Tag: US elections
8 de septiembre de 2020
Por Jeff Popovich. Artículo original: 2020 September 8. Traducido al español por Camila Avila. Apuesta honesta desquiciada gana a la encuesta desquiciada programada deshonesto Desinformación aquí estoy yo desinformando siete sílabas desencajado del ritmo pero sé contar bien. Kayfabe (sabías que diría eso) decir la verdad en voz alta aunque vaya en contra de nuestra…
2020 September 8
Bet honest unhinged beats unhinged surveyed programmed disingenuous Disinformation here’s me disinforming me seven syllables unhinged from rhythm but I can count good. Kayfabe (you knew I’d say that) say the truth out loud though it goes against our faith (I’m talking to me) code-tapping on pipes insider wink, sacrifice negotiated unhinged from promise but…
No Empathy With Tyranny
I am happy the Trump regime is coming to an end. I am angry the Trump regime happened and isn’t over yet. There may be a path to redemption for most of Trump’s supporters and enablers, but they do not get to tell us how to respond to their choices. Asking for empathy without making…
Liberal Patriotism and the Trust Crisis That Isn’t
Pete Buttigieg is a fascinating figure. This isn’t to say that his policies or beliefs are unique, but his popularity among Democrats is something I’ve had a passive awareness of for the past year. This intrigues me, because I see very few things in Mayor Pete that make him stand out among other reformist liberals;…
Fall Poetry Feature: Rage is a Positive Emotion
You might remember the May Day poetry feature last year, centered around remembrance and emotional release. This year, we thought probably everyone (at least those in the US) could do with some election-related self-expression. So we’re doing another poetry feature, this time centered on election day. I’m selfishly naming this one after what I’ve been…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory