Tag: labor
Usually right-libertarians don’t come right out and say that robust bargaining power on the part of labor is directly opposed to capitalist interests, and that reduced bargaining power of labor as such is good for capitalism. And they sure don’t admit that they consider bigotry a good thing when it’s a useful weapon against labor….
I am the founding Executive Director of The Automotive Free Clinic. The AFC is a free and low cost automotive repair shop in Prattville, Alabama, a small town outside of Montgomery, that was designed on the principles of mutual aid and Marx’s labor theory of value. We were founded in March of 2020 as a…
Advocating work abolition, I encounter one specific objection very often. “Work,” they say, does not refer to, nor imply, coerced labour. An authoritarian Marxist I recently encountered made the claim that to speak of work abolition is the language of “empty” radicalism. They went on to claim that such “empty” radical language is confined to…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 30 giugno 2021 con il titolo The Status Quo is a Government-Contrived Labor Surplus. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se non è che vivete nelle caverne o praticate l’astinenza totale dai media, vi sarà capitato di sentire la voce di chi, portavoce del peggio, si lamenta dicendo che “nessuno vuole…
Kevin Carson. Article original : The Status Quo is a Government-Contrived Labor Surplus, 30 juin 2021 Traduction Française par Cristhian Ravelo. À moins que vous n’ayez été sous une roche le mois dernier ou que vous soyez un abstinent total des médias sociaux, vous avez vu certaines des pires personnes sur terre se plaindre du fait…
Unless you’ve been under a rock the past month or so or are a total social media abstainer, you’ve seen some of the worst people on earth whining about how “nobody wants to work any more!” Indeed, so great is the outrage of many that only putting angry signs in the window of their business…
Oleh: Sheldon Richman. Teks aslinya berjudul The State is No Friend of the Worker. Diterbitkan di The Future of Freedom Foundation, pada September 12, 2014. Lalu diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo & Alvin Born to Burn. Musim pemilu telah dekat, dan kita mendengar janji politik yang membosankan tentang kenaikan upah. Demokrat berjanji untuk…
Oleh: Kelly Vee. Teks aslinya berjudul: Five Faces of State Oppression. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo & Alvin Born to Burn Young, I. M. (1990). Five Faces of Oppression. (E. Hackett, & S. Haslanger, Eds. ) Theorizing Feminisms, hlm. 3-16. Dalam “Five Faces of Oppression”, Iris M. Young (1990) mencoba membuat kriteria objektif…
Di Can Standke. Originale pubblicato il primo gennaio 2021 con il titolo John Locke and the Supposedly Metaphysical Reality of Property Rights. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Tra le tante caratterizzazioni del lavoro, da quella di Adam Smith che lo considera fonte di ricchezza a quella di Karl Marx per cui lavoro è umanità, John Locke…
Even though manifold characterisations of labour have been put forward, be it Adam Smith who regards it as a source of wealth, or Karl Marx’s claim that labour constitutes humanity, it is John Locke who uniquely among them regards labour as the source of legitimate property claims. Modern libertarians often refer to Lockean conceptions of…
Artigo original: Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It), de Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. Pouco mais de cem anos desde que anarquistas, socialistas, comunistas, libertários e sindicalistas radicais venceram a longa, árdua e sangrenta batalha pela jornada de trabalho de oito horas, nos Estados Unidos,…
A little over 100 years since anarchists, socialists, communists, libertarians, and radical unionists in the so-called united states successfully won the long, difficult, and bloody battle for the eight hour workday, we are still overworked and underpaid despite technological advancements necessitating less and less labor to maintain the same quality of life. To quote Bertrand…
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS. pick ply plumb lungs from empty attic static attack addicts on half racked grief from thief in their solace state has haphazard lack luster map maker she hits finished slits across concrete constables and rips a thick lap victory vein in her golden hair stains…
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS. Something caught within your throat this morning, As I listened in, Some roughness at the ragged end, Trying to begin. And as we try another day, I hear the wheeze increase, I hear the fear and pain and grief, Like instruments at play….
Most of us in the radical labor movement are well aware of the historical bait-and-switch pulled with May Day and the modern American holiday established by the state known as Labor Day. Despite this many anarchists still take Labor Day as an opportunity to spread the message of worker liberation and freedom from capitalism. In…
Di Walker Storz. Originale pubblicato il 18 aprile 2018 con il titolo The Sick and the Damned. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. “Capivo che la differenza tra sani e malati era così profonda da annullare ogni differenza in termini di intelligenza o razza.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, Il Grande Gatsby Se il capitalismo produce inevitabilmente il…
Postliberal and neoliberal thought views the individual as totally cut off from a social body, simply a biological unit in which malfunctions can be addressed through medical or pharmacological interventions. The tragicomic result of this simultaneous pretense toward empathy (capitalism with a human face) and individualism is “self-care culture.” “Self care” becomes both an industry and a deflection from the very real problems that capitalism causes.
Non le Aziende e non lo Stato Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’otto marzo 2016 con il titolo People Make Things – Not Corporations, Not Government. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Facebook Doug Henwood, autore di Wall Street e direttore del Left Business Observer, parlando di aziende del “settore pubblico” che fanno meglio del “settore…
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 27 gennaio 2017 con il titolo Empires Don’t Practice “Free Trade”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] In un suo recente commento pubblicato su The Future of Freedom Foundation, Richard Ebeling elogia il “trionfo del libero commercio” nella Gran Bretagna del 19º secolo (James Mill,…
In a recent commentary at The Future of Freedom Foundation, Richard Ebeling celebrates the “triumph of free trade” in 19th century Britain (James Mill, David Ricardo and the Triumph of Free Trade,” Jan. 23). As Ebeling frames it the British political elite, under the influence of classical liberal economists like Mill and Ricardo, realized that…