Tag: Millennials
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Kevin Carson tarafından kaleme alınmış. 13 Ocak 2014 tarihinde “Five Libertarian Reforms Millenials Should Be Fighting For” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Y kuşağı hiç hoşnut değil ve bunda şaşılacak bir şey yok. 2008 yılında, McGovern’dan bu yana Demokrat adaylar arasında en solcu söylemi kullanan başkan adayını desteklemek üzere rekor sayıda katılım gösterdiler….
A new Harvard poll shows 51 percent of Millennials do not support capitalism (compared to 42 percent who do). An older Reason-Rupe poll found “socialism” beat “capitalism” in popularity 58 to 56%, but the “free market” was overwhelmingly more popular than a “government-managed economy.” The spin-meisters are quick to frame this as Millennial confusion about…
Secondo un recente sondaggio del Pew Research, il 40% degli americani tra i diciotto e i 34 anni ritiene che lo stato debba limitare la libertà di parola quando questa offende le minoranze. I più anziani sono meno favorevoli all’idea, mentre i democratici favorevoli sono il doppio dei repubblicani. Da membro dell’ala libertaria della sinistra…
A recent Pew Research Survey found 40% of Americans from ages 18 to 34 support the notion that the government should limit speech that is offensive to minorities. Older Americans were less favorable to the idea, while Democratic voters were twice as likely to support the idea than Republicans. As a member of the American Left’s libertarian…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jeff Ricketson‘s “A Left-Libertarianism I Don’t Recognize” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. In fact, what left-libertarianism has as its central tenet is that every individual should have complete control over their life and no one else’s. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and the myriad other bigotries that can haunt the…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “How Libertarians Should — And Should Not — Approach Millennials” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Millennials are used to networked collaboration. In the workplace they view such collaboration with their peers as the way to get things done, and see traditional corporate managerial hierarchies as a form of…
John della Volpe, che insegna Sistemi Elettorali presso l’istituto di politica di Harvard, qualche tempo fa ha fatto questa osservazione: “[i]nvece di rendersi utili in politica… i giovani elettori sono purtroppo sempre più disillusi, non si fidano di ciò che viene da Washington.” Volpe cita un sondaggio dell’istituto di politica da cui risulta che, tra…
È opinione comune che, secondo come vengono formulate le domande, i sondaggi possono produrre praticamente qualunque risposta desiderata. Emily Ekins, parlando dell’atteggiamento della generazione Y su questioni economiche e politiche (“Are Millennials Far Left on Economics? No,” Reason, 18 agosto), dimostra un’incoerenza concettuale quasi totale nell’inquadrare i risultati di un sondaggio Reason-Rupe sulla generazione Y…
John Della Volpe, Director of Polling at Harvard’s Institute of Politics, recently observed that “[r]ather than being empowered to remain active in politics … young voters are sadly becoming more disillusioned and distrustful of all things Washington.” Volpe cites an Institute of Politics poll which finds millennials’ “trust in almost every institution tested” at lows…
It’s a common observation that polls can produce virtually any response desired, depending on how the questions are worded. Emily Ekins, ostensibly reporting on the political and economic attitudes of millennials (“Are Millennials Far Left on Economics? No,” Reason, August 18), displays almost total conceptual incoherence in framing the results of a Reason-Rupe poll of “millennials” (young Americans age…
In recent weeks both Thoughts on Liberty and Reason have published articles on the Millennial generation’s social and political attitudes, as they relate to libertarianism. One is a good example of how libertarians should approach Millennials. The other most decidedly is not. Let’s start with how to. Rachel Burger, at Thoughts on Liberty (“Millennials And Left-Libertarianism…
This series at Thoughts on Liberty shows just how poorly understood left-libertarianism is, even among those who would claim to know enough about it to laud it as ”the future of libertarianism.” Rachel Burger begins her “defense” of left-libertarianism by conflating it with liberaltarianism. Left-libertarianism is a body of outlooks within libertarianism which see leftist concerns…
Millennials are disgruntled, and it’s no wonder. In 2008 they turned out in record numbers in support of a presidential candidate who used the most leftish-sounding rhetoric of any Democratic candidate since McGovern. This president came into office with a seemingly filibuster-proof Democratic Congressional majority, by the largest Democratic electoral margin since LBJ beat Goldwater….