Tag: covid-19
¿Quién es “nosotros”?
Escrito por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Who’s “We”? del 17 de maio 2023. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. En “¿Trabajar desde casa realmente funciona? ” (versión sin muro de pago aquí ), Steven Rattner opina, o más bien expresa su opinión, que el fenómeno conocido como el abandono silencioso, el trabajo desde casa o la Gran Renuncia,…
El mito del sector privado, Parte II: La economía mundial planificada centralmente
Por Kevin Carson. Título original: The Myth of the Private Sector, Part II: The Centrally Planned Global Economy, del 1 de marzo de 2023. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. En la primera entrega de esta serie, argumenté que la distinción entre “público” y “privado” carecía en gran parte de sentido porque la similitud en…
El mito del sector privado, Parte II: La economía mundial planificada centralmente
Por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: The Myth of the Private Sector, Part II: The Centrally Planned Global Economy, publicado el 1 de marzo de 2023. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. En la primera entrega de esta serie, argumenté que la distinción entre “público” y “privado” carecía en gran parte de sentido porque la similitud…
Who’s “We”?
In “Is Working From Home Really Working?” (paywall-free version here), Steven Rattner opines — or rather pearl-clutches — that the phenomenon variously known as quiet quitting, working from home, or the Great Resignation, reflects a change in American attitudes toward work. And changed in a way that he views as “not for the better.” This…
Il Mito del Settore Privato, Parte II
L’economia globale pianificata centralmente Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il primo marzo 2023 con il titolo The Myth of the Private Sector, Part II: The Centrally Planned Global Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nella prima parte di questa serie spiegavo che la distinzione tra “pubblico” e “privato” è perlopiù insignificante dato che, in termini organizzativi,…
The Myth of the Private Sector, Part II: The Centrally Planned Global Economy
In the first installment of this series, I argued that the “public” vs. “private” distinction was in large part meaningless because the similarity in organizational style of centralized, hierarchical, and bureaucratically managed institutions outweighed their nominal ownership by the government or by private business. But there’s another sense in which the “private sector” is virtually…
Bizi Otorite Değil, Dayanışma Kurtaracak
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Darian Worden tarafından kaleme alınmış ’ye çevrilmiştir. 18 Nisan 2020 tarihinde “Authority Will Not Save Us, Solidarity Can” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Covid-19, hangi lider başta olursa olsun, mevcutta hangi siyasi iktidar olursa olsun zaten ölümcül ve yıkıcı olacaktı. Yine de ölüm ve yıkımın ne kadar şiddetli olduğu tabii ki hem sıradan…
Permettere la Sperimentazione Sociale dev’essere una Priorità della Sinistra
Di Gary Chartier. Originale: Making Room for Social Experimentation Should Be a Priority for the Left, dell’undici maggio 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Chi a sinistra contesta l’autoritarismo delle politiche sanitarie potrebbe spostarsi verso l’estremismo. Speriamo. Chi contesta la mano politica pesante sulla pandemia giustamente evidenzia una serie di questioni. La chiusura delle scuole rischia…
Making Room for Social Experimentation Should Be a Priority for the Left
Commentators criticizing authoritarian health policies from the mainstream left could turn more radical. I hope they do. Leftist critics of heavy-handed political responses to the Covid-19 pandemic have rightly noted multiple concerns. School closures risk decades-long damage to the most vulnerable students. Business closures harmed workers and employers even as they enjoyed substantial support from…
Back on March 14, 2020, I began a series on the Coronavirus, which continued through 35 installments (the most recent of which was posted on November 10, 2021). This is not technically an installment of that series, but it addresses another kind of infection, which persists to this day among a certain brand of “libertarians”—who exhibited symptoms of it way back…
Otonomi Versus Pemisahan
Oleh: Darian Worden. Teks aslinya berjudul “Autonomy Versus Secession” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Catatan penerjemah: Wacana pemisahan atau secession yang menjadi topik utama dalam pembahasan artikel ini merupakan upaya pemisahan Amerika Serikat menjadi dua negara, yaitu Utara dan Selatan yang banyak diorganisir oleh para sayap kanan dan neo nazi Amerika Serikat. Sehingga pemisahan yang dimaksudkan…
Lockdowns, Libertarians, and Liberation
On February 16, 1967, NBC aired the twenty-second episode in Season 1 of “Star Trek“; it was called “Space Seed,” known to Trekkies as the episode that introduced the world to the character Khan Noonien Singh, he who would come back with fury in the 1982 film, “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.” For those who aren’t familiar with…
Reconstruirnos a nosotros mismos
De Jordan Jardine. Original: Build Back Ourselves, del 24 de enero del 2022. Traducido al español por Kesabel Babe. Durante las últimas semanas, ha sido difícil ignorar el lloriqueo que ha estado ocurriendo a lo largo de la gran llamada “izquierda en línea” — e incluso en la prensa convencional — sobre el colapso total…
Build Back Ourselves
Over the last several weeks, it has been difficult to ignore the whining that has been going on throughout much of the so-called “online left” — and even some in the mainstream press — over the utter collapse of the Build Back Better bill, mostly due to opposition to said bill by extremely conservative Democrats…
Gli Attuali Problemi Logistici Sono Colpa del Mercato?
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Is the Market to Blame for Current Supply Chain Problems? del primo gennaio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. È dal picco della pandemia ad oggi (e forse oltre, data la comparsa improvvisa di Omicron) che noi, gli Stati Uniti in particolare, vediamo un imponente sconvolgimento delle catene logistiche. A chi chiede…
Is the Market to Blame for Current Supply Chain Problems?
From the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to today (and likely to continue with the sudden rise of Omicron), we—speaking particularly of the U.S.—have seen a massive disruption in global supply chains. The obvious (and correct) answer to ‘why?’  is that labor is the basis of society, and when it—particularly that part involved in moving…
La masculinidad brahmánica-savarna causa la privación de vacunas en la crisis de la India
Narmada P & Jyoti B. Título original: Brahmin-Savarna Masculinity causing Vaccine Deprivation in India’s COVID Crisis del 22 de julio de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Las dudas sobre las vacunas son un problema común en todo el mundo en relación con la vacuna COVID-19. Ha habido todo tipo de información errónea, rumores…
Avanzar hacia la libertad
Darian Worden. Título original: Go Forward to Freedom, de 24 de mayo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. A medida que más personas en Estados Unidos se vacunan contra el Covid-19 y las tasas de infección siguen bajando, muchos piensan en lo que viene después. ¿Se ha vuelto a la “normalidad”? ¿Existe ahora…
Brahmani, Mascolinità e Esitazione Vaccinale nell’India del Covid
Di Narmada P. Titolo originale: Brahmin-Savarna Masculinity causing Vaccine Deprivation in India’s COVID Crisis, del 22 luglio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Articolo scritto a quattro mani con Jyoti B. L’esitazione è un problema che in tutto il mondo accompagna il vaccino anti covid. Da quando i vaccini sono disponibili al pubblico, sono sorti disinformazione,…
Brahmin-Savarna Masculinity causing Vaccine Deprivation in India’s COVID Crisis
Vaccine hesitancy is a common issue across the world concerning the COVID-19 vaccine.  There have been all kinds of misinformation, rumors, and conspiracy theories regarding the efficacy and the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, ever since the vaccines were made available to the public. Vaccine hesitancy is a historically well-documented phenomenon. Several factors concerning vaccine…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory