Tag: left-wing market anarchism
Nick Manley. Original: Brief Introduction To Left-Wing Laissez Faire Economic Theory: Part One, May 7, 2014. Translated by Hein Htet Kyaw. ဤသီအိုရီကို လက်ဝဲယိမ်းစျေးကွက်စီးပွားရေးမင်းမဲ့ဝါဒ သို့မဟုတ် laissez faire ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ဝါဒဟုခေါ်သည်။ ၎င်းသီအိုရီ၏အခြေခံထောက်ပြမှုမှာ အရင်းရှင်စနစ်သည် နိုင်ငံတော်အခြေပြုဝါဒတစ်ခုဖြစ်ပြီး အမှန်တကယ် လွတ်လပ်သောစျေးကွက်စီးပွားရေးစနစ်သည် ဘယ်သောအခါမှမရှိခဲ့ဘူးသေးဟူ၍။ စစ်မှန်လွတ်လပ်သောစျေးကွက်စီးပွားရေးသည် အလုပ်သမားအတွက် ပိုမိုကောင်းမွန်သောအခြေအနေများ ပိုမိုဖြစ်ပေါ်စေပြီး နှိုင်းရတန်းတူညီမျှမှု ပို၍ရှိလာမည်ဟု ခံယူချက်ရှိကြသည်။ ပထမဆုံး ဆွေးနွေးရမည့်အရာမှာ ကွယ်လွန်သူ တစ်သီးပုဂ္ဂလဝါဒီ မင်းမဲ့ဝါဒီ ဘင်ဂျာမင်တက်ကာမှ ဖော်ထုတ်ခဲ့သော လက်ဝါးကြီးအုပ်မှုကြီး လေးခုဖြစ်သည်။ ၎င်းတို့ကို သူ၏ကျော်ကြားသော ဆောင်းပါးတစ်ခုဖြစ်သည့် “နိုင်ငံတော် ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ဝါဒနှင့် မင်းမဲ့ဝါဒ-…
If there are two contemporary anarchist theorists whose work occupies and influences my thought the most, they are Kevin Carson and Wayne Price. Carson has spent a huge segment of his career not just reconstructing a mutualist political economy as an alternative to the anarchist default to the economics of Karl Marx but also making…
De Frank Miroslav. Artígo original: Transhumanism and Egoism, publicado originalmente em 16 de Março, 2022. Traduzido para o porguguês por p1x0. Esse texto é parte do C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism Fui convocado para dar uma perspectiva transhumanista sobre egoísmo. Acredito que seja uma crítica bastante simples então pretendo usar a maior…
Oleh: Jason Lee Byas. Teks aslinya berjudul “What Is “Left-Libertarianism?”” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Apa itu “libertarian kiri?” Istilah tersebut (seperti yang digunakan disini) merujuk pada arus tradisi bawah tanah yang secara bersamaan bersifat libertarian radikal sekaligus radikal kiri. Ini melingkupi elemen-elemen liberalisme Inggris yang paling radikal (seperti Thomas Hodgskin dan tulisan-tulisan awal Herbert Spencer),…
Oleh: Frank Miroslav. Teks aslinya berjudul “Transhumanism and Egoism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Esai ini juga merupakan bagian dari C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism Saya telah diminta untuk memberikan perspektif transhumanis tentang egoisme. Saya pikir ini adalah kritik yang cukup sederhana jadi saya akan menghabiskan sebagian besar bagian…
Por Frank Miroslav. Artículo original publicado el 16 de marzo de 2022 con el título Transhumanism and Egoism. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. He sido llamado a dar una perspectiva transhumanista sobre el egoísmo. Creo que esta es una crítica bastante simple, así que voy a dedicar gran parte de este artículo a hablar sobre por…
I’ve been called upon to give a transhumanist perspective on egoism. I think that this is a pretty simple critique so I’m going to largely spend this piece talking about why egoists should take it seriously. If you’re already convinced of the importance of thinking rigorously, please just skip my self-indulgent rant and go to…
Jason Lee Byas. Оригинал: What Is “Left-Libertarianism?” Перевод осуществлен: @vestakoita on Twitter. Что же такое “левое либертарианство”? Этот термин (в значении, используемом здесь) указывает на широкую традицию интеллектуальных течений, которые являются одновременно радикально либертарными и радикально левыми. Он включает в себя некоторые из самых радикальных элементов Английского либерализма (таких как Томас Ходжскин и ранние работы…
Por Jason Lee Byas. Original: What Is “Left-Libertarianism?” de 2 de noviembre 2020. Traducido por Diego Avila. ¿Qué es el “libertarismo de izquierda”? El término (como se usa aquí) apunta a una amplia tradición de corrientes intelectuales que son simultáneamente radicalmente libertarias y radicalmente izquierdistas. Incluye algunos de los elementos más radicales del liberalismo inglés (como Thomas Hodgskin y…
In episode no. 10 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long chats with philosopher Gary Chartier about Robin Hood, left-wing market anarchism, natural law, free speech and employer power, libertarian secularism, Seventh-day Adventism, religious epistemology, long-arc television, urban fantasy, Lawrence Durrell, Iris Murdoch, Whit Stillman, the evils of giving extra credit and taking attendance, and the attractions…
What Is “Left-Libertarianism?”, de Jason Lee Byas. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. O que é Libertarianismo de Esquerda? O termo (como está sendo empregado aqui) aponta para uma vasta tradição de correntes intelectuais que são radicalmente libertárias e esquerdistas, simultaneamente, incluindo alguns dos elementos mais radicais do liberalismo inglês (tais como Thomas Hodgskin…
Just what is “left-libertarianism?” The term (as it’s being used here) points to a broad tradition of intellectual undercurrents that are simultaneously radically libertarian and radically leftist. It includes some of the most radical elements of English liberalism (such as Thomas Hodgskin and the earlier writings of Herbert Spencer), nineteenth-century individualist anarchism, the 1960s alliance…
The Center for a Stateless Society wants to bring about a world where individuals are liberated from oppressive states, structural poverty, and social injustice. We use academic studies, book reviews, opinion editorials, and social media to spread left-wing market anarchist ideas far and wide. Students For Liberty’s LibertyCon (January 17-20) is the year’s premier gathering…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Libertarian Self-Marginalization” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Go to the average mainstream libertarian venue on any given day, and you’re likely to see elaborate apologetics for corporate globalization, Wal-Mart, offshoring, Nike’s sweatshops, rising CO2 levels, income inequality and wealth concentration, CEO salaries, Big Pharma’s profits, and Microsoft’s…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 7 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: http://www.c4ss.org/ http://www.youtube.com/user/c4ssvideos https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/c4ss-media/id872405202?mt=2 http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/smash-walls-radio/c4ss-media?refid=stpr https://twitter.com/C4SSmedia Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 6 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: http://www.c4ss.org/ http://www.youtube.com/user/c4ssvideos https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/c4ss-media/id872405202?mt=2 http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/smash-walls-radio/c4ss-media?refid=stpr https://twitter.com/C4SSmedia Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 5 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: http://www.c4ss.org/ http://www.youtube.com/user/c4ssvideos https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/c4ss-media/id872405202?mt=2 http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/smash-walls-radio/c4ss-media?refid=stpr https://twitter.com/C4SSmedia Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
Al Carroll recently penned a piece titled The Moral and Practical Failures of Libertarianism and Small Government Conservatism. This will be a point by point refutation. Let’s begin. Al writes: In economics, both orthodox Communism and Libertarianism are equally wrong, callous, and dangerous examples of ideological blindness, a set of principles taken to an extreme…
In my last two blog posts, I responded to Lynn Stuart Parramore’s article titled How Piketty’s Bombshell Book Blew Up Libertarian Fantasies. At the end of the second one, I promised an explanation of the economic theory I used to critique her article. This post will be a brief introduction to said economic theory. Let’s…
This is the second part of my two part series on Lynn Stuart Parramore’s recent article titled How Piketty’s Bombshell Book Blew Up Libertarian Fantasies. Let’s get started. She writes: By 1987, Ayn Rand acolyte Alan Greenspan had taken over as head of the Federal Reserve, and free market fever was unleashed upon America. Alan…