Tag: economic history
Reformasi Agraria Abad ke-20 di Guatemala dan Meksiko
Oleh: Eric F. Teks aslinya berjudul “20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Malcolm X pernah berkata bahwa semua “[r]evolusi adalah untuk tanah. Tanah merupakan fondasi bagi semua kemerdekaan. Tanah adalah fondasi untuk kebebasan, keadilan, dan kesetaraan.” Dari Gerakan Pekerja Tak Bertanah yang terpengaruh Marxisme di…
Toda Acusação de Analfabetismo Econômico é uma Confissão de Analfabetismo Histórico
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy de 29 de abril 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. O periódico The Freeman está de volta com sua defesa das fábricas de suor e do trabalho infantil a partir do argumento da “melhor opção disponível” (Cf….
Chi Accusa di Analfabetismo Economico Confessa un Analfabetismo Storico
Di Kevin Carson. Pubblicato originariamente il 29 aprile 2024 con il titolo Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. The Freeman torna a difendere le fabbriche dello sfruttamento e il lavoro infantile sostenendo la tesi della “migliore opzione disponibile” (“What Many Critics of Child Labor…
Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy
The Freeman is back to its “best available option” defense of sweatshops and child labor (“What Many Critics of Child Labor Overlook”).  It treats public outrage over the presence of child labor in the supply chains of Western corporations as a demonstration of “how economic illiteracy has seeped into the minds of Western media and…
Reformas agrarias del siglo XX en Guatemala frente a México
De Eric F. Artículo original: 20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico, del 18 de mayo de 2023. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa. Citas actualizadas el 20/7/23 Malcolm X dijo una vez que toda “[r]evolución se basa en la tierra. La tierra es la base de toda independencia. La tierra es la base…
Due Riforme Fondiarie del Novecento: Guatemala e Messico
Di Eric F. Originale pubblicato il 18 maggio 2023 con il titolo 20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Disse una volta Malcolm X che tutte “le rivoluzioni partono dalla terra. La terra è alla base dell’indipendenza. La terra è alla base della libertà, della giustizia e dell’eguaglianza.” Dal…
20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico
Malcolm X once said that all “[r]evolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.” From the Marxist-influenced Landless Workers Movement seizing unused land in Brazil to Indigenous #LandBack efforts in North America, the struggle over land—both as a means of production and…
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
When it comes to economics, market anarchism has done a pretty good job at punching above its weight. While Austrians and Marxists tend to ignore us, when they do respond it’s with strawmen or lazy assertions of dogma that are easily dispatched. In serious debates in these realms, we hold our own, only falling short…
Balthazar. The Discrete Charm of Economic Growth.
Robert Balthazar. The Discrete Charm of Economic Growth. Part I: The Bilinguals; Part II: The Making of an Overriding Collective Preference (2016). At the outset Balthazar briefly summarizes his own intellectual journey as an economist, looking back on his earlier assumption that the economy as a whole was the spontaneous result of innumerable interacting trends…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory