Tag: anarchism
Против любых наций и границ
Чарльз Джонсон, Against all Nations and Borders. Перевод – Александр Гомер Mk. II. Либертарианство не имеет никакого отношения к национальным интересам. Либертарианство о индивидуальной свободе. Свободе жить свою жизнь, искать собственные средства к существованию и приходить куда угодно до тех пор пока это место открыто для тебя или ты в него приглашён. Следствия для иммиграционной…
From Stirner to Mussolini
Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism In 1910 Luigi Fabbri and Armando Borghi abducted an anarchist woman who had shamed their friend by divorcing him. Together, they forced her into a gynecological exam so the doctor could publicly pronounce her deformed and incapable of sex. All three were prominent leaders in the Italian anarchist…
La autoridad de uno mismo
Jason Lee Byas Artículo original: The Authority of Yourself, publicado el 18 de febrero de 2022. Traducción española de Camila Figueroa. Este ensayo es parte de un Simposio de Intercambio Mutuo del C4SS sobre Anarquismo y Egoísmo. Lo que he dicho hasta ahora presenta un dilema sobre cómo los anarquistas deben abordar la moralidad. Si…
Transhumanism and Egoism
I’ve been called upon to give a transhumanist perspective on egoism. I think that this is a pretty simple critique so I’m going to largely spend this piece talking about why egoists should take it seriously. If you’re already convinced of the importance of thinking rigorously, please just skip my self-indulgent rant and go to…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Special Cast – Inside Operation Solidarity
Host Alex McHugh interviews Salem, one of the founders of the radical humanitarian project Operation Solidarity, which is helping to organize anarchist resistance to the invasion as well as humanitarian support networks. If you’re able to support this vital project with funding or material aid, please click through the linktree below. Support Operation Solidarity (DONATE…
Beyond Egocentrism, Towards Egoism
“Man is the last evil spirit or spook, the most deceptive or most intimate, the craftiest liar with honest mien, the father of lies.” – Max Stirner, 1844 (2017: 129) Beyond Egocentrism When the heliocentric model of the universe was proposed in the 16th century, it was an enormous scandal. The pope eventually condemned Galileo…
Egoism, Morality, and Anarchism Under Complexity
Jason Lee Byas has already articulated what I think is an interesting (and effective) challenge to Max Stirner’s critique of morality, as well as come to a conclusion that I very much endorse: namely, that self-interest and caring for the well-being of others need not be separate concerns. In my view, the most important contribution…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Special Cast – Inside the Russian Resistance
MER host Alex McHugh interviews C4SS Russian translator Citizen Ilya on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, anarchist resistance to war, and what things look like on the ground in Russia.  We intend this to be a two-part series. An interview with some of the folks behind the anarchist humanitarian project for Ukraine, Operation Solidarity, is…
La anarquía es el orden moral
Jason Lee Byas. Artículo original publicado el 17 de febrero de 2022 con título Anarchy is Moral Order. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Este ensayo es parte de un Simposio de Intercambio Mutuo del C4SS sobre Anarquismo y Egoísmo La anarquía es el orden moral Como argumenté en mi post anterior, cualquiera que se…
Donbas Recognition? No, Thanks
For eight years, Russian state propaganda was always saying that Ukraine and its citizens were our enemies. By implying that all Ukrainians are neo-Nazis and pigs, common people of both countries got divided by the elites. I have some friends from Ukraine, mostly we share the same anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist views. And why the…
Anarko Kapitalisme Menurut Benjamin Tucker
Oleh: Charles Johnson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Benjamin Tucker on Anarcho-Capitalism” dan diterbitkan di Rad Geek People’s Daily, pada 1 Desember 2007. Teks ini diterbitkan ulang di C4SS lalu diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah Sebenarnya, Jelas Benjamin Tucker tidak memiliki pendapat langsung mengenai “anarko kapitalisme”, karena istilah tersebut tidak diciptakan bertahun-tahun setelah kematiannya,…
Insurrection or Revolution?
Insurrection or Revolution? The ethical politics of Stirner’s egoism At a time when the grand narrative of Revolution that we inherited from modernity and the rationalist discourses of the Enlightenment has all but broken down, what alternatives are there for conceptualising radical transformation? Despite the lack of an organised revolutionary class or movement, the left…
An Arch Why
Escrito por Josef Pritchard. Título original: An Arch Why, del 20 de noviembre del 2020. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Este poema forma parte de nuestro artículo de poesía de otoño de 2020, «La rabia es una emoción positiva» Cuando el martillo cae, y el clavo se clava profundamente en la vena, atravesando los…
The Enragés: Boycotting Bad People with William Gillis
For the 13th installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with William Gillis to discuss Will’s article titled “Bad People: Irredeemable Individuals & Structural Incentives.” William Gillis is a second-generation anarchist, lapsed physicist, and transhumanist, who has been interested in the egalitarian potential of markets since 2003. Will is the former Lead coordinator at…
A Dialectical Rand for an Egoist Anarchism
I wanted to thank Cory Massimino for inviting me to submit a few thoughts on the topic of this important C4SS MES exploring the interrelationships between anarchism and egoism. Given the broad areas highlighted for conversation, I’d like to focus briefly on these two topics: What does egoism have to say about intersectional approaches in…
Anarşist Temeller Olmadan “Anarşist Sistemler” Ortaya Çıkamaz
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Alex Aragona tarafından kaleme alınmış. 16 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde “There Are No “Anarchist Systems” without Anarchist Fundamentals” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Anarşi ve Anarşizm hakkındaki tartışmalar, çoğu zaman, ekonomik ya da politik yapıları organize etmenin rekabetçi yollarını düşünmek üzerine olmaya meyilli. Bu yalnızca skeptikler ya da kinizm savunucuları ortadayken gerçekleşmemekle beraber samimi bir…
The Authority of Yourself
What I’ve said so far presents a dilemma for how anarchists should approach morality. If my first post is correct, we can’t ignore Stirner’s challenge. A morality that refuses to answer the amoralist requires systemic self-sacrifice with nothing in exchange. Such moral cannibalism would differ from other forms of domination only in its pervasiveness. Yet…
Anarchy is Moral Order
Anarchy Is Moral Order As I argued in my previous post, anyone who cares about morality needs a good answer to the amoralist challenge posed by someone like Stirner. As I also said there, this is especially true for those moralists who are also anarchists, since a morality without such an answer begins to look…
Against Moral Cannibalism
As Stirner means the term, I am not an egoist. I see morality as crucial, both to anarchism and to life in general. However, I think Stirnerite, amoralist egoism gets something very right about morality that most people get very wrong. In the next couple of posts, I’ll be saying more about why I reject…
The Eco- and Our Home
The prefix “eco-“, as in ecology and economy, is rooted in the ancient Greek “οἶκος”, translated as “house,” “home,” “shelter,” or “habitation.” Our home, (the home that we all currently share in common: our planet and its biosphere), is the focus of this essay — even as the title is an irreverent and playful response…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory