Tag: environment
Introduction Cryptocurrency, a digital currency in which transactions are verified and recorded by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority, is a controversial technology amongst anarchists, even though it is often used as a tool for undermining state power. The left generally sees cryptocurrency as a negative due to its function…
Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Artigo original: Terrorist is the New Green, 18 de Março de 2017. Traduzido por Gabriel Serpa. Algumas greves promovidas pelo sindicato IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), combinadas com a revolução bolchevique na Rússia, foram suficientes para instaurar nos Estados Unidos uma paranoia sobre uma suposta ameaça comunista. Assim começou o chamado primeiro…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 18 marzo 2017 con il titolo Terrorist is the New Green. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Alcuni scioperi promossi dal sindacato IWW, uniti alla rivoluzione bolscevica in Russia, bastarono a mandare in fibrillazione gli Stati Uniti su una possibile minaccia comunista. Cominciò così il primo Terrore Rosso. Le abitazioni…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 30 novembre 2016 con il titolo Trump or No Trump, We’ll Bury the Carbon Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sulla questione dei cambiamenti climatici abbiamo visto comprensibilmente diffondersi il panico dopo l’elezione di Trump. Non dobbiamo sopravvalutare la capacità di Trump di sabotare il progresso, ma neanche sottovalutate quello…
Alternativa pratica al veganismo globale Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 17 maggio 2019 con il titolo The War on Hamburgers: A Practical Alternative to World Veganism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da quando è stata presentata l’ultima versione del New Deal Verde, i conservatori si sono buttati nella lotta contro l’inesistente cattivo che starebbe…
Since the introduction of the newest incarnation of the Green New Deal, conservatives have been hard at work battling the non-existent boogyman supposedly trying to ban hamburgers. Now, of course, such claims are completely absurd and have no basis in the actual reality of the Deal itself, but that hasn’t stopped the idea from spreading…
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 14 maggio 2017 con il titolo Flint: Enclosure of the Water Commons. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La crisi idrica della città di Flint è nuovamente sulle cronache nazionali. Dopo il diciannove maggio, oltre ottomila residenti potranno vedersi ipotecata la casa per bollette non…
The Flint water crisis is back in the national news. Over 8,000 Flint residents now face tax liens on their homes for unpaid water bills after May 19th, and are faced with the possibility of losing their homes if they don’t pay the total amount in arrears. This follows last month’s mass water cutoffs for residences with unpaid bills.
In the wake of several IWW-backed labor strikes in the US and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the US was thrown into a frenzy over fears of the red menace. Thus began the first Red Scare. The homes of suspected anarchists, socialists, social democrats, communists, and other radical leftists were raided and at least 500…
Last week’s brutal massacre of Illona Mitchell’s animal companions in Spain by bloodthirsty huntsmen reminds us that hunting needs to be stopped, period. The executions of several of Mitchell’s dogs, and the gouging of a horse’s eye, came as retribution for Mitchell’s refusal to allow Spanish hunters to carry out their dastardly deeds on her…
A recurring theme in recent commentary on the Dakota Access Pipeline is that it’s becoming an increasingly high-risk investment, and that all the political controversy and uncertainty in the news surrounding the pipeline will result in investor flight — in the end, leaving the unfinished pipeline as a “stranded asset.” In the specific case of…
[Di Chad Nelson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto gennaio 2017 con il titolo The State Doesn’t Conserve, It Only Destroys. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Recensione di: Janay Brun, Cloak and Jaguar: Following a Cat From Desert to Courtroom Se non avete mai sentito parlare dell’ormai defunto Macho B, non siete soli….
A Review of Janay Brun’s Cloak and Jaguar: Following a Cat From Desert to Courtroom If you’ve never heard of the now deceased Macho B, you’re not alone. Most people outside of Arizona (and perhaps New Mexico) probably haven’t. Macho B was a wild jaguar who roamed the borderlands between Mexico and the southwestern United…
Former Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck is famous for denying that access to drinking water is a human right. But based on the company’s actions, its management seems to believe that Nestle Corporation has a human right to free water. All over the world, including in some of the most destitute and water-poor countries on earth,…
At times I think back to the days of George W. Bush’s wayward administration and find it hard to believe it ever happened. The nepotism was so flagrant, with each and every move so unabashedly self-serving. Don’t get me wrong, Obama’s presidency was not devoid of its own revolving doors and conflicts of interest; we…
You’re probably aware that Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson — just as you’d expect from a former ExxonMobil CEO — is a big fan of fracking and pipelines. He’s a big fan of them with one exception. He’s joining a lawsuit to prevent a fracking operation next to his wife’s $5 million…
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto dicembre 2016 con il titolo Native Land: The Expropriation Continues. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La percentuale di territorio che resta agli indiani, dopo secoli di ruberie e genocidi, è attualmente il 2% circa del territorio americano formato da riserve. Adesso la ciurma di…
The land remaining to America’s First Nations, after centuries of robbery and genocide, currently stands at the roughly 2% of U.S. territory enclosed within reservations. Now Trump’s incoming crew wants to “privatize” (loot) it (Valerie Volvovici, “Trump Advisors Want to Privatize Oil-Rich Indian Reservations,” Reuters). The fact that this two percent of the land may…
Reading the news, you might get the impression that oil and natural gas pipelines are something people are fighting in faraway, thinly populated places like North Dakota. But the issue — and negative consequences — are probably a lot closer than you think. The Atlantic‘s CityLab tabloid (“30 Years of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents,…
We’ve seen a lot of panic on climate change issues, and understandably so, since Trump’s election. But let’s not overestimate what Trump can actually do to derail progress, or underestimate what we’ll continue to do despite him. First, whatever you think of government policies on such matters, the national and local governments of a major…