Tag: left-libertarian
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 3
Welcome to the third edition of my weekly review! Let’s get started on a fantastic series of articles. First off are the usual pieces on foreign policy and military affairs: 1. Barry Lando discusses how presidential intervention almost squashed a damning 60 minutes segment on American involvement in Iran. 2. Andre Vltcheck discusses the recent…
Os Rothbardianos de Esquerda – Parte 2: Depois de Rothbard
Esta postagem se inicia onde a primeira metade parou: com a desilusão (e o abandono) da New Left por parte de Rothbard. Agora eu quero olhar para algumas das pessoas que continuaram a tradição rothbardiana de esquerda. Karl Hess estava entrando de cabeça na esquerda quando Rothbard deu a New Left como uma causa perdida. Mesmo durante…
Os Rothbardianos de Esquerda – Parte 1: Rothbard
Em “Libertarianism: What’s Going Right”, eu mencionei o Rothbardianismo de Esquerda como uma base possível para buscar áreas de concordância entre libertários de mercado e a esquerda. Eu gostaria de entrar já nessa questão com mais profundidade. Em 2004, eu estava extremamente animado sobre a “Era of Good Feelings” entre os políticos Michael Badnarik do…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 2
Welcome to the second edition of my libertarian leftist weekly review! There are many exciting new pieces to share. I will be sending 30 a week. Let’s get started. A hot topic of late has been the potential war with Syria. Here are some articles addressing it from an anti-war/anti-imperialist perspective: 1. Rob Urie talks…
Pour une écologie libérale
L’utilité industrielle Dans les vastes plaines arides du Bassin Arckaringa, en Australie, a eu lieu une découverte majeure d’huile de schiste. Linc Energy a découvert sur 6,5 millions d’hectares de terrain environ 133 – 233 milliards de barils d’huile de schiste situés sous la lithologie de la région. Peu importe le volume d’huile accessible via la…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 1
Welcome! This is my first weekly review. In the tradition of the individualist anarchist, Benjamin Tucker, it will be edited to fit the editor. The political-cultural-economic angle will be anti-state, anti-authoritarian, left-wing market anarchist, anti-imperialist, libertarian, and pro-sex feminist. Let us begin with a rundown of some fantastic foreign policy related pieces: 1. Sean Scallon discusses…
The Authoritarianism Of Elizabeth Warren
Throughout the US government “shutdown,” Democratic politicians have compared their Republican rivals to “anarchists” and argued that the “shutdown” proves government necessary. A recent speech by US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on the Senate floor exemplifies this trend. Misconceptions run rampant in Senator Warren’s speech. She conflates cooperation and government, stating “In our democracy, government is…
Government Undermines Social Cooperation
I should know better than to take seriously the insipid words of presidential speechwriters, especially those who composed an inaugural address. Still, I can’t let some of the words President Obama read at Monday’s inauguration pass without comment. For example, Obama said this: Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. For the American people can…
The Libertarian Virtue Of Slack
The tenets of the Tao Te Ching express the first anarchist or at least proto-anarchist political philosophy, to my knowledge. The Taoist opposition to government springs from a radical non-interventionist philosophy on all three major branches of philosophy. While Taoism rejects the normative, they recognize a sort of logic about the state of the universe,…
Some Thoughts on Non-Coercively Organizing Territorial Defense in a Stateless Society — Overcoming the Free Rider Problem
To a large extent, discussion of this issue tends to be dominated either by anarcho-capitalists who think in terms of for-profit protection “firms” or insurance companies, or communists and syndicalists who for the most part don’t frame issues in terms of the “non-aggression principle” or “initiation of force.” So where does that leave those of…
No Public Access
The government shutdown is teaching us a lot about the “public sector” — mainly that it doesn’t exist. For many folks Autumn is a season for getting out into the wild, for viewing fall colors, building camp fires, breathing in the still sweet air and plainly enjoying the great outdoors — “our” public lands. With…
To Encourage and Facilitate
In my summary of the C4SS vs IP episode, I made it clear that, We would even be happy to encourage and facilitate a conversation with members of the Muslim community for him, if he so desires. It would be a good learning experience for all of us. To take steps toward honoring this declaration…
Can EPIL Avoid the Neo-Liberal Trap?
On the 28th of September four European classical-liberal and libertarian parties signed the Utrecht declaration and covenant of European Classical liberal and Libertarian parties which provides the foundation for the new European Party for Individual Liberty (EPIL). The coming years will show if the EPIL can bring a new perspective on the principle of liberty…
The Levellers as Left Libertarians
The seemingly unbridgeable ideological gap in America between economic libertarians, on the one hand, and on the other, those who advocate various manners and degrees of redistribution of wealth can be rationally resolved through an understanding of the significance of the concepts of property rights and redistributive justice to those who advocated them in 1640’s…
Liberty and Respect
Libertarian science fiction author J. Neil Schulman made some waves at this year’s Libertopia conference in San Diego, CA when, following Angela Keaton of Anti-War.org’s talk, titled “The War At Home: What Domestic Violence, Homophobia, and Misogyny Have To Do With Empire,” he demanded that Keaton refer to Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, currently serving 35…
Liberty Minded Extended Interview With Gary Chartier
http://youtu.be/eZ0CsXmcjzE C4SS Trustee and Senior Fellow, Gary Chartier, discusses the prospects of achieving social justice through liberty with Jason Lee Byas and Grayson English of Liberty Minded.
Drugs Are Bad, Mmmkay? That’s All You Need to Know
Every once in a while a government functionary slips up and inadvertently lets out the truth about how things work, in tones so frank it leaves us shaking our heads and wondering if we really heard correctly. That’s what happened when Blake Ewing, an Austin area assistant DA, expressed his true feelings (“Breaking Bad Normalizes…
We Are Talking “Capitalism”…Careful
C4SS Trustee and Senior Fellow, Gary Chartier, participates in a discussion of the terminology of “capitalism,” the desirability and practicability of a free society and the centrality of peace with the crew of The Annoying Peasants Radio Show. New Politics Internet Radio with The Annoying Peasants on BlogTalkRadio
“Liberty” Needs Your Support
  The purpose of ReadLiberty.org is to transcribe, preserve and spread all 403 issues of Liberty, Not the Daughter But the Mother of Order, an individualist anarchist periodical originally edited and published by Benjamin Tucker from 1881 to 1908. As part of our activities we have decided to publish the whole Volume I of Liberty in the…
Funding Public Goods: Six Solutions
The Argument for Market Failure A public good, as economists define the concept, is any good from whose enjoyment non-contributors cannot be excluded. The theory of public goods is of interest to libertarians for two reasons: first, because a great many things we care about – highways, education, law enforcement, fire protection, national defense, etc. – are widely thought…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory