Tag: artificial property rights
โดย เควิน คาร์สัน เควิน คาร์สัน. บทความต้นฉบับ: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain 1 พฤศจิกายน 2023. แปลเป็นภาษาไทยโดย Kin ผมบังเอิญเจอภาพสกรีนช็อตของทวิตคลาสสิกของอาร์เธอร์ ฉู อันนี้ ทุกครั้งที่ข้อสังเกตลักษณะนี้ปรากฏในสื่อออนไลน์ มันมักจะกระตุ้นให้เกิดกระแสโต้กลับอย่างเลี่ยงไม่ได้ในทำนองว่า “คนงานไม่มีทางทำอะไรได้เลยถ้าต้องคอยสร้างอุปกรณ์และเครื่องไม้เครื่องมือของตัวเอง” ตัวอย่างเช่น เพื่อฉลองวันเกิดของอดัม สมิธ ในเดือนมิถุนายนที่ผ่านมา นิตยสาร Reason ได้ตีพิมพ์ชุดบทความซึ่งหนึ่งในนั้นคือการ์ตูนของปีเตอร์ บัคเคอ ซึ่งมีภาพวิญญาณของสมิธกำลังแอบฟังบทสนทนาระหว่างคาร์ล มาร์กซ์ กับฟรีดริช เองเกลส์ ในภาพ เองเกลส์กล่าวอย่างจริงจัง (พร้อมทุบโต๊ะด้วยสีหน้าบึ้งตึง) ว่า “ยังไงซะ ทรัพย์สินส่วนบุคคลก็ต้องถูกล้มเลิกไป…หลังจากนั้นแรงงานจะบริหารโรงงานด้วยตัวของพวกเขาเอง” สมิธซึ่งดูสับสนตอบกลับว่า “จริงเหรอ ทำยังไงนะ พวกเขาจะซ่อมแซม ขยาย หรือปรับปรุงโรงงานพวกนั้นยังไง สิ่งเหล่านี้ต้องใช้ทุนไม่ใช่เหรอ” ไม่นานมานี้ บนเฟซบุ๊ก มีคนโพสต์มีมเกี่ยวกับแรงงานที่ผลิตสินค้าได้ 3,000 ชิ้นต่อชั่วโมง แต่ค่าจ้างต่อหนึ่งชั่วโมงที่พวกเขาได้รับกลับซื้อสินค้าได้แค่สามชิ้น คอมเมนต์ตอบกลับเต็มไปด้วยข้อความเช่น “ใช้เครื่องจักรที่มีราคาถึง…
Kevin Carson. Supply and Demand: A Quibble. May 20th, 2023. Ши Санаязи из Хэмптонского института утверждает «Жилищный Рынок Определяется Классовой Властью и Прибылью, а Не «Спросом и Предложением»: «Правда в том, что… наши условия как арендаторов определяются балансом классовых сил, а не балансом спроса и предложения». Конечно, я знаю, что они имеют в виду. В…
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, 1 de novembro de 2023. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Recentemente, deparei-me com uma print deste tuíte clássico de Arthur Chu: [‘O capitalismo fez seu iPhone’. Não! O TRABALHO fez seu iPhone, e ele faz as coisas sob quaisquer ismos. Estes apenas determinam…
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, del primo novembre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Mi è capitato recentemente di leggere su Twitter questo classico di Arthur Chu: (Traduzione: “Il capitalismo fa il tuo iPhone”. No, è il LAVORATORE che fa le cose, quali che siano gli -ismi. Gli -ismi servono…
Kevin Carson. On Capital, Maps, and Terrain. November 1st, 2023. На днях я наткнулся на скрин этого классического старого твита Артура Чи: Каждый раз, когда такое высказывание появляется в социальных сетях, оно неизбежно вызывает огромное количество отзывов типа «рабочие не смогли бы ничего сделать, если бы им пришлось самостоятельно изготавливать запчасти и орудия труда.» К…
I recently stumbled across a screenshot of this classic old tweet from Arthur Chu: Whenever such an observation appears on social media, it inevitably provokes a storm of responses along the lines of “workers wouldn’t be able to make anything if they had to make their own parts and tools.” For example, as part of…
Kevin Carson. Article original: “Supply and Demand:” A Quibble, 20 mai 2019. Traduction française par Éléazar. À l’Institut Hampton, Shi Sanyazi soutient que « Le prix du logement est déterminé par le rapport de classe et le profit, et non par « l’offre et la demande » » : En verité… notre condition en tant…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 20 maggio 2023 con il titolo “Supply and Demand”: A Quibble. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Scrive Shi Sanyazi sul sito del Hampton Institute: “I prezzi delle case dipendono dai poteri di classe e dal profitto, non dalla domanda ed offerta”: La verità è che…, in quanto affittuari, dipendiamo dall’equilibrio…
At the Hampton Institute, Shi Sanyazi argues that “Housing is Determined By Class Power and Profit, Not ‘Supply and Demand’”: “The truth is that… our conditions as tenants are determined by the balance of class power, not the balance of supply and demand. I know what they mean, of course. In the economic discourse between…
De Bent Delbeke. Original: The Concentration of Capital, del 24 de agosto 2021. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. La Concentración del Capital: Las Ventajas de los Mercados no Capitalistas Un problema inherente al capitalismo (y quizás el mayor) es la concentración del capital. Veámoslo bajo una luz crítica. La concentración del capital es un…
Di Bent Delbeke. Originale: The Concentration of Capital, pubblicato il 24 agosto 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La concentrazione di capitale: i vantaggi dei mercati non capitalisti Uno dei problemi inerenti il capitalismo, forse il più grande, è la concentrazione di capitale. Facciamo un esame critico. La concentrazione di capitale è il risultato diretto del…
Bent Delbeke. Artigo original: The Concentrtion of Capital, de 24 de agosto 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Um problema inerente ao capitalismo (talvez o seu maior) é a concentração de capital. Vejamos sob uma ótica crítica. A concentração de capital é um resultado da construção jurídica capitalista da propriedade: ao contrário da…
The Concentration of Capital: The Benefits of Non-Capitalist Markets An inherent problem of capitalism (and maybe its greatest) is the concentration of capital. Let us look at it in a critical light. The concentration of capital is a direct result of the capitalist construction of legal property: contrary to (for example) freedom of expression, which…
The Organic Emergence of Property from Reputation Property as a Useful and Necessary Toil, Not a God For centuries radicals have debated alternative property systems, and I’m glad we’re having these conversations. But what has been consistently disappointing about them is how little they generally seek to explore the underlying roots of “property” itself. To be sure, all…
Somehow left-libertarianism (or at least my article “What Is Left-Libertarianism?” Center for a Stateless Society, June 15, 2014) has come to the attention of Heather Johnson, a Libertarian candidate for Senate in Minnesota. And not in a good way. “Left-libertarianism,” she says on her Facebook page, “is as much bull***t as right-libertarianism,” because it “violates……
L’argomento forte di Carly Fiorina, come candidato repubblicano alla presidenza per il 2016, è che lei è esterna alla politica. Atteggiandosi a vero sfidante di Hillary Clinton, la Fiorina non perde occasione per accusarla di essere un politico di carriera. E ha ragione. Durante una recente apparizione su Fox News, ha citato un sondaggio secondo…
Carly Fiorina’s main talking point throughout her time as 2016 Republican presidential candidate has been that she is an outsider. Posturing herself as Hilary Clinton’s real challenger, Fiorina takes every opportunity to accuse Clinton of being a career politician. On this, Fiorina is right. During a recent Fox News appearance, Fiorina cited a poll that…
I. The Nonexistent Ethical Dilemma The showdown between Greece and the EU is one of those events that brings out in stark contrast the dividing line between libertarians whose main concern is genuine economic freedom, and the sort of libertarian whose priority is the interests of big business and the propertied classes. In an exchange…
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Taylor Swift vs. Apple: Post-Scarcity Growing Pains ” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. Competitive markets drive prices downward, while an ability to duplicate indefinitely drives prices to zero. Such is the state of creative content. The consumers have spoken and the going price of digital…
Last year at Salon Michael Lind asked “The question libertarians just can’t answer” (June 4): “Why are there no libertarian countries?… If libertarianism was a good idea, wouldn’t at least one country have tried it?” He got some answers — the best of them from us free market libertarians of the left, who consider ourselves critics of…