Tag: anarchism
“Checkmate Anarchists”
“Checkmate Anarchists: Humans Will Always Create Structures and Laws” One objection the anarchist will often hear is that a general set of anarchist principles is appealing in theory, but in practice human affairs seem to always lead to organized decision-making, the establishment of rules and laws and, consequently, the creation of hierarchy and institutional power….
Anarkismo: Ano Siya at Ano Hindi Siya
Ni Joseph A. Labadie. Orihinal na artikulo: Anarchism: What It Is and What It Is Not, Pebrero 1, 2016. Salin ni Malaginoo. Ang akdang ito ay isinulat ni Joseph A. Labadie at muling nilimbag sa dandelion, vol 3, bl. 12, Tag-lamig 1979 sa isang “polyetong orihinal na inilathala ng Liberty Club of Detroit”. Gusto mong…
Ascoltiamo il Principe Ribelle
Gli Schemi Evoluzionistici Rivisti in un’ottica Anarchica Di Kathiana Thomas. Originale: Escuchemos al Príncipe Rebelde: Revisión a los Modelos Evolucionistas desde el Anarquismo, pubblicato il 21 giugno 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Le questioni riguardanti la natura umana sono spesso l’epicentro di importanti dispute ideologiche, come l’inevitabilità o meno della competizione o la necessità di…
Derretendo Montanhas de Gelo
Jason Lee Byas. Artígo original: Melting Mountains of Ice. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Uma Doutrina de Não-Governo para o Século XXI Hoje, quase todos aceitam pelo menos uma ideia utópica: de que a escravidão é tão moralmente inaceitável que tal prática deve ser erradicada onde quer que se encontre; e quaisquer instituições…
Grupos de Ameaça à Segurança: a Indústria do Crime Organizado
De Sean Swain. Artigo original: Security Threat Groups: The Industry of Gangs, 12 de abril de 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Nas prisões de Ohio, quase todo mundo faz parte de uma organização criminosa, quer sejam membros de uma ou não. Se você for um prisioneiro de Ohio e não fizer parte…
The Enragés: The Pursuit of Abolition with Nathan Goodman
For the seventh installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Nathan Goodman to discuss their article titled Abolition: An Economist’s Perspective. This article is a contribution to an upcoming C4SS anthology called Total Abolition: Police, Prisons, Borders, Empire. Tune in to learn how economics can contribute to the pursuit of abolition, and how…
There Are No “Anarchist Systems” without Anarchist Fundamentals
Discussions about anarchy and anarchism too often jump right into talking points about competing ways to organize economic or political structures. This doesn’t seem to happen only when skeptics and cynics are present — it also tends to be a pitfall for those who value a stateless future. But it’s putting the cart before the…
Derritiendo Montañas de Hielo
De Jason Lee Byas. Título original: Melting Mountains of Ice, de 14 de abril 2021. Traducido al español por Kathiana Thomas. Una Doctrina de No-Gobierno para el Siglo 21 En la actualidad, casi todos aceptan al menos una idea utópica: que la esclavitud es tan inaceptable desde la moral que esta práctica debe ser erradicada…
Grupos de amenazas a la seguridad: La industria de las pandillas
De Sean Swain. Artículo original: Security Threat Groups: The Industry Of Gangs de 12 de abril 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. En las prisiones de Ohio, casi todo el mundo está en una pandilla, esté o no en una pandilla. Si eres un prisionero de Ohio y no estás en una pandilla, los…
Let The Rebel Prince Be Heard: An Anarchist Revision of Evolutionary Models
The question of human nature is often at the epicenter of important ideological struggles, including those related to the inevitability of competition or the necessity of authority for the functioning of societies. Of course, anarchist thinkers have not escaped this debate, since one of the most recurrent objections toward the movement claims its goals are…
Escuchemos al Príncipe Rebelde: Revisión a los Modelos Evolucionistas desde el Anarquismo
La pregunta sobre la naturaleza humana se encuentra muchas veces en el epicentro de importantes pugnas ideológicas, incluyendo aquellas relacionadas a la inevitabilidad de la competencia o la necesidad de la autoridad para el funcionamiento de las sociedades. Por supuesto, los pensadores anarquistas no han escapado de este debate, puesto que una de las objeciones…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Jesse Spafford on the Libertarian Case Against Property Rights
In this episode of Mutual Exchange Radio, host Zachary Woodman interviews Jesse Spafford. Jesse is a Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin working on the project REAL – Rights and Egalitarianism. His research is focused on social and political philosophy with particular attention paid to debates between libertarians, socialists, and anarchists over the moral status…
The Enragés: Embracing the Implications of Statelessness
For the fifth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Spooky to discuss two of their articles that are a part of an ongoing series. The first is titled “Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti- Statism” and the second, “Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals.” Spooky is a queer anarchist without adjectives, an egoist, former…
L’inizio è la Fine: Abolizionismo Anarchico come Dialogo Creativo
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 26 aprile 2021 con il titolo The End Is the Beginning: Anarchist Abolitionism as Communicative Creation. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Thomas Malthus, nel suo tristemente famoso Saggio sul principio della popolazione dedica alcuni capitoli alla critica di quello che probabilmente fu il primo pensatore anarchico moderno, William Godwin. Ad…
Mengapa Aku Bukanlah Seorang Komunis
Oleh: Apio Ludd. Teks aslinya berjudul “Why I Am Not a Communist” diterbitkan di My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation Against All Authority, edisi 10 pada Oktober 2013. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo Ini adalah era yang lucu. Saat beberapa orang tua, yang jelas menentang anarkis (jika mereka tidak menentang, mereka tidak akan pernah…
Широкое и узкое либертарианство1
Charles Johnson. Оригинал Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin. Перевод – Александр Гомер Mk. II. Редакция – Екатерина Андреевна Бушкова. В какой степени либертарианцы должны быть заинтересованы социальными течениями, практиками, проектами и движениями в поиске социальных результатов за пределами стандартной либертарианской обязанности расширять границы свободы за пределы государственного принуждения? Очевидно, что последовательный и принципиальный либертарианец не…
The Enragés: Next Time the Pendulum Swings
For the fourth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with the Tech Learning Collective to talk about their article “Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future,” which is a creative exploration of radical strategies for a liberatory techno future. They also explore the impetus behind Tech Learning Collective and even offer some practical advice for those…
Minacce alla Sicurezza: L’industria delle bande
Di Sean Swain. Originale: Security Threat Groups: The Industry of Gangs, del 12 aprile 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Dall’originale trasmesso sul Final Straw Radio Show e pubblicato su It’s Going Down. Sostenete Sean Swain contattando i membri del consiglio sulla libertà vigilata e chiedendo la clemenza — link — e/o donate tramite GoFundMe—link. Nelle…
Melting Mountains of Ice
A No-Government Doctrine for the 21st Century Almost everyone today accepts at least one utopian idea: that slavery is so morally unacceptable that the practice must be stomped out wherever found, and any institution that depends upon it must immediately crumble. It’s probably even an understatement to just say people accept that idea. It’s the…
Security Threat Groups: The Industry Of Gangs
In Ohio prisons, pretty much everyone is in a gang whether they’re in a gang or not. If you’re an Ohio prisoner and you’re not in a gang, prison administrators will put you in one. And if there’s no gang for you, they’ll just create a new one. The reason is, it’s a federal bloc…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory