Tag: vulgar libertarianism
Un Mito Libertario di Destra si Scontra con la Realtà
Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: A Right-Libertarian Myth Meets Reality, del 3 marzo 2025. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Un rapporto consegnato alla UE a settembre scorso solleva forti dubbi, nota Michael Roberts, sulla solita politica della destra riguardo gli investimenti. La tesi classica della destra libertaria è che il lavoro dipende dagli investimenti e che gli…
Nice Hypothesis You Got There, Walter…
…Be a Shame If Somebody Tried to Falsify It The Foundation for Economic Education’s specialty is making “arguments” via the uncritical assertion of right-wing talking points. If anybody’s the go-to guy for that, it’s Walter Block — especially when if it’s the worn-out “minimum wages cause unemployment” talking point (“Will an Increase in the Minimum…
Finti Libertari, Finta Sinistra, Veri Fascisti
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Fake Libertarians, Fake Leftists, and Real Fascists, del 23 febbraio 2025. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il giorno dopo l’infame “sieg heil”, il saluto nazista fatto da Elon Musk al discorso inaugurale, Thomas Lecaque, docente di storia che studia la violenza religiosa, giustamente osservava: “Elon Musk ha fatto il saluto nazista….
A Right-Libertarian Myth Meets Reality
A report submitted to the EU in September, as interpreted by Michael Roberts, casts considerable doubt on the standard right-libertarian party line regarding investment.  The standard right-libertarian talking point is that labor is dependent on investment, that investment — in the form either of credit or equity — comes from previous capital accumulation, and that…
Basic Income: The Wonderful World That Might Have Been
Advocates of Basic Income have trotted out a lot of arguments for its benefits, but I never expected John Stossel (“Universal Basic Income Shows Why Giving People ‘Free Money’ Doesn’t Work,” Reason, October 9) to produce such a convincing one. When I was young, If I hadn’t needed to work to support myself, I wouldn’t…
Fake Libertarians, Fake Leftists, and Real Fascists
The day after Elon Musk’s infamous use of the Nazi “Sieg Heil” salute in an Inauguration Day speech, Thomas Lecaque — a professor of history specializing in religious violence — pointedly observed: “Elon Musk did a Nazi salute. There isn’t a discussion, there aren’t interpretations, this isn’t a controversy, there are people lying about it…
Aquilo que os Libertários de Direita Falham em Compreender Sobre os Últimos 100 Anos
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: What Right-Libertarians Fail to Grasp About the Last 100 Years, de 2 de octubre 2024. Traduzido em português por Ruan L. Na Foundation for Economic Education, Preston Brashers, comentando uma declaração por parte de Bernie Sanders de que “este país não pode manter uma classe bilionária que está em guerra…
The Disconnect Is Coming From Inside the House
At Reason, C.J. Ciaramella (“Tim Scott Says UAW Workers Should Be Fired, Invoking Ronald Reagan”) gives GOP Presidential hopeful Tim Scott two stars for his proposal to fire striking auto workers like Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers and broke PATCO: “He said, you strike, you’re fired. Simple concept to me. To the extent that…
What Right-Libertarians Fail to Grasp About the Last 100 Years
At Foundation for Economic Education, Preston Brashers — commenting on a statement by Bernie Sanders that this country can’t afford a billionaire class which is at war with working families — replied (“What the Socialist Left Fails to Grasp about Wealth and Innovation in America,” June 28):  But when you consider the vital economic activities…
Hornberger’s Ongoing Love Affair With Capital Accumulation
If there’s one leitmotif in Jacob Hornberger’s commentary at the Future of Freedom Foundation over the years, it’s that unlimited accumulation of capital by the super-rich is the pathway to prosperity. That musical phrase received its latest tinny, tinkling iteration in “The Importance of Capital” (March 13): I was recently walking through a construction site…
La Ricostituzione della Società
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale pubblicato il 5 di agosto del 2024 con il titolo The Reconstitution of Society. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. L’infame primo ministro britannico Margaret Thatcher adottò un’ideologia mista conservatrice e libertaria di destra che cercava di unire il pseudo individualismo al collettivismo tradizionalista del nucleo famigliare e dello stato nazione in…
Walter Block: Defendiendo lo indefendible, otra vez — Parte I
Por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I, del 26 de junio 2024. Traducido al español por Mariano Vidal. En un sentido, Walter Block pertenece a la tradición de libertarios de derecha y anarco-capitalistas controvertidos, en la medida que camufla las relaciones de poder y las instituciones coercitivas…
Walter Block Difende Ancora l’indifendibile (parte II)
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 20 luglio 2024 con il titolo Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part II. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Nella puntata precedente parlavo di Walter Block e della sua difesa reiterata del “contratto di schiavitù volontaria”, uno dei tanti casi in cui Block presenta come “spontanei”…
The Reconstitution of Society
Infamous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher espoused a fusionist ideology which sought to weld pseudo-individualism to the traditionalist collectivism of the nuclear family and the nation state in a manner not unlike her American counterpart Ronald Reagan. Unsurprisingly, this ideological chimera led to an incoherent world view that rhetorically championed the freedom of the individual,…
Walter Block Difende Ancora l’indifendibile (parte I)
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 26 giugno 2024 con il titolo Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Walter Block rientra perfettamente nella tradizione dei polemisti anarco-capitalisti e libertari di destra, come dimostra la sua tendenza a nascondere relazioni di potere e istituzioni coercitive dietro la facciata…
Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part II
In the previous installment of this column, I discussed Walter Block’s repeated defense of “voluntary slavery contracts” as one example of his long record of defending economic phenomena as “voluntary,” regardless of the role of background or systemic violence in making them possible. But it didn’t stop there. Consider his defenses, just within the past…
Walter Block novamente Defendendo o Indefensável (Parte I)
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I, publicado em 26 de junho de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Em certo sentido, Walter Block está bem inserido na tradição das polêmicas do libertarianismo de direita/anarco-capitalismo, na medida em que o mesmo esconde as relações de…
Toda Acusação de Analfabetismo Econômico é uma Confissão de Analfabetismo Histórico
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy de 29 de abril 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. O periódico The Freeman está de volta com sua defesa das fábricas de suor e do trabalho infantil a partir do argumento da “melhor opção disponível” (Cf….
Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I
In one sense, Walter Block is very much in the tradition of right-libertarian and anarcho-capitalist polemics, insofar as he hides power relationships and coercive institutions behind a facade of “free exchange” and “voluntary contract.” In another, however, he is much worse. Anarcho-capitalists, traditionally, have focused on convincing the average person that a stateless regime centered…
Chi Accusa di Analfabetismo Economico Confessa un Analfabetismo Storico
Di Kevin Carson. Pubblicato originariamente il 29 aprile 2024 con il titolo Every Accusation of Economic Illiteracy Is a Confession of Historical Illiteracy. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. The Freeman torna a difendere le fabbriche dello sfruttamento e il lavoro infantile sostenendo la tesi della “migliore opzione disponibile” (“What Many Critics of Child Labor…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory