Tag: climate change
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: The Climate Denial Machine’s Fake Statistics Just Keep On Coming, del 18 ottobre 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un precedente articolo dicevo di Ron Bailey (e gli “esperti” climatici da lui vantati) che su Reason si baloccava coi numeri del pil nel tentativo di minimizzare i danni causati dai cambiamenti…
In a previous column, I examined the way Reason’s Ron Bailey (and the hack climate “scientists” he showcases) have toyed with GDP statistics in an attempt to downplay the harm from climate change. It looks like Ron and his buddies have some competition in the “Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” category — it’s coming from…
De Eric F. Artígo original: ‘The Land Shall Sink’: The Lovecraftian Nature of Sea Level Rise, 11 de abril de 2019. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Em 1917, H.P. Lovecraft escreveu as seguintes linhas eu sua história curta “Dagon”: Sonho com o dia em que [coisas inomináveis] poderão ascender por sobre os vagalhões para…
Di Kevin Carson. Titolo originale: GDP: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels? dell’undici aprile 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da anni i libertari di destra amano diffondere numeri sulla “popolazione mondiale che vive in povertà estrema”, per dire che la povertà diminuisce in termini relativi dal 1815, e in termini assoluti dal 1980 circa. Il problema…
For years, right libertarians have loved to throw around the “World population living in extreme poverty” metric, which shows extreme poverty shrinking steadily as a share of the population from 1815 on, and then in absolute terms since about 1980. The problem is that “extreme poverty” is defined in monetary terms, as living on less…
We’ve released this episode of The Outgroup publicly both as a way to announce our new Patreon levels and as a sort of apology for the recent gap in MER episodes. Thanks for your patience while we sorted things out! Mutual Exchange Radio will be back at the end of the month. In the meantime, we…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 30 novembre 2016 con il titolo Trump or No Trump, We’ll Bury the Carbon Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sulla questione dei cambiamenti climatici abbiamo visto comprensibilmente diffondersi il panico dopo l’elezione di Trump. Non dobbiamo sopravvalutare la capacità di Trump di sabotare il progresso, ma neanche sottovalutate quello…
La natura lovecraftiana dei mari che si sollevano Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato l’undici aprile 2019 con il titolo ‘The Land Shall Sink’: The Lovecraftian Nature of Sea Level Rise. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nel 1917, H.P. Lovecraft così scrive nel racconto Dagon: “Sogno un giorno in cui [le cose senza nome] sorgeranno dalle onde…
In 1917, H.P. Lovecraft wrote the following lines in his short story “Dagon”: “I dream of a day when [the nameless things] may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war-exhausted mankind—of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst…
You’re probably aware that Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson — just as you’d expect from a former ExxonMobil CEO — is a big fan of fracking and pipelines. He’s a big fan of them with one exception. He’s joining a lawsuit to prevent a fracking operation next to his wife’s $5 million…
Reading the news, you might get the impression that oil and natural gas pipelines are something people are fighting in faraway, thinly populated places like North Dakota. But the issue — and negative consequences — are probably a lot closer than you think. The Atlantic‘s CityLab tabloid (“30 Years of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents,…
We’ve seen a lot of panic on climate change issues, and understandably so, since Trump’s election. But let’s not overestimate what Trump can actually do to derail progress, or underestimate what we’ll continue to do despite him. First, whatever you think of government policies on such matters, the national and local governments of a major…
Donald Trump will soon begin his first 100 days in office. The transition of power will fuel executive actions and build momentum for some of his boldest and most contentious proposals. As transitions can either build momentum or engender resistance, Trump will undoubtedly look for some early wins to build an excess of political capital….
In June of 2014 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) detailed an audacious proposal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants. The usual fall-out unfolded. Agency favorable Democrats and environmentalists smiled while Industry favorable Republicans, suits and the national conservative right cried: “Green is the new Red!” Now a regime change…
The Everglades are among the last sub-tropical wilderness areas in the United States. Their Floridian air is thick with humidity, but a cool breeze is commonly felt from both the fresh and saltwater systems that spread throughout the landscape. Open prairies provide relief from the dangers of the swamp. A mosaic of forest, from pinelands…
Of all the complex environmental problems the world faces today, the elephant in the room is climate change. If current predictions are correct, our posterity faces famine and drought, land loss, natural disasters, political instability and (if the hippies at the Pentagon are correct) increased warfare as resources are strained. So, how do we address the…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Climate Action: Stand on the Ashes of Power” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. The US Department of Defense is the nation’s single largest consumer of fossil fuels. From arms production to the grand machines of war, the military emits more greenhouse gas than any other state institution….
In un suo recente intervento al vertice sul clima delle Nazioni Unite, Barack Obama ha spronato le nazioni della terra a collaborare per affrontare il problema dei cambiamenti climatici antropogenici. Obama ha rassicurato i politici presenti che gli “Stati Uniti d’America si stanno dando una mossa” e che noi (collettivamente) “ci assumiamo la responsabilità” di…
In recent comments at the United Nations Climate Summit, US president Barack Obama espoused an urgent need for all the nations of Earth to work together and engage anthropogenic climate change. Obama ensured his peers in attendance that the “United States of America is stepping up to the plate” and that (the collective) we “embrace our responsibility” to…
The environmental movement may be larger than ever. On Sunday, September 21, the “People’s Climate March” flooded the streets of New York City. Estimates project an upwards of 400,000 people participated in the climate rally, with ten’s of thousands more showing solidarity in smaller demonstrations (significant in their own right – London was host to 40,000 people) across…