Tag: copyright
Nick Manley. Original: Brief Introduction To Left-Wing Laissez Faire Economic Theory: Part One, May 7, 2014. Translated by Hein Htet Kyaw. ဤသီအိုရီကို လက်ဝဲယိမ်းစျေးကွက်စီးပွားရေးမင်းမဲ့ဝါဒ သို့မဟုတ် laissez faire ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ဝါဒဟုခေါ်သည်။ ၎င်းသီအိုရီ၏အခြေခံထောက်ပြမှုမှာ အရင်းရှင်စနစ်သည် နိုင်ငံတော်အခြေပြုဝါဒတစ်ခုဖြစ်ပြီး အမှန်တကယ် လွတ်လပ်သောစျေးကွက်စီးပွားရေးစနစ်သည် ဘယ်သောအခါမှမရှိခဲ့ဘူးသေးဟူ၍။ စစ်မှန်လွတ်လပ်သောစျေးကွက်စီးပွားရေးသည် အလုပ်သမားအတွက် ပိုမိုကောင်းမွန်သောအခြေအနေများ ပိုမိုဖြစ်ပေါ်စေပြီး နှိုင်းရတန်းတူညီမျှမှု ပို၍ရှိလာမည်ဟု ခံယူချက်ရှိကြသည်။ ပထမဆုံး ဆွေးနွေးရမည့်အရာမှာ ကွယ်လွန်သူ တစ်သီးပုဂ္ဂလဝါဒီ မင်းမဲ့ဝါဒီ ဘင်ဂျာမင်တက်ကာမှ ဖော်ထုတ်ခဲ့သော လက်ဝါးကြီးအုပ်မှုကြီး လေးခုဖြစ်သည်။ ၎င်းတို့ကို သူ၏ကျော်ကြားသော ဆောင်းပါးတစ်ခုဖြစ်သည့် “နိုင်ငံတော် ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ဝါဒနှင့် မင်းမဲ့ဝါဒ-…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: $10,000 Handbags? Arrrr, Matey! del 29 giugno 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Con un articolo dal titolo “Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Handbags pubblicato sul New York Times,” Amy X. Wang parla della guerra persa dell’industria della moda contro le borse di lusso contraffatte indistinguibili dall’originale. Giusto qualche tempo…
In “Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Handbags,” Amy X. Wang at the NYT reports on the fashion industry’s discomfiture over counterfeit luxury handbags that are indistinguishable from the real thing. Not long ago, I found myself wandering through Paris with a fake Celine handbag slung over my shoulder. In France, a country that prides…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale 1995 yılında Roderick Long tarafından Free Nation Foundation için kaleme alınmış, 29 Kasım 2012’de ise C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. “İfade kanallarının mevcut konjonktürden çıkar sağlayan kişiler tarafından bu denli büyük ölçüde kontrol edildiği bir toplumda telif hakları kanununun topluma sağladığı sözde faydaları eleştirecek bir görüşün kamuya açık bir şekilde ifade edilme ihtimalini düşünmek…
Oleh: Vishal Wilde. Teks aslinya berjudul Copyright Law Helps Perpetuate Neo-Colonial Knowledge-Oligarchies. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Ketika mempertimbangkan peran yang dimainkan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta dalam mengabadikan Oligarki Pengetahuan dan menghambat penyebaran pengetahuan tanpa batas, jelas bahwa undang-undang itu juga melanggengkan bentuk ‘Neo-Kolonialisme.’ Hak Cipta adalah “hak hukum yang dibuat oleh hukum negara yang memberikan hak…
Di Vishal Wilde. Originale pubblicato l’undici luglio 2017 con il titolo Copyright Law Helps Perpetuate Neo-Colonial Knowledge-Oligarchies. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Analizzando il ruolo che ha il copyright nel perpetuare le oligarchie che controllano il sapere e ne soffocano la diffusione capillare, appare chiaro che si sta perpetuando una forma di “neocolonialismo”. Il copyright è…
When considering the role that Copyright Law plays in perpetuating Knowledge-Oligarchies and stifling the seamless diffusion of knowledge, it is clear that it also perpetuates a form of ‘Neo-Colonialism’. Copyright is a “legal right that created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use…
Gli autori possono guadagnare senza! [Di Vishal Wilde. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 5 aprile 2017 con il titolo Copyright Law Sucks – Authors can be Compensated Without It! Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] I diritti di copia di un’opera intellettuale hanno origini che risalgono al copyright letterario, da cui si sono…
Intellectual property ‘rights’ trace their origins back to copyright in literature, from which they have since expanded. With this in mind, it is fruitful to examine how authors can be compensated in the absence of copyright. Essentially, proponents of copyright in literature argue that they see no other way of compensating authors for their work. Indeed, many…
[Di James C. Wilson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 7 gennaio 2017 con il titolo Steal This Film Review: See it, Share it, Copy it!! Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Se siete abbastanza interessati da leggere quanto segue, allora guardate il film. Steal This Film è disponibile gratis su Youtube e altrove su internet…
If you are interested enough to read this, you might as well just watch the movie. Steal This Film is available for free on Youtube and other locations on the internet and is less than an hour and twenty minutes in length. The film was created by a group calling itself the League of Noble Peers, for the…
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 21 agosto 2016 con il titolo Why “Reforming” Copyright Will Kill It. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Electronic Frontier Foundation ha recentemente presentato un esposto contro la sezione 1201 della Digital Millennial Copyright Act (DMCA) su basi costituzionali. Secondo l’esposto, la sezione, che criminalizza…
The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently filed a lawsuit challenging Section 1201 of the Digital Millennial Copyright Act (DMCA) on constitutonal grounds. According to the suit, that section — which criminalizes not only the circumvention of Digital Rights Management (DRM), but criminalizes the sharing of information about how to do it — is a violation of…
The only function of “intellectual property” is to snatch scarcity from the jaws of abundance — to take goods that, thanks to the advance of human knowledge, should naturally be getting cheaper, and make them artificially expensive. This is nowhere more evident than in the war corporations are fighting against their own customers’ right to…
The presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders share a uniting theme of protecting American workers from foreign competition. Trump favors a 45% tariff on Chinese goods, while Sanders vocally opposes NAFTA-style trade agreements and the Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) designation (which prevents the US from imposing tariffs, on Chinese goods which other countries would not…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Aaron Swartz is Dead – But Not His Work” read by John Moore and edited by Tony Dreher. “Despite everything the academic power structure and its allies in the U.S. Justice Department could do to Aaron Swartz — including driving him to suicide — the enemies of information freedom…
Despite everything the academic power structure and its allies in the U.S. Justice Department could do to Aaron Swartz — including driving him to suicide — the enemies of information freedom in academia have been in steady retreat ever since. Back in 2011, in his Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto, Swartz defined his revolutionary goal as…
Scrivendo tempo fa su Alternet, Richard Eskow (“Rise of the techno-Libertarians,” 12 aprile 2015) ha fatto un’eccellente critica del modello capitalista dei “tecno-libertari” della Silicon Valley. Gran parte degli argomenti riguarda in qualche modo il modello mirato al profitto dell’industria tecnologica, che tratta i prodotti principalmente come fonte di guadagno (o, meglio, rendita) piuttosto che…
In an article at Alternet a while back Richard Eskow (“Rise of the techno-Libertarians,” April 12, 2015) made some excellent criticisms of the capitalist model of “techno-libertarianism” centered on Silicon Valley. Most of his points relate in some way to the profit-driven business model of the tech industry, which treats products primarily as a source…
C4SS’s Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory, Kevin Carson, recently appeared on Party Smasher to talk intellectual property. Some of the topics included big vs. little players in the content industry, the use of IP to enclose common culture, and copyright trolling as censorship. The interview is about 45 mins.