Tag: neoliberalism
La Ricostituzione della Società
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale pubblicato il 5 di agosto del 2024 con il titolo The Reconstitution of Society. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. L’infame primo ministro britannico Margaret Thatcher adottò un’ideologia mista conservatrice e libertaria di destra che cercava di unire il pseudo individualismo al collettivismo tradizionalista del nucleo famigliare e dello stato nazione in…
The Reconstitution of Society
Infamous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher espoused a fusionist ideology which sought to weld pseudo-individualism to the traditionalist collectivism of the nuclear family and the nation state in a manner not unlike her American counterpart Ronald Reagan. Unsurprisingly, this ideological chimera led to an incoherent world view that rhetorically championed the freedom of the individual,…
Neoliberalisme, Koperasi, dan Pabrik Sosial
Oleh : Eric F. Teks aslinya berjudul Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Dikutip dari  “Patience and Time: Timebanking and Self-Organizing Networks of Eldercare in Greater Portland, ME” Memahami masalah di sekitar perawatan mengharuskan kita untuk melihat kembali dan lebih nasional daripada hanya Maine. Banyak dari para lanjut usia…
Neoliberalismo, Produzione Condivisa e Fabbriche Sociali
Di Eric F. Originale pubblicato il 19 luglio 2023 con il titolo Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Estratto da: “Patience and Time: Timebanking and Self-Organizing Networks of Eldercare in Greater Portland, ME” Per capire i problemi che ci circondano dobbiamo dare uno sguardo al passato, considerando l’insieme più che il…
Quando l’Economist ce la Mette Tutta
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: The Economist Isn’t Just Phoning It In…, del 20 maggio 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A quanto pare è come un disco rotto. In un articolo del 13 aprile dal titolo “The lessons from America’s astonishing economic record”, l’Economist riesce a fare un collage di tutti i luoghi comuni neoliberali…
Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory
Understanding the problems around care requires us to look back and more nationally than just Maine. Many of the other elders I interviewed seemed to agree with Emma [pseudonym] about the importance of community and “care networks,” sharing a nostalgia for times when local communities and extended families cared for each other over and above…
The Economist Isn’t Just Phoning It In…
…It’s apparently an automated message. In “The lessons from America’s astonishing economic record” (Apr 13th), The Economist manages to regurgitate virtually every lazy neoliberal talking point in existence. The (unsigned) article sets out to demonstrate, contra the near-universal American perception that “the economy is broken,” that the American economy is actually a “stunning success story”…
Neden Kendime Sol Liberteryen Diyorum?
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Jeff Riggenbach tarafından kaleme alınmış ’ye çevrilmiştir. 8 Ağustos 2015 tarihinde “Why I Am a Left Libertarian” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Liberteryenlerin birçoğu geleneksel Sol/Sağ politik spektrumun anlamsız ve faydasız olduğunu söylemektedir. Fakat bu söylemin onlara doğru görünmesinin tek nedeni politik sahtekarlık ve belki de politik tarih konusunda zayıf bir geçmişe sahip…
Sobre o Embargo a Cuba e Livre Mercado
​De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: On the Cuba Embargo, and Free Trade — Real and Imagined, de 26 de julho 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. A extensão dos danos econômicos causados pelo embargo a Cuba tem sido objeto de debate nos últimos tempos. Não estou interessado especificamente em Cuba, mas no que…
Cuba: Embargo e Libero Commercio, Vero e Presunto
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: On the Cuba Embargo, and Free Trade – Real and Imagined, pubblicato il 26 luglio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’entità del danno economico causato dall’embargo contro Cuba è stato ultimamente oggetto di dibattito. Qui non m’interessa parlare specificamente di Cuba, ma di quello che l’ideologia neoliberale chiama genericamente “libero commercio”,…
On the Cuba Embargo, and Free Trade — Real and Imagined
The degree to which the US trade embargo on Cuba has affected the economy of that country has been a matter of recent debate. I’m not concerned directly with Cuba here, but with the nature of what neoliberal ideology calls “free trade” more generally — of which an interesting discussion erupted as an offshoot of…
Il Cile e il Limite dei Neoliberali
Di Camilo Gómez. Originale pubblicato il 16 novembre 2019 con il titolo Chile and the Limits of Neoliberalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Foto di Susana Hidalgo, Instagram Numerose proteste attraversano l’America Latina e il mondo, ma quelle cilena assume i connotati di un deciso rifiuto del neoliberalismo. In passato il Cile era additato come esempio…
Chile and the Limits of Neoliberalism
Photo credit: Susana Hidalgo, Instagram There are many protests throughout Latin America and the world right now, but the revolt in Chile is a particularly sharp rejection of neoliberalism. Chile has been sold as a model economy in the region that allegedly promotes the “free market” while constructing solid institutions. The reality is that Chile’s…
When Warmed Over Georgism Becomes Neoliberalism
I have a personal rule — I think you should never review a book that you strongly disagree with or strongly agree with. If you entirely agree, then a “review” would be nothing more than an echo. But if you strongly disagree there’s also little point to writing a review, the disagreements cannot be isolated…
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
When it comes to economics, market anarchism has done a pretty good job at punching above its weight. While Austrians and Marxists tend to ignore us, when they do respond it’s with strawmen or lazy assertions of dogma that are easily dispatched. In serious debates in these realms, we hold our own, only falling short…
“Libero Scambio”, “Libero Mercato” e Libertari di Destra
La versione esoterica e quella essoterica Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 28 gennaio 2019 con il titolo Right-Libertarian “Free Trade” and “Free Markets”: The Exoteric, and Esoteric Vision. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quinn Slobodian. “Perfect Capitalism, Imperfect Humans: Race, Migration and the Limits of Ludwig von Mises’s Globalism”1 Contemporary European History (2018), 0: 0, 1-13….
Right-Libertarian “Free Trade” and “Free Markets”: The Exoteric, and Esoteric Version
This article does an excellent job of unpacking the statism that is implicit in nominally “laissez-faire” right-libertarian models of free trade and free markets. By way of background, the main current of what is called “libertarianism” in the United States, and “liberalism” elsewhere, treats the Gilded Age as a satisfactory proxy for the “free market.”…
“Pubblico-Privato”: Pubblici Costi, Privati Profitti
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il primo agosto 2017 con il titolo “Public-Private Partnership”: Public Cost, Private Profit. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Anche se il programma infrastrutturale pare accantonato, tanto che neanche viene citato più, finora Trump ne ha parlato in termini di “collaborazione pubblico-privato”. Da qui, come c’era da aspettarsi, la gioia dei soliti…
“Public-Private Partnerships”: Public Cost, Private Profit
Although Trump’s infrastructure agenda seems to be pretty much on the back burner — to the extent that it exists as as anything but a talking point — his public statements on it so far have mostly been about “public-private partnerships.” Hence, as you might expect, all the usual right-libertarian suspects are making happy noises…
All You Centrists Bound to Lose
If you consider yourself a centrist, you’re being played. (I assume I’m addressing ordinary people here who pride themselves on being one of the “adults in the room,” and not members of the establishments of either major party, leading figures in the military-industrial complex, affiliates of mainstream think tanks like Brookings, or talking heads like…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory