Tag: individualism
Transhumanismo e Egoísmo
De Frank Miroslav. Artígo original: Transhumanism and Egoism, publicado originalmente em 16 de Março, 2022. Traduzido para o porguguês por p1x0. Esse texto é parte do C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism Fui convocado para dar uma perspectiva transhumanista sobre egoísmo. Acredito que seja uma crítica bastante simples então pretendo usar a maior…
Laurance Labadie ve “Çocuksu Radikalizm” Terimi
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Eric Fleischmann tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. 3 Nisan 2023 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmış. Olgun bir kişi çocuksu duygusal dürtülerini aşmış kişidir. Kişisel deneyimleri sayesinde kendisi ve çevresi hakkında bilgi edinmiş ve duygusal hislerini rasyonel bir şekilde kontrol edebilir hale gelmiştir. Çocukluğun korunaklı hayal dünyasından çıkmış ve gerçeklerle yüzleşmek üzere sütten kesilmiştir. İnsanlara, yaşamdaki…
Apa itu “Libertarian Kiri?”
Oleh: Jason Lee Byas. Teks aslinya berjudul “What Is “Left-Libertarianism?”” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Apa itu “libertarian kiri?” Istilah tersebut (seperti yang digunakan disini) merujuk pada arus tradisi bawah tanah  yang secara bersamaan bersifat libertarian radikal sekaligus radikal kiri. Ini melingkupi elemen-elemen liberalisme Inggris yang paling radikal (seperti Thomas Hodgskin dan tulisan-tulisan awal Herbert Spencer),…
Laurance Labadie’s “Infantile Radicalism”
Infantile Radicalism A mature person is one who has outgrown childish emotional impulses. He has learnt about himself and his environment thru personal experience, and has become able to control his emotional feelings in a rational manner. He has emerged from the sheltered dream world of childhood and been weaned to face reality. His reactions…
L’individualisme tourné vers l’abolition du soi
Frank Miroslav. Article original: Individualism Towards Abolition of the Self, 17 decembre 2019. Traduction française par br’er leuk. Un des termes les plus détourné dans le discours politique d’aujourd’hui est l’individualisme. Quand les gens parlent d’individualisme, iels tendent à amalgamer deux types d’individualisme et à les présenter comme inséparables. Le premier est l’individualisme éthique qui…
Los “motivos psicológicos del colectivismo” de Laurance Labadie
Artículo escrito por Eric Fleischmann. Título original: Laurance Labadie’s “Psychological Motives Behind Collectivism”, del 3 de enero de 2023. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. ​Motivos psicológicos del colectivismo El colectivismo es una doctrina de la “mente de la multitud”, una filosofía de la incompetencia. Para aquellos que siempre han sido los perdedores en la…
Transhumanisme dan Egoisme
Oleh: Frank Miroslav. Teks aslinya berjudul “Transhumanism and Egoism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Esai ini juga merupakan bagian dari  C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism Saya telah diminta untuk memberikan perspektif transhumanis tentang egoisme. Saya pikir ini adalah kritik yang cukup sederhana jadi saya akan menghabiskan sebagian besar bagian…
Kötü İnsanlar: Düzeltilemez Şahıslar ve Yapısal Teşvikler
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale William Gills tarafından kaleme alınmış, 14 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Bazı solcuların iddialarının aksine, aslında salt toplumsal koşullarının kurbanı olmayan, tamamen canavarlaşmış insanlar da vardır. İnsanlar çeşit çeşittir. Her birimiz değerlerimizin ve içgüdülerimizin gelişiminde, asla yönetilemeyecek ya da öngörülemeyecek milyonlarca küçük kelebek kanadı edasında savrulan rastgele yollara gireriz. Aynı genlere…
Transhumanismo y egoísmo
Por Frank Miroslav. Artículo original publicado el 16 de marzo de 2022 con el título Transhumanism and Egoism. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. He sido llamado a dar una perspectiva transhumanista sobre el egoísmo. Creo que esta es una crítica bastante simple, así que voy a dedicar gran parte de este artículo a hablar sobre por…
Gente mala: Individuos irredimibles e incentivos estructurales
Por William Gillis. Artículo original:  Bad People: Irredeemable Individuals & Structural Incentives, publicado el 14 de agosto de 2020. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. cw: discusión sobre violación [Escuche una discusión en profundidad sobre este artículo y sus temas en este episodio de The Enragés] Contrariamente a las afirmaciones de algunos izquierdistas, en realidad…
Laurance Labadie’s “Psychological Motives Behind Collectivism”
Psychological Motives Behind Collectivism Collectivism is a doctrine of the “crowd mind”, a philosophy of incompetency. To those who have ever been the losers in the unequal, privileged, and despotic struggle for existence, who have not felt the glory and satisfaction of conquering obstacles and the achievement of aims, the thought of peace and security…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Ash P. Morgans on Egoism, Anarchism, & Religion
In our final episode for the season, Ash P. Morgans talks to host Alex McHugh about egoism, anarchism, and religion. This conversation was an excellent cap-off to our Mutual Exchange symposium on egoism and anarchism and continues some of the discussions that came up throughout the symposium. Particularly, we explore the intersections of ethics, morality, anarchism, and religion from…
Individualismo hacia la abolición del yo
Frank Miroslav. Artículo original: Individualism Towards Abolition of the Self, del 17 de diciembre de 2019. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Una de las palabras más retorcidas del discurso político actual es individualismo. Cuando la gente habla de individualismo, tiende a fusionar dos tipos de individualismo y los presenta como inseparables. El primero es el…
Aturan Berdarah dan Ordo Kanibal! Bagian I: Sang Egois
Ash P. Morgans. Teks aslinya berjudul “Bloody Rule and a Cannibal Order! Part I: The Egoist” dan merupakan bagian dari  C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism. Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah dan Boggy MS. Esai ini merupakan respon terhadap kumpulan esai  Jason Lee Byas’ yang berjudul: “Melawan Kanibalisme Moral,” dan “The…
Desmontando la colectividad
De Dawie Coetzee. Artículo original publicado el 13 de mayo de 2022 con título Taking Collectivity Apart. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa. Hay una expresión en afrikáans, om die dam onder die eend uit te ruk. Traducida literalmente, significa “sacar el estanque de debajo del pato”, llevar una cosa tan lejos que empieza a…
Bloody Rule and a Cannibal Order! Part I: The Egoist
This essay is a response to Jason Lee Byas’ series of essays: “Against Moral Cannibalism,” “Anarchy is Moral Order,” “The Authority of Yourself.” Many problems rear their heads when attempting to establish moral systems. Determining proper criteria, defining rights and wrongs, or establishing a certain degree of objectivity are just some of the rocky surfs…
Taking Collectivity Apart
There is an expression in Afrikaans, om die dam onder die eend uit te ruk. Translated literally, it means “to pluck the pond out from under the duck,” to take a thing so far that it begins to miss its own point. The expression springs to mind because an obsession with groups of people literally…
Transhumanism and Egoism
I’ve been called upon to give a transhumanist perspective on egoism. I think that this is a pretty simple critique so I’m going to largely spend this piece talking about why egoists should take it seriously. If you’re already convinced of the importance of thinking rigorously, please just skip my self-indulgent rant and go to…
Malicious Faux-Individualism and Market Anti-Capitalism
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] There is an odd side to the American Dream. One deemed worthless long ago, by the Soviets, by the Maoists, by the BPP. There exists a culture of greed. Though most people lack an in-depth understanding of economic terms…
Bireyci Feminizm
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Dakota Hensley tarafından kaleme alınmış. 4 Eylül 2020 tarihinde “An Individualist Feminism” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. İnternetin bazı taraflarında ortak bir fikir, bu “kırmızı haplanma” fikridir ve “kırmızı hapı” alırsanız yeni bir düşünme biçimine uyanırsınız. Trans kadınlar (Wachowskiler) tarafından türetilmiş bir terimin bu karanlık ve ironik benimsenişi, genellikle bir TERF ve anti-feminist…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory