Tag: anarchism
For the 13th installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with William Gillis to discuss Will’s article titled “Bad People: Irredeemable Individuals & Structural Incentives.” William Gillis is a second-generation anarchist, lapsed physicist, and transhumanist, who has been interested in the egalitarian potential of markets since 2003. Will is the former Lead coordinator at…
I wanted to thank Cory Massimino for inviting me to submit a few thoughts on the topic of this important C4SS MES exploring the interrelationships between anarchism and egoism. Given the broad areas highlighted for conversation, I’d like to focus briefly on these two topics: What does egoism have to say about intersectional approaches in…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Alex Aragona tarafından kaleme alınmış. 16 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde “There Are No “Anarchist Systems” without Anarchist Fundamentals” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Anarşi ve Anarşizm hakkındaki tartışmalar, çoğu zaman, ekonomik ya da politik yapıları organize etmenin rekabetçi yollarını düşünmek üzerine olmaya meyilli. Bu yalnızca skeptikler ya da kinizm savunucuları ortadayken gerçekleşmemekle beraber samimi bir…
What I’ve said so far presents a dilemma for how anarchists should approach morality. If my first post is correct, we can’t ignore Stirner’s challenge. A morality that refuses to answer the amoralist requires systemic self-sacrifice with nothing in exchange. Such moral cannibalism would differ from other forms of domination only in its pervasiveness. Yet…
Anarchy Is Moral Order As I argued in my previous post, anyone who cares about morality needs a good answer to the amoralist challenge posed by someone like Stirner. As I also said there, this is especially true for those moralists who are also anarchists, since a morality without such an answer begins to look…
As Stirner means the term, I am not an egoist. I see morality as crucial, both to anarchism and to life in general. However, I think Stirnerite, amoralist egoism gets something very right about morality that most people get very wrong. In the next couple of posts, I’ll be saying more about why I reject…
The prefix “eco-“, as in ecology and economy, is rooted in the ancient Greek “οἶκος”, translated as “house,” “home,” “shelter,” or “habitation.” Our home, (the home that we all currently share in common: our planet and its biosphere), is the focus of this essay — even as the title is an irreverent and playful response…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] The philosophy of Max Stirner (1806-1856 C.E.), or Egoism as it is sometimes crudely called, essentially addresses the relationship between the individual and alienation; to use Stirner’s language, the alienation between the individual and their property. Property can be…
Anarchism and egoism have long shared a tension that follows all anarchist groups: how do we organize in a way that respects individual autonomy while providing the benefits of collective organization? The work of organizing is often the constant answering of this question: how much does this organization benefit me, and why should I provide…
The work of Max Stirner is a contentious topic among anarchists, with numerous interpretations of his work, ranging from descriptive, presenting a certain framework of thought, to prescriptive, advocating for anti-authoritarianism, and expressing a commitment to “individualism.” It is my position that egoism is primarily descriptive in nature. The key distinctions Stirner makes, those between…
C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium: Anarchism and Egoism: The Only Authority Is Yourself Many consider anarchism and egoism polar opposites. Anarchism opposes all forms of domination, from statism to capitalism to patriarchy, because it is about dignity and autonomy for everyone. Egoism, from the French égoïsme meaning “to think of oneself,” is about the affirmation and…
Partition & Entanglement: Review of Home Rule by Nandita Sharma “The entire, eons-long practice of human movement into new places was pushed out of our imagination — or, perhaps more accurately, was reimagined as a national security threat. In the process, stasis was glorified as the normative way of being human.” “Only after the death…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Alex Aragona tarafından kaleme alınmış. 12 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Checkmate Anarchists başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Anarşistlerin sıklıkla duyacağı bir itiraz, genel bir anarşist ilkeler dizisinin teoride çekici olduğu, ancak pratikte insan ilişkilerinin her zaman organize karar almaya, kuralların ve yasaların oluşturulmasına ve sonuç olarak hiyerarşi ve kurumsal gücün yaratılmasına yol açtığıdır. Başka…
De Emmi Bevensee. Artículo original publicado 17 de setembre del 2021 con el título No Ethical Activism Under Capitalism: DAOs, DeFi, and Purity Politics. Traducido al español por Leo (Confoederatio Think Tank). Esta pieza fue co-autorada con Jahed Momand y Frank Miroslav. Dejen su pureza ideológica y presten atención a lo que ocurre más allá de…
Quit your purity politics and pay attention to things outside of your camp or else you’ll get wrecked by a changing world and miss meaningful opportunities. As such, one space I’ve been paying attention to is that of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Despite the fact they often have relationships with Evil naughty bad boy things…
In this eleventh episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson meets with prolific writer Sheldon Richman to discuss Zionism, the state of Israel, and whether or not there is hope for Palestinian freedom. Sheldon Richman is a writer, editor, pipe smoker, free thinker, libertarian market anarchist, grouser, and flosser. Author of six books, including “What…
Reflections on Socio-Economic Evolution Aside from various forms of robbery, legal and illegal, there are three methods by which humans get sustenance in their relations with others—parasitism, benevolence, and reciprocity. Parasitism is the inescapable relation between mother and child which is absolutely essential for the prolongation of life. It is characterized by consuming what one…
De Bent Delbeke. Título original: Is “Anarchy” Inherent to Anarchism? de 30 de agosto 2021. Traducido al español por Antonio J. Ferrer. El vocabulario político del “ciudadano” moderno promedio en occidente es muy limitado. Hay huecos léxicos en todos lados, y especialmente al hablar de conceptos meta-políticos. Y con el anarquismo, este hueco es aún…
Recent years have seen a resurrection of a Great Man Of History Marxist scholasticism that fixates on some (easily accessible) Original Core Texts of supposed genius and discards all the complicated stuff afterwards, certainly everything in recent decades. This impulse is the product of a mass flocking to radical leftism wherein new recruits have little…
De Gary Chartier. Artículo original: What’s Wrong with Inequality? del 22 de enero 2021. Traducido al español por Antonio J. Ferrer. Si se les cree a los parlanchines, se podría pensar que la preocupación con la desigualdad en nuestra sociedad es solo un producto de la envidia y la ignorancia económica. Esa es otra razón…