Tag: mutual aid
Shutdown for Now—How to Shut It Down for Good!
The United States government recently shut down for the longest stretch in history: the government spent one-month in deadlock between its Democratic-majority Congress and Republican President Donald Trump over a budget resolution. President Trump proposed a deal temporarily reinstating protections for people who immigrated to the United States without documentation while minors in exchange for…
Sanità per Tutti: Guida Informale ad una Sanità Anarchica
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il primo agosto 2017 con il titolo Healthcare for All: An Informal Guide to Creating an Anarchist Medical System. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In ambiti politici si parla tanto di come affrontare le disfunzioni della sanità. Nazionalizzare? Monopolio di stato? Alternativa pubblica in concorrenza col privato? Servono assicurazioni sanitarie…
Healthcare For All: An Informal Guide to Creating An Anarchist Medical System
There is much debate in the current political climate over what to do about our broken healthcare system. Should we universalize it under a state monopoly? Should we provide a public option? Should we form health insurance cooperatives? Should we turn it over to crony corporations to reap a profit from our misfortune? No matter what…
Don’t Call the Pigs: An Informal Guide to Creating an Anarchist Justice System
Anti-police sentiment is on the rise in America and around the world. In the wake of the death’s of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and countless others (Rest In Power), even the DoJ admits that at least some police departments are highly racist in practice and the Black Lives Matter movement has sprung up in response….
The Real Sons of Anarchy
A young biker sits with his back against a graffitied stone wall off a hiking trail near the Nevada border, his face buried in a notebook. His name is Jax Teller and he’s the vice president of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club – Redwood Original, or SAMCRO for short, and the book he’s reading…
Dal Mutuo Soccorso Solidale allo Stato Sociale
Recensione di: David Beito, From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967, University of North Carolina Press, 2000. Per gran parte del diciannovesimo e ventesimo secolo milioni di americani furono membri di organizzazioni di mutuo soccorso note come società benefiche, o di solidarietà. Queste società, organizzate democraticamente, fornivano ai loro…
From Fraternal Mutual Aid to Welfare State
A Review of David Beito’s From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967, (University of North Carolina Press-2000) Through much of the 19th and 20th centuries millions of Americans were members of mutual aid organizations known as fraternal societies. These democratically organized groups provided their members with an assortment of…
Altruism in Nepal on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Altruism in Nepal” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has devastated Nepal. Buildings, old and new, have crumbled. Older brick and wood homes are almost exclusively reduced to rubble. In an interview with The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, a local sociologist, describes the situation: “Outside Kathmandu…
A Paradise Built in Hell
If anarchism makes any empirical claim, it is that humans have the capacity, indeed the natural inclination, to organize themselves into networks of mutual aid: we do not need a government holding a gun to our head to compel socially beneficial behaviour. Rarely do we get an opportunity submit this hypothesis to a conclusive test,…
Altruism in Nepal
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has devastated Nepal. Buildings, old and new, have crumbled. Older brick and wood homes are almost exclusively reduced to rubble. In an interview with The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, a local sociologist, describes the situation: “Outside Kathmandu it’s the rural poor. But in the city it’s the people in the older precarious housing. It’s…
Support AK Press!
The worker-run independent publisher and radical book distributor AK Press recently had a major setback because of a nearby warehouse fire. Happily, no one in the warehouse that AK resides in was harmed and everyone got out safely. But unfortunately several units (including AK’s) took water and smoke damage. In addition the City of Oakland…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 71
Sharon Presley discusses modern mutual aid. David S. D’Amato discusses free love, Angela Heywood, and Ezra Heywood. Jesse Walker discusses the politics of American Sniper. Thomas L. Knapp discusses Rudy Giuliani and loving America. Patrick Barron discusses political and economic freedom. George H. Smith discusses how treason and heresy are related. Jonathan Woodrow Martin discusses…
Wildness as Praxis
The environmental movement may be larger than ever. On Sunday, September 21, the “People’s Climate March” flooded the streets of New York City. Estimates project an upwards of 400,000 people participated in the climate rally, with ten’s of thousands more showing solidarity in smaller demonstrations (significant in their own right – London was host to 40,000 people) across…
Kropotkin Was No Crackpot
The following article was written by Stephen Jay Gould and originally appeared in Natural History 106, June 1997. In late 1909, two great men corresponded across oceans, religions, generations, and races. Leo Tolstoy, sage of Christian nonviolence in his later years, wrote to the young Mohandas Gandhi, struggling for the rights of Indian settlers in South…
The War on the Homeless
“Anti-government types” are often accused of not caring about poor people because we suggest that communities and charities can help them better than government can. This claim seems vindicated when considering the numerous ways governments both create poverty and harm the poor. The homeless are especially victimized by government laws. According to the most recent findings, on a…
In the Making of a Free Society
As a society, it is in our best interest to create a just peace. This is something, however, that goes unfulfilled throughout the world. Many would think that inheriting this tranquil state might be a simple endeavor, if only certain barriers did not keep it from happening. Just imagining how to create peace is the…
I Frutti dell’Azione Diretta
Gli abitanti del villaggio di Kala/Balge, nello stato nord-nigeriano di Borno, si sono ribellati. Tra le incertezze dei politici e i tweet degli attivisti, gli abitanti di Kala/Balge hanno preso le armi e hanno messo in fuga il nemico con un’imboscata contro un convoglio di Boko Haram, che stava arrivando per assaltare il loro villaggio….
Direct Action Gets Results
In the village of Kalabalge, in the northern Nigerian state of Borno, the people struck back. While politicians dithered and activists twittered, the people of Kalabalge armed themselves and took the fight to their enemies, ambushing a Boko Haram convoy en route to attack their village. At least forty-one Boko Haram militants were killed and ten…
Boko Haram e l’Imperativo dell’Autodifesa
In Nigeria, il gruppo islamico radicale Boko Haram ha compiuto una serie di orribili attacchi, culminati nel recente rapimento di 234 ragazze da un collegio della città di Chibok. L’intenzione, secondo le dichiarazioni, sarebbe di venderle come schiave. Il governo nigeriano chiede la loro liberazione, ma secondo notizie avrebbe fatto ben poco se non aspettare…
Boko Haram and the Imperative of Self-Defense
In Nigeria, radical Islamic group Boko Haram has carried out a series of horrific attacks, culminating in the recent abduction of 234 girls from a boarding school in the city of Chibok. The group allegedly intends to sell the girls into slavery. The Nigerian government pledges to free them, but thus far reports on the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory