Tag: state
Glenn Reynolds’ Upside-Down Version of History
Kevin Carson: The large firm and the factory system did not become the dominant economic institutions because of some objective technological imperative, or their superior efficiency in a free market. They became the dominant economic institutions because of their superior effectiveness at controlling labor; and then the state intervened in the market to make them efficient enough to survive.
Any (Good) Thing the State Can Do, We Can Do Better
The question whether people in a stateless society could respond satisfactorily to a disaster like the BP oil spill is really just a special case of the general question whether people without the state can do the things people attempt to do through the state. It seems to me that the answer is “yes.” That’s…
The Network Economy as New Mutualism
M. George van der Meer: We are now approaching a breaking point, a culmination of long-unfolding trends that will witness the old forces of rigid hierarchy and centrality collide with the dynamism of the networked, freed market.
In the Corporate-State Education System, You’re the Product.
Kevin Carson: The current educational system is essentially a Taylorist-Fordist mass production system.
“Cyber Security”: Hacks vs. “Hackers” (and vs. You)
Knapp: Monopolists don’t like living in the real world, and politicians traffic in telling them they don’t have to.
Psychopathic Kyriarchy – Our Rulers Really Are Unempathic Predators
Sebastion A.B.: Psychopaths are drawn to and uniquely capable within politics. They are charismatic, show no remorse, crave power and rise to the top. Leading psychologists have built the literature on the corporate form, but statist psychopathy bears investigation
Speaking On Liberty: Nathan Goodman
In this episode of Speaking On Liberty’s Jason Lee Byas, Grayson English and Kyle Platt interview C4SS Fellow and Dissenting Leftist blogger Nathan Goodman about the the US prison system.
Hey Iraqis: How’s that “Liberation” Stuff Workin’ Out For Ya?
Carson: Just what “liberation” meant to Rummy, Dummy and Scummy can be seen from the agenda Paul Bremer implemented as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq.
The Ever-Growing Insanity of Venezuelan Exchange Controls
The Comandante is gone, but the “revolutionary” economic policies continue.
How bad is the U.S. government?
It is the responsibility of libertarians to once again pick up the banner of true radicalism, of the anti-draft, anti-militarist, anti-imperialist, and anti-feudal movements.
Get Ready for the Second Issue of The Industrial Radical and Support C4SS
The Industrial Radical is devoted to radical libertarian political and social analysis in the tradition of Benjamin Tucker’s 1881-1908 Liberty, Emma Goldman’s 1906-1917 Mother Earth, and Murray Rothbard’s 1965-1968 Left & Right.
“Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power” by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson‘s “Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Authority: If It’s Good, Why Does It Make Us Feel So Bad?
Carson: Dealing with other human beings — all other human beings — as equals, confident and unafraid, is the right way to live. It’s the only right way to live.
Los “Secuestradores” de Patentes son Malos, pero las Patentes son Peores
Trevor Hultner: La solución al problema del secuestro de patentes no es “regularlo” con medidas erróneas o pasos a medias en la “dirección correcta”.
15 Beneficios de la Guerra contra las Drogas
Carson: La guerra contra las drogas es un fracaso sólo si el estado existe para servirte.
No para Alabarlo, sino para Enterrarlo
Es hora de perseguir una visión de justicia y libertad que alcancemos por nuestras propias acciones, no como un regalo que dependa de la benevolencia temporal de un dictador.
From Coffin Ships to Coyotes: A Saint Patrick’s Day Reflection
Hummels: Open borders for people, not just product.
“Bring on the Drones!” by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson’s “Bring on the Drones!”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Democrats Demand Reinstatement of The Draft
Sebastian: The Draft, now with deluxe appeals to community service! Democrats have been pushing the Universal National Service Act since 2003 — it’s only a matter of time before you will need to burn your draft card.
A Vontade Do Povo Não Significa Nada Para Os Combatentes Contra Drogas
No Tao Te Ching, o sábio chinês Lao Tzu escreve: “Quanto mais leis são promulgadas, mais assaltantes e ladrões há.”
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory