Tag: Kevin Carson
Once again, we’re back in the same situation as eight years ago. Since the nightmare on election night many, myself included, have been catastrophizing the possible scenarios beginning on January 20. We’re all aware of the awful threats from Trump and his agenda: Mass deportation. Attacks on reproductive freedom at the federal level. The use…
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: What Right-Libertarians Fail to Grasp About the Last 100 Years, de 2 de octubre 2024. Traduzido em português por Ruan L. Na Foundation for Economic Education, Preston Brashers, comentando uma declaração por parte de Bernie Sanders de que “este país não pode manter uma classe bilionária que está em guerra…
Frank Wilhoit’s definition of conservatism (about which much more below) was not, as you would expect from something so incisive and widely quoted, formulated years ago in a scholarly book or article. It appeared only six years ago, in a lengthy comment by Wilhoit (a composer and music theorist), under a blog post by Henry…
Billy Binion (“Juneteenth is a Celebration of Freedom,” Reason, June 19) writes that, despite widespread right-wing aversion to Juneteenth as a holiday, the GOP “in some sense still fashions itself as the party of freedom.” Matt Yglesias is most famous these days for his almost daily garbage takes; but years ago, back when the Republican…
In a column four years ago, I recounted the experience of a friend in academia with the godawful “learning management software” which her institution required for designing exams. She complained that she was trying to create a midterm exam and “blackboard is complete fucking garbage. No intuitive way to break up questions into sections, can’t…
At Foundation for Economic Education, Preston Brashers — commenting on a statement by Bernie Sanders that this country can’t afford a billionaire class which is at war with working families — replied (“What the Socialist Left Fails to Grasp about Wealth and Innovation in America,” June 28): But when you consider the vital economic activities…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 20 luglio 2024 con il titolo Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part II. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Nella puntata precedente parlavo di Walter Block e della sua difesa reiterata del “contratto di schiavitù volontaria”, uno dei tanti casi in cui Block presenta come “spontanei”…
In the previous installment of this column, I discussed Walter Block’s repeated defense of “voluntary slavery contracts” as one example of his long record of defending economic phenomena as “voluntary,” regardless of the role of background or systemic violence in making them possible. But it didn’t stop there. Consider his defenses, just within the past…
If there are two contemporary anarchist theorists whose work occupies and influences my thought the most, they are Kevin Carson and Wayne Price. Carson has spent a huge segment of his career not just reconstructing a mutualist political economy as an alternative to the anarchist default to the economics of Karl Marx but also making…
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I, de 13 de fevereiro de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Todos os Senhores da Terra são Péssimos Senhores Como uma lição de objeção em defesa de sua tese de que “o governo é um péssimos senhor da terra [landlords]”, Steven Greenhut…
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, 1 de novembro de 2023. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Recentemente, deparei-me com uma print deste tuíte clássico de Arthur Chu: [‘O capitalismo fez seu iPhone’. Não! O TRABALHO fez seu iPhone, e ele faz as coisas sob quaisquer ismos. Estes apenas determinam…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 27 febbraio 2024 con il titolo “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. I Deboli Stereotipi dei Libertari di Destra Pare che i libertari di destra non riescano a fare a meno di Garrett Hardin e della sua cosiddetta “tragedia dei beni comuni”. Sembrano ossessionati…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 13 febbraio 2024 con il titolo “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Tutti i Padroni di Casa sono Terribili Padroni A riprova della sua teoria per cui “lo stato è un terribile padrone di casa”, Steven Greenhut (su Reason, il primo dicembre) racconta di…
The Poverty of Right-Libertarian Cliches Right-libertarians, it seems, have a love affair with Garrett Hardin and his so-called “tragedy of the commons.” It’s a principle to which they return, time and again. But as a foundation, it is historically illiterate; and the structure which they erect upon it is conceptually incoherent. Take, for example, Saul…
All Landlords Are Terrible Landlords As an object lesson in support of his thesis that “government is a terrible landlord,” Steven Greenhut (Reason, Dec. 1) recounts his experience trying to get action from his county government over complaints of a poorly maintained, overgrown vacant lot owned by the fire department. I started making calls to…
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, del primo novembre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Mi è capitato recentemente di leggere su Twitter questo classico di Arthur Chu: (Traduzione: “Il capitalismo fa il tuo iPhone”. No, è il LAVORATORE che fa le cose, quali che siano gli -ismi. Gli -ismi servono…
De Eric F. Artígo original: On Liberated Zones Theory: Or How BIPOC Folks Are Already Doing the Work, 8 dezembro 2023. Traduzido para o português por Nico. Anteriormente apontei que os esforços nos territórios de Rojava e Cooperation Jackson no Mississipi podem ser vistos como… tentativas, como Wesley Morgan descreve, “de criar ‘poder dual’ através…
Kevin Carson. On Capital, Maps, and Terrain. November 1st, 2023. На днях я наткнулся на скрин этого классического старого твита Артура Чи: Каждый раз, когда такое высказывание появляется в социальных сетях, оно неизбежно вызывает огромное количество отзывов типа «рабочие не смогли бы ничего сделать, если бы им пришлось самостоятельно изготавливать запчасти и орудия труда.» К…
I recently stumbled across a screenshot of this classic old tweet from Arthur Chu: Whenever such an observation appears on social media, it inevitably provokes a storm of responses along the lines of “workers wouldn’t be able to make anything if they had to make their own parts and tools.” For example, as part of…
In a way, the theory of supply and demand explains prices. But in another, more accurate way, bargaining theory explains prices. The idea that the prices of commodities are determined by the bargaining power of the buying and selling parties is not new, having been raised in the nineteenth century, but it does not play…