Tag: fossil fuels
Hidrolik Kırma* ve Ücretsiz Öğle Yemekleri Üzerine
Yazar: Kevin Carson. Orijinal makale: On Fracking and Free Lunches. Yayınlanma Tarihi: Tercüman: Zagreides. Grist’te yayınlanan bir makalesinde Amal Ahmed, Physicians for Social Responsibility’in (Sosyal Sorumluluk için Doktorlar) yayınladığı ve polifloroalkil maddelerin veya kısa adıyla PFA’ların petrol ve doğalgaz çıkarmak için yürütülen hidrolik kırma faaliyetlerinde yaygın olarak kullanıldığına dair yeni bir rapordan bahsediyor. PFA’lar sonsuza…
A Proposito di Trivelle e Pasti Gratis
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 22 maggio 2023 con il titolo On Fracking and Free Lunches. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Amal Ahmed, sul sito Grist, cita uno studio recente di Physicians for Social Responsibility secondo il quale gli impianti che estraggono gas e petrolio per fratturazione fanno largo uso di sostanze polifluoroalchiliche (pfa). Le…
On Fracking and Free Lunches
At Grist, Amal Ahmed quotes a new report from Physicians for Social Responsibility to the effect that polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAs, are widely used in oil and natural gas fracking. PFAs are a forever chemical — meaning they persist indefinitely in soil and water, and wind up entering the food chain — linked to “birth…
La Lotta si fa Dura
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Time to Fight Dirty, del 13 aprile 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il parlamento dello Utah ha approvato una legge che punisce, con cinque anni di carcere, “chiunque faccia ostruzione o blocchi un’attività infrastrutturale critica” (categoria che comprende impianti petroliferi e gasieri, centrali e ferrovie). Assieme a questa legge, ne…
Pis Dövüşme Vakti
Yazar: Kevin Carsoni. Orijinal makale: Time to Fight Dirty, yayınlanma tarihi: 13 Nisan 2023. Zagreides tarafından tercüme edilmiştir. Utah yasama meclisi yakın zamanda “kritik bir altyapı tesisinin işleyişini engelleme veya kesintiye uğratmayı” beş seneye kadar hapisle yargılanabilecek bir cürüm haline getiren bir yasa çıkardı. Bu kritik altyapı tesisleri arasında petrol ve doğalgaz tesisleri, elektrik santralleri…
Time to Fight Dirty
The Utah legislature just passed a law that makes “inhibiting or impeding the operation of a critical infrastructure facility” — a category that includes oil and gas facilities, power plants, and railroads — a felony punishable by five years to life in prison. Another law passed along with it makes a person who “interferes with…
Sepellire l’economia degli Idrocarburi, con o senza Trump
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 30 novembre 2016 con il titolo Trump or No Trump, We’ll Bury the Carbon Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sulla questione dei cambiamenti climatici abbiamo visto comprensibilmente diffondersi il panico dopo l’elezione di Trump. Non dobbiamo sopravvalutare la capacità di Trump di sabotare il progresso, ma neanche sottovalutate quello…
Pipeline Politics is Local
Reading the news, you might get the impression that oil and natural gas pipelines are something people are fighting in faraway, thinly populated places like North Dakota. But the issue — and negative consequences — are probably a lot closer than you think. The Atlantic‘s CityLab tabloid (“30 Years of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents,…
Trump Or No Trump, We’ll Bury the Carbon Economy
We’ve seen a lot of panic on climate change issues, and understandably so, since Trump’s election. But let’s not overestimate what Trump can actually do to derail progress, or underestimate what we’ll continue to do despite him. First, whatever you think of government policies on such matters, the national and local governments of a major…
“Libertarian” DAPL Shill Defends “Property Rights” of Robbers
I keep thinking I couldn’t be any more repulsed by right-libertarian apologists for big business. And every time, I run across something like William F. Shughart II’s crude apologetic for the Dakota Access Pipeline at the so-called “libertarian” Independent Institute (“Environmentalists’ Questionable Tactics in North Dakota,” Sept. 12). Since the beginning of capitalism, its propagandists…
Which Side are You on? on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Grant Mincy‘s “Which Side Are You On?” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The challenges that face Appalachia are indeed great. To solve them, one must question why our “national interest” still lies in an “above all” energy policy. One must question how so much wealth has been extracted from the…
Which Side Are You On?
On Thursday, January 9 a dangerous toxin, 4-methylcyclohexane methanol, leaked from a busted tank and into the Elk River in West Virginia. It is believed that nearly 7,500 gallons of the toxin made its way from the 40,000-gallon tank into the river. It’s unclear how much actually entered the public water supply. The busted tank is…
Reports of Peak Oil’s Death Are Somewhat Premature
Peak Oil analysis site The Oil Drum recently announced it’s shutting down operations. Due to a dearth of new content, the management decided to stop publishing new material after July 31, leaving the existing content as a permanent archive. Naturally this evoked chortles of mirth from the Wall Street Journal. Those dumb old gloom-n-doomers at…
Renewable Killing Power
Darian Worden: The military also harms the environment of those it doesn’t kill.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory