Tag: patent trolls
El cercamiento industrial es más que solo patentes
De David Coetzee. Artículo original: There is More to Industrial Enclosure than Patents, del 17 de junio de 2014. Traducido al español por Luis Vera Suárez. Eric Blattberg, escribiendo para VenturBeat, reporta (“ Tesla Motors: Please infringe on our patents for the greater good”) que la manufacturera de autos eléctricos Tesla permitirá de ahora en…
Kevin Carson Interview on Party Smasher
C4SS’s Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory, Kevin Carson, recently appeared on Party Smasher to talk intellectual property. Some of the topics included big vs. little players in the content industry, the use of IP to enclose common culture, and copyright trolling as censorship. The interview is about 45 mins.    
There is More to Industrial Enclosure than Patents on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Dawie Coetzee‘s “There is More to Industrial Enclosure than Patents” read and edited by Nick Ford. I wonder about the motivation in forgoing these patents, given that many are relatively toothless. Tesla obviously wishes to play the heroic underdog, to imply solidarity with the open-source movement despite operating in an industry legally…
There is More to Industrial Enclosure than Patents
Eric Blattberg, writing for VenturBeat, reports (“Tesla Motors: Please infringe on our patents for the greater good,” June 12) that electric car manufacturer Tesla will henceforth permit all comers to exploit its innovations. “Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology,” says Tesla CEO Elon Musk. I…
Les « trolls de brevets » ne sont pas le problème. Les brevets sont le problème.
« Alors qu’Apple se prépare à se défendre dans une affaire de violation de brevet en Europe qui pourrait lui couter des millions, la compagnie et son rival Google sont tous les deux aller demander à la Cour Suprême des USA de permettre d’infliger des pénalités sévères à l’encontre des plaintes triviales » selon Apple Insider. Eh bien,…
The Problem Isn’t “Patent Trolls.” The Problem Is Patents. On C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Thomas L. Knapp‘s “The Problem Isn’t ‘Patent Trolls.’ The Problem Is Patents.,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “Apple’s complaint, in its essentials, is that patent “trolls” just buy up patent “rights,” then search for infringement to cash in on, rather than going to the trouble of making real products. But why…
Il Problema non sono i Patent Troll. Il Problema Sono i Brevetti
“Mentre si prepara a difendersi contro una causa da molti miliardi per violazione di brevetti in Europa,” dice Apple Insider, “la Apple si è allineata alle posizioni della rivale Google nel chiedere alla corte suprema americana pene più severe per i patent troll responsabili di cause frivole.” Era ora. Il problema della Apple, però, è…
The Problem Isn’t “Patent Trolls.” The Problem Is Patents.
“As Apple prepares to defend itself against a multi-billion dollar patent infringement claim in Europe,” reports Apple Insider, “the company has aligned with rival Google in asking the U.S. Supreme Court to allow stiffer penalties for patent trolls who bring frivolous lawsuits.” Well, it’s about time. But the problem with Apple’s position is that there’s…
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Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory