Tag: racism
The right-wing talking point that Black poverty is the result, not of historic injustice, but of “Black culture” — and particularly the effect of Great Society welfare programs on Black culture — dates almost as far back as the Great Society itself. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, among other things a major early figure of neoconservatism, in…
Oleh: Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough.” DIterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Kita harus menentang segala bentuk nasionalisme Dalam situasi politik kita saat ini yang dipenuhi kebohongan, segala macam kritik terhadap Zionisme akan segera dilabeli sebagai anti semitisme oleh media sayap kanan maupun liberal moderat. Misalnya yang terjadi pada Ilhan…
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough, del 4 dicembre 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Contro il nazionalismo in tutte le sue forme. In questo clima politico cinico e disonesto, ogni critica del sionismo viene tacciata di antisemitismo dai media moderati e di destra. La deputata statunitense Ilhan Omar, che più volte ha chiesto scusa…
We Must Oppose Nationalism in All Forms. In today’s cynical and dishonest political climate every critique of Zionism is smeared as antisemitic by the right wing and moderate liberal media. For instance, no matter how many times US representative Ilhan Omar apologizes or clarifies the intentions of her statements against Israeli war crimes, she is time…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 9 novembre 2023 con il titolo Zionism and the Nation-State. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. I palestinesi non sono le uniche vittime In un articolo dal titolo “Memory Voids and Role Reversals,” la politologa Dana El Kurd, parla del suo choc all’apprendere dell’eccidio compiuto da Hamas il 7 ottobre,…
Palestinians Are Not the Only Victims In “Memory Voids and Role Reversals,” Palestinian political science professor Dana El Kurd writes of her jarring experience, hearing of the October 7th massacres by Hamas while visiting the Holocaust Tower at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. She notes the historic irony of Holocaust survivors seeking security from future…
Oleh: Cory Massimino. Teks aslinya berjudul “Libertarianism is More than Anti-Statism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Ada perpecahan besar diantara para libertarian mengenai hubungan antara komitmen kuat kami pada anti-negaraisme dan prinsip-prinsip lainnya yang mungkin kita pegang terkait isu-isu sosial dan budaya. Pembedaan ini merupakan dikotomi yang salah. Sederhananya, kaum libertarian menganut…
Par Dawie Coetzee. Article original: The Long Shadow of Colonialist Ideology, 16 octobre 2022. Traduction française par Éléazar Duhot. Dans le discours politique sud-africain actuel, il est tragique de constater à quelle fréquence des éléments de l’idéologie colonialiste resurgissent dans les arguments des personnes qui s’efforcent le plus de montrer qu’ on ne peut pas…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Locusts and Wild Honey tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. 15 Ocak 2023 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmış. “Cancellandım, olamaz!” diye yakınıyor milyonerin teki, “şaka” adını verdiği ırkçı hakaretler içeren bir tweet attıktan sonraki altıncı (podcast bölümlerini de sayarsanız onuncu) TV röportajında. “İfade özgürlüğüne ne olacak bu gidişle!” diye bağırıyorlar sadece kendileri için tasarlanmış kamera(lar) ve…
Di Locusts and Wild Honey. Originale: There’s no Such Thing as Cancel Culture, pubblicato il 15 gennaio 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Alla sua sesta intervista in televisione (la decima contando i podcast), il milionario si lamenta: “Sono stato ostracizzato!” E questo per aver pubblicato su Twitter un insulto razzista “per scherzo”. “E la libertà…
“I’ve been canceled!” laments the millionaire in their sixth TV interview (tenth if you count podcast episodes) since tweeting a racial slur as “a joke.” “What about free speech!” they yell freely in front of the camera(s) and microphone(s) meant just for them. I mean really: how “canceled” can someone be if they still have…
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original publicado el 17 de noviembre de 2022 con el título A Critical Consideration of my Critical Consideration. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Se me ha explicado que todo escritor, ya sea de novelas de alto nivel o de discursos en Internet, siempre tiene una o dos cosas que ha…
It’s been explained to me that every writer—whether of highbrow novels or online internet discourse—always has one or two things they’ve written that they dislike and which haunts them. For me that piece is “A Critical Consideration of Hensley’s Appalachian Anarchism,” which is a response to Dakota Hensley’s article “Appalachian Anarchism: What the Voting Record…
Di Dawie Coetzee. Originale pubblicato il 13 ottobre 2022 con il titolo The Long Shadow of Colonialist Ideology. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. È sconfortante notare quanto spesso, nell’attuale dibattito pubblico in Sudafrica, elementi dell’ideologia coloniale spuntano proprio in chi grida che non si può combattere il padrone con le sue stesse armi. Sconfortante perché…
In the present South African political discourse, it is tragic how often elements of colonialist ideology crop up in the arguments of the very people who are most wont to insist that one cannot demolish the master’s house with the master’s tools — tragic because I want them to be right! The metaphor is nonsensical…
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 4). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/10/31/levaki-i-pushki-chast-chetvertaya/ Защитники права на владение оружием среди слабозащищенных групп населения должны говорить об одной из наибольших угроз, с которыми эти группы сталкиваются: преступления на почве ненависти. Часто в СМИ путают фанатизм и душевные расстройства, при том, что фанатизм…
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 1). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/08/31/levaki-i-pushki-chast-pervaya/ Огнестрельное оружие для гражданского использования — болезненная для левых тема. В их стане можно услышать массу позиций как за, так и против, но все сойдутся в одной мысли: люди нуждаются в пространстве, безопасном для жизни. Копья ломаются…
Recently, the Republican Party of Texas released a brand new platform stating that “Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto” and calls “for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Darian Worden tarafından kaleme alınmış ’ye çevrilmiştir. 18 Nisan 2020 tarihinde “Authority Will Not Save Us, Solidarity Can” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Covid-19, hangi lider başta olursa olsun, mevcutta hangi siyasi iktidar olursa olsun zaten ölümcül ve yıkıcı olacaktı. Yine de ölüm ve yıkımın ne kadar şiddetli olduğu tabii ki hem sıradan…
De Kali Akuno. Título original: From Rebellion to Revolution, 1 de julio de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Publicado originalmente en Viewpoint Magazine, el 11 de junio de 2020. La rebelión de Floyd está cambiando el mundo ante nuestros ojos. Queda por ver qué tipo de cambio y hasta qué punto cambiará el…