Tag: anarchism
In this eleventh episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson meets with prolific writer Sheldon Richman to discuss Zionism, the state of Israel, and whether or not there is hope for Palestinian freedom. Sheldon Richman is a writer, editor, pipe smoker, free thinker, libertarian market anarchist, grouser, and flosser. Author of six books, including “What…
Reflections on Socio-Economic Evolution Aside from various forms of robbery, legal and illegal, there are three methods by which humans get sustenance in their relations with others—parasitism, benevolence, and reciprocity. Parasitism is the inescapable relation between mother and child which is absolutely essential for the prolongation of life. It is characterized by consuming what one…
De Bent Delbeke. Título original: Is “Anarchy” Inherent to Anarchism? de 30 de agosto 2021. Traducido al español por Antonio J. Ferrer. El vocabulario político del “ciudadano” moderno promedio en occidente es muy limitado. Hay huecos léxicos en todos lados, y especialmente al hablar de conceptos meta-políticos. Y con el anarquismo, este hueco es aún…
Recent years have seen a resurrection of a Great Man Of History Marxist scholasticism that fixates on some (easily accessible) Original Core Texts of supposed genius and discards all the complicated stuff afterwards, certainly everything in recent decades. This impulse is the product of a mass flocking to radical leftism wherein new recruits have little…
De Gary Chartier. Artículo original: What’s Wrong with Inequality? del 22 de enero 2021. Traducido al español por Antonio J. Ferrer. Si se les cree a los parlanchines, se podría pensar que la preocupación con la desigualdad en nuestra sociedad es solo un producto de la envidia y la ignorancia económica. Esa es otra razón…
For the 10-year anniversary of what many would consider our foundational book, C4SS Mutual Exchange Coordinator Cory Massimino interviewed Markets Not Capitalism editors Charles Johnson and Gary Chartier. They discuss the legacy and impact of MNC ten years on! If you’ve not read it, you can find the free .pdf and audiobook at: c4ss.org/content/12802 Plus,…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Anna Morgenstern tarafından kaleme alınmış. 19 Eylül 2010 Tarihinde Anarcho-“Capitalism” is Impossible başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Çeşitli çizgilerden birçok anarşist, anarko-kapitalistlerin gerçekten anarşist olmadıklarını, çünkü anarşizmin anti-kapitalizmi gerektirdiğini iddia etti. Bunun aslında diğer taraftan doğru olduğunu düşünüyorum. Devleti gerçekten ortadan kaldırmak istiyorlarsa, anarşistlerdir, ancak ne kadar öyle olduklarını iddia ederlerse etsinler gerçekten…
Anarchism Applied to Economics Value is the exchange equivalency of something measured in terms of another thing. The fundamental quality upon which value depends is utility in satisfying desire. In economics, utility doesn’t mean the ‘real’ or ‘actual’ ability of a thing to accomplish or assist in accomplishing a result, but means the human estimate…
For the tenth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Darian Worden to discuss their article titled “Go Forward to Freedom” that was published as the Center for a Stateless Society on May 24th, 2021. Darian Worden is a News Analyst, libertarian mutualist, writer and historian whose website can be found at DarianWorden.com….
Don’t let the title fool you. Even if you’ve been a C4SS supporter for years, Logan Marie Glitterbomb’s deep dive into the center’s history and mission is a good listen for fellow travelers of all stripes. You might be surprised to learn that not everything you read on Twitter is true… —————————————————————————————— Donate to Logan’s…
N_u_l_l | @N_u_l_l___. Articolo originale: On “Living Proof” and Anarchism, del 23 settembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Mentre per noia facevo lo struscio su Youtube mi è capitato un video di HBomberGuy intitolato “Vaccines: A Measured Response”. Ascolto spesso HBomberGuy perché dice cose intelligenti sull’attualità, e credo che il messaggio finale di questo video…
For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled “Libertarian Anticapitalism.” Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism,…
On a long trawl through Youtube out of boredom, I came across a video from HBomberGuy, titled “Vaccines: A Measured Response.” I usually watch him because he has decent takes on current events, but the messaging at the end of the video I think hits home in the realm of “radical politics:” There is another…
In this month’s episode, Logan Marie Glitterbomb and Jeffrey Novatore talk about anarchism during a pandemic and how to balance rights and safety. Jeffrey Novatore: https://twitter.com/JNovatore
The political vocabulary of the average modern western “civilian” is quite limited. There are lexical gaps everywhere, and certainly when talking about meta-political concepts. And with anarchism, this is even greater, as it is a unique paradigm, and a shift towards a new way of conceiving human nature. Anarchism, for a lot of people who…
Green Market Agorist Episode 15: Economic Calculation in the Spooky Commonwealth (feat. James Weeks)
Do we still need bosses? What would a real free-market look like? Can egoists work a day job? Dig into these questions and more with the always-amusing James Weeks and your host Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Running show notes for Green Market Agorist: Logan’s legal fund: https://gogetfunding.com/legal-defense-for-logan-glitterbomb/ LIMITED EDITION shirt to help fund with Logan’s legal…
For the eighth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Gary Chartier to discuss Gary’s left-libertarian classic, “Libertarians for Redistribution.“ Gary Chartier is Distinguished Professor of Law and Business Ethics at La Sierra University, a senior fellow of the Center for a Stateless Society, and is the author, editor, or co-editor of fourteen…
De Alex Aragona. Título original: There Are No “Anarchist Systems” without Anarchist Fundamentals, de 16 de julio de 2021. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Las discusiones sobre la anarquía y el anarquismo a menudo se convierten en puntos de discusión sobre las formas de organizar las estructuras económicas o políticas. Esto no parece ocurrir…
Oleh: Joel Williamson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Autonomy and Action.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. “Saat berupaya melakukan hal yang tidak mungkin, manusia selalu mencapai apa yang mungkin. Mereka yang ketakutan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari yang mereka yakini mungkin, tidak pernah mengambil satu langkah maju.” – Dikaitkan dengan Mikhail Bakunin dalam The Explorers karya…
Oleh: Apio Ludd. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Anarchist as Outlaw” diterbitkan di My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation Against All Authority, edisi 10 pada Oktober 2013. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Ketika aku mengatakan aku seorang anarkis, aku hanya bermaksud bahwa, selama aku masih hidup, aku akan menolak untuk membiarkan siapa pun atau apa pun mendominasiku. Dengan…