Tag: mutual aid
Go Forward to Freedom
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] As more people in the US get vaccinated against Covid-19 and infection rates continue to drop, many are thinking about what comes next. Is it “back to normal”? Is there now a “new normal”? Perhaps those of us who…
Make the Future Anti-Fascist
A victory over fascism deserves celebration. The fascists lost their hold on the most powerful political office. Their leader is disgraced and isolated. They are turning on each other. They played their hand with a coup attempt – and they failed to do much besides exposing themselves and supercharging their opposition. Despite years of psychological…
Book Review: Groove is in the Heart: The DisCO Elements
DisCO Coop (primary authors Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel). Groove is in the Heart: The DisCO Elements. Introduction by Ela Kagel and Afterword by Ann Marie Utratel (2020).  As the Introduction explains, the first installment of the DisCO Trilogy — The DisCO Manifesto — was about ” the reasons behind DisCO, its roots and…
An Open Letter to Anti-Racists on Global Poverty
Dear Anti-racists,  Cheers to the earth-shattering defeat of Donald Trump, in whose electoral demise you played no small part. Your jubilation as this nightmare of a presidency nears its apparent end is every bit warranted. Joe Biden’s presidency will be far from perfect, but we can reasonably expect it to be better than the (primary)…
Should We Give to Morally Imperfect People?
Suppose that we endorse something like this moral principle: The most moral way to live is to prevent as much suffering as possible.  This principle is quite demanding, as it means (for example) that spending six dollars on an expensive cup of coffee—when those six dollars could more effectively relieve suffering in the hands of…
(UPDATED 12/18) Legal Help for Logan! C4SS Commentator Faces Charges
UPDATE 12/18/2020 — Hey everyone, thanks again for all the support and well wishes! I spoke with Logan on Monday (look out for an episode of her Green Market Agorist podcast with that conversation soon). She’s in high spirits despite facing so much and we’re all ready to fight this for as long as it takes. With the…
Let’s Make 12 Step Programs the New Food Not Bombs
If we believe in the concepts of harm reduction and restorative and transformative justice, then we need to get involved in 12 step advocacy. 12 step programs began with the birth of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) when it was founded in 1935 out of a conversation between Bill Wilson aka Bill W. and Bob Smith. They…
Help Build a Queer Safe Haven and Intentional Community in the Heart of Cajun Country!
Let’s face it, it’s not easy being LGBTQ+ in this society. There is an ongoing rise in the murder rates of trans and gender non-conforming individuals, with the Human Rights Campaign documenting at least 21 murders just this year, which nearly matches last year’s documented 27 murders despite us only being halfway through the year….
The Tithe as an Element of Economic Democracy: Decentralizing Collectivization
Introduction: Towards a Combined Anarchist and Communist Approach to the Question of Central Economic Planning This essay deals with the question of central economic planning, or minimum viable economic planning (MVEP) from both anarchist and communist perspectives. The central operative terms will be collectivization, or the process of pooling resources to be shared at the…
È Proprio il Caso di Riavviare l’economia?
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 20 giugno 2020 con il titolo Is It Time to Reopen the Economy? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. C’è chi scende in strada armato per protestare contro le esagerazioni di stato… dimostrando un’ignoranza spettacolare. Sono solidale con chi lotta per vivere e non ha un lavoro, con chi aspetta…
Is It Time to Reopen the Economy?
People are taking to the streets with arms to protest government overreach…in a most spectacular display of ignorance.  While I am extremely sympathetic to those out of work and struggling, who expected relief money that never came, and are now worried about not being able to feed their family or even losing their house and…
Oltre il Reddito di Base Universale
Gettare il seme dell’infrastruttura ecologica universale Di Evan Pierce. Originale pubblicato il 13 aprile 2020 con il titolo Beyond UBI: Sowing the Seeds of Universal Ecological Infrastructure. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ultimamente, si parla tanto di reddito di base universale (RBU), che servirebbe a riequilibrare le disuguaglianze, affrontare la crescente precarietà data dalla disoccupazione tecnologica,…
Anarchismo di Crisi: Affrontare la Pandemia
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 5 aprile 2020 con il titolo Anarchism in Crisis: Dealing with Pandemics. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Siamo alla fine del mondo, o almeno così pare. Con il Covid-19 che si diffonde rapidamente dappertutto, un misto di paura, precauzioni e opportunismi spinge gli stati a reagire in maniera prevedibilmente…
Coronavirus: Why Mutual Aid Is Important
It’s a very difficult time for any person. And this is not war, it is not just an economic crisis, it is not just mass poverty or catastrophe. This is a pandemic, in some ways a cross between all these things. Ordinary people are at great risk, like all the major capitalist companies. The poor…
Beyond UBI: Sowing the Seeds of Universal Ecological Infrastructure
[Listen to a Mutual Exchange Radio Podcast discussing this essay here] Ideas related to Universal Basic Income (UBI) have been gaining some traction lately with the goals of mitigating inequality, addressing the increasing precarity of technological unemployment, and attempting to ensure that people can meet their basic needs. As an anarchist seeking freedom for all,…
Anarchism in Crisis: Dealing With Pandemics
The end of the world is upon us, or so it may seem. With COVID-19 spreading rapidly worldwide, a mixture of fear, precaution, and opportunism has led state governments to react in predictably authoritarian ways. While some officials have been fighting for moratoriums on evictions and utility shut-offs, paid sick leave, subsidized childcare services, Medicare…
Pandemia: Lo Stato Cura o Provoca?
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 17 marzo 2020 con il titolo Pandemics: The State as Cure or Cause? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Leggendo le notizie sulla pandemia di COVID-19 (o coronavirus), è difficile non arrivare alla conclusione che si tratta di una di quelle situazioni emergenziali che non possono essere gestite senza ricorrere a…
Pandemics: The State As Cure or Cause?
Looking at the news on the COVID-19 (or coronavirus) pandemic, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that this is one of those lifeboat situations in which a crisis cannot be managed without a resort to large-scale social coercion. China and South Korea seem to have turned the tide on the pandemic, with a reduced number…
Создание альтернативы государству
Когда человек с благими намерениями пытается проникнуть в государственно-непотическую капиталистическую систему, то его ожидает один простой сценарий. Сначала его проглотит эта система, у нее начнется несварение и в итоге систему вырвет остатками всего благого в этом человеке. Система, которая нацелена с самого начала на гниение будет существовать лишь в хаосе. Правила этой игры никогда не…
Creating Alternatives to the State
When a person with good intentions tries to penetrate into the nepotistic state-capitalist system, only one scenario awaits him. This system will swallow him, and — after indigestion — the system will tear up the remnants of all the good things in this person. A system that aims from the very beginning to rot will…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory