Tag: economics
Toda Acusação de Analfabetismo Econômico é uma Confissão de Analfabetismo Histórico
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy de 29 de abril 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. O periódico The Freeman está de volta com sua defesa das fábricas de suor e do trabalho infantil a partir do argumento da “melhor opção disponível”…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall on How to Run Wars
This episode is hosted by C4SS’s Elinor Ostrom Chair in the Study of Self Governance, Nathan Goodman. Nathan is joined by Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall for a deep dive into the authors’ new book, How to Run Wars, A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite, available from June 18th on Amazon, or through…
Chi Accusa di Analfabetismo Economico Confessa un Analfabetismo Storico
Di Kevin Carson. Pubblicato originariamente il 29 aprile 2024 con il titolo Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. The Freeman torna a difendere le fabbriche dello sfruttamento e il lavoro infantile sostenendo la tesi della “migliore opzione disponibile” (“What Many Critics of Child Labor…
Io, la Matita, una Rilettura
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: I Pencil, Revisited, pubblicato l’undici luglio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Scarica qui la versione stampabile in formato pdf. Introduzione Non credo che esista testo libertario controverso più diffuso, più noto, o più amato, di I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read. Comparso per la prima…
Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy
The Freeman is back to its “best available option” defense of sweatshops and child labor (“What Many Critics of Child Labor Overlook”).  It treats public outrage over the presence of child labor in the supply chains of Western corporations as a demonstration of “how economic illiteracy has seeped into the minds of Western media and…
Intellectual Property: A Libertarian Critique — 2nd Edition (2009, 2023)
    Intellectual Property: A Libertarian Critique 2nd Edition (2009, 2023)   Preface to Second Revised Edition (2023) In the fourteen years since the original version of this paper was published, my political and economic views have undergone ideological shifts of the sort that might be expected of anyone who has remained intellectually engaged over…
Le Problème de la Bande-Passante Économique
Par Håkan Geijer. Article original:  The Economic Bandwidth Problem. Traduction française par Leuk. Ces trois dernières décennies, on a assisté à un regain de popularité pour des approches de gauche, non-marchandes, de l’organisation économique. Ce renouveau est le résultat d’une convergence de facteurs, notamment le fait qu’avec la chute de l’union soviétique et l’omniprésence du…
The Undeclared Condominium: The USSR As Partner in a Conservative World Order
    The Undeclared Condominium The USSR As Partner in a Conservative World Order   Introduction Although the Right has typically framed the Soviet Union and “International Communism” as an aggressive and subversive revolutionary force, the reality is — at the very least — considerably more nuanced. In fact, it would be more accurate to…
Mas o que há de errado com a desigualdade?
De Gary Chartier. Artigo original: What’s Wrong with Inequality?, de 22 de janeiro de 2016. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Camargo. Caso você acredite nos analistas, pode acreditar que preocupações acerca da desigualdade em nossa sociedade apenas são produto de invejosos ou ignorantes econômicos. Essa é mais uma razão para não acreditar neles. O…
Una Filosofia Economica per il Lavoratore Egocentrico
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: Economic Philosophy for the Self-Interested Worker, del 19 agosto 2023. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente su Anarchy or Ceaserism. Di recente ho riletto Road to Revolution, di Avraham Yarmolinski, uno dei libri di storia radicale miei preferiti. L’avevo letto per caso la prima volta nel 2017: da un…
Filsafat Ekonomi bagi Pekerja yang Bertindak Berdasarkan Kepentingan Sendiri
Oleh:  Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Economic Philosophy for the Self-Interested Worker”. Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Diambil dari Anarchy or Ceaserism Saya telah membaca ulang Road to Revolution karya Avrahm Yarmolinksi. Ini adalah salah satu buku favorit saya tentang sejarah radikal. Saya secara kebetulan menemukannya sekitar tahun dua ribu tujuh belas, hanya…
Economic Philosophy for the Self-Interested Worker
I’ve been re-reading Avrahm Yarmolinksi’s Road to Revolution. It’s one of my favorite books on radical history. I happened to stumble upon it by chance sometime in twenty seventeen, a mere year after first self identifying with anarchism. Back then, while I never totally identified with anarcho-communism, I was adjacent to that as I primarily…
Bargaining Power and Prices: A Response to Sanyazi and Carson
In a way, the theory of supply and demand explains prices. But in another, more accurate way, bargaining theory explains prices.  The idea that the prices of commodities are determined by the bargaining power of the buying and selling parties is not new, having been raised in the nineteenth century, but it does not play…
The Enragés: Anarchism 101 with Cory Massimino
For the 25th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Cory Massimino (@CoryMassimino) to discuss his 2015 article What is Anarchism? (https://c4ss.org/content/36946).  Cory Massimino is a Fellow and Mutual Exchange Coordinator at the Center for a Stateless Society. His research focuses on virtue ethics, market process economics, and anarchist political theory….
I, Pencil Revisited
  Traduzione italiana: Io, la matita: Una Rilettura. Introduction There is probably no libertarian polemic more widely distributed and more familiar, or held in higher esteem, than “I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read.” It originally appeared in the December 1958 issue of The Freeman. It has since been circulated as…
No, Deficit Spending Isn’t the Problem…
The Need For It Is. At Reason, J.D. Tuccille (“Worried About the Debt Fight? Make the Hard Spending Decisions That Politicians Won’t!”) restates a familiar refrain of the libertarian right: “it’s easy to forget that a statutory limit to federal borrowing isn’t the real issue; the real problem is that the federal government habitually spends…
On “Understanding Economics” and Galaxy Brains
At Pluralistic, Cory Doctorow comments on libertarian elitists like Bryan Caplan and Jason Brennan, who argue for restricting the franchise because most people “Just Don’t Understand Economics”:  When you compare the views of the average person to the views of the average PhD economist, you find that the public sharply disagrees with such obvious truths…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Tux Pacific on Cryptocurrency and Anarchism
MER is back!! In this episode, with Cory Massimino, Tux Pacific discusses their unique take on cryptocurrency, the connection between markets and anarchism, and being anti-capitalist in a capitalist world. Tux Pacific (they/she) is a cryptographer, anarchist, and the founder of Entropy, a decentralized custodian for crypto. Their crypto-inclusive perspective has been shaped by their…
Köleliğin İlgası: İktisatçı Bir Bakış Açısı
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Nathan Goodman tarafından kaleme alınmış ve 27 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Bir C4SS antolojisi olan TOTAL ABOLITION: Police, Prisons, Borders, Empire için yazılmış üç tanıtım yazısından biridir ve kitap için bir teaser olarak burada yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe’ ye çevrilmiştir. Bir ekonomistin köleliğin ortadan kaldırılması üzerine bir şeyler kaleme alması…
Sosyalizmi Yeniden Gözden Geçirmek
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Gary Chartier tarafından kaleme alınmış ve Liberalaw adlı blogunda 22 Haziran 2009 tarihinde yayınlanmıştır. 31 Ekim 2012 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmış ve Efsa tarafından Türkçe ‘ye çevrilmiştir. C4SS ve AAE’de devam etmekte olan büyük “sosyalist”/“kapitalist” terminoloji tartışmasına ilişkin gözlemlerimi bir araya getirmeye ve ilerletmeye çalışmak istiyorum. Bir Cins Olarak “Sosyalizm”; Bunun Bir…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory