Tag: state
NYPD Officers Beat the Crowds … and the Charges
Hummels: It is no secret that there is a vanguard of sorts in policing which celebrates the fascist tendencies of the occupation.
Pânico Moral e Gerencismo
Carson: A realidade não é a mesma coisa que o mapa. É muito mais complexa. E os chefes incompetentes que tentam controlá-la sempre farão de si próprios triste figura.
The Strawberries of Wrath
Carson: The means of pacifying labor are as old as time and intimately linked to corporate greed and state power.
Bitcoin Obliterates ‘The State Theory Of Money’
Matonis: Bitcoin is not a governmental instrument of legal tender that requires regulatory legitimacy and coercion by law in order to gain acceptance.
Sheldon Richman on Guns, Income Tax, Voluntaryism and Peace
Sheldon Richman on “The Absurdity of Universal Background Checks,” gun control, the legal, rational and moral arguments for the right to self defense, the immorality of the income tax, practical anarchy and much more.
Ei Iraquianos: Como É Que Essa Tal de “Libertação” Está Funcionando Para Vocês?
Carson: O que exatamente “libertação” significa para Rumsfeld – Rummy, Bush – Dummy e Cheney – Scummy pode ser visto a partir do programa que Paul Bremer implementou como chefe da Autoridade Provisória da Coalizção (CPA) no Iraque.
Waco and 20 Years of State Terror
Gregory: Twenty years ago, Waco showed Americans the truth about law enforcement, the U.S. government, and the state itself.
J.D. Tuccille: “52 Percent of Americans Want Government To ‘Redistribute’ Wealth”
Tuccille: I may need five minutes alone with the American public, however, since many of my countrymen apparently think it’s “unfair” that other people have more money than them — and they want the government to give them some of what the other guy has.
Demagogy on Manchin-Toomey
Richman: This is not paranoia. It’s a recognition of the dynamics of demagogic politics.
Now Hear This: There is a Difference Between Left Libertarians and Liberaltarians
Knapp: There’s some ideological overlap, but it’s fuzzy. There are some people with one foot in each of the two camps (I used to be one of them; now I’m not), which can be confusing.
Glenn Greenwald: The Boston Bombing Produces Familiar And Revealing Reactions
Greenwald: Whatever sadness you feel for yesterday’s victims, the same level of sadness is warranted for the innocent people whose lives are ended by American bombs.
Carson Interviewed on Liberty Minded
C4SS Senior Fellow and Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory Kevin Carson was recently interviewed on the Liberty Minded podcast by Jason Lee Byas, Grayson English and Trevor Hultner.
“Revolution Is A Warm Gun”: Arun Gupta
Gupta: Central to the left project is demilitarizing society, and by using this as the umbrella, gun control can provide an opening to shackle the state instead of the people.
Moral Panics and Managerialism
Carson: Reality is not the same as the map. It is far more complex. And the pointy-haired bosses who attempt to regulate it will always make fools of themselves.
La Fuerza está en la Ignorancia: Edición Kim Jon Un
Carson: El gobierno de EE.UU. es un estado. Y mentir deliberada y desvergonzadamente cuando sirve a sus intereses es lo que los hacen los estados. No permitas que mueran millones de personas por una mentira.
Eric Schmidt Wants To Protect You From Your Neighbor’s Drone. But What About Barack Obama’s?
Hummels: If Schmidt was at all aware of the state’s capacity for mass killing and organized violence, he might become less wary of the local yokels.
Margaret Thatcher y la Degradación de la “Libertad” en el Discurso de la Derecha
Carson: “Bueno, hasta aquí la publicidad. ¿Cuál es la realidad?”
How Much “Civilization” Does Your Tax Money Buy?
Carson: The state, by its very nature, is the executive committee of a ruling class. It’s the mechanism by which landlords, usurers, bureaucrats and rentiers extract wealth from the majority of the population.
Bitcoin: Roller Coaster of Love
Knapp: Is Bitcoin the end of political government? No, but it’s part of the beginning of the end of political government.
Ignorância é Força: Edição Kim Jong Un
Carson: O governo dos Estados Unidos é um estado. E mentir — deliberadamente, cinicamente — onde mentir sirva a seus interesses é o que os estados fazem. Não permita que milhões de pessoas morram por causa de uma mentira.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory