Tag: capital accumulation
Aquilo que os Libertários de Direita Falham em Compreender Sobre os Últimos 100 Anos
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: What Right-Libertarians Fail to Grasp About the Last 100 Years, de 2 de octubre 2024. Traduzido em português por Ruan L. Na Foundation for Economic Education, Preston Brashers, comentando uma declaração por parte de Bernie Sanders de que “este país não pode manter uma classe bilionária que está em guerra…
What Right-Libertarians Fail to Grasp About the Last 100 Years
At Foundation for Economic Education, Preston Brashers — commenting on a statement by Bernie Sanders that this country can’t afford a billionaire class which is at war with working families — replied (“What the Socialist Left Fails to Grasp about Wealth and Innovation in America,” June 28):  But when you consider the vital economic activities…
Modern Markets as a Dialectic
This essay argues that markets are an ideational construct, constructed through a milieu of ideologies, power structures and authority relations. Rather than modern markets being spontaneously ordered mechanisms that have evolved naturally from the progressions of history, they are in instead constitutions of power and ideas, acting as a semiotic mechanism for underlying socio-economic realities….
General Equivalences and the Freed Market
The capitalist market system is defined by the strictures of wage labour relations and the regulatory mechanisms, which are the used for the valorisation of capital and the commodity production which maintains, expands and homogenises this valorisation. These are the inevitable products of capitalist exchange relations and the creation of a general equivalence in which…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory