Tag: Conservation
Liar dan Bebas
Oleh: Grant A. Mincy. Teks aslinya berjudul “Wild and Free.” Diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. John Adams percaya bahwa Hari Kemerdekaan akan menjadi perayaan ulang tahun yang besar. Dia benar! Tanggal 4 Juli adalah hari libur utama saat musim panas. Pasca titik balik matahari, pada hari ini orang – orang merayakan dengan parade megah, olahraga dan permainan,…
Lo Stato non Tutela, Distrugge e Basta
[Di Chad Nelson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto gennaio 2017 con il titolo The State Doesn’t Conserve, It Only Destroys. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Recensione di: Janay Brun, Cloak and Jaguar: Following a Cat From Desert to Courtroom Se non avete mai sentito parlare dell’ormai defunto Macho B, non siete soli….
The State Doesn’t Conserve, It Only Destroys
A Review of Janay Brun’s Cloak and Jaguar: Following a Cat From Desert to Courtroom If you’ve never heard of the now deceased Macho B, you’re not alone. Most people outside of Arizona (and perhaps New Mexico) probably haven’t. Macho B was a wild jaguar who roamed the borderlands between Mexico and the southwestern United…
Earth Day and Human Liberty
The first nationally recognized Earth Day was celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970. Now, 46 years old, the annual event is a world-wide phenomenon celebrated in more than 192 countries. It is a day numerous cultures come together to voice their support for environmental protection. I like a lot about Earth Day….
A Wild Liberty
The Sixth Mass Extinction Of all the complex, wicked problems addressed by the current environmental movement, perhaps the most urgent is the rarely discussed mass extinction. We are currently experiencing Earth’s sixth great mass extinction crisis — on par with the rate that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, thus terminating the Mesozoic. Stuart Pimm…
Wild and Free on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Wild and Free” read by Thomas J. Webb and edited by Nick Ford. For me, the old saying from American anarchist and conservationist Ed Abbey rings true: A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. In protecting country from government, we protect ourselves from tyranny. The greatest gift wild…
Wild and Free
John Adams believed Independence Day would become a great anniversary festival. He was right. July fourth is the central holiday of the summer. Post solstice, on this day folks celebrate with pomp parades, sports and games, the cracking of rifles, the blaze of bonfires and the pop, flash and fizzle of fireworks. It is a…
Jerry Brown’s Phony Conservation Plan is Real Corporate Welfare on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Jerry Brown’s Phony Conservation Plan is Real Corporate Welfare” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. Notably missing from the order is any measure, whether usage caps or rate increases, materially affecting heavily subsidized irrigation water for California’s giant agribusiness operations. When you consider that agribusiness accounts for about…
Sao Paulo: Worthy of Wilderness on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Sao Paulo: Worthy of Wilderness” read by Thomas J. Webb and edited by Nick Ford. “Sao Paulo is heavily industrialized and mechanized, however, and the financial sector demands sprawl. The city is heavily managed by zoning restrictions, creating spaces of capital, places of poverty and state enclosure. Social classes are…
The Politics of Wilderness on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “The Politics of Wilderness” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. “Regarding the ANWR proposal, sit back and watch the depraved political theater unravel before your eyes. This move for conservation depends on congressional Republicans. There is no chance the GOP will approve the wilderness title. Bloomberg notes Alaska…
Earth Day on the River of Grass
The Everglades are among the last sub-tropical wilderness areas in the United States. Their Floridian air is thick with humidity, but a cool breeze is commonly felt from both the fresh and saltwater systems that spread throughout the landscape. Open prairies provide relief from the dangers of the swamp. A mosaic of forest, from pinelands…
Il Finto Piano di Tutela di Jerry Brown è un Vero Regalo alle Aziende
Il decreto sul razionamento dell’acqua che il governatore della California Jerry Brown ha approvato il primo aprile (Executive Order B-29-15) ha ricevuto molti elogi immeritati dagli ambienti di centrosinistra. A leggere bene la proposta, si capisce che non riduce i consumi del 25%, anche se questa è l’impressione che se ne ricava leggendo i titoli….
Jerry Brown’s Phony Conservation Plan is Real Corporate Welfare
California Governor Jerry Brown’s April 1 decree (Executive Order B-29-15) for rationing water has gotten lots of undeserved positive coverage on the center-left. If you read the fine print, it doesn’t actually reduce the state’s total usage by 25% (although that’s the impression you’d probably get just reading the headlines). It only applies to “potable…
Long Live Glen Canyon!
Glen Canyon is one of the great wonders of the American Southwest. The ravine is carved deep, with rugged walls of sandstone and rusted gorges. Rock formations spire towards the sun as cliffs paint the purple horizon and provide space for numerous grottoes and crooked, long trails. Aside from the inspiring geology, Glen Canyon is…
Sao Paulo: Worthy of Wilderness
Sao Paulo is one of the great cities of the world. Located in southeastern Brazil, this sprawling metropolis is the most populous city in the country — second in all of the Americas. The state of Sao Paulo is the wealthiest in Brazil and uses its power to influence the nation’s trade, commerce, finance and foreign relations….
Anarchy and the Wrench on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Anarchy and the Wrench” read by Ryan Calhoun and edited by Nick Ford. Enclosure movements devastate communities. Who we are, whether we realize it or not, is greatly influenced by our ties to the surrounding ecology. Land is emotion — a product of deep and lasting roots. But, this is of…
Market Anarchism: From Hyperbole to Democratic Energy
The future of energy in the United States is a testy topic these days. Politicians, industry officials and special interests are fighting over partisan policy proposals. All actors are fully engaged in the art of hyperbolic mouth breathing — depraved political theater at its finest. The Obama administration wants to build a legacy of environmental stewardship and energy…
The Politics of Wilderness
The Obama administration is turning heads by proposing new protections for large portions of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. ANWR is often referred to as the “Last Great Wilderness” because it boasts 19,286,722 pristine acres of truly wild Alaskan land. The U.S. Department of Interior says this may be one of the largest conservation measures “since Congress…
On the Leaves of a Rhododendron
Some of my fondest childhood memories are with my parents hiking around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. One memory is particularly vivid. I was six and on the trail to Abrams Falls after a summer rain moved through the forest. The sun was just again peaking through the canopy. As my folks and I…
Anarchy and the Wrench
Arizona’s Tonto National Forest is a landscape of beautiful complexity, from the Sonoran desert’s flowering cacti to the gorges and mountains of the Mongollon Rim. Home to rare desert lakes, fertile river valleys, meandering streams and grand plains stretching across the horizon, its air is still sweet, mixed with juniper, fir and ponderosa pine. On December…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory