Tag: Walter Block
…Be a Shame If Somebody Tried to Falsify It The Foundation for Economic Education’s specialty is making “arguments” via the uncritical assertion of right-wing talking points. If anybody’s the go-to guy for that, it’s Walter Block — especially when if it’s the worn-out “minimum wages cause unemployment” talking point (“Will an Increase in the Minimum…
At Reason, C.J. Ciaramella (“Tim Scott Says UAW Workers Should Be Fired, Invoking Ronald Reagan”) gives GOP Presidential hopeful Tim Scott two stars for his proposal to fire striking auto workers like Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers and broke PATCO: “He said, you strike, you’re fired. Simple concept to me. To the extent that…
Por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I, del 26 de junio 2024. Traducido al español por Mariano Vidal. En un sentido, Walter Block pertenece a la tradición de libertarios de derecha y anarco-capitalistas controvertidos, en la medida que camufla las relaciones de poder y las instituciones coercitivas…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 20 luglio 2024 con il titolo Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part II. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Nella puntata precedente parlavo di Walter Block e della sua difesa reiterata del “contratto di schiavitù volontaria”, uno dei tanti casi in cui Block presenta come “spontanei”…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 26 giugno 2024 con il titolo Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Walter Block rientra perfettamente nella tradizione dei polemisti anarco-capitalisti e libertari di destra, come dimostra la sua tendenza a nascondere relazioni di potere e istituzioni coercitive dietro la facciata…
In the previous installment of this column, I discussed Walter Block’s repeated defense of “voluntary slavery contracts” as one example of his long record of defending economic phenomena as “voluntary,” regardless of the role of background or systemic violence in making them possible. But it didn’t stop there. Consider his defenses, just within the past…
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I, publicado em 26 de junho de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Em certo sentido, Walter Block está bem inserido na tradição das polêmicas do libertarianismo de direita/anarco-capitalismo, na medida em que o mesmo esconde as relações de…
In one sense, Walter Block is very much in the tradition of right-libertarian and anarcho-capitalist polemics, insofar as he hides power relationships and coercive institutions behind a facade of “free exchange” and “voluntary contract.” In another, however, he is much worse. Anarcho-capitalists, traditionally, have focused on convincing the average person that a stateless regime centered…
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Prohibition Still Doesn’t Work.” Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi. dan Missouri menjadi pusat perhatian masyarakat karena mereka menerbitkan –pelarangan yang sangat ekstrem dan inkonstitusional– undang-undang anti-aborsi. Tujuan dari hukum ini –diklaim– adalah untuk menurunkan angka aborsi, hingga ke angka nol….
Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Missouri have all come under fire recently for their passing of various –extremely restrictive and possibly unconstitutional– anti-abortion laws. The goal of such laws –it is claimed– is to curb abortion rates, preferably to zero. The problem is, however, that prohibition has never worked to achieve such goals….
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 29 marzo 2015 con il titolo “Libertarians” for Ethnic Cleansing. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quando un libertario di destra difende la gentrificazione, lo fa di solito inquadrandola come fenomeno del tutto spontaneo proprio del libero mercato, e minimizzando o ignorando il ruolo dello stato nel promuoverla. Già questo è…
შესავალი დღევანდელ დღეს, უოლტერ ბლოკი არის მსოფლიოში ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ღრმად პატივსაცემი ლიბერტარიანელი თეორეტიკოსი, ის არის ეკონომიკის პროფესორი Loyola-ს უნივერსიტეტში. ბლოკმა დაწერა ასობით სტატია და წიგნი ლიბერტარიანულ თეორიაზე, მისი ნაშრომების ზედაპირული მიმოხილვაც კი გვაჩვენებს უდიდეს სიღრმეს მის აზროვნებაში. ბლოკის ლოგიკური კონსისტენცია შთამბეჭდავია ხოლო მისი ხატმებრძოლური და ინტელექტუალური შეტევები ისეთ წონად საკითხებზე, როგორიცაა მილიტარიზმი და ნარკო პოლიტიკა,…
Replica a Walter Block Di Thomas Raskin. Originale pubblicato il 25 luglio 2017 con il titolo Animal Torture Violates Rights: A Response to Walter Block. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Introduzione Walter Block è uno dei più stimati teorici libertari nel mondo.1 Eminente studioso di economia presso la Harold E. Wirth, docente di economia presso la…
Introduction Walter Block is one of the most highly esteemed libertarian theorists in the world today.1 The Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics and Professor of Economics at Loyola University, Block has written hundreds of articles and books on the intricacies of libertarian theory, even a cursory review of which reveals the tremendous depth…
Following their August 28th debate on left-libertarianism, Sheldon and Walter continued their exchange via a series of emails: __________ Dear Sheldon, Suppose it were proven that racism, prejudice, hatred for homosexuals, etc., was the best way to promote libertarianism. Let us stipulate that this is so, arguendo. Would you then say that libertarians should promote…
Following his debate with Sheldon Richman, Walter Block recently joined C4SS’s Roderick Long for another in-depth conversation about thick vs. thin libertarianism. The debate is moderated by Daniel Rothschild, and is just over an hour long.
On August 28th, 2015, C4SS’s Sheldon Richman joined Walter Block for a discussion of left-libertarianism and thick vs. thin libertarianism. The discussion was moderated by Lucy Steigerwald and hosted by Liberty.me. The discussion is about 60 minutes.
Markets and Motivation Guillaume Paoli’s Demotivational Training (2008, Cruel Hospice) is a tough egg to crack. I spent days of my time putting off reviewing this book, partly because I felt demotivated, but also because Paoli’s writing is fairly dense and hard to fully grasp at first. It’s the sort of book that requires a…
Usually when right-libertarians defend gentrification, they do so by framing it as an entirely spontaneous free market phenomenon, and minimizing or ignoring the state’s role in promoting it. That’s bad enough. But we don’t usually expect them to come out explicitly in favor of direct state intervention to evict poor people for the sake of…
Labor day has come and gone. In spite of the fact that it was made a Federal holiday by a president who used government power to crush the Pullman strike, it’s still worth using it as an occasion for reflecting on the struggle for workplace liberty. Corey Robin had a good post on the subject….