Tag: mises
Parole Oltre il Mercato e lo Stato, I
Di Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. 28 agosto 2020. Fonte: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Intervista con Kevin Carson Come si capisce dal titolo, questa è la prima di due parti di un’intervista con Kevin Carson, membro anziano del C4SS con una cattedra Karl Hess in…
Palabras más allá del mercado y del Estado (Parte 1)
Esta entrevista fue realizada por: Diego Avila y Luis Ricardo Vera. Culminación de la entrevista: 28 de agosto de 2020. Original en inglés: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I. Entrevista a Kevin Carson El día de hoy, como pueden apreciar en el título, les traemos la primera de dos partes de una…
Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I
​An Interview With Kevin Carson Today, as you can see from the title, we bring you the first of two parts of an interview with Kevin Carson, a senior fellow at C4SS who holds the Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory. Recently there has been a translation of both his first book into Spanish, Studies…
Coordinación económica descentralizada: Dejemos Cien Flores Florecer
De Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Decentralized Economic Coordination: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom de 15 de junio de 2020. Traducido para el español por Kathiana Thomas. El problema del cálculo, tal como enunciado por Ludwig von Mises y Friedrich Hayek, ha sido central para la mayoría de argumentos libertarios en contra de formas coordinación económica…
L’anarchismo Elude il Calcolo Economico?
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale: Does Anarchism Skirt the Calculation Problem? pubblicato il 13 luglio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Qualcuno si sorprenderà, ma a differenza di molti anarchici del mercato liberato di C4SS, non sono un anarchico di mercato per via della questione del calcolo economico. Credo ovviamente che la questione del calcolo economico…
Coordinamento Economico Decentrato: Sboccino Cento Fiori
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 15 giugno 2020 con il titolo Decentralized Economic Coordination: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La questione del calcolo economico, così come impostata da Ludwig von Mises e Friedrich Hayek, viene usata spesso dai libertari per contrastare forme di coordinamento economico che non si basano sul…
Does Anarchism Skirt the Calculation Problem?
Now it may surprise some, but unlike many fellow freed market anarchists at C4SS, I am not a market anarchist because of the economic calculation problem. While I do think the economic calculation problem rightly points out that top-down command economies cannot adequately produce and distribute goods to meet the needs of society, anarchist economic…
Decentralized Economic Coordination: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom
The calculation problem, as stated by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, has been central to most libertarian arguments against non-market or non-price forms of economic coordination. The Misesian variant, argued in Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth and Socialism, is based on the role of factor input pricing in allocating inputs among competing uses….
Virus: Lezioni di Mises sulla Scarsità
Di Matin Pedram. Originale: Mises Can Teach Us to Solve the Shortages: A Case for Coronavirus, pubblicato il 30 marzo 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Lo stato può impiegare diversi sistemi per controllare il mercato e mantenere l’equilibrio. Il più noto è il controllo dei prezzi(1), accompagnato dalla punizione dei trasgressori ad opera delle forze…
Mises Can Teach Us to Solve the Shortages: A Case for Coronavirus
Governments have various ways to control the markets and attempt to preserve equilibrium. The most familiar one is price-fixing1 and punishing the infringers by reliance on governments’ forces. The rationale behind this is that governments will allocate resources to the best interest of the community and, as they have authority, they can easily mobilize the…
“Calcolo Economico”, “Diritti di Proprietà” e Bugie Varie dei Libertari Pagati dai Fratelli Koch
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 3 agosto 2019 con il titolo “Economic Calculation,” “Strong Property Rights,” and Other Lies Koch-Funded Libertarian Commentators Told Me. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Secondo un cliché diffuso tra i conservatori e i libertari di destra, un “solido diritto di proprietà” è una spinta alla creazione di ricchezza ed è…
“Economic Calculation,” “Strong Property Rights,” and Other Lies Koch-Funded Libertarian Commentators Told Me
A common cliche among conservatives and those on the libertarian Right is that “strong property rights” are an incentive to create wealth and are necessary for progress. Closely related is Ludwig von Mises’ critique of the Oskar Lange model of market socialism, namely that it would result in irrationality because factor input pricing by non-market…
Review: The People’s Republic of Walmart
Let me begin by saying that I’m glad this book exists. Phillips and Rozworski are upfront about their book not containing any radical new insights into questions of economic planning, but instead they compile arguments made by others in a highly readable format, something that those on the left who argue for economic planning have…
“Libero Scambio”, “Libero Mercato” e Libertari di Destra
La versione esoterica e quella essoterica Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 28 gennaio 2019 con il titolo Right-Libertarian “Free Trade” and “Free Markets”: The Exoteric, and Esoteric Vision. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quinn Slobodian. “Perfect Capitalism, Imperfect Humans: Race, Migration and the Limits of Ludwig von Mises’s Globalism”1 Contemporary European History (2018), 0: 0, 1-13….
Right-Libertarian “Free Trade” and “Free Markets”: The Exoteric, and Esoteric Version
This article does an excellent job of unpacking the statism that is implicit in nominally “laissez-faire” right-libertarian models of free trade and free markets. By way of background, the main current of what is called “libertarianism” in the United States, and “liberalism” elsewhere, treats the Gilded Age as a satisfactory proxy for the “free market.”…
The Social Constitution of the Gold Standard
The gold standard regime in its international character existed from the late 19th century through to the First World War. As a system, the gold standard is generally conceived as a monetary system represented, directly or indirectly, by gold. While having elaborate systems of coinage and paper money surrounding it, the main element was that…
Ron Paul: Thick or Thin? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Cory Massimino‘s “Ron Paul: Thick or Thin?” read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. And what is underlying this respect for human rights? Paul rightfully says it’s tolerance, “…liberty is liberty and it’s your life and you have a right to use it as you see fit.” In other words, the…
Ron Paul: Thick or Thin?
At the Liberty Political Action Conference in Alexandria, Virginia, Ron Paul had a few words about libertarianism, the non-aggression principle and tolerance. He pointed out the two basic principles of liberty are non-aggression and tolerance, “we have to become quite tolerant of the way people use their liberty.” Much to the lament of self-identified “thin…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory