Star Wars, Capitalism and “Benign Dictatorship”
In what seems to be becoming an annual tradition, neoconservative grey eminence Bill Kristol tweeted in December 18, “When I first saw Star Wars in 1977, I was inclined to root for the empire. 25 years later, @JVLast proved me right.” Kristol authored a similar series of tweets in October of last year, and praised…
¿Cuándo el capitalismo no es capitalismo?
Tal y como lo utilizan los apologistas del « capitalismo de libre mercado » (un oxímoron donde los haya), el capitalismo es la fuente de todo lo bueno en el mundo, pero asimismo es algo que nunca ha existido. Y su posición cambia repetidamente de adelante atrás en la misma discusión, de lo uno a…
¿Viene el capitalismo en varios sabores?
En un reciente artículo de opinión del Washington Post (“Identity Crisis for American Capitalism,” May 26 [Crisis de identidad para el capitalismo estadounidense]), Steven Pearlstein presenta una taxonomía de las varias especies de capitalismo, sosteniendo que, « como el helado », este viene en varios sabores. Estos diferentes capitalismos se pueden combinar de la misma…
“Capitalismo de libre mercado” es un oxímoron
Se ha vuelto cosa estándar entre las clases charlatanas—tanto liberales como conservadoras—referirse a algo llamado « nuestro sistema de libre mercado », conocido también como « capitalismo de libre mercado ». A tal punto que cuando los derechistas en Fox y CNBN o en el editorial del Wall Street Journal abogan por alguna forma más…
Qual a diferença entre “anarquismo de mercado” e “anarcocapitalismo”?
A diferença entre anarquismo de mercado e anarcocapitalismo é uma questão duvidosa e um tanto quanto semântica. Anarcocapitalistas escolhem usar a palavra “capitalismo” porque acreditam que a palavra denota um sistema econônimco laissez faire — livre de controle governamental. Já anarquistas de mercado são bem mais críticos ao capitalismo por acreditarem que o termo não…
Ripensare i Mercati: Anarchismo, Capitalismo e lo Stato
[Di Chris Shaw. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 31 maggio 2016 con il titolo Rethinking Markets: Anarchism, Capitalism, and the State. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Scarica una copia PDF dell’intero studio di Chris Shaw per C4SS: Rethinking Markets Generalmente si immaginano i mercati come bastioni del capitalismo, qualcosa che unge le ruote…
Agorism is Not Anarcho-Capitalism
The goal of this essay is three-fold. First, I will identify the key concepts which outline the philosophy of Agorism and the strategy of Counter-Economics, as outlined by Samuel E. Konkin III in The New Libertarian Manifesto and An Agorist Primer. Second, I will illustrate how radicals of all stripes can utilize the strategy of…
No, il Capitalismo non ci Rende Sempre più Ricchi
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 2 settembre 2016 con il titolo No, Capitalism Isn’t Making Us All Richer and Richer. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Se leggete spesso e regolarmente pubblicazioni libertarie di destra, vi sarà capitato di vedere uno di quegli articoli mozzafiato che parlano di come il…
¿Quién está confundido acerca del capitalismo?
Un Nuevo sondeo de la universidad de Harvard muestra que el 51 % de los millennials o mileniales no apoyan el capitalismo (comparado con 42 % que sí lo apoyan). Un sondeo anterior llevado a cabo por el proyecto de opinión pública Reason-Rupe encontró que el “socialismo” sobrepasa al “capitalismo” en popularidad 58 a 56…
No, Capitalism Isn’t Making Us All Richer and Richer
If you frequent mainstream right-libertarian publications on anything like a regular basis, you’ve probably seen more than one of those breathless articles about how capitalism is making the ordinary poor person richer than a medieval king. For example Calvin Beisner: “No matter how rich you might have been” 150 years ago, “You could not have…
Capitalism’s Just-So Stories
During one of the many civil wars between patricians and plebians that racked the early Roman Republic in Livy’s account, Menenius Agrippa — a spokesman for the oligarchy that had enclosed the common lands and reduced the Latin peasantry to tenant status and debt peonage — defended the privileges of the landed aristocracy with a…
Oliver Stone Calls Pokemon Go “Surveillance Capitalism”
It’s convention time again and that means a large influx of fanatics dressed their best gather with some of the biggest names in the nation for a weekend of ceremonies, announcements, and a large show of support for what people believe truly matters in this country. Yes, I’m talking about San Diego ComicCon where every…
More Crony Capitalism at Reason
At Reason, Nick Gillespie (“The Scandal of K-12 Education — and How to Fix It,” June 5) points to the sorry state of education and — once again — proposes charter schools as the solution. The amazing thing is that the repeated right-libertarian shilling for charter schools — at Reason and elsewhere — comes from…
Rethinking Markets: Anarchism, Capitalism, and the State
Markets are generally conceived as the bulwark of capitalism, greasing the wheels of capital accumulation and mobilisation and creating the class relations characteristic of modern capitalism. It creates winners and losers, and displaces workers and firm owners through the mechanisms of creative destruction and competition.
Who’s Confused About Capitalism?
A new Harvard poll shows 51 percent of Millennials do not support capitalism (compared to 42 percent who do). An older Reason-Rupe poll found “socialism” beat “capitalism” in popularity 58 to 56%, but the “free market” was overwhelmingly more popular than a “government-managed economy.” The spin-meisters are quick to frame this as Millennial confusion about…
Buen Vivir, an Alternative to Capitalism
Capitalism’s relation to spiritual attitudes and ideologies has historically been hostile. The use of magic and the holding of pagan beliefs in peasant communities in the transition from feudalism to capitalism was mercilessly crushed, as they were seen as a belief systems that removed control from the mercantile elites and prevented the mechanistic control needed…
Disaster Capitalism in Flint
Naomi Klein coined the term “disaster capitalism” to describe what is virtually the only kind of “market reform” that ever takes place in the real world. In the event of collapse or emergency, capitalist elites seize uncontested control of a state and — in collusion with global corporations — force their agenda through without opposition….
When is Capitalism Not Capitalism?
As used by right-wing apologists for “free market capitalism” (an oxymoron if ever there was one), capitalism is the source of everything good in the world — but also something that never existed. And it switches repeatedly back and forth from one to the other, every couple of sentences, in the same argument. I learned…
Creating the Seeds of Capitalism’s Death
The increasingly globalised, transnational character of contemporary capitalism, with its attendant instability and crises, has led to the development of globally oriented social movements. These movements are an answer to the injustices and failures found in international capitalism, and aim to combat it through an equally internationalist outlook with heterogeneous characteristics and multiple sites of…
Corporate Capitalism, Not Simply a Product of the State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Derek Wall‘s “Corporate Capitalism, Not Simply a Product of the State” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I think there are number of arguments to suggest that if we replaced corporate control with market competition, we would, in a relatively short time, be back to concentrated markets. I am, incidentally, a…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory