Tag: individualism
Darian Worden. Título original: Go Forward to Freedom, de 24 de mayo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. A medida que más personas en Estados Unidos se vacunan contra el Covid-19 y las tasas de infección siguen bajando, muchos piensan en lo que viene después. ¿Se ha vuelto a la “normalidad”? ¿Existe ahora…
Di Darian Worden. Originale pubblicato il 24 maggio 2021 con il titolo Go Forward to Freedom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Mentre negli Stati Uniti va avanti la vaccinazione e cala l’incidenza del covid-19, molti stanno pensando a cosa accadrà. “Ritorno alla normalità”? Ma c’è una “nuova normalità”? Chi è ancora qui forse dovrebbe puntare a…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] As more people in the US get vaccinated against Covid-19 and infection rates continue to drop, many are thinking about what comes next. Is it “back to normal”? Is there now a “new normal”? Perhaps those of us who…
Jason Lee Byas. Оригинал: What Is “Left-Libertarianism?” Перевод осуществлен: @vestakoita on Twitter. Что же такое “левое либертарианство”? Этот термин (в значении, используемом здесь) указывает на широкую традицию интеллектуальных течений, которые являются одновременно радикально либертарными и радикально левыми. Он включает в себя некоторые из самых радикальных элементов Английского либерализма (таких как Томас Ходжскин и ранние работы…
Por Jason Lee Byas. Original: What Is “Left-Libertarianism?” de 2 de noviembre 2020. Traducido por Diego Avila. ¿Qué es el “libertarismo de izquierda”? El término (como se usa aquí) apunta a una amplia tradición de corrientes intelectuales que son simultáneamente radicalmente libertarias y radicalmente izquierdistas. Incluye algunos de los elementos más radicales del liberalismo inglés (como Thomas Hodgskin y…
What Is “Left-Libertarianism?”, de Jason Lee Byas. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. O que é Libertarianismo de Esquerda? O termo (como está sendo empregado aqui) aponta para uma vasta tradição de correntes intelectuais que são radicalmente libertárias e esquerdistas, simultaneamente, incluindo alguns dos elementos mais radicais do liberalismo inglês (tais como Thomas Hodgskin…
Just what is “left-libertarianism?” The term (as it’s being used here) points to a broad tradition of intellectual undercurrents that are simultaneously radically libertarian and radically leftist. It includes some of the most radical elements of English liberalism (such as Thomas Hodgskin and the earlier writings of Herbert Spencer), nineteenth-century individualist anarchism, the 1960s alliance…
In case it wasn’t already implied by the title, I’m arguably a follower of the “transgender ideology.” I prefer the term “non- binary” instead of “trans,” but I’m part of the community and I do adhere to the “ideology” of validating peoples’ gender identities by using their preferred pronouns. Much like a fair number of…
A common idea on some parts of the internet is this idea of “redpilling,” and that if you take the “red pill,” you awaken to a new way of thinking. This darkly ironic appropriation of a term coined by trans women, the Wachowskis, usually includes becoming a TERF and anti-feminist, (although it may also include…
Individualism, community, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and faith are the values of the people of Appalachia. It is in these values that we find an anarchism that has existed in the cities and rural communities for decades. However, most Appalachians don’t refer to their culture as such, but it carries many of the same attitudes and beliefs…
Ayn Rand escreveu que “Fascismo, Nazismo, Comunismo e Socialismo são apenas variações superficiais do mesmo tema monstruoso – o coletivismo”. No entanto, acho que isso deve ser mudado para refletir todas as formas que o coletivismo, o inimigo da liberdade, pode assumir. Essa nova máxima seria “Fascismo, Nazismo, Comunismo, Socialismo de Estado e Capitalismo são…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Contrary to the assertions of some leftists there are in fact thoroughly monstrous people who are not just victims of their social conditions. Humans vary. We each follow somewhat random paths in the development of our values and instincts,…
Omdat je onder het kapitalisme altijd onder een baas werkt, tenzij je zelf de baas bent. Maar ik wil niet eens een baas zijn. Nou, misschien wil ik wel ‘een baas’ zijn, maar niet letterlijk, je begrijpt wat ik bedoel. Niet een baas in de zin van, de baas van het bedrijf, waar iedereen een…
In alle interacties ga ik uit van mutualiteit. Mijn anarchisme is een individualisme en een mutualisme. Wat bedoel ik daarmee ? Eigenlijk is het vrij basaal allemaal. Als we een economische transactie aangaan, worden we er BEIDE beter van, dat is de bedoeling, het streven. We kunnen elkaar gewoon in de ogen blijven kijken. We…
Di Frank Miroslav. Originale pubblicato il 17 dicembre 2019 con il titolo Individualism Towards Abolition of the Self. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nell’attuale discorso politico, individualismo è uno dei termini più distorti. Parlando di individualismo, si tende a confondere, a mettere assieme, due versioni dello stesso rappresentandole come inseparabili. La prima è “individualismo etico”, che…
One of the most twisted words in today’s political discourse is individualism. When people talk about individualism, they tend to conflate two types of individualism and present them as inseparable. The first is ethical individualism which sees the individual as the most important ethical consideration. The second is methodological individualism which sees the individual as…
Everyone is bad at consent but it’s worth getting better anyways. No one is perfectly autonomous but it’s worth respecting agency anyways. Many of our problems are endemic to the tools we use. These are parts of the truth that often get left out. Sometimes better consent and autonomy practices look like sloppy, complicated cry-fests,…
Di Grayson English. Originale pubblicato il 14 giugno 2017 con il titolo Demolish the Demos. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Questo articolo e l’ottavo saggio del June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium: “Anarchy and Democracy.” Da qualche tempo all’interno dell’anarchismo aleggia un certo spirito democratico. Certo, quando si parla di ingiustizia statalista e autoritaria, ci sentiamo spinti…
There has long been a certain kind of democratic spirit in anarchism. Of course when we bring forth the imagery of statist and authoritarian injustice, we feel the rhetorical pull to illustrate it as a collective issue, one that is relevant and applicable to all.
The first nationally recognized Earth Day was celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970. Now, 46 years old, the annual event is a world-wide phenomenon celebrated in more than 192 countries. It is a day numerous cultures come together to voice their support for environmental protection. I like a lot about Earth Day….