Tag: Markets Not Capitalism
Anarko-“Kapitalizm” İmkansızdır
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Anna Morgenstern tarafından kaleme alınmış. 19 Eylül 2010 Tarihinde Anarcho-“Capitalism” is Impossible başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Çeşitli çizgilerden birçok anarşist, anarko-kapitalistlerin gerçekten anarşist olmadıklarını, çünkü anarşizmin anti-kapitalizmi gerektirdiğini iddia etti. Bunun aslında diğer taraftan doğru olduğunu düşünüyorum. Devleti gerçekten ortadan kaldırmak istiyorlarsa, anarşistlerdir, ancak ne kadar öyle olduklarını iddia ederlerse etsinler gerçekten…
The Enragés: Libertarian Anticapitalism with Rad Geek
For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled “Libertarian Anticapitalism.”  Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism,…
Negara Bukanlah Sekutu bagi Kelas Pekerja
Oleh: Sheldon Richman. Teks aslinya berjudul The State is No Friend of the Worker. Diterbitkan di The Future of Freedom Foundation, pada September 12, 2014. Lalu diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo & Alvin Born to Burn. Musim pemilu telah dekat, dan kita mendengar janji politik yang membosankan tentang kenaikan upah. Demokrat berjanji untuk…
Quando la Creazione di Valore è Immateriale, lo Sfruttatore non Piglia Nulla
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 9 novembre 2013 con il titolo When Value Creation Is Immaterial, The Exploiters Have Nothing To Grab Hold Of. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri. Commonwealth (Belknap, 2011). Questa terza parte della trilogia di Hardt e Negri iniziata con Impero e proseguita con Moltitudine ha come tema…
Cosa Significa “Libero Mercato”?
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 27 marzo 2016 con il titolo Does “Free Market” Even Mean Anything? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Le parole “il nostro sistema di libero mercato” dovrebbero provocare un certo allarme in chi le legge. Vedi ad esempio l’articolo intitolato “Nobel Prize Economists Say Free Market Competition Rewards Deception and Manipulation”,…
Anarchism not Nationalism
In the wake of the murder of Christmas shoppers in Breitscheidplatz public square in Berlin comes Mises Institute President Jeff Deist’s tragicomic article Market Borders, not Open Borders. After some correction that the suspect was Tunisian rather than Pakistani (making no difference to Deist), it takes him all the way up until the second sentence…
Ripensare i Mercati: Anarchismo, Capitalismo e lo Stato
[Di Chris Shaw. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 31 maggio 2016 con il titolo Rethinking Markets: Anarchism, Capitalism, and the State. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Scarica una copia PDF dell’intero studio di Chris Shaw per C4SS: Rethinking Markets Generalmente si immaginano i mercati come bastioni del capitalismo, qualcosa che unge le ruote…
Support C4SS with a Copy of “The Desktop Regulatory State”
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of Kevin Carson’s “The Desktop Regulatory State” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “The Desktop Regulatory State“. $15.00 for…
Does “Free Market” Even Mean Anything?
Whenever you read the words “our free market system,” it should raise a red flag. See, for example an article titled “Nobel Prize Economists Say Free Market Competition Rewards Deception and Manipulation,” by George Akerlof and Robert Shiller (Evonomics, Jan. 6). Now, if “free market” means anything, it means an economy where all market exchange…
A Phony Victim, and a Lot of Real Ones
In a recent open letter to the mayor (Julia Carrie Wong, “San Francisco tech worker: ‘I don’t want to see homeless riff-raff,’“ The Guardian, Feb. 17), entitled tech bro Justin Keller whined that the sight of homeless people ruins his enjoyment of the local atmosphere in San Francisco. And when his family comes to visit,…
Babylon is Fallen — Resumption of the Crisis of Overaccumulation
Download: The Decline and Fall of Sloanism [PDF] or the ready for print zine. Introduction I. Babylon is Fallen Resumption of the Crisis of Overaccumulation Resource crises (Peak Oil) Fiscal Crisis of the State Decay of the Cultural Pseudomorph (Failed) Attempts to Counteract the Crisis of Value with Enclosure of the Digital Commons II. Relocalized…
Introduction — The Decline and Fall of Sloanism
Download: The Decline and Fall of Sloanism [PDF] or the ready for print zine. Introduction I. Babylon is Fallen Resumption of the Crisis of Overaccumulation Resource crises (Peak Oil) Fiscal Crisis of the State Decay of the Cultural Pseudomorph (Failed) Attempts to Counteract the Crisis of Value with Enclosure of the Digital Commons II. Relocalized…
The Libertarian and Catholic Social Teachings on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents David S. D’Amato‘s “The Libertarian and Catholic Social Teachings” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Free markets don’t have to mean the particular incarnation of corporate world dominance we see all around us today. For an entire tradition, an individualist anarchism that once blossomed in the United States,…
Weed Legalization as Privatization, Disempowerment on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “Weed Legalization as Privatization, Disempowerment” read and edited by Nick Ford. Marijuana’s legalization seems much more like neoliberal privatization of markets than true liberation of them. While I do not question the decency of these first major marijuana retailers, there are legitimate concerns. Those most victimized by the state’s…
The Clean Water Act versus Clean Water on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Charles Johnson‘s contribution to Part 8 of Markets Not Capitalism: “The Clean Water Act versus Clean Water,” read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The levels of invasiveness required by “intellectual property,” in the digital age, cannot be exaggerated. The intrusive DRM embedded in proprietary media, and the draconian…
How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s contribution to Part 7 of Markets Not Capitalism: “How ‘Intellectual Property’ Impedes Competition,” read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The levels of invasiveness required by “intellectual property,” in the digital age, cannot be exaggerated. The intrusive DRM embedded in proprietary media, and the draconian legislation criminalizing…
Mutual Markets vs. Corporate Capitalism: A Formulation
So, going through the final rounds of work on Markets Not Capitalism with Gary Chartier and the rest of the Collective has really been reminding me that I’ve accumulated a lot of occasional and fragmentary writing — papers, paragraphs, notes, etc. — that I really ought to have been collecting for this blog and sharing more…
Markets Not Capitalism — Introduction
Ρу́сский: Рынки, не капитализм — Введение Türkçe: Kapitalizm Değil, Piyasalar – Bir Giriş Indonesia: Pasar Bukan Kapitalisme Español: Mercado, no capitalismo – Introducción Italiano: Mercato, non Capitalismo Português: Mercados não capitalismo — Introdução The individualist anarchist tendency is alive and well. Markets Not Capitalism offers a window onto this tendency’s history and highlights its potential…
Why I Am a Market Anarchist
In 1897, then well-known anarchist-without-adjectives, Voltairine de Cleyre, addressed the question of why she was an anarchist by answering “because I cannot help it.” In her honor, I seek to address the same question with my own personal reasons. It is our responsibility to honestly evaluate all sides of an issue, and to follow whichever…
Do Free Markets Always Produce a Corporate Economy?
Introducing Mutual Exchange: Do Free Markets Always Produce a Corporate Economy? What would a free market look like? Most people agree that totally freed markets are nowhere to be seen in today’s world. States intruding on voluntary exchange and standing in the way of free association is commonplace across the globe. There are some markets, yes. But…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory