2021. Traducción de Camila Figueroa. Anna Morgenstern es una mujer trans y colaboradora del C4SS cuya madre ha pasado por momentos muy difíciles. Tiene una deuda médica de 21.000 dólares y no tiene forma de pagarla sin ayuda externa. Y la propia…
Fundraiser: Anna’s Rescue Fund
Anna Morgenstern is a trans woman and C4SS contributor whose mother has fallen on extremely hard times. She has a medical debt of $21,000 and has no way of paying it without outside assistance. And Anna herself needs funds for healthcare and paying off debt. The consequences could involve Anna becoming unable to work, so…
DJC x UMAW Instruments Into Prisons
Incarcerated people are still people. I am appalled that this is not common sense to everyone. Yet the opposite attitude constantly appears both implicitly and explicitly among a disturbing number of both members of the populace and U.S. government policies. From being denied certain kinds of reading materials all the way to being denied genuine…
The #RedPearl of Africa is a Bleeding City
Youth from Uganda and across the diaspora have united forces to help build Global solidarity with the Youth in Uganda fighting to remove their dictator. Whether possible or not, global solidarity is needed as they continue to be under surveillance with the implementation of social media tax and social media blockages. Ugandan social media activists…
Help Build a Queer Safe Haven and Intentional Community in the Heart of Cajun Country!
Let’s face it, it’s not easy being LGBTQ+ in this society. There is an ongoing rise in the murder rates of trans and gender non-conforming individuals, with the Human Rights Campaign documenting at least 21 murders just this year, which nearly matches last year’s documented 27 murders despite us only being halfway through the year….
Celebrate Labor Day by Supporting Incarcerated Laborers!
Most of us in the radical labor movement are well aware of the historical bait-and-switch pulled with May Day and the modern American holiday established by the state known as Labor Day. Despite this many anarchists still take Labor Day as an opportunity to spread the message of worker liberation and freedom from capitalism. In…
The Workers Big Labor Forgot
With the passing of “Labor Day” earlier this month it’s useful to reflect upon its origins and the state of the labor movement as it stands today. First celebrated on Sept. 5, 1882 in New York City by members of the Central Labor Union, a branch of the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor…
Missing Comma: Concerning “Horizontal Loyalty” on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Trevor Hultner‘s “Missing Comma: Concerning ‘Horizontal Loyalty’” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. I think, for a long time, we’ve been trying to look for new ways to talk about concepts like mutual aid and solidarity; horizontal loyalty, at least as Krulwich describes it (and as Friedman uses it), serves exactly this…
Missing Comma: Concerning “Horizontal Loyalty”
Last week’s blog excerpted a piece from Ann Friedman over at the Columbia Journalism Review that mentioned the term, “horizontal loyalty.” Coined by Radiolab host and longtime public radio producer Robert Krulwich during a commencement speech he gave to UC Berkeley grads in 2011, Friedman used the term as a way to challenge perceptions on…
A World Divided
After working at the University of Sussex over the summer, myself and two of my best friends embarked on an interrailing trip around Europe. The trip was a wonderful experience and a fantastic chance to visit iconic cities and locations. We managed to see, and do, so much, as is evidenced by this brilliant video my friend made of our…
Stand With Whistleblowers
The recent reports of secret NSA surveillance reveal the important role the whistleblowers play in uncovering government wrongdoing. Edward Snowden is the latest whistleblower to face the Obama administration’s wrath for uncovering executive branch criminality. But another victim of the administration’s War on Whistleblowers is Private Bradley Manning. Manning  currently faces charges of “aiding the…
Class vs. “Identity Politics,” Intersectionality, Etc.: Some General Observations
Carson: Intersectionality undermines the ruling class’s “divide and conquer” strategies of labor market segmentation as a strategy for weakening the bargaining power of labor.
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Goodman: Anti-transgender violence is a tremendous assault on liberty. Today, let’s remember the dead. Tomorrow, let’s fight for them.
OFFICIAL: Leah Has Been Released
First and foremost, do not panic.
Write To Leah and the Other Grand Jury Resisters!
It’s an easy way to show solidarity.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory