Tag: India
La masculinidad brahmánica-savarna causa la privación de vacunas en la crisis de la India
Narmada P & Jyoti B. Título original: Brahmin-Savarna Masculinity causing Vaccine Deprivation in India’s COVID Crisis del 22 de julio de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Las dudas sobre las vacunas son un problema común en todo el mundo en relación con la vacuna COVID-19. Ha habido todo tipo de información errónea, rumores…
Brahmani, Mascolinità e Esitazione Vaccinale nell’India del Covid
Di Narmada P. Titolo originale: Brahmin-Savarna Masculinity causing Vaccine Deprivation in India’s COVID Crisis, del 22 luglio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Articolo scritto a quattro mani con Jyoti B. L’esitazione è un problema che in tutto il mondo accompagna il vaccino anti covid. Da quando i vaccini sono disponibili al pubblico, sono sorti disinformazione,…
Brahmin-Savarna Masculinity causing Vaccine Deprivation in India’s COVID Crisis
Vaccine hesitancy is a common issue across the world concerning the COVID-19 vaccine.  There have been all kinds of misinformation, rumors, and conspiracy theories regarding the efficacy and the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, ever since the vaccines were made available to the public. Vaccine hesitancy is a historically well-documented phenomenon. Several factors concerning vaccine…
El estatismo social llamado casta
Jaimine Vaishnav. Artículo original: Social Statism Called Caste, 18 de mayo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. El valor de una vida humana está intrínsecamente ligado a la necesidad de autonomía y de una existencia con decencia, autoestima y libertades. Estos pilares son muy importantes para la supervivencia social y el crecimiento colectivo….
The Enragés: The Monster That Exists with Jaimine
For the sixth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Jaimine to discuss his piece “Social Statism called Caste.“ Without fearing the consequences, Jaimine writes boldly on a variety of topics including culture, hindutva, and economics. Jaimine made a political splash after spray painting “Taxation is Theft” on public walls in Mumbai, India,…
Quello Statalismo Sociale Chiamato Casta
Di Jaimine Vaishnav. Originale pubblicato il 18 maggio 2021 con il titolo Social Statism Called Caste. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il valore di una vita umana è intrinsecamente legato al bisogno di autonomia, ad un’esistenza decente, che abbia rispetto di sé, libera. Questi sono importanti pilastri del vivere sociale e della crescita collettiva. In una…
Social Statism Called Caste
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] The value of a human life is intrinsically linked to the need for autonomy and an existence with decency, self-respect, and liberties. These pillars are very important to social survival and collective growth. As human life prospers in a…
Mediazione e Propagazione Memetica: Strumenti dell’economia Diffusa
Di Siddharth Sthalekar. Originale: Memetic Propagation and Mediation: Tools for the Distributed Economy, 6 luglio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’ordine di stare a casa imposto durante la pandemia mi è tristemente famigliare. Mi ricorda il mese di coprifuoco durante le rivolte di Bombay, quando avevo undici anni. La vita comunitaria dominava la nostra società…
Memetic Propagation and Mediation: Tools for the Distributed Economy
There’s an eerie familiarity to the stay-at-home orders issued during COVID-19. I can’t help but relate this to my experience as an 11 year old during the month-long curfew after the communal riots of Bombay.  Growing up in India, communal life dominated our lives. While the state functioned along the lines of rigid, monopolistic, soviet-socialist…
Gandhi the Anarchist
A complex man with a controversial legacy, Mohandas Gandhi remains one of the pioneers of civil disobedience as a political weapon and a giant in 20th century anti-colonialism. An individualist anarchist who motivated millions to fight to liberate themselves from British rule, his success showed a potentially powerful application of libertarian ideas during a major…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 67
Sheldon Richman discusses why Chris Kyle is not a hero. Michael Brendan Dougherty discusses Hilary and Libya. Michael Dickinson discusses Winston Churchill. Arthur Silber discusses the American Sniper movie and Chris Kyle. Elizabeth Nolan Brown discusses libertarian feminism as an alternative to carceral feminism. Medea Benjamin discusses why Cuba should be taken off the terrorist…
Changing the Narrative in India: What are Free Markets?
Discussing Prime Minister Narendra Modi in The Economic Times, businessman Gurcharan Das worries that “[t]oo many Indians still believe that the market makes ‘the rich richer and the poor poorer.’” Modi, Das argues, has an opportunity to “transform the master narrative around” free market reform, convincing Indians that a free market system helps ordinary Indians, not…
Putting a Number on Protecting the Important
Darian Worden examines misreporting and the real issues behind Obama’s trip to India (follow-up).
White House Invades India
Darian Worden: Why is such a large military force going to India with Obama?
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory