Tag: state
Just Enough Workplace Democracy To Soothe A Liberal’s Conscience
Hummels: Hey, John Mackey isn’t holding a gun to your head, buddy!
Glenn Greenwald: “Three Key Lessons From The Obama Administration’s Drone Lies”
Greenwald: “In light of this evidence, any journalists that continue to rely on US government statements about its killing program are revealing themselves to be eager propagandists…”
Contra el Periodismo “Objetivo”
Carson: “La infraestructura humana del reportaje tradicional es un ejército magnífico. Pero como Lincoln dijo a McClellan, ‘si no tienes pensado hacer algo con ese ejército, ¿puedes prestármelo?'”
Margaret Thatcher and the Degradation of “Freedom” in Right-Wing Discourse
Kevin Carson: So much for the hype. What’s the reality?
Competition and the “Complexity Tax”
In a recent post on Linkedin, author and business consultant Tim Williams explains the “Complexity Tax,” contending that in many cases “growth actually produces diseconomies of scale.”
Don’t Expand the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Destroy It!
The latest threat to internet freedom is an expanded and strengthened CFAA, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
La Plata, Argentina: Entre la Muerte y la Destrucción, Esperanza
Furth: Uno no puede sino sentirse esperanzado de que al cooperar directa y espontáneamente de esta manera, la gente dará un paso hacia alcanzar la conclusión más general.
Hope Amid Death and Destruction in La Plata, Argentina
Furth: More than people directing their anger at the right target, what was truly remarkable was the spontaneous eruption of solidarity they showed toward each other, in sharp contrast with the clumsy and slow governmental response.
Human Rights Groups Against Human Rights
Goodman: Human rights organizations shouldn’t be in the business of handing out awards, accolades and executive positions to human rights abusers.
Hierarchy or the Market
Carson: Had the industrial revolution taken place in a genuine free market, our economy today would probably be far closer to the vision of Lewis Mumford than that of Joseph Schumpeter and Alfred Chandler.
Ignorance is Strength: Kim Jong Un Edition
Carson: The U.S. government is a state. And lying — deliberately, shamelessly — whenever it serves their interests is what states do. Don’t let millions die for a lie.
Support C4SS with M. George van der Meer’s “The Network Economy as New Mutualism”
For every copy of M. George van der Meer’s “The Network Economy as New Mutualism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Moving Along the State-Anarchy Continuum
Gary Chartier: Consider the characteristic Hobbesian argument for the state…
Prescription for Competition
D’Amato: As much as I hate to spoil the ending, neither Democrats nor Republicans are interested in anything like a real free market.
Kevin Carson Interviewed on The Corbett Report
Kevin Carson, Senior C4SS Fellow and Karl Hess Chair of Social Theory, was interviewed today on The Corbett Report: Open Source Intelligence News.
CITIZEN SAFETY ALERT: You Have The Right To Go Home To Your Family Too
At his blog Pro Libertate, William Norman Grigg recently weighed the pros and cons of resisting arrest. His somber conclusion: “Resistance may be dangerous, but submission is frequently fatal.” The topic of resisting arrest is familiar territory for Grigg. He regularly explores the legal evolution of resisting, as well as the reasons people may feel…
“Cibersegurança”: Escribas [Hacks] contra “Hackers” (e contra Você)
Thomas L. Knapp: O problema da “propriedade intelectual” é que, em nossos dias — graças ao progresso tecnológico — quase toda escassez de produtos de informação TEM de ser artificial, isto é, criada pelo governo.
Decentralizing Science: Local Biohacking
Sebastian A.B.: The amateur, tinkering genius in her garage now finds a home with communities of researchers engaged in playful cleverness. Biology, formerly prohibitively expensive, is now fertile ground for the hacking of positive Black Swans.
Charles Koch Has No Power to Coerce Anybody; That’s Why He Needs Government
Carson: The corporate Pharisees of our day strain at a gnat using “free market” rhetoric to attack welfare for the poor, but swallow a camel when it comes to welfare for corporations.
Autoridade: Se É Boa, Por Que Nos Faz Sentir Tão Mal?
Kevin Carson: Em suma, você fica reduzido a sentir-se como uma criança “malcomportada” diante de uma figura de autoridade adulta.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory