Tag: Trump
Di James C. Wilson. Originale pubblicato il 13 dicembre 2024 con il titolo What is a Tariff? Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. La risposta potrebbe stupire gli elettori di Trump. I dazi secondo i sostenitori di Trump Sono quasi dieci anni che Donald Trump propone i dazi come strumento che elimina i mali degli Stati…
Por James C. Wilson. Artigo original: What is a Tariff? 13 dezembro 2024. Traduzido em português por Pedro H.S. Primo. Se você é um eleitor de Trump, a resposta te surpreenderá! O que os Apoiadores de Trump acham que são tarifas Por quase uma década, Donald Trump vem promovendo tarifas como um método de resolver…
If you’re a Trump Voter, the Answer may Surprise you. What Trump Supporters think tariffs are For nearly a decade now, Donald Trump has been promoting tariffs as a tool of choice for solving America’s economic woes, at one point calling them “the greatest thing ever invented.” He has made them a central point of…
De Alex McHugh. Artículo original: The (Trans) Kids Are Alright, de 30 de octubre de 2018. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Recientemente, la administración Trump, a través del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos, emitió un memorando preocupante sobre la identidad de género. En el memorando, el HHS aboga por una interpretación del género y el sexo…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Darian Worden tarafından kaleme alınmış ’ye çevrilmiştir. 18 Nisan 2020 tarihinde “Authority Will Not Save Us, Solidarity Can” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Covid-19, hangi lider başta olursa olsun, mevcutta hangi siyasi iktidar olursa olsun zaten ölümcül ve yıkıcı olacaktı. Yine de ölüm ve yıkımın ne kadar şiddetli olduğu tabii ki hem sıradan…
A victory over fascism deserves celebration. The fascists lost their hold on the most powerful political office. Their leader is disgraced and isolated. They are turning on each other. They played their hand with a coup attempt – and they failed to do much besides exposing themselves and supercharging their opposition. Despite years of psychological…
Trump lost. Last weekend we celebrated the electoral defeat of a US president undeniably behaving as an openly fascist dictator. Yet we must remember that elections are for choosing the targets of our political pressure, not for choosing our saviors. Only we the people, not the president-elect, can meaningfully bring that pressure to bear. The…
I am happy the Trump regime is coming to an end. I am angry the Trump regime happened and isn’t over yet. There may be a path to redemption for most of Trump’s supporters and enablers, but they do not get to tell us how to respond to their choices. Asking for empathy without making…
Covid-19 would be deadly and disruptive no matter what political systems or leaders were in place. Yet the scale of death and destruction is undoubtedly influenced by the actions of both common people and the people in power. Although thousands of state workers are doing heroic work, and some politicians are showing themselves to be…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 30 novembre 2016 con il titolo Trump or No Trump, We’ll Bury the Carbon Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sulla questione dei cambiamenti climatici abbiamo visto comprensibilmente diffondersi il panico dopo l’elezione di Trump. Non dobbiamo sopravvalutare la capacità di Trump di sabotare il progresso, ma neanche sottovalutate quello…
Di Alex McHugh. Originale pubblicato il 30 ottobre 2018 con il titolo The (Trans) Kids Are Alright. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’amministrazione Trump, tramite il dipartimento della salute, ha recentemente reso pubblica una nota preoccupante sull’identità di genere. La nota parte da un’interpretazione univoca del sesso: “o maschile o femminile, immutabile, determinato dai genitali alla…
Recently, the Trump administration, through the Department of Health and Human Services, issued a worrying memo about gender identity. In the memo, HHS argues for an interpretation of gender and sex that would define gender as “either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals a person is born with.” This would roll back…
Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato il 4 marzo 2016 con il titolo Trump’s Creators. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il fenomeno Donald Trump è certo una creatura dell’establishment repubblicano, ma non solo. I leader repubblicani (sostenitori dei privilegi corporativi e di un imperialismo costoso) per decenni hanno fatto leva su una base sciovinista, protezionista, nativista e…
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 6 settembre 2017 con il titolo Open Borders are Our Only Hope. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Immagine d’apertura: il muro che separa Nogales, Arizona, Stati Uniti, da Nogales, Sonora, Messico. Tribalismi e Frontiere Nazionali Tra i tanti pericoli degli stati nazione con le loro frontiere ci sono due paradigmi,…
In-group Preference and National Borders Fundamental to the danger of nation-states and borders are the paradigms of nationalism and in-group preference that exploit human quirks to justify violence. In-group preference is best understood in terms of the creation of teams through the dehumanization of an ‘other.’ In-group preference is mentally categorizing someone who is somehow…
In Wisconsin, buzz has been building over a “Campus Free Speech Act” which creates harsh penalties for interrupting, protesting, or otherwise disrupting speakers invited onto colleges campuses. Meanwhile last week, 61-year-old Code Pink protester Desiree Fairooz was convicted and sentenced to a year in prison for laughing.
Nationalism and all other forms of traditionalism have always been “post-truth”. One might think that this is an odd statement, since reactionary movements are so often characterized by a kind of absolutism. Liberals and leftists have always been the ones who are accused of vacuous relativism.
The United States recently experienced its first wave of large-scale anti-immigration raids following the election of Donald Trump, who made the mass deportation of “illegal” immigrants a central part of his campaign. Although ICE officials claim that these raids targeted individuals with criminal records, immigrant rights groups dispute this claim, arguing that law-abiding people were…
If you didn’t already hear, Vermin Supreme was recently inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20th, 2017 and the celebrations couldn’t have been more festive. Tens of thousands of people or more showed up to show their support with fireworks, musical performances, cannabis, campfires, and more. But there was another man trying…
Welcome back to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to make you hate the state. We took a couple days off because honestly, the news has been overwhelming for the last week and sometimes you just need to decompress. But we’re back now. Here’s today’s top news. From the New York Times After signing an…