Tag: Abolish Work
The End of Work (As We Know It) Part 2: The RICH Economy
In my previous essay Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It) I discussed the economic phenomenon that David Graeber coined as “bullshit jobs,” how the (transitionary) solution he suggested was to establish a universal basic income (UBI) and embrace automation leading to the end of work as we know it, and how this mirrors the…
Empregos de Mentira e o Fim do Trabalho (Como o Conhecemos)
Artigo original: Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It), de Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. Pouco mais de cem anos desde que anarquistas, socialistas, comunistas, libertários e sindicalistas radicais venceram a longa, árdua e sangrenta batalha pela jornada de trabalho de oito horas, nos Estados Unidos,…
Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It)
A little over 100 years since anarchists, socialists, communists, libertarians, and radical unionists in the so-called united states successfully won the long, difficult, and bloody battle for the eight hour workday, we are still overworked and underpaid despite technological advancements necessitating less and less labor to maintain the same quality of life. To quote Bertrand…
Abolish Work: A Lazy Review of a Lazy Exposition of Philosophical Ergophobia
Abolish Work: A Lazy Exposition of Philosophical Ergophobia (LBC Books 2016), by Nick Ford It’s “no class but the leisure class” in Nick Ford’s new book: Abolish Work: A Lazy Exposition of Philosophical Ergophobia. Before continuing, I must acknowledge that this book includes two essays written by yours truly, which are credited to “Mr. Wilson”. Both…
Instead of a Book, by a Man too Lazy to Write One
I’ve been writing at my site Abolish Work for a few years now and I’m really encouraged by all of the support that’s come in so many different shapes in sizes. That support has given me the confidence to reach out to Little Black Cart, an anarchist publisher whose books C4SS has reviewed many times,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory