Tag: Apple
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Eric Fleischmann tarafından kaleme alınmış ve 1 Kasım 2020 tarihinde “An Anarchist Take on Antitrust Laws: Dangers and Possibilities” başlığı altında yayınlanmış, Efsa tarafından Türkçe’ ye çevrilmiştir. Tekeller hemen hemen tüm dünyada kötü bir şey olarak görülür. Max Weber’in “Meslek Olarak Siyaset” adlı eserinde güç tekeli ve coğrafi bir alanda güç kullanımının onaylanması…
Monopolies are pretty much universally bad. This is perhaps one of the most uncontroversial position amongst anarchists, who principally define themselves in opposition to the state, which Max Weber, in “Politics as Vocation,” defines as the monopoly on force and the approval of the use of force in a geographic area. Benjamin Tucker, the great…
Non le Aziende e non lo Stato Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’otto marzo 2016 con il titolo People Make Things – Not Corporations, Not Government. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Facebook Doug Henwood, autore di Wall Street e direttore del Left Business Observer, parlando di aziende del “settore pubblico” che fanno meglio del “settore…
On Facebook, Doug Henwood — author of Wall Street and editor of the Left Business Observer — recently pointed to the U.S. Arpa-E agency’s development of an advanced storage battery as an example of the “public sector” outperforming the “private sector” (March 3 at 10:48AM). “While VC is funding the world’s first stabilized action camera,”…
As if Thomas Sowell weren’t sufficient to demonstrate the intellectual bankruptcy of pro-capitalist apologetics, we now have corporate apologists trolling the #ResistCapitalism hashtag on Twitter. Although most of the people using it today seem to think it’s an original piece of wit they just came up with on their own, the “Lookit them tweeting #ResistCapitalism…
Over at WIRED, a website I once held more respect for, an article by Jordan Crucchiola called, “Dear Idiots, Stop Leaking Comic-Con Trailers” has drawn some recent attention. For those who (somehow) don’t know, Comic Con is an international event for all things geeky, but especially (or at least, supposedly) related to comic books. The…
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Good Riddance to Old News Outlets” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Rather than having a handful of sources owned by the elite, we have infinite options to choose from. While it is true that much of internet content is rubbish, much of it is also greatly…
On June 22nd pop mega-star Taylor Swift, released an open letter to Apple Music, refusing to grant the company’s new music streaming service access to her newest album. Her letter was a response to Apple’s policy of not paying musicians whose work is listened to, by customers during their three month, free trial of Apple’s…
Uno studio recente condotto in dodici paesi dal Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism ha scoperto un incremento di quasi il 10% nell’uso di dispositivi mobili per l’accesso alle informazioni. Lo stesso studio ha scoperto un incremento del 42% in riferimenti a Facebook come fonte informativa, mentre anche Apple e Google diventano sempre più…
A recent 12-country study from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found a near ten percent increase in the use of mobile devices to access news. Additionally the report found a 42% increase in referrals to news sources from Facebook, with Apple and Google also gaining popularity as news sources. More people, especially younger people, are getting…
« Alors qu’Apple se prépare à se défendre dans une affaire de violation de brevet en Europe qui pourrait lui couter des millions, la compagnie et son rival Google sont tous les deux aller demander à la Cour Suprême des USA de permettre d’infliger des pénalités sévères à l’encontre des plaintes triviales » selon Apple Insider. Eh bien,…
C4SS Media presents Thomas L. Knapp‘s “The Problem Isn’t ‘Patent Trolls.’ The Problem Is Patents.,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “Apple’s complaint, in its essentials, is that patent “trolls” just buy up patent “rights,” then search for infringement to cash in on, rather than going to the trouble of making real products. But why…
“Mentre si prepara a difendersi contro una causa da molti miliardi per violazione di brevetti in Europa,” dice Apple Insider, “la Apple si è allineata alle posizioni della rivale Google nel chiedere alla corte suprema americana pene più severe per i patent troll responsabili di cause frivole.” Era ora. Il problema della Apple, però, è…
“As Apple prepares to defend itself against a multi-billion dollar patent infringement claim in Europe,” reports Apple Insider, “the company has aligned with rival Google in asking the U.S. Supreme Court to allow stiffer penalties for patent trolls who bring frivolous lawsuits.” Well, it’s about time. But the problem with Apple’s position is that there’s…
Apple rejects drone app
The reigning king of intellectual “property” litigiousness looks to be on the receiving end for a little of what it’s been dishing out.