Tag: Billionaires
Ulasan Buku: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Book Review: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism.” DIterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Bernie Sanders. It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism. With John Nichols (New York: Crown, 2023). Buku Sanders berfokus pada dua masalah yang harus dihadapi rakyat Amerika. Dia menyatakannya di awal sekali….
Quando l’Economist ce la Mette Tutta
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: The Economist Isn’t Just Phoning It In…, del 20 maggio 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A quanto pare è come un disco rotto. In un articolo del 13 aprile dal titolo “The lessons from America’s astonishing economic record”, l’Economist riesce a fare un collage di tutti i luoghi comuni neoliberali…
Book Review: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism
Sanders’ book centers on two tasks facing the American people. He states them at the outset. First: These Americans [the predominantly younger voters who supported Sanders’ candidacy] understand that proposals that tinker around the edges are an insufficient response to the enormous crises we face. For them, there is a rapidly growing recognition that this…
The Economist Isn’t Just Phoning It In…
…It’s apparently an automated message. In “The lessons from America’s astonishing economic record” (Apr 13th), The Economist manages to regurgitate virtually every lazy neoliberal talking point in existence. The (unsigned) article sets out to demonstrate, contra the near-universal American perception that “the economy is broken,” that the American economy is actually a “stunning success story”…
Of Turtles and Fence Posts
There’s an old saying that when you see a turtle on top of a fencepost, you know it didn’t get up there on its own. In the official capitalist ideology — especially the version that prevails in neoliberal America — great wealth is seen as the reward for superior entrepreneurship, foresight and personal drive. As…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory