Spanish, Stateless Embassies
La primera Intifada y el anarquismo

De abc. Artículo original publicado el 23 de noviembre de 2022 con título The First Intifada and Anarchism. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa.

La Primera Intifada (que significa sacudida/sublevación en árabe) fue el primer levantamiento palestino contra la ocupación israelí del territorio palestino, que duró desde diciembre de 1987 hasta la firma de los Acuerdos de Oslo de 1993. La “intifada”, que pasó a la historia como el nombre de la resistencia palestina contra la ocupación israelí, se conoce con este nombre en todo el mundo. En diciembre de 1987, una camioneta israelí chocó contra un vehículo que transportaba palestinos en la región de Gaza, matando a cuatro personas. A partir de entonces, los estudiantes de la Universidad Islámica de Gaza iniciaron el levantamiento que se conocería como Intifada convocando a todos los palestinos a reunirse en torno al hospital para atender a las personas que habían perdido la vida o estaban heridas.

La organización de la Primera Intifada se basó en el desarrollo de comités de base descentralizados en cárceles, escuelas, barrios e industrias, lo que desprende vibraciones anarcosindicalistas. Tanto si la reivindicación era un Estado palestino independiente como cualquier otra cosa, se trataba esencialmente de un levantamiento de masas contra la autoridad. Hubo muchas acciones que habrían sido apreciadas por quienes podrían llamarse anarquistas: la huelga general, el boicot a las instituciones israelíes en Gaza y Cisjordania, la desobediencia civil a las órdenes del Estado y el ejército, no pagar impuestos, crear escuelas clandestinas, establecer redes de ayuda mutua, negarse a llevar permisos israelíes mientras se conducen vehículos palestinos, la prevalencia de las pintadas, levantar barricadas y lanzar piedras y cócteles molotov contra edificios militares israelíes dentro de las fronteras palestinas.

La Primera Intifada terminó con el establecimiento de una Autoridad Palestina encargada de un autogobierno limitado de partes de Cisjordania y la Franja de Gaza tras los Acuerdos de Oslo; algunos pueden considerar esto como antianarquista; de hecho, este tipo de tratados entre Estados ilegítimos, el establecimiento de una nueva jerarquía o administración, etc. no parecen auspiciosos a primera vista. Estas formas de acción y resistencia, que muchos anarquistas -incluso cualquier anarquista consecuente- aprobarán, ayudaron a sacar un nuevo gobierno de un estado que es ilegítimo y utiliza una violencia ilimitada bajo el pretexto de la soberanía nacional. Es la magnitud de la concesión, que indica lo amenazado que se sentía el Estado, lo que considero un logro concreto para un anarquista moderno.

Como podemos ver en este ejemplo, el anarquismo puede ser visto como una forma de vida, una forma de ver la relación entre el individuo y el Estado, un método contra ese Estado y las jerarquías injustas existentes que no pueden legitimarse a sí mismas. La historia del anarquismo es, ante todo, la historia de la lucha contra el poder y de la convivencia solidaria. Esta es precisamente la fuente de la singularidad de los sistemas anarquistas que florecieron simultáneamente en diferentes geografías. Los esfuerzos organizados de diferentes individuos también contendrán las características de esa localidad. Aquellos que hoy hablan de anarquismo se darán cuenta de que la historia del anarquismo experimentada en diferentes geografías es la historia de aquellos que organizaron el anarquismo en esas geografías. La única condición para que una idea o un movimiento sobrevivan es que haya personas que mantengan vivo ese pensamiento y mantengan ese movimiento. Cuando se habla de anarquismo en diferentes geografías, lo que se compone de las mentes de las personas que viven en esa geografía en particular, incluso el uso de la palabra, el surgimiento de los que se consideran “anarquistas” se puede explicar por la característica del anarquismo como un movimiento antes de que sea el producto de un esfuerzo intelectual. El anarquismo no sale a la calle con un montón de libros académicos en la mano.

Además, es ridículo afirmar que los Acuerdos de Oslo suprimieron algo y que los alborotadores que alabé se plegaron a ellos. La perspectiva de la Intifada no ha sido derrotada, suprimida o destruida a lo largo de los años. El espíritu de la Intifada sigue vivo, como lo estuvo en las interminables revueltas durante décadas. En Palestina, en los campos de refugiados, en el exilio o en la diáspora, en las luchas por la justicia. La Intifada se ha caracterizado por un compromiso de acción contra la jerarquía injusta, un internacionalismo profundamente arraigado y un énfasis en la organización de base. Nació de la frustración ante la ocupación israelí y la negación de los derechos de los palestinos, y ha reunido a personas para resistir la injusticia en todo el mundo. En la actualidad, mantiene su impulso como movimiento de base en Palestina, Israel y más allá. La lucha por la libertad de Palestina continúa: habrá más protestas, más detenciones, pero también formas más creativas de resistir y construir alternativas. La resistencia continuará hasta que los palestinos se liberen de la ocupación israelí, del racismo y de la ilusión de que un bando puede vencer al otro. El espíritu de la Intifada sigue siendo la esperanza y la visión revolucionarias de un futuro libre.

Si te ha gustado este articulo y quieres apoyar a esta comunidad, puede donar a través de este link:

Italian, Stateless Embassies
Non Esiste una Cultura dell’ostracismo

Di Locusts and Wild Honey. Originale: There’s no Such Thing as Cancel Culture, pubblicato il 15 gennaio 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna.

Alla sua sesta intervista in televisione (la decima contando i podcast), il milionario si lamenta: “Sono stato ostracizzato!” E questo per aver pubblicato su Twitter un insulto razzista “per scherzo”. “E la libertà di parola, allora?” strilla davanti a telecamera(e) e microfono(i) tutti per lui.

Io mi chiedo: come può essere “ostracizzato” uno che ha ancora accesso facile sia alla piazza fisica che a quella digitale? Come può essere “ostracizzata” una persona che viene addirittura pagata per sputare stronzate dall’alto? Voglio dire, J.K. Rowling resta pur sempre una scrittrice milionaria di successo, e Dave Chapelle un comico milionario famoso in tutto il mondo. E ci sarebbero tanti altri esempi.

“Una generazione con la puzza sotto al naso! Basta un nulla e ti ostracizzano!”

Davvero questa generazione si offende per un nulla, o sono gli emarginati ad avere più voce in pubblico? Questi ultimi decenni sono gli unici, nel corso della storia, in cui quasi tutti possono esprimere pubblicamente le loro idee. Mangiati il fegato, Gutenberg! Non che nell’Ottocento gli insulti razzisti non dessero fastidio. È che la società, legalmente, politicamente e culturalmente dominata dai bianchi, poteva semplicemente ignorare le proteste.

Già nel 1852 Frederick Douglas voleva “boicottare” la festa del quattro luglio perché razzista e ipocrita! Chissà quante persone avrebbero potuto esprimere la loro approvazione ma non avevano un luogo, non avevano carta e penna, oppure avevano le possibilità materiali ma gli mancava l’istruzione.

Certo, oggi capita che si esageri un po’ con questi nuovi poteri. Meglio non vantarsi in pubblico di certe storie di bullismo. Meglio non pubblicare la roba vagamente sessista detta dal nonno al cenone di Natale[1]. Ma questa è tutt’altra cosa rispetto all’uso prettamente politico dell’espressione “cultura dell’ostracismo”, riferita a situazioni che coinvolgono personaggi pubblici o più semplicemente persone che fanno in pubblico cose che riguardano il pubblico.

Certo, quando è il caso, si può passare dalla denuncia al dialogo. Sarebbe una ragionevolissima sovracompensazione in risposta all’incredibile ampliamento della libertà di espressione operata da internet. E qual è quel social o altro spazio pubblico di internet che non comporta conseguenze? Come l’aumento del 500% delle offese razzistiche. Grazie a Elon Musk.

“Ma state dicendo che la cultura dell’ostracismo non esiste o che fa parte del progresso?”

Io dico che l’idea in sé non significa nulla.

Molti paragonano la cultura dell’ostracismo a 1984 di Orwell (solitamente senza averlo letto). Ma proviamo a immaginare cosa avrebbe detto Orwell di questo “fenomeno” (una parola che odiava) moderno:

Francamente, credo che Orwell esageri nell’identificare l’espressione “parole senza senso” con tutto ciò che va oltre il senso più basilare (ma forse questo è l’atteggiamento difensivo di uno che usa massicciamente il gergo marxista), ma ha certamente ragione quando dice che molte parole che si usano oggi “non hanno alcun significato, nel senso che non solo non indicano un oggetto sensibile, ma il lettore non si aspetta neanche che lo indichino.”

E tra queste espressioni troviamo “cultura dell’ostracismo”, perché non denota qualcosa di reale ma semplicemente parte dal fatto che un insieme di persone vengono accusate di essere razziste, sessiste, omofobiche, transfobiche e così via[2] per dire che esiste un grande complotto che cerca di mettere il bavaglio a chi esce dai ranghi (del “marxismo culturale”). Ma non è un complotto, cari miei. È il vecchio “mercato delle idee” a caratteri cubitali e le vostre idee, i vostri scherzi, il vostro bigottume non solo sono esposti a critiche ma comportano anche conseguenze. È stato e sarà sempre così.

Dunque, a meno che non sia stato dichiarato il contrario a mia insaputa, la “cultura dell’ostracismo” resta il Patrick Bateman degli spauracchi politici: c’è l’idea ma non una vera cultura dell’ostracismo. Che semplicemente… non… esiste.


1. Se non è pericoloso, basta parlargli.

2. Sicuramente qualcuno a destra dirà che si tratta di “parole senza senso”, anche se studi estesi sul soggetto evidenziano schemi di oppressione e violenza legali, politici e culturali molto reali.

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Stateless Embassies, Turkish
Hapishanelerin Lağvedilmesi Uygulanabilir Bir Yöntemdir

Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Nathan Goodman tarafından kaleme alınmış, 26 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe ‘ye çevrilmiştir.

Kaliforniya’da mahkumlar korkunç insan hakları ihlallerine karşı mücadele ediyor. Bu yazının yazıldığı zamanlar üçüncü haftasına giren açlık grevine yaklaşık 1,000 mahkum katılmaya devam ediyordu. Grev başladığında 30,000 mahkum yemek yemeyi reddetmişti. Mahkumlar, BM, John McCain ve Uluslararası Af Örgütü gibi çeşitli kaynaklar tarafından bir işkence biçimi olarak kabul edilen uzun süreli hücre hapsi cezasına karşı grev yapıyorlar. Kaliforniya’da bu ceza genellikle çete üyesi olduklarından şüphelenilen mahkumları cezalandırmak için kullanılıyor. Bu tür şüpheler ırksal önyargılarla yüklüdür. Shane Bauer’in açıkladığı gibi,

“Kara Panterler’in akademik kitaplarına ya da Afro-Amerikan tarihi ile ilgili dergi yazılarına sahip oldukları için SHU’ya konulan ve çete üyesi olarak kabul edilen insanlar gördüm. Çete müfettişlerine yönelik materyallerde bile İspanyolca’da ‘tío’ ya da ‘hermano’, ‘amca’ ya da ‘kardeş’ kelimelerinin kullanılmasının çete faaliyetlerine işaret edebileceği öğretiliyor.”

Kaliforniya hapishaneleri mahkumlara siyahların kurtuluşu hakkında okudukları ya da İspanyolca konuştukları için işkence ediyor.

Kaliforniya’daki mahkumların mücadele ettiği ırkçılık bununla da bitmiyor. ProPublica‘dan Christie Thompson’ın deyimiyle “bir mahkumun ihlali nedeniyle tüm bir mahkum ırkını kısıtlayan ırk temelli tecritler” de dahil olmak üzere grup cezalarına da son verilmesini talep ediyorlar. Bu tür toplu cezalandırmalar bireysel haklara inanan herkesi tiksindirmelidir. Özgürlüğe, eşitliğe ya da insan onuruna değer veren herkes Kaliforniya’daki grevci mahkumları desteklemelidir. Ancak bununla da yetinmemeliyiz.

Mahkumlar, cezaevi sisteminin en kötü suistimallerinden bazılarına son verilmesini istiyor. Cezaevi sisteminin kendisinin sona erdirilmesini talep etmeliyiz. Hapishane sistemi köleliğin devamıdır. 13. Anayasa Değişikliği köleliği “bir suçun cezası olması dışında” yasaklamaktadır. Dolayısıyla 13. Değişiklik köleliği ortadan kaldırmak yerine sadece şeklini değiştirmiştir. İç Savaş’tan sonra Güney eyaletleri siyahları suçlu ilan etmek için Kara Kodları kullandı. Bu durum, kölelikten daha kötü olduğu tartışmasız olan zorla çalıştırmaya yol açtı. Angela Davis’in açıkladığı gibi:

Köle sahipleri, ne de olsa önemli yatırımları temsil eden bireysel kölelerin hayatta kalmasından endişe duymuş olabilirler. Öte yandan, hükümlüler birey olarak değil, grup olarak kiralanıyordu ve bir hükümlü mürettebatının karlılığını etkilemeden kelimenin tam anlamıyla ölene kadar çalıştırılabiliyorlardı.

Köleliğin bu uzantısı bugün de devam etmektedir.

Daha çok “Angola” olarak bilinen Louisiana Eyalet Cezaevi bir köle plantasyonundan hapishaneye dönüştürülmüştür ve halen zorunlu tarım işçiliği için kullanılmaktadır. Sweatshop koşulları ülkenin dört bir yanındaki cezaevlerinde mevcuttur. Walmart, AT&T ve Starbucks gibi şirketlerin hepsi bu köle emeğinden kâr etmektedir. BAE, Lockheed Martin ve Boeing gibi savaş vurguncuları da öyle. Köleliğin ırkçılığı devam ediyor; mahkumların %60’ı beyaz olmayan insanlardan oluşuyor. Kölelik karşıtı hareketin yarım kalmış bir işi var ve bu ancak hapishanelerin kaldırılmasıyla çözülebilir.

Hapishanelerin kaldırılması genellikle ütopik olarak görülür, ancak ben bunun aktivistlerin uğruna çalışabileceği en pratik amaçlardan biri olduğuna inanıyorum. Cezaevlerine direnmek ve nihayetinde kaldırmak için üç temel taktiği destekliyorum:

1. Mahkumları destekleyin. Açlık grevcileri gibi direnen mahkumlarla dayanışma içinde olun. Mahkumlara mektup yazın. Kantinleri için para toplayın ya da onlara kitap gönderin. Bu tür eylemler tek başına hapishaneleri ortadan kaldırmayacak olsa da, mahpusların hapsedilmeden hayatta kalmalarına yardımcı olur ve hapishane duvarlarının her tarafında bir direniş hareketi inşa etmeye yardımcı olabilir.

2. Büyüyen hapishane endüstrisine karşı direnin. Yeni cezaevleri, hapishaneler ve gözaltı merkezlerinin inşasına karşı örgütlenin. Wells Fargo gibi hapishanelerden kâr eden bankaları elden çıkarın ve başkalarını da aynısını yapmaya teşvik edin. Jane Marquardt gibi hapishane vurguncularını ifşa edin ve siyasi etkilerini zayıflatın. Daha az insanın cezaevine gönderilmesi için polisleri filme alın, yasal savunmaları finanse edin ve jüri kararlarının iptalini teşvik edin.

3. Hapishanelere alternatifler oluşturun. Örneğin, New York’taki beyaz olmayan LGBT bireyler, polisi aramadan şiddeti durdurmak için yerel işletmeleri ve topluluk gruplarını eğiten Güvenli Mahalle Kampanyası‘nı yürütmektedir. Kadınlar, tecavüzcülerin %97‘sinin asla hapse gönderilmediği bir Amerika’da kendilerini toplumsal cinsiyet şiddetinden korumak için birçok taban projesi düzenlemektedir.

Polis ve cezaevlerine alternatifler oluşturmak toplumları daha güvenli hale getirebilir ve devletin güvenlik ve adalet üzerindeki tekeline son verebilir. Hapishanelerin kaldırılması ahlaki bir zorunluluktur. Ancak bunun da ötesinde, pratik bir plandır.

Spanish, Stateless Embassies
Los muchos

Por Kevin Stevralia. Título original: The many, publicado el 8 de mayo 2019. Traducido al español por Camila Avila.

Lo que sigue forma parte del artículo de May Poetry Feature de 2019 en el C4SS.

A veces hay que arreglar las cosas;
Los engranajes están estropeados,
Basados en un diseño anticuado,
Dinero tirado para mantenerlos girando.

Los defectos se pierden en la retórica, y –
Distraídos por el conflicto chovinista –
No nos damos cuenta de que se sigue rompiendo,
Los engranajes se oxidan como los huesos se convierten en polvo.

A veces las cosas necesitan arreglo
Y a veces las cosas simplemente se joden.
A veces traes a alguien para reparar
Y a veces desechas las piezas por repuestos.

Pero las máquinas viejas no se rompen fácilmente,
Y la apatía corta en ambos sentidos,
Así que sigue enfadado, ¡fam!
Un engranaje no puede cambiar mucho…

Pero muchos, muchos pueden.

Si te ha gustado este articulo y quieres apoyar a esta comunidad, puede donar a través de este link:

Indonesian, Stateless Embassies
Akhiri Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan: Dekriminalisasi Kerja Seks

Oleh: James C. Wilson. Teks aslinya berjudul “End Violence Against Women: Decriminalize Sex Work” diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo.

Minggu lalu adalah Hari Perempuan Internasional, hari yang didedikasikan untuk menghormati dan merayakan pencapaian ekonomi, budaya, sains, dan politik perempuan serta merayakan perempuan dalam kehidupan kita. Ini juga merupakan hari untuk memberi penekanan ekstra pada isu – isu yang terutama menyangkut perempuan. Dua masalah tersebut adalah masalah terkait kerja seks paksa dan perdagangan manusia. Meskipun ini bukan satu – satunya kejahatan yang mengorbankan wanita, mereka adalah yang paling buruk.

kekerasan terhadap pekerja seks menerima tingkat perhatian yang tinggi bulan lalu, setelah Superbowl. Artikel yang mengganggu menuduh bahwa sejumlah besar wanita diselundupkan secara paksa ke New Jersey Utara untuk menjual layanan seksual kepada para turis pria penggemar olahraga. Laporan perdagangan manusia skala besar di sekitar acara olahraga besar telah menjadi umum selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Sementara klaim umum bahwa ribuan wanita diselundupkan ke kota – kota tuan rumah acara olahraga tidak memiliki bukti pendukung, kerja seks paksa masih sangat umum di AS dan di seluruh dunia. Wanita muda masih ditipu, diculik dan dipaksa untuk menjual layanan seksual untuk mucikari kejam, pedagang serakah dan polisi. Para korban ini tidak dapat mempercayai polisi atau otoritas lain karena mereka sendiri terlibat dalam kegiatan ilegal. Akibatnya mereka tidak punya tempat untuk bersandar dan beberapa cara untuk melarikan diri.

Perempuan dalam perdagangan seks ilegal memiliki tingkat pembunuhan yang tinggi dan tingkat kekerasan psikologis dan fisik yang intens. Ini adalah hasil tragis dari kebijakan pelarangan yang memperlakukan pekerja seks sebagai penjahat. Kriminalisasi memunculkan aspek kekerasan dari perdagangan apa pun. Sama seperti larangan yang menjadikan penjualan alkohol sebagai domain penjahat terorganisir yang kejam, pelarangan menjadikan prostitusi sebagai domain mafia berbahaya dan korbannya.

Di mana ada permintaan untuk layanan seksual (seperti halnya di sekitar acara olahraga besar dan pangkalan militer dalam hal ini), pemasok akan melakukan apa yang mereka bisa untuk memenuhi permintaan itu. Tragisnya mucikari dan pedagang menggunakan kekerasan untuk melakukan hal ini. Karena korban mereka tidak memiliki status hukum, mereka semua sering lolos begitu saja. Untuk mengakhiri mimpi buruk ini kita perlu mendekriminalisasi pekerjaan seks. Dekriminalisasi berarti negara tidak melakukan campur tangan dalam transaksi sukarela yang melibatkan pekerjaan seks. Orang harus bebas membuat keputusan sendiri tentang masalah seksual tanpa keterlibatan pemerintah. Mereka yang terlibat dalam perdagangan yang dikriminalisasi, seperti pekerjaan seks, perdagangan narkoba atau imigrasi tidak berdokumen sangat rentan terhadap penyalahgunaan dan pembunuhan. Meskipun tidak dapat disangkal ada pelanggaran dalam ekonomi yang “sah”, yang terburuk dari ini tidak ada artinya jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang secara rutin terjadi pada mereka yang berada dalam pekerjaan terlarang. Dalam banyak hal, ini adalah masalah hak-hak buruh, karena mereka yang berada dalam perdagangan terlarang, sering tunduk pada keinginan orang lain dan tidak memiliki sarana untuk menegosiasikan upah yang lebih tinggi, kondisi kerja yang lebih baik, atau bahkan kebebasan untuk berhenti dari pekerjaan.

Pekerja seks dengan mudah masuk ke pasar ilegal, itulah sebabnya mengapa begitu menyebar, meskipun dilarang di sebagian besar dunia. Pelanggannya menyajikan permintaan yang konsisten dan dapat diprediksi, dan bersedia membayar harga tinggi untuk pekerjaan yang tidak memerlukan pelatihan ekstensif atau investasi modal. Dalam masyarakat bebas, pekerja seks konsensual akan menjadi pilihan bagi orang – orang, terutama bagi siapa saja yang merasa lebih menguntungkan daripada bentuk pekerjaan lainnya. Kebutuhan yang dilayani oleh pekerja seks adalah kebutuhan yang nyata. Orang harus memiliki pilihan untuk memenuhinya dengan cara yang aman, legal dan konsensual. Telah terbukti bahwa dekriminalisasi tidak hanya dapat mengurangi kekerasan terhadap perempuan, tetapi juga mengurangi penularan PMS. Tidak ada alasan mengapa perempuan atau laki-laki dilarang mencari uang dengan membawa kesenangan bagi orang lain, jika semua pihak yang terlibat sepakat.

Sementara beberapa orang mungkin membantah bahwa pekerjaan seks merendahkan martabat mereka yang terlibat di dalamnya, ini hanya diperparah oleh kebijakan larangan yang mengelilinginya. Jika pekerja seks memiliki perlindungan penuh yang diberikan sama seperti yang dimiliki lini pekerjaan lain, stigma kemungkinan akan berkurang. Selanjutnya kita tidak boleh secara paksa menghapus pilihan dari orang – orang hanya karena mereka berbenturan dengan gagasan subjektif kelas menengah atas tentang apa yang merendahkan martabat seseorang. Kita harus mengutuk paksaan dan praktik yang memangsa orang – orang dalam situasi putus asa, tetapi kita tidak boleh menutup pilihan bagi mereka. Jika ada, kita harus memperbaiki situasi putus asa itu dan memberi orang lebih banyak pilihan.

Pekerja seks di pasar yang dibebaskan berpotensi jauh lebih mendingan daripada kebanyakan pekerjaan yang biasa kita lakukan saat ini. Banyak dari kita menganggap mengenakan seragam pekerja makanan cepat saji atau mengungkapkan antusiasme palsu dari telemarketer sebagai tidak manusiawi dan merendahkan martabat, namun tidak seorang pun di kelas menengah ke atas yang menyarankan agar kita melarang opsi pekerjaan ini. Di pasar yang dibebaskan, mereka yang terlibat dalam perdagangan seks dapat bekerja secara independen dengan perlindungan penuh dari sistem hukum. Mereka bisa memulai bisnis mereka sendiri, dan membebaskan diri dari tidak hanya germo dan pedagang, tetapi juga bos. Selain itu, para pekerja yang memiliki bos akan memiliki kebebasan yang lebih besar untuk berorganisasi guna memperjuangkan upah dan kondisi kerja yang lebih baik. ndustrial Workers of the World saat ini memiliki serikat industri pekerja seks dan International Union Of Sex Workers Britani Raya adalah pendukung vokal dekriminalisasi. Di dunia yang bebas dari larangan sewenang-wenang, favoritisme pemerintah terhadap bidang pekerjaan tertentu, dan hambatan masuk yang tak terhitung jumlahnya yang ada saat ini, lebih banyak pilihan akan tersedia untuk semua orang. Dunia seperti itu mungkin melihat penurunan pekerjaan seks, atau mungkin melihatnya menjadi pekerjaan yang lebih menarik daripada saat ini. Yang penting adalah bahwa semua orang dilindungi dari paksaan dan bebas untuk membuat kesepakatan sukarela atas apapun yang mereka pilih.

Ketika transaksi sepenuhnya sukarela, kedua belah pihak dapat pergi setelah mendapat manfaat. Kekerasan dapat diminimalkan ketika orang diizinkan untuk beroperasi secara terbuka dengan akses penuh ke ganti rugi. Korban terjadi ketika pihak ketiga memaksa orang lain ke dalam transaksi ini. Kriminalisasi terhadap pekerja seks tidak menghilangkan jenis viktimisasi ini, tetapi membuatnya lebih buruk. Perdagangan seks saat ini mengorbankan perempuan dan laki – laki karena kebutuhannya akan kerahasiaan dan ancaman serangan terus – menerus dari negara. Larangan, dalam segala bentuk, menghasilkan dunia kriminal yang kejamk di mana orang dilecehkan, dibunuh dan diperlakukan sebagai barang sekali pakai. Mari kita akhiri pelanggaran yang terkait dengan pekerjaan seks dengan membebaskan pekerja seks dari serangan oleh negara dan mendukung perlindungan kebebasan yang kuat untuk semua orang.

Feature Articles
Affinity Fraud and Exploitable Empathy (with zine)

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Cover art by Alex.
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Affinity Fraud and Exploitable Empathy

Ağaca balta vurmuşlar “sapı bedenimden” demiş.
They hit the tree with an axe, and the tree said “the handle is of my body.”
– Turkish proverb



This zine explores how identity can provide camouflage that allows for intentional or incidental disruption of radical circles and organizing, and how the security culture we’ve developed to mitigate many threats can clash with the anti-racist, anti-sexist, and otherwise progressive norms within our movements. What this zine is not is a full review of the glaringly obvious ways that our organizing can be disrupted by direct defamation from State and State-adjacent actors or through the abuses committed by members of our radical communities with dominant identities who wield (white patriarchal) power. Those threats exist, but they are also the ones most frequently addressed.

“The Left”

The political movement known as “The Left” takes its name from the French Revolution where those who wanted a more democratic system sat to the left of the chair of the presiding member of parliament. The name is a historic artifact rather than a well-defined identity. At present, The Left is not a unified group, nor is “leftism” a coherent ideology. It’s the coalition of the political underdogs and the marginalized who generally push toward a more egalitarian and progressive society. Despite there being no such thing as The Left, the phrase itself can be useful for discussing trends that exist across a variety of more concretely defined and internally consistent ideologies like anarchism, communism, and democratic socialism.

Support for the underdogs, the downtrodden, and the marginalized is the defining feature of The Left.1 It might manifest as simply a social welfare State that doesn’t even make a pretense of abolishing imperialism or billionaires, or it may be decentralized groups trying to eradicate all power held over others to create a society without rulers and coercion. Whatever the flavor of leftism, there is usually some degree of acknowledgement of existing marginalizations and some degree of deference to the marginalized as having voices that are not just valuable on their own, but that are in need of being uplifted to be heard over the drone of the status quo.

As one trends more radical, the drive to help the most oppressed increases. It becomes less a kindness that one should dole out when they have the time or means or disposition. The burning desire to help others becomes more and more a core ethical consideration, and from this we draw our strength. Actual care for one another, mutual aid, and a diversity of ideas give us an edge over the lurching machine of the dominant society.

Characterizing The Left like this is important in the context of this zine because of the hazy boundaries between groups and ideologies and the way in which theory, praxis, and norms can pass easily between the different categories of ideologies on The Left. Principled and radical groups may still find themselves influenced by performative radlib ideas, and practices that are normalized within one crew may be attacked endlessly from wholly incompatible outsiders for “doing it wrong” because “you’re a leftist just like us.”

Classic Affinity Fraud

Fraud, or rather deception for personal gain, is as old as human history. It’s in our legends with trickster gods and our fables with warnings about taking advantage of others in our communities. Today, we might rightly identify institutional actors who have swindled our communities and taken funds for public works to pay for penthouses. We can point out the grift that’s endemic among conservatives as they race to reach a critical mass of influence or clout that gives them a free ride into micro stardom and minor wealth. However, there is no social group that is devoid of fraudsters, even The Left itself and its various components.

Affinity fraud is a type of deception that targets members of a particular group where the fraudster pretends to be or genuinely is a member of that group and then leverages that affinity to exploit others’ trust. In particular, affinity fraud tends to target people based on their religion, their status as elderly, or their race and pull them into fraudulent investment schemes. The initial distrust people carry for strangers—especially when it comes to matters of money—is overcome by the shared characteristics between the fraudster and the target. If the shared identities or community itself isn’t enough, the fraudster might befriend and trick an authority figure within the community then use their standing to establish the initial trust with others that’s required for the scam.

Beyond the initial established trust, a tight-knit community might be unwilling to seek legal or external help to deal with the fraudster and, outside of radical circles, this can mean little to no recourse against the fraudster. This may be done to protect the reputation of individuals within the group or that of the group itself, and this silence and opaqueness can allow the fraudster to continue conning others. The phrase “but they’re one of us!” can be used by co-conspirators or credulous victims to dissuade retribution or even acknowledgement of the harms that were committed.

Threats and Security Culture

The Left is under perpetual threat of disruption from State and non-State actors. Under so-called “liberal democracy,” this is principally carried out by State domestic intelligence agencies and local law enforcement. They surveil, entrap, prosecute, levy fines against, and imprison those who would oppose their hegemony. Other methods include what might be aptly called sabotage where interpersonal conflicts are fanned, time is wasted, or rumors are spread. In many cases, law enforcement might be the spark, but we are both the tinder and the flame that torches our scene.

Non-State actors—such as far-right gangs, online trolls, or conservative neighbors—might use similar means of disruption. Open source intelligence (OSINT), or rather the use of data like social media or public records, can reveal tremendous amounts of actionable information, and this can lead to doxxing, property destruction, or bodily harm. A chief goal of these efforts is financial harm via the loss of work from doxxing or having to pay to repair or replace a damaged home or other possessions. In particular, online trolls can very easily disrupt online spaces thanks to loose connections and the ease of cycling through invented aliases and accounts.

Financial disruption is a particular kind of harmful to both individuals and movements because, as much as we might try to exist outside of capitalism, many of our basic needs can only be met (at scale, at this time) using money and commerce. Resources do exist, including autonomously run shelters for the unhoused or soup kitchens for the hungry à la Food Not Bombs. Neighborhoods might set up free boxes for food or clothing, and social centers might stretch a few quid quite far to help people meet their needs. But try as we might, we are limited by our access to money and capital, and our adversaries can hit our wallets as a means of slowing or even halting our work. Bogus charges might not stick, but the hiring of legal counsel—or the paying of bail where applicable—can rapidly deplete funds. Fines, the cost of moving flats, hospital bills, and so on can stack fast enough to require groups to make changes in strategy.

The norms we establish as a means of countering the types of disruption we face are known as security culture. Generally, these include hiding one’s identity, cautiously sharing information on a need-to-know basis, and possibly above all else vetting individuals and establishing trust. Canonically, security culture aims to counter State repression via surveillance and infiltration, but this is too narrow in scope since our adversaries aren’t always so clearly defined. We need to devise strategies that counter all threats to our abilities to organize and achieve our goals including those from unlikely actors.

Aside from money, time (as the clock ticks) and time (as in our allocatable mental capacities) are limited. Our activism and political projects are worked on in parallel with our day/night jobs that put food in our bellies, and this activism often comes in the time that remains after we have secured our own survival. What few remaining hours we have available for coordinating and carrying out actions can—with some effort—be reduced to nothing.

This is a known tactic of disruptors. The OSS2 Simple Sabotage Field Manual published for distribution to civilians during WWII lists numerous ways for them to disrupt organizations with a whole section focusing on wasting time and creating resentment between coworkers. COINTELPRO3 was an FBI program in the US that aimed to disrupt the black power movement, communists, the anti-war movement, and others that were deemed subversive. As part of this program, tactics that we commonly call “psy ops” were heavily employed, including defamation, the spreading of rumors, and the creation of false leftist organizations to derail the movement at large. The policy of Zersetzung (“decomposition” / “disruption”) by the Stasi of the GDR4 included efforts to cause loss of self-confidence and alienation of targets from their peers. Contained in the Snowden leaks of 2013 were documents describing the JTRIG5 methods of disrupting online communities. Social disruption is a persistent feature of State repression and counter-insurgency efforts.

Before stating the argument of this zine, I want to first make the foundational components of it quite clear.

  1. The core of The Left is the reduction of oppression and fostering of egalitarianism with a focus on uplifting the marginalized.
  2. Affinity fraud is the use of shared or deferred-to identities by fraudsters to establish trust that can then be exploited.
  3. State and non-State disruption rely not just on surveillance and violent repression, but also on underhanded and subtle methods.

Malicious actors are constantly looking at our patterns and behaviors for openings that they can exploit for some sort of gain. Security culture can hide many of these patterns and reduce the ways in which they are exploitable. However, some of our behaviors are core to our political and ethical philosophies, and we cannot hide them. We loudly announce them every chance we get as a means of establishing who we are, as propaganda to attract like-minded individuals, and to spread the idea that another world is possible.

Thus, our empathy and efforts to compensate for prejudices that are explicit in broader society and residual in ourselves are not just among our greatest assets but are central to many leftist movements. However, without due caution, this empathy and these egalitarian measures can become a vector for disruption.

Exploitable Counter-Prejudices

We live in a racist, sexist, queerphobic, and otherwise discriminatory and oppressive society. Because we grew up and continue to be socialized in this prejudiced world, we ourselves have internalized many of these phobias and *-isms. They are there in our subconscious and our habits, or maybe they’re just hiding in our blind spots because we lack the knowledge or context needed to see how our behaviors harm others. Atop that, many members of The Left are unwilling to give up what privileges or advantages they have, or they actively wield them to gain status and power over others. More than unethical, this actively impedes organizing efforts by driving away valuable contributors and creating fractures with in the community.

To counter these tendencies, groups will take intentional steps to minimize how often these oppressive behaviors appear and how much harm they can cause when they do. Let us call these steps and practices counter-prejudices. Because society—even the radical parts—is misogynist and defaults to protecting abusive men, the mantra “believe women” rose to prominence as a counter to the reflexive defense of abusers and dismissal of victims. During meetings, some groups use a “progressive stack” to give priority to marginalized voices to allow them to be heard when outnumbered by dominant groups who are used to talking over others. To prevent groups who cause harm from exculpating themselves, we listen to the marginalized about what is or isn’t racist or ableist. There are many such strategies.

In many circles, such measures often do not go far enough as the circles are inundated with brocialists and manarchists, class reductionists, and various types of bigoted individuals who place their personal gain—either as an individual or for their demographic—above all else. But where these counter-prejudices are skillfully applied, the marginalized are far better included, and movements flourish.

The establishment of these norms for our conduct in public and private creates a bottom-up mechanism where we are all responsible for checking each other’s actions, and this decentralization allows anyone to raise complaints and rally a peer group to help address harms. In some non-existent idealized world, each case of harm would be judged purely on its own, but with limited time and knowledge, the default of believing the most marginalized reduces harm in a majority of cases and is a pragmatic starting point for further investigation. To prevent ourselves from slipping back to the status quo of misogyny, white supremacy, etc., we couple this default position with some amount of taboo of questioning the marginalized when they speak out against being wronged.

The general disposition is to not question the person who was harmed, especially when they are marginalized and moreso when they are multiply marginalized. It’s admonishable to doubt a woman who calls out a man for abusing her. We’re told to check our internalized racism if we side with the person that a PoC member of our crew accused of making racially bigoted remarks. However, this counter-prejudice bulwark we’ve built up to hold back many of the worst behaviors in our society can just as well be turned against us.

This hijacking of counter-prejudice happens in many ways with more or less the following playbook:

  1. A social circle establishes a norm of counter-prejudice.
  2. A malicious actor has or claims to have an identity that is marginalized or deferred to.
  3. The malicious actor makes demands, causes harm, or makes accusations that benefit them in some way.
  4. When someone opposes the malicious actor, they are then called out as bigoted by either by the actor themselves or other credulous members of the group.

The malicious actor does not have to act alone, and often they do not. They don’t even have to establish trust and rope people in to their scheme. They can rely solely on the pre-existing norms within the group to provide them with unwitting co-conspirators and ideological cover.

In these discussions, the phrase “malicious actor” does not strictly mean informant or saboteur, though it some cases it does. It means someone who is acting counter to the goals of the group or for personal gain. In an anarchist or anti-authoritarian crew, it could mean someone who generally is an anarchist, but cultivates social capital to always get their way or shut out people they squabble with. In an anti-racist collective, it could mean someone who is themselves anti-racist and works to those goals, but uses the established anti-racist framework to elevate themselves to a position they can leverage for media presence or financial gain. The malicious actor places personal gain over the normalized altruistic ethical framework within their group.

As said before, there are many groups that recreate all the existing hierarchies we have in society, and in such circles the exploitation of counter-prejudice is less effective and seems to be less frequently used. On the other hand, circles that practice counter-prejudice can fall into the trap of doing “hierarchical inversion” where instead of removing hierarchy entirely, they flip the pyramid and place the marginalized above the historically dominant groups. This can start with a statistic that tends to be true right now in society at large but which is essentialized into a universal truth. Men might statistically be the primary perpetrators of sexual violence, and the victims might also principally be women and other marginalized genders, but that neither means that all men are abusers nor that women are always the victims nor that men cannot themselves be a victim of a women’s abuse. It can start with something like “all white people have (some degree of) internalized racism” which is near-universally true because all people living in a racist society have some internalized racism, but this is then flipped into the claim that all white people’s actions are always motivated by racism especially if they disagree with a person of color.

The hierarchy of identities in dominant society is used to decide who is deserving of dignity. As it plays out in the dominant parts of society, the higher one ranks on the hierarchy, the more empathy they deserve, the more rights they should have. When one is lower, they are to be scorned and not extended any humanity. This same phenomenon happens within subcultures because of hierarchical inversion. In circles where this inversion happens, individuals who share even one identity with a group that is dominant in society can have their humanity stripped leaving them open to all attacks because—as it’s sometimes explicitly stated—there is no quarter for oppressors.

There are fewer circles that practice any significant form of counter-prejudice than those that half-ass it, and of those that do make an effort, it seems—at least in my experiences—that fewer still fall into the trap of hierarchical inversion. That said, even without the full inversion present, I have seen many cases where otherwise well meaning radicals and allies turn their counter-prejudices against undeserving or innocent targets as part of the normalized counter-prejudice or at the behest of malicious actors.

Individuals and the ideas they hold have some prestige within broader society. At the core, the experiences of cisgendered, heterosexual, allosexual, monogamous, neurotypical, able-bodied white men are the most prestigious, and as one moves away from this core in terms of held identities or support for that core, the less prestige is associated with those people or ideas. The Left does not use the same metric as the status quo, and within The Left there is no singular metric for what is prestigious. There are, however, trends that tend to be shared both regionally and globally. Following the border crisis that prevented the safe and easy travel of migrants and refugees from north Africa and west Asia into Europe, support for refugees and initiatives that aided them became and remains high prestige.6 Within the imperial core, support and deference to black people is considered high prestige, especially in the US.7 What counter-prejudices are in vogue within The Left correlate with what opinions are high prestige, and this can have increasing intensity in smaller circles. A high-prestige opinion “within” The Left might only have minimal counter-prejudices thus making the held position minimally meaningful, but a single milieu can nevertheless base a significant portion of their own norms and counter-prejudices around such an opinion. This can lead to conflict between milieus and extremely steep gradients of resistance to certain ideas as one moves throughout The Left.

Malicious actors seeking to exploit counter-prejudice rely on our empathy. When we see someone or a group who is suffering, and not just suffering from some perchance ill, but who is being ground down by centuries of structural oppression, to side against the marginalized is to side with all the things we hate and oppose. It causes us heartache and distress to think we might have wrongly taken the side of white supremacy or capital against one of its victims.

A second factor is one of protecting our reputations. Within The Left, there are fewer ways power is officially established, and reputation of individuals and groups is one of the main sources of social capital. A lifetime of careful and diligent work can be undone with a careless word or act, and fabricated or bad faith accusations can be used to tear someone down. It’s not enough to counter the bigotries within ourselves; we must also counter those around us, and the harboring or even tolerance of bigots in our midst is rightfully unacceptable. This is itself exploitable because the implicit—and sometimes explicit—threat behind a malicious actor’s scheming is that defending their targets makes you a target too. They claim the target is a bigot, and if you defend them then so are you, as are your defenders!

In common discussion, the phrase “identity politics” loosely refers back to its original formulation of marginalized groups organizing around a shared identity. It often is held up as the opposite of the Marxist-derived class reductionist idea that the focus of liberatory struggle should be that of the proletariat versus the bourgeoisie and that anything else is bickering or a distraction from Real True Revolution. Identity politics in the intersectional sense are certainly necessary for all liberatory struggles, so to differentiate this meaning from the pop-left radlib usage of phrase meaning the deference to the marginalized in alignment with a hierarchical inversion, “deference politics” is what we’ll call the latter. 

Deference politics is uniquely susceptible to affinity fraud because it places identity above the concrete analysis of a given situation. Someone is right because of their marginalized identity, not because of some lived experience that was analyzed through a coherent ideological lens. The position or actions of a deference politiker are held as unassailable not just from criticisms by someone who has fewer or less pronounced axes of marginalization, but also from criticism by others who share their marginalization. Even when a critic of the deference politiker shares all the identities that are relevant to the topic at hand, the critic is labeled as a defender of whiteness or other forms of dominance.

This definition of deference politics by those who practice it is not even internally consistent. There are women who fight against abortion and bodily autonomy, black police commissioners who enable brutality against other black people, gay people who support fundamentalist Christian fascism, and trans people who slag off those who transition (or don’t do it in a way they find palatable). Since these individuals aren’t deferred to or held up as having valuable ideas of worthy ideologies, obviously the ethics and ideologies of the person factor in to how we receive their identities. Where this breaks down is when someone nominally claims to be part of The Left. Once claiming to be part of The Left, identity can trump ideology, and a wide berth is given to individuals with marginalized identities who have harmful actions or ideas. Within The Left, we can see this in the split between the authoritarian/statist Left and the libertarian Left. The statist Left claims to have the near-total support of people of color living in the periphery because their historical alignment with strains of Marxism-Leninism. Anarchists will point out that there are people of color living in those regions who reject States with red flags, yet this statement is called racist or western-centric by western (often white) tankies. Deference politics is at best a rhetorical cudgel that is used to cement ones’ position as correct within the broader Left.

A malicious actor who wants to exploit deference politics will find or cultivate a milieu where their identities are held in high prestige. Because even extreme positions can have moderate prestige within The Left, and countering actors who hold these positions is not only low prestige but also high risk, these actors often go largely unchallenged. These positions are further magnified by the trend that we need to take the most extreme “left” positions possible to counter the extreme conservatism and fascism of the status quo. This is summed by the oft repeated (and totally shit) quote by Proudhon: “I dream of a society where I would be guillotined as a conservative.” However, the extremeness of a position is not indicative of its utility for liberation. Political lesbianism was an abject failure. Anti-appropriation can turn into cultural segregation. There’s a number of separatist currents within The Left along different identity lines including actual anti-miscegenation. While mockable or even only held in their entirety by wingnuts, these positions can nevertheless be high prestige because they “come from a good place” or aim to help the right people.

The ability to exploit counter-prejudices boils down to what ideas are held in high prestige within The Left or a certain milieu, the amount of radlib deference politics present within these groups, and the extend to which they perform hierarchical inversion. While it’s true, yes, that many of these norms genuinely should exist (in some form, with some nuance) or at least come from a place of altruism and empathy even if they’re misguided, they can provide cover for selfish people and saboteurs. This long characterization of affinity fraud and deference politics is necessary in order to be able to discuss this complex phenomenon, and especially if we are to counter it without losing out on the necessary empathy and counter-prejudices that are the foundation of our movements.

Affinity Fraud in Action

These deference politics-derived forms of affinity fraud are present in our communities, and this section gives concrete examples to help show that this isn’t some purely theoretic argument.

Harassment, Abuse, and Power

Anarchists identify that the large structures and organizational methods of the status quo and statist Left tendencies are ripe for abuse. Rigid hierarchies, a party line, and excessive concern with the perpetuation and protection of an organization itself create incentives that attract those who lust for power and reward not addressing such abuses of power. Within dominant society, there is little room for the marginalized to ascend to power, though a small number manage to do so. Those who seek power and control but are otherwise shutout from the dominant power structures either through their identities or circumstances can find a place within in The Left where they can be the biggest fish in a small pond, a tyrant of a tiny fief.

This phenomenon is most sharply felt online where there are mobs of harassers who do drive-bys on other lefties. Social media algorithms reward outrage, and we get hits of happy brain chemicals when we tell someone we oppose to get fucked or when we can jump to defend some ally we see being maligned. There is reward for “hot takes” and bombastic statements that reduce complex issues to catchy soundbytes and sick dunks. Novices to Left scenes cut their teeth by testing out new positions. The deep understanding of complex topics one needs to be an expert in historic movements, modern practices, or nuanced theoretical arguments inherently creates a barrier to entry around the conversation. Quickly barfing out an incendiary position with a patina of leftist thought can garner one clout, and using poor interpretations of existing radical theory can be used to attack naysayers. Not all individuals who take wingnut positions or start “discourse” are explicitly seeking power, but their arguments can be commandeered by those who are looking to gain power. Likewise, State interference isn’t needed for the biggest and loudest accounts.8 Smaller, but passingly credible, accounts can launder rumors or be the spark that starts a mob with a few carefully placed posts.9

Outrage and misinformation spread faster than longer treatises full of caveats or precisely worded counterarguments. Using radical language to paint ideological or personal enemies as “problematic” can quickly generate a mob that will dogpile the target. Often this is done with vague language like saying that someone is a racist or sexist, or even just “umm wow problematic much?” No one wants to defend a racist nor do they want to question what is or isn’t racism. This tends to be coupled with out of context screenshots or simply treating any insult in the target’s retorts as signs that the target is a harasser and thus deserving of all retributions.

Online mobs that harass lefties (from a left perspective) often either come from accounts having or claiming marginalized identities or are initiated by accounts deputizing themselves to act on behalf the marginalized. The arguments rapidly devolve from discussions of the actual positions to name calling, fed/badjacketing,10 or simply calling the other person “white” or “western” regardless of their actual identities. This is rhetorically effective because it relies on the assumptions held by the harassers and their cronies that any objection to an argument made by a marginalized person must be because of white supremacy, patriarchy, or some other form or domination.

This is not unique to online spaces and it happens similarly in our offline circles and local scenes. Rumors can circulate with even more distortion because there’s no tweet or post to screenshot and repost, and our memories are fallible. A feature of offline badjacketing is often the use of anonymous and completely unverifiable (i.e., fabricated) victims whose identity can’t be revealed on the grounds of protecting victims.11 These accusations carry water because there is genuinely so much bigotry and wielded privilege within our communities and scenes. It’s very easy to believe that a man was sex pest to heaps of women or that a majority white crew treated a black member of another crew racistly.

When false accusations happen and someone defends themself or tries to deny it, they are accused of doubling down or “gaslighting” as if any self-defense is itself proof of their problematic nature. Increasingly specific terms lifted from therapy sessions and pop psychology are thrown around, and there is incentive to go full nuclear from the get-go to quickly get the community to side with the malicious actor making the false accusations. Of course, when accusations (false or otherwise) happen in a scene with barely implemented counter-prejudices, they are ignored and the accused goes on as if nothing happened. But when they happen in a scene that leans into the tendencies of deference politics or uses inverted hierarchies, they are near impossible to counter. “Of course the man is denying being a sexist.” “Of course the cis person is denying being a transphobe.” The rumors can linger for years or never go away, and at times the victim has to retreat from organizing publicly and take a background role or work exclusively with small crews that know the accusations were falsifications.

The harasser in these cases can reap social standing no matter how the victim responds. If they take a step back, it’s seen as a win for the marginalized for crushing another instance of white supremacy. If they fight it, it boils over into endless spats that can draw well-meaning people to side with the harasser. If they ignore it by moving to another crew or blocking the harassers on social media, the harassers can forever milk it as “dodging accountability.” Repeating this often enough will eventually get a critical mass of individuals behind the harasser to the point that they are untouchable and can continue their attacks in perpetuity.

What can start as one harasser attacking one target can spiral and drag down entire scenes. Splits emerge based on these accusations,12 and organizations refuse to work with each other because of a rumor they heard. Often bystanders refuse to comment to avoid getting dragged in, but their silence can be called out and orgs will demand that other orgs make formal statements. Avoiding and ignoring these campaigns is often impossible.

Online trolls of the 4chan ilk know that this tactic works, and what we can glean from leaked government docs tells us that the State is aware of these tactics and practices them too. Brand new accounts pop up and spend all their time accusing activists with dominant identities of being racist or sexist, and people join in on this. Individuals and orgs with zero connection to on-the-ground organizing will stir up controversy as a means of making themselves relevant. Offline, this happens too with smaller newly-founded orgs that are rather uninvolved trying to gain standing by tearing down others.

Similarly, this tactic used by harassers chasing power is used by abusers to prevent their victims from being able to meaningfully carry out transformative justice or accountability processes. Abusers who have more marginalization along one or more identity-axes can be incredibly difficult to remove from a scene. Sometimes they don’t even have to intentionally wield their identity against their target as the local community does it for them. An abuser who yells at, insults, and demeans someone publicly can be defended from criticism by telling the victim to not tone-police. Toxic behavior can be excused as a response to trauma, mental health issues, or neurodivergence. At its most grotesque, abuse gets defended as justified response from a marginalized individual against a member of a dominant group because of the righteousness of the downtrodden to strike back at perceived oppressors.

This type of harassment is difficult to oppose because no one wants to be seen as telling a marginalized person that the harassment they received because of their marginalization wasn’t real. Onlookers can’t parse out what actually happened or not because superficially these fights look like actual instances of abuse and denial. The end result is disruption. It wastes time, assassinates reputations, causes fractures, and demoralizes us while painting the scene as more unrepentantly problematic than it actually is. Not everyone who does this is a fed, but it is indistinguishable from fed behavior.

Fraudulently Soliciting Donations

Mutual aid is as old as humanity, and one of the modern forms it takes is online donation campaigns on fundraising sites like GoFundMe or on social media, or via direct payment apps like CashApp or Venmo. While these do appear occasionally in Europe, they seem to primarily exist in the US13 with its barely existing State maintained “social safety net.” GoFundMe reported in 2019 and again in 2021 that one-third of their donations go to medical campaigns. When one’s local social network cannot help cover expenses or meet needs, the internet offers vastly expanded reach with the possibility getting the needed support.

From anecdote and extrapolating from other parts of society,14 the already privileged have a leg up on the more marginalized in terms of funds they can receive from these campaigns. At the most obscene end, celebrities can snap up six-figure sums from fans to cover expenses they can already afford. More generally, campaigns for people who are white, stereotypically attractive (in the white/western-centric way), and young tend to meet their donation goals more quickly and more often. But this isn’t about them; that’s another problem.

Donation campaigns compete against each other in an attention economy where there are limits to a post’s reach, funds available, and the emotional investment any donor might feel when selecting from between campaigns. Some individuals understand the limited funds that must be allocated across all in need, and they might take the minimum needed to cover life-saving expenses. Others might not be so scrupulous. They are incentivized to present their situation as maximally dire and to put forth as many marginalized identities as possible. Among left-leaning individuals, these identities are understood to be proxies for disadvantages because they statistically are.

Further, because of the competition, nearly all people who start such campaigns are incentivized to go for a global campaign. People who might only need to raise a few hundred from local comrades to cover rent are competing against campaigns from all over the globe. As such, they are forced into push their campaigns outside their immediate circle. The end result is that a random user who scrolls through posts and messages sees many, many campaigns where a chain in relations (i.e., trust) can’t be easily established.

Among all the accounts with genuine needs, there are fake accounts masquerading as marginalized individuals (or perhaps simply exaggerating their needs) and targeting lefties with a form of affinity fraud. They rely on our desire to help the most marginalized and either tug at our empathy or our guilt. Characteristics these accounts and campaigns tend to share are:

  • Claiming one, but usually several, marginalized identities.
  • Few followings/followers, many of which appear to be similar accounts.
  • A feed nearly completely full of their own and boosted donation solicitations.
  • Posts that are predominantly or even exclusively requests for money and boosting other requests for money.
  • An extremely specific request with a very short deadline (e.g., “I need $47 for a cab to get home so I’m not vulnerable alone at 1am”).
  • Many hashtags that are associated with The Left, though often more liberal and less radical.

Any filter one makes to divide up individuals into trusted and untrusted—in any context—will inevitably miscategorize some. A strict filter will have many false positives, and a lenient one will have many false negatives. The above characteristics alone aren’t sufficient, and even with some concerted checking before donating or boosting the message, there will be errors, which is to say, there is no hard rule nor am I proposing one.

These campaigns are unchallenged at large because of the many norms on The Left that exist to undo the norms of the capitalist and racist world we live in. State welfare programs are means-tested to create burdens and shame for the poor, and lefties who attempt to determine if something might be a scam are accused of recreating the same sort of pressure within the market for donations. Any suggestion that the campaigner might not be real or that they don’t have their claimed identities is rebutted with claims of erasure. Moreover, no one wants to be caught falsely—albeit inadvertently—accusing a marginalized person of lying about their identity and have to live with the stigma and unending posts with screenshots captioned with “this you?” for the rest of their time online. There is fairly strong pressure to say nothing and simply ignore these campaigns even if they are identified.

Because of the ease of calling out dominant activists online within some circles of The Left, a tactic that is often tied to donation requests is accusations of sexism or racism by the fraudster. They might DM15 someone once or several times or reply to unrelated posts. Failure to boost their campaign leads to screenshots of unanswered posts or DMs with claims that they are unanswered purely because of racism. Doing this allows the dodgy accounts to launder their campaign through already trusted accounts, which is definitionally affinity fraud.

This isn’t saying that all or even a majority of campaigns are fraudulent, but certainly some portion are. If you believe all the ones that you’ve seen are genuine, then you’re the kind of mark they’re targeting. As with all threat modeling, one can acknowledge risk and then accept it, so if you choose to not filter because you don’t want to exclude anyone who might just maybe need help, then that is still entirely reasonable, but this is not the same as saying it’s not happening.

However, when there’s not enough to go around, it might be prudent for us to be more discerning with how we allocate our limited resources. This kind of monetary exchange is zero-sum. One has a budget they can allocate across many programs and individuals in need, and any money picked up by a fraudster is money than can’t go to someone who more desperately needs it.


As a member of an in-group, we develop a sense for who also is a member and who is not. This sense not perfectly accurate, but these gut feelings can be reasonable starting points for whether and how to vet someone as legitimate. It relies on the totality of the person being observed. New faces can activate this sense simply because the in-group is an unfamiliar social setting, and the newcomer finds many of the norms or mannerisms unusual. In-groups develop a fashion sense that can be copied, but not perfectly unless someone really understands the nuances. Ways of speaking or knowledge of a topic can signal that someone is not part of the in-group because something they say seems superficially similar but the lack of nuance is a dead giveaway that the newcomer isn’t speaking from the same background as the in-group.

Identity is one of the markers of an in-group, and this too is true on The Left. There are queer in-groups, trans in-groups, and more specifically still trans masc in-groups. In-groups might form around race, migration status, religion, or various forms of marginalization. Some of these can be faked, especially social class. Others like race are much harder to fake. The Left overstates the correlation between marginalized identities and radical politics and has a tendency to treat people with marginalized identities as inherently radical.

We also tend to have a handful of archetypal adversaries. We imagine them to be the embodiment of white supremacy or the corporate ruling class. Maybe they’re private school educated or have a certain accent, perhaps a “perfect” set of teeth and hands that have never seen manual labor. In short, we imagine a middle-aged cop or a young suit cosplaying as a punk. This isn’t entirely untrue as a majority of the spycops in the UK were white men with the largest minority group being white women. Groups that organized along identity lines such as race might tend to be wiser and not assume that their infiltrators will be “typical” cops. That said, there is enough diversity within law enforcement and intelligence agencies to send operatives with trusted identities to infiltrate our spaces, and the filter of “be suspicious of white men” is woefully insufficient, especially since over 99% of the white men activists we meet aren’t cops.

A case from the US in early 2022 illustrates this point.16 The description of “a pink haired cop named April Rogers” (AKA “Chelsie Kurti”) struck me as exactly the kind of identity-as-camouflage that is difficult to address:

She had pretended for a while to be a sex worker in order to rationalize why she couldn’t tell us much about what she did, that she had reason to be afraid of the police and didn’t want us to ask her too many questions. She used this tactic to make herself seem like someone whose privacy needed careful protection, who we would see, by default, as someone who had too much reason to say they were afraid of the police to doubt their credibility.

I have no contact with the comrades who dealt with this, and I am in exactly no way saying that they didn’t notice, mishandled it, or are at fault for their actions. I only mention this here because it’s such an illustrative case of how cops can use identity for infiltration.

A common tactic of infiltrators is to ingratiate themselves with their target. This might be always helping out or as simple as offering money and goods. Notably, Mark Kennedy’s infiltration of green activist groups was greased by his van and the money he freely gave to activists in need.

Some local scenes in the imperial core are disproportionally white (additionally with men overrepresented) in regions that already have a white majority. In general—but especially in such scenes—there is some legitimacy a collective or crew gets from having members who aren’t just white men (and women). It’s high prestige to be a non-white, non-cis-man anitifascist, and it’s high prestige to be part of a diverse crew.17 It’s a signal that they’re sufficiently anti-racist or anti-sexist, and it can let them be more “topical” by having a member who holds some identity or has a different background and can speak on topics from experience rather than just as some academic abstraction. This can be seen starkly when these groups go fishing for diversity when they hold events and need speakers who aren’t just white.18

Groups that are comprised of a majority of individuals with dominant identities that are actively recruiting marginalized people—either out of a genuine desire for diversity in their ranks or cynically for increased social standing—tend to relax their standards for admission for marginalized individuals relative to individuals who are of the dominant identities. This relaxation often presents itself as lowered requirements for ideological similarity or levels of experience needed. This relaxation is at odds, however, with an important part of security culture: sensitivity to people who can’t “talk the talk” sufficiently well. Police documented their trouble with talking the talking in a 2004 paper about the infiltration of anarchist movements saying:19

Few agencies are able to commit to operations that require years of up-front work just getting into a “cell,” especially given shrinking budgets and increased demands for attention to other issues. Infiltration is made more difficult by the communal nature of the lifestyle (under constant observation and scrutiny) and the extensive knowledge held by many anarchists, which require a considerable amount of study and time to acquire.

This observation comes from a pre-social media era where anarchists weren’t doing so much online organizing or having so many conversations over trivially recordable media, so it’s unlikely that it’s as true now as it was then. Nevertheless, we know that one of the ways we can protect ourselves is by having high standards for the sorts of people we organize with because it raises the bar for the amount of effort needed for a successful infiltration. I have no evidence that crews who are fishing for diversity have actually been infiltrated because of it, but the lowering of one’s guard to admit individuals who have preferred or implicitly trusted identities—those who can provide something the crew “needs”—is exposing one’s crew to affinity fraud.

False Friends

The vagueness of The Left makes it difficult to determine both nominal allies and enemies. Generally, enemies tend to be the UK, US, and other imperialist European States; billionaires, bosses, and landlords; and cops. This is only generally true, because depending on who you ask, some “People’s Cops” and “People’s Billionaires” are good and cool, actually. Imperialism is often shrunk down to the anglophone nations and Western Europe. Allies tend to be marginalized groups (naturally), States that historically were impacted by or opposed US imperialism, and States or theorists who at one point raised red banners. The Left tends to be somewhat stuck on a simplistic view of the world that more or less maps to the lines drawn between East and West during the Cold War.

To many leftists in the anglosphere, their worldview has basically reduced down to “UK/US bad, their enemies good.” This doesn’t account for the nuances of the myriad of views held by the people in those States, and it makes the mistake of endorsing nationalists’ views of the unity of people and the State. It ignores the fact that since the Russian and Chinese revolution and the fall of their alleged communism, that States, the cultures within their borders, and political parties have all changed dramatically. State and State-adjacent actors capitalize on this and will leverage either the aesthetic of Soviet communism or their opposition to the West to protect their interests from the ire of radical analysis and action. We see this when there are cheers for Russian and Chinese State officials and media outlets. “Alternative” “independent” news like Redfish and The Grayzone are just repackaged alt-imperialist propaganda that relies on some desire for a strong and unified Left to support some Duginist idea of a multipolar world.

This aesthetic-based alignment with normative allies who ought to be enemies is not limited to the big-C communist parts of The Left. Anarchists are currently trending toward anarcho-primitivism and anti-civ anarchism, and while these flavors of anarchism are not hugely problematic on their own,20 they often bleed over into the kinds of eco-extremism that are incompatible with anarchism or even leftism. This manifests as defense for the likes of the Ted Kaczynski (who bombed the least culpable) and ITS (who claimed femicides they didn’t even commit). Whatever modicum of value their critique of “modernity” might have is completely lost in their disregard for life and autonomy, and the veneer of anarchist thought gives legitimacy to harmful ideas.

The most blatant affinity fraud within anarchism, however, seems to be at border of the nihilist/insurrecto (and often also anti-civ and egoist) anarchist thought and the most anarchist-themed parts of the Boogaloo21 movement in the US.22 Many of them have adopted an anarcho-themed aesthetic that is similar to that of the insurrectos including but not limited to the circle-A logo, the chaos star, and glitch-wave aesthetics for their memes. They call themselves anarchists and quote famous anarchists while advocating for praxes and goals that are explicitly at odds with anarchism. The affinity many anarchist seem to feel with them comes from edgy vibes, wanting to shoot at the government, and the boog not (always) being explicit nazis. It’s unclear to what extent the core of the boog that dresses in anarchist attire actually believes they’re anarchists, but we know that national anarchism attempted fascist entryism into anarchist spaces, and we know that neo-nazis dress up as right libertarians to recruit and co-opt those spaces. We have to believe that at least some portion of the anarchist-themed boogs are attempting explicit ideological fraud.

The very idea of Left Unity itself is affinity fraud. This term is primarily thrown around by the statist parts of The Left to gain obedience by the libertarian left. It claims that there is a shared identity between incompatible parts of The Left, and acquiescence to party-centric forms of organizing for some vague sense of togetherness defangs the most radical parts. The anarchist parts of the left are successful at what they do precisely because they do not adhere to some code of conduct that attempts to minimize conflict between fellow travelers on some socialist road. A line on the matter, while a little reductive, that’s been stuck in my head for many years is:

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. No more. No less.

Just because someone looks like you and talks like you, just because some org says that your goals are their goals does not mean that you need to bend to them or give up your principles for some imagined great revolutionary coalition. It doesn’t mean that you should tolerate the aspects of how they organize or their beliefs that contradict your own. One shouldn’t stay constrained to a narrow ideological path, and exposure to other ideas, even if they’re not adopted, helps us grow ethically and politically. It can be instructive even if only teaching by counterexample, but we have to be wary of the influence of those who share a vibe with us as they might intentionally be trying to derail our projects.

Grifters and Opportunists

Grifting, as the term is used in radical circles, is when someone uses the their genuine or fabricated status as part of The Left to materially profit from that status. Similarly, opportunists are those who latch on to a movement to ascend to power even if they don’t have genuine support for it. This can come in many forms including fundraising directly for one’s self, creating Patreon pages to become a “paid” activist then amassing wealth, appointing one’s self to a leadership position, chasing fame and notoriety, or elevating one’s self to negotiating with the State on behalf of a movement.

Grifters and opportunists don’t have to use identity as much as other forms of affinity fraud within The Left, and at the highest levels then even tend to be white and/or men. The main identity they claim is often just “leftism,” anti-capitalism, or nondescript socialism.

A common critique anarchists have of worker’s unions is that unions use the rank-and-file workers to elevate the union reps to the levels of the bosses instead of tearing down the hierarchy that leads to bosses in the first place. Likewise, grifters and opportunists often imply that their status is necessary for The Left. They give a voice to the voiceless (despite them having voices of their own), they negotiate on our behalf (without our input), and they disproportionally drive the narratives through social or traditional media (as if we couldn’t have these conversations ourselves).

One example is the covert prestige of claiming to be an “antifascist researcher”—otherwise these people wouldn’t be able to ascend to undeserved heights. Likewise, within radical and even academic milieus there’s some covert prestige to holding marginalized identities. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many cases of blackface like in the case of CV Vitolo-Haddad. Pop-left influencers, “organizers,” podcasters, and so on often claim to be anarchists or anti-authoritarian, and that is enough to derail claims that they are acting outside of their stated principles. While people go hungry or ration life-saving medicine, while they’re homeless or suffering from dysmorphia, these grifters solicit donations through their non-profits. They rake in cash through recurring Patreon subscriptions and one-off campaigns. They buy luxurious houses with money from well-meaning poor queers and antifascists.

Beyond their actions at the surface being counter-productive for developing principled radical communities, the existence of figureheads is itself a threat to out movements. The entire history of The Left has been plagued by State security apparatuses targeting movements’ elites as a means of disruption. The elite have a vested interest in protecting their position, which often means holding progressively more milquetoast takes as time goes on, but also in bending to negotiate with the State. If they fail to negotiate, they’re passed over and the next in line becomes the negotiator and thus reaps the benefits.

Counter-insurgency efforts from the State security apparatus know the game grifters and opportunists play and how their social status or even money alone are primary driving factors. Influencers are used to launder centrist ideas and recuperate radical movements. Sometimes they’re even outright paid for this! Celebrities and internet influencers with marginalized identities are targeted for recuperative efforts where they are encouraged to speak in favor of status quo. This might be strike breaking or it might be simply calls for “moderate” responses to social crises.

Countering these counter-insurgency efforts is a challenge because a mass of well-meaning but confused liberals act as footsoldiers of conservatism when they attack anyone who pushes back against these grifters. The identity of the grifter even when acting against the interests of the social movement they claim to represent is enough to defend against any criticism, and those who criticize are labeled as racists or sexists.

January 2023

I first wrote this zine in June of 2022 but then let it dangle indefinitely after I finally got COVID. What pushed me to tidy it up and submit it for publication was watching the radlib parts of the fediverse23 lose their minds over people pointing out that the #fediblock hashtag while well-meaning (and invented by the marginalized!) was routinely used to harass marginalized people by spreading vague statements and half-truths. This was on the heels of federal informant and rapist Laurelei Bailey being outed as a mod of a Mastodon instance24 after using her position as a trans woman to defend abuse and attack other trans women. 

To pile these cases on further, between submitting this zine and its acceptance, two popular figures in the online anarchists world were outed as engaging in affinity fraud and sexual abuse: Dennis the Peasant (from the US) followed by Anarqxista Goldman (from the UK). I would be remiss to leave these two additions out.

Dennis had a rapid rise to online notoriety by posting low-effort anarchist memes and takes, being incendiary, and insinuating more involvement with both the George Floyd insurrection and Portland anarchist scene than he actually had. He hand stitched patches on to his jacket, listened to Pat the Bunny, and extolled the virtues of Tiqqun and Foucault. He got outed and then admitted to rape and other forms of sexual abuse. When doxxed, it was learned that he was a trust fund yuppie who attended a private university and was afraid to set foot in infoshops.

Anarqxista had a similar ascendency online for being a prolific (merely by quantity) writer who churned out several books with hundreds of pages, for being a take-no-shit firebrand anarcha-feminist, and in no small part for being hyper-sexual, a full-service sex worker, and a conventionally-by-western standards attractive woman. She too posted low-effort, generally unobjectionable memes and takes which gave her legitimacy. When her pro-pedophilia takes weren’t enough to completely drive her from online leftist spaces, she died a perfect hero’s death defending a random young woman from domestic abuse. Except she never existed in the first place and was the fabrication of Andrew Peter Lloyd, a mid-50s man who used her persona (and at least one known previous persona) to coerce sex out of sex workers and nude photos from online acquaintances.

Both of these individuals explicitly used anarchism as a cover to get access to women’s bodies. Both of them were able to use high-prestige values and identities to elevate themselves. Both of them relied on people trusting their claimed politics and identity to defraud them. But most importantly, with both of them, there were warning signs coming from their shitty, incomplete, or incoherent politics that alerted more experienced members of the community, and these warnings were ignored and dismissed by others. Many of those they abused were harmed after Dennis and Anarqxista said problematic things. Online and off, these things rarely happen out of the blue. There are warnings.

Both Dennis and Anarqxista used recycled generic memes and takes to gain legitimacy. Speculatively, the knowledge barrier to infiltration mentioned earlier (that feds think anarchists read too much to infiltrate) is maybe no longer true for ascending in online spaces. This isn’t “just an online problem” though as both Dennis and Anarqxista were able to use their online legitimacy to hop to physical spaces. If too much reading is a barrier for feds, then memorizing quips as a proxy for political analysis will be a shortcut they use.

While there’s not a hard break between online and offline spaces, there is something to be said about the way a lot of new radicals interact with online spaces. Not all can do on-the-ground work because of things like geographic isolation or mental or physical health issues. Legitimate organizing and anarchist thought can and does come from online spaces, but they have very low barriers to entry. Somehow, these spaces still get treated by their denizens as interchangeable with infoshops or squats. In physical spaces, claims are more easily verifiable. If one claims to have been around a long time or even at just one particular event, this can usually be checked. One gets a reputation that can follow them, and they can’t shed it just by making a new account. Physical spaces also tend to hold newcomers to a minimum standard for their behavior or beliefs, but with online spaces people can bounce around and find communities that have no attachment to established anarchist theory or praxis and no elders to help guide newcomers. Behavior or opinions that are so unacceptable they would get one’s mouth punched in physical spaces are often met without consequence in online spaces. Even when looking only at anarchist subcultures online and off, this inadvertent allowance of scumbaggery skews the Overton window and makes it seem like unacceptable topics are fine. Things that would get Lloyd dragged from a meeting and stomped are things Anarqxista could say online with next to no consequences.

More than the traceability of claims or consequences for actions is that the low bandwidth asynchronous communication of text, emoji, and maybe some GIFs makes it significantly harder to get a read on someone, though this is offset by people being more vocal about their shitty opinions. In person, someone won’t have minutes or hours to construct an answer if they feel themselves being caught in a lie. The rapid nature of conversation means that in the same 10 minute period of continuous online vs. offline chat, far more information would be transferred by just the words alone. This isn’t adding to the other vocal cues line intonation or accent and visual cues like gesticulation, posture, or attire. The “vibe check” of talking to someone in person is far more likely to reveal hidden traits. Maybe something feels off, and often it’s nothing, maybe just neurodivergence or someone being unfamiliar with customs. But maybe some oddity warrants investigation, and in doing so lies unravel.

The low barrier to entry and the minimal contact we have via posts and chat versus shared physical spaces makes it far easier to barely pass an anarchist and get accepted. Online spaces are exceptionally susceptible to affinity fraud especially among newly radicalized people whose primary contact to The Left is via these online spaces.

Against Affinity Fraud

Affinity fraud is a security culture issue because of the way it can be used to harm individuals and movements. It’s not the most important issue, but failing to address it leaves us vulnerable to attack. We can shift our norms and security culture to account for this kind of fraud while retaining the solidarity and altruism that are fundamental to The Left.

This zine has a particular focus on how affinity fraud happens in online spaces because it is overrepresented there relative to offline spaces, but also because affinity fraud is used as a rhetorical device. Online spaces are purely discursive, so one wields whatever they can to win the argument or convince people to take their side. Affinity fraud is most perceptible there.

There is no acceptable solution to affinity fraud that looks like rescinding solidarity with marginalized groups or putting them under increased scrutiny compared to their dominant counterparts. There can be no cutting off of life-saving funds because some of it might be given to frauds or grifters. While there are malicious actors with marginalized identities, there are plenty more with dominant ones. We can call out bad behavior when we see it, but dominant groups dictating terms for marginalized groups on how to clean up house will get us nowhere. The solution is to fix our scenes so that this behavior can’t thrive.

The exact nature of any solution depends on the nature of the scene where the fraud is taking place. What follows are suggestions for how these issues could be resolved, but they’re by no means edicts about what to change.

Harassers and abusers can so easily accuse people with dominant identities of being racists or sexists because of how often that’s actually true. The solution isn’t to doubt all accusations of shitty behavior, but to eradicate the shitty behavior in the first place so that every accusation can be taken seriously and actually investigated and resolved. Part of fraudsters’ modus operandi is to use vague or fabricated evidence of the problematic behavior. Because in cases of actual abuse, there needs to be respect for the wishes and anonymity of the victims, we cannot ask for iron-clad evidence of abuse, but to the largest degree possible we should demand that callouts have sufficient evidence to demonstrate the behavior actually occurred. This is especially true in online spaces where evidence should be ample. Even if screenshots can be fabricated, having no edvidence at all is an easy red flag. We do not have infinite capacity for transformative justice, and just as we tell sex pests that they need to fuck off forever, harassers and disruptors who constantly stir up shit need to be walled off from our scenes.

If our collectives, crews, and social networks wildly overrepresent people with dominant identities, we need to reflect on why that is. The effects of the changes we make will not quickly bear fruit, and in part such changes depend on the whole scene changing (else how would the marginalized know your crew is safe for them?). Fishing for diversity leaves a strange opening for infiltration, and by building genuine solidarity, we can close that off.

The development and prevalence of ideologically principled analytic techniques is probably the simplest counter to affinity fraud that works in the short-term. Fraudsters rely on their fraud not being named for it to be successful. Detecting it, naming it, and then pushing back with it using genuine principles of solidarity and anti-authoritarianism tend to have some amount of success. Doing so might not win the argument every time, but it can plant the seed of doubt in the minds of bystanders and other participants. Maybe next time the person tries to pull some bullshit and hide behind their identity, they’ll have one less ally.

What we can’t do is repeat what the worst deference politikers do and accuse everyone we don’t like of not actually holding their identity. Our arguments and positions should be synthesized from both the lived experiences of the marginalized and a political/ethical framework. A position is poor because it does not reflect reality or because it is not in alignment with a liberatory politic. A position is good because of the world it brings about not because of the identity of a speaker alone.

A lesson that can be hard for some to learn is that anarchism is its own project. It has far less in common with Stalinism or social democracy than the proponents of those ideologies would care to admit. We do not need unity, and we do not need to bow to the authorities that speak on behalf of these ideologies. At times, we will work in parallel with them as it can be mutually beneficial, but we must do so on our own terms. Tight integration into their structures prevents anarchic principles from developing, and often the abuses or vulnerabilities to infiltration within these orgs affect us to. Left Unity is a spectre of a past that never existed, and we need to stop listening to authoritarians who say that we’re similar.

If the goal of security culture is to minimize disruption either by imprisonment or even endless discursive loops, then we need to be attuned to how affinity fraud can wreak havoc within our movements. Intersectional approaches are critical, but reflexive deference in the name of intersectionality allows for malicious actors to exploit our empathy and disrupt our abilities to organize.

As was said before, this isn’t the most pressing issue, but it’s not something we can pretend doesn’t happen either. When one assess risk, they can accept it if the mitigations against it are too costly. Maybe you choose to accept risks of disruption because you couldn’t bear to not take an accusation of abuse or solicitation for help seriously. Maybe you choose to minimize the risks affinity fraud poses because you’ve seen it shred social networks. More likely, it’s something in between. I can’t tell you what approach will lead to the least harm. I can only characterize the phenomenon and hope that every individual and crew reflects on how affinity fraud could disrupt their ability to organize.


  1. Admittedly, some forms of right-wing populism have convinced the whites, the cis, and the men (usually all three) that they are the ones who are oppressed by the actually marginalized, so it isn’t truly a unique feature of The Left to claim to support the oppressed. One can also easily point out that many parts of The Left do not actually help the marginalized at all, though they claim to do so or believe they do.
  2. Office of Strategic Services, the United States’ predecessor to the CIA.
  3. Counter Intelligence Program.
  4. German Democratic Republic. “East Germany.”
  5. Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group, a division of the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters, a UK intelligence agency).
  6. Even though much of this is lip service and in many places refugees are under supported and marginalized by radicals who don’t want to stray from their agenda based on the texts of white men who died 100 years ago.
  7. Even the shitty parts of The Left that are still actively, unrepentantly racist might still acknowledge that their opinions are of low prestige, and they may hide them or not directly act on them.
  8. However, a lot of these big accounts have ties to say State media outlets, and there is a bizarre amount of right-wing conservative dark money circulating around the authoritarian left. But we don’t need to even assume that these influences are so direct, only that they might be useful idiots or quislings for some imperial cause.
  9. This is precisely why “follow-trains” (e.g., #NoComradesUnder1k), or boosting/following random accounts asking to hit some arbitrary milestone, are harmful. Followers both by volume and by accounts one already follows are some signal of legitimacy that we should somewhat cautiously extend to others. Be discerning.
  10. Respectively, labeling someone as a federal agent or unrepentantly problematic person. The name refers to the folders (“jackets”) used in police records.
  11. Anonymity is frequently and justifiably used to protect targets of abuse from retribution both by the abuser themselves or those who align themselves with said abuser. However, there is often a vagueness about fabricated victims such as not being able to name when or where something happened and a lack of specifics about what actually occurred. This is also not to say that someone being unable or unwilling to speak about their traumas is making it up. Determining the truthiness of a situation where one wasn’t present is always a fraught endeavor.
  12. Granted, these splits happen even when someone is actually guilty of the harassment and their friends refuse to ever acknowledge or oppose the harms caused.
  13. When looking at the imperial core, at least it seems to be US-centric. As someone who can only read/skim romance and Germanic languages and has minimal contact to the periphery, these might be prominent in other places, but I simply do not know about them.
  14. I tried to find academic research to confirm this but failed. It really, really seems like this is definitely true, but absent data, I’m hesitant to state it so directly.
  15. Direct message.
  16. How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges, Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists, It’s Going Down.
  17. This isn’t saying it shouldn’t be valued, just that beyond it being desirable in an ethical sense, there’s clout to be gained for being diverse.
  18. This isn’t itself bad in as much as it’s good that they want to share their platform, but the fact that they don’t organically attract such people suggests that they haven’t unpacked their internalized *-isms enough or implemented enough counter-prejudices for marginalized people to feel both welcome and that they are equals.
  19. Anarchist Direct Actions: A Challenge for Law Enforcement, Randy Borum and Chuck Tibly, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/10576100590928106.
  20. But at best, they still aren’t great. Instead of handing waving and leaving you to believe me, William Gillis wrote about it in A Quick And Dirty Critique Of Primitivist & AntiCiv Thought.
  21. The quasi-militia far-right anti-government movement that takes its name from riffing on a meme and ending up with “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
  22. I don’t mean to pick on the US so much, but you folx for all your incredible contributions can be so strange and wrong about so much too, and you do it so loudly. I also blame tech companies and their algorithms for dominating the internet with what you say.
  23. The federated publication services like Mastodon.
  24. She was also previously outed as a mod of /r/antiwork which is a tale for another time.
Feature Articles
Economy, Evolution, and Ecology

Markets with free information flow help determine relative prices. But this effect can be difficult to observe in a deceptive or sparse marketplace. Murray Bookchin laments the loss of the “moral economy” as a reflection of losing the civic space and of losing our way in the chase for a homogenized global market catering to the cheapest bargain with little connection between buyers and sellers.1 The market that Bookchin laments losing is one that is not just the sterile connection between price and value recorded on an order book, but the knowledge (which he exemplifies through the street hawker’s sign, as if from a different era: “Fair Prices”) that buyer and seller are engaged in a mutually beneficial and mutually supportive act. They are participants within an ecological symbiosis, and they are active. They form the environment around them, making the market and remaking their own roles.

The connections between markets as a civic space and our ecological understanding can be traced to early concepts in evolutionary theory. Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species described the theory he had formed around the evolution of species as distinct organisms. He examined the differentiation of species and, before knowledge of gene theory, imagined how differentiation could benefit animals as their characteristics evolved to match their environment. The “finches” on the different islands of the Galapagos could exploit different food resources because of their differentiation in beaks. Thus, they did not need to compete for scarce resources in their isolated island environments. Their evolutionary adaptations allowed these distinct species to differentiate in their use of resources as they exploited what was available to them.

The underlying rationale behind the success of differentiation in evolutionary traits is often replicated in market form when firms choose to specialize or set themselves apart from the competition. By carving out a market for themselves, they can ensure that instead of competing for the same small pie, they enlarge the pie and take what others cannot consume, or at least they maintain a competitive advantage within their niche. Quickly after Darwin’s Origin of Species, Social Darwinists transformed the ideas therein for use in subjugating their fellow man. They argued that because evolutionary success was the result of particular traits, people with those traits should be exalted at the expense of others. Further, some argued that Darwin’s theory could support the removal of any social safety nets and supported a brutalist competition amongst people in furtherance of a shared evolutionary potential. They claimed to believe the test of a life without material support would create a species of the highest quality individuals.

Partially in response to these Social Darwinists, and partially in response to Darwin himself, Peter Kropotkin wrote Mutual Aid as a Factor in Evolution which emphasized a different set of incentives and benefits in evolutionary development. Where Darwin had focused on animal species separating to avoid conflict and searching for evolutionary niches, Kropotkin focused on how different animal species complemented each other in their interactions. He chronicled the symbiotic relationships and coexistence of different species, as well as the cooperation of animals within species. Kropotkin’s theory of mutual aid held that organisms could cooperate for mutual evolutionary success: Social bonds bridge resource gaps. The family unit that stays together propagates more easily and survives more variations in their environment. Symbiosis and coexistence between species resemble the moral economy, where firms and individuals take part in a mutually beneficial transfer of information and value, settling on a price not so much by coercion as by reason. 

From a biological standpoint, the emergence of gene theory and the idea of large multi-celled organisms as collections of various cooperating and mutually beneficial smaller organisms (like the bacteria in a person’s gut), rather than distinct, fully-contained entities, lead us to look at Kropotkin’s as the superior description. But we should keep in mind that Kropotkin’s ire was aimed more strongly at those who interpreted Darwin than at Darwin himself. Darwin’s work does not reject cooperation within or between species—it just ignored it. After all, the purpose of Darwin’s book is in the title: Why speciate? 

The drive towards differentiation that Darwin explored is what Bookchin praises as the “fecundity” of nature. Bookchin describes the ecological process wherein fecundity is an emergent phenomenon of areas teeming (almost to the brim) with life.2 Similarly, in those town squares that Bookchin admires as the closest descendants to the Greek agora, we see people, commerce, and life stacked right on top of itself, and yet endlessly differentiated.3 If the market is the medium or space for exchange within the commercial sphere, it is the place where our commercial engagement drives speciation. Free movement and passage of information, so vital to these shared spaces, supports differentiation. 

To the extent that the presentation of evolution in Origin of Species is one wherein organisms respond to their environment through their attempts to survive and propagate their traits, the evolution in Mutual Aid is one wherein organisms actively shape their own co-evolution by seeking out beneficial relationships. Mutual Aid provides the basis for organization as an evolutionary trait and bridges the gap in Social Darwinists’ understanding of Darwin by describing that vehicle for evolutionary success as a trait of species, rather than of individuals. Kropotkin’s contribution is that social organization as a trait, like long and short beaks, can beget evolutionary success. Bookchin’s praise for difference and the revival of the shared spaces moves the focus away from organisms and towards ecologies—moral economies support difference; differentiation strengthens the bonds of the shared space. 

Then, if fecundity is to be cultivated, not just in our biological world but in our commercial one, how is it brought about? We see the traces of it in all places civilization touches—both in town and country. The trash from one use or industry is reappropriated as the raw material for another. Another’s thirst is quenched by the sudden arrival of an endeavor to fill the need. But the mechanism by which these needs are met and excesses curbed is really only the symptom of a more fundamental transfer. Before the flow of goods from one party to another, the signal of their desire and relative weights comes first: Price. Information flowing readily within the town square engenders fecund commercial interaction just as the cramped but abundant tide pool or jungle floor permits rich growth and vibrancy. 

But then where is the place for a moral economy within this information space? Morality is simply information of a different kind. It is a qualifier of that more fundamental, but also more basic data point, the price. When we receive a price quote from a trusted and valued seller, we can gauge it more readily than one that comes from an unknown source. Likewise, when a buyer shares their own wish to come to a “fair deal” rather than to make out like a bandit, their negotiations can be taken as good faith dealings. 

The moral economy, within the ecological space defined by Darwin and Kropotkin, shows the value of trust within mutual societies and within groups. Fostering that trust and moral growth strengthens the bonds that carry information back and forth and allows for reliance on other people’s words by centering the mutual benefits of cooperation and symbiosis. Making a market becomes possible only with that trust in the foundations of fair dealings. Taking on the risks of personal vulnerability that come with mutual aid becomes possible in a moral economy, birthing cooperative societies and strengthening the individual. 

It would be unfair to criticize the philosophies present in Origin of Species for their lack of foresight in predicting the focus of Mutual Aid. But Darwin’s focus on the survival (and even more, the emergence) of individual species as a powerful indicator of both the success of differentiation as an evolutionary strategy and the tendency of propagated traits to match the environments where these traits are used is nothing to be scoffed at. Even reading chronologically backwards from Bookchin to Kropotkin to Darwin, this focus on individual groups’ success (and of individuals’ success within those groups) brings us back to the individually beneficent character of the moral economy. Access to these places of vibrant, useful, and valuable information is a credit to all individuals who interact with them. 

A moral economy supports a fecund commercial ecology, fostering the evolution of healthy and capable individuals. Kropotkin and Bookchin describe a world where we play a key role in forming these moral economies and developing our own evolutionary futures. Darwin’s work, while silent on these aspects, laid the foundations for understanding how these benefits to the individual filter back into the continued growth of the species as a whole. A modern ecological understanding further develops this loop, strengthening the bonds of an engaged and active civic life.


  1. Bookchin, Murray. (2021). The New Municipal Agenda.  From Urbanization to Cities: The Politics of Democratic Municipalism (3rd). AK Press.
  2. Bookchin, Murray. (1998) The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Materialism. Black Rose Books. 44.
  3. Bookchin, Murray. (2021). The Ideal of Citizenship.  From Urbanization to Cities: The Politics of Democratic Municipalism (3rd). AK Press.
Portuguese, Stateless Embassies
Uma Breve História do Anarquismo Individualista

De abc. Artigo original: A Brief History of Individualist Anarchism de 25 de novembro 2022. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Camargo.

Em todo o mundo, a palavra “anarquismo” possui uma variedade de significados. Quando a maioria das pessoas pensa em “anarquismo”, as primeiras coisas que lhes vêm à mente são lançadores de bombas incendiárias e grupos mascarados que quebram as janelas da Starbucks e do McDonald’s. Na imaginação popular, anarquismo é sinônimo de caos. Armados com esta imagem do anarquismo como uma ideologia niilista e violenta, muitas pessoas não conseguem entender como alguém poderia se identificar como um anarquista. Afinal de contas, os anarquistas não odeiam a autoridade e o governo? Eles não querem destruir a sociedade e criar algum tipo de utopia anárquica povoada por gangues de hippies vadios que passam seus dias fumando maconha e fazendo sexo com qualquer um em armazéns abandonados? Não admira que tantas pessoas achem esta ideia tão risível… Entretanto, dentro da ampla categoria de movimentos sociais e políticos conhecidos como “anarquismo”, há muitas ideias diferentes sobre como alcançar maior igualdade, liberdade e justiça para todas as pessoas. Alguns anarquistas defendem a resistência não-violenta ou a coexistência pacífica com outras ideologias e estilos de vida; outros anarquistas apoiam o vandalismo e a destruição de propriedade como táticas contra instituições opressivas; alguns exigem a abolição do governo, enquanto outros exigem maior controle local sobre educação, prisões, estradas, parques, etc. Neste artigo, vamos explorar o anarquismo individualista inicial nos EUA que é, em minha sincera opinião, o mais próximo do que o conceito de anarquismo realmente é. Olhando para a história do movimento anarquista, os principais representantes do anarquismo individualista são pensadores como Godwin, Stirner, e Tucker.

O anarquismo individualista é baseado nos pontos extremos, e às vezes vagos, da filosofia libertária, pois rejeita a base social do verdadeiro anarquismo enquanto tenta assegurar a independência absoluta do indivíduo. Em particular, ele rejeita tanto o estado quanto a sociedade em particular e reduz a organização a uma associação de egoístas baseada no respeito mútuo de indivíduos únicos, cada um se sustentando com seus próprios pés. De acordo com estas declarações, o anarquismo individualista, baseado em filosofias libertárias, procura assegurar um estado de independência absoluta para o indivíduo e ignora a base social. Os anarquistas individualistas favoreceram o poder absoluto do indivíduo sobre o social e argumentaram não haver outro sujeito real que não seja o indivíduo; portanto, eles se opuseram a qualquer estrutura, incluindo a sociedade, sobrepondo-se à vontade do indivíduo. Os anarquistas individualistas diferem dos anarquistas socialistas não em sua ênfase no indivíduo, mas no radicalismo de sua ênfase no indivíduo. Eles foram céticos em relação às construções sociais desde o início e argumentaram que elas prejudicariam a liberdade individual.

O anarquismo individualista é uma filosofia política que defende a abolição de todas as formas de controle social e econômico centralizado (isto é, o estado, o capitalismo, etc.) em favor da propriedade única e individual da terra e dos próprios meios de produção (por exemplo, fábricas, fazendas, oficinas, etc.). Em outras palavras, os anarquistas individualistas querem desmantelar monopólios coercitivos, como o capitalismo estatal e, em vez disso, instituir uma sociedade de pequenas empresas e cooperativas onde os trabalhadores controlem os meios de produção. Em um mundo idealizado pelos anarquistas individualistas, não haveria distinção de classe entre proprietários de empresas, trabalhadores e consumidores; não haveria estado (ou outras formas de governo centralizado) para fazer cumprir a legislação ou monopolizar o uso legítimo da violência; não haveria formas de exploração econômica (por exemplo, proprietários cobrando aluguel exorbitante de inquilinos pobres, empregadores tirando vantagem de seus trabalhadores, etc.); e não haveria escassez artificial criada por regulamentações legais (por exemplo, patentes, direitos autorais, etc.).

A história do anarquismo individualista nos EUA é incrivelmente importante, porque mostra que o anarquismo não é apenas um sinônimo para caos e desordem. Embora o anarquismo individualista tenha sido amplamente esquecido como movimento, ele já foi um fator significativo na política e cultura americana. Durante o final do século XIX e início do século XX, os anarquistas individualistas foram uma força poderosa nas lutas trabalhistas americanas, publicando diversas revistas proeminentes e concorrendo a cargos públicos. A história do movimento anarquista individualista nos mostra que o anarquismo não é sinônimo de revolução violenta e caos. Nem o anarquismo exige que todos nós vivamos em um mundo sem regras e regulamentos, como alguns críticos têm sugerido. A história do anarquismo individualista nos EUA demonstra que uma sociedade livre, igualitária e justa pode ser alcançada por práticas anarquistas, pode não ser uma conquista tangível, mas certamente aproximará as pessoas, e a ideia se espalhará facilmente.

William Godwin (1756-1836) pode ser considerado um pioneiro do anarquismo individualista. Como filósofo, romancista e ativista político, os escritos de Godwin muito influenciaram os movimentos sociais, como o feminismo e o socialismo, mas poucas pessoas hoje sabem que ele também lançou as bases para o anarquismo. Godwin foi um dos primeiros críticos da ideia de que o governo é um “mal necessário”, argumentando que o estado não é nem necessário, nem benéfico para a sociedade. Na opinião de Godwin, o governo é uma “usurpação” desnecessária que causa mais mal do que bem. Em seu trabalho de 1793, “Inquérito acerca da justiça política”, Godwin argumenta que a consciência individual e a moralidade natural são suficientes para criar uma sociedade justa e igualitária. Como os seres humanos são naturalmente interessados em si mesmos e possuem senso moral, Godwin afirma que é do melhor interesse de todos tratar com respeito e evitar prejudicar uns aos outros. Para Godwin, o governo é desnecessário porque a própria natureza humana é uma “lei”.

O primeiro movimento anarquista americano moderno foi o Conselho de Equidade, fundado por um homem chamado Josiah Warren, em 1833. Warren foi um contemporâneo de Godwin e um admirador de seus escritos, mas discordou de sua visão de governo. Godwin enfatizava consistentemente dois aspectos em seu pensamento, um se opondo à necessidade de governo nos assuntos humanos, e o outro enfatizando a importância da moralidade, a fim de provocar uma mudança moral através da reforma da estrutura política e, assim, permitindo à sociedade adquirir virtude. Segundo ele, quando o homem é impedido de se comportar como sua compreensão dita, ele se transforma de um sujeito capaz de perfeição ilimitada no mais baixo e vil ser que se possa imaginar. Warren não acreditava que o governo era desnecessário pela natureza humana ser uma “lei”; ele acreditava que o governo é desnecessário por ela ser um “contrato”. Em outras palavras, Warren acreditava que o governo é um contrato social: um acordo livre entre indivíduos para respeitar os direitos e propriedades uns dos outros. Qualquer pessoa que viole este acordo (por exemplo, roubando, assassinando ou cometendo abuso) deve ser punida de acordo com seus crimes, mas o governo não tem o direito de interferir na vida das pessoas fora deste contexto. Na década de 1840, Warren e seus seguidores fundaram comunidades anarquistas individualistas chamadas “vilas de equidade”, com base nestes princípios. Nessas aldeias, os residentes mantinham suas terras e posses em “mãos livres” (ou seja, não eram propriedade do estado ou de qualquer outra pessoa); as pessoas eram livres para ir e vir quando quisessem, e não havia governo ou força policial para interferir na forma como a aldeia era administrada.

Após a dissolução do Conselho de Equidade na década de 1850, o anarquismo individualista entrou em declínio nos EUA. Max Stirner não era membro do Conselho de Equidade, mas compartilhava muitas das mesmas visões de Godwin. Como Godwin, Stirner acreditava que o governo era uma forma de “usurpação” em vez de um “mal necessário”. Como Warren, Stirner acreditava que o governo não é algo que existe “lá fora” no mundo real; é uma forma de “injustiça” em nossas próprias mentes. E como os individualistas alemães que o seguiram, Stirner defendia um sistema social e econômico descentralizado, baseado no individualismo de livre mercado. Mas isto não indica que Stirner compartilhou opiniões com os liberais ou com a maioria dos defensores do livre mercado. A crítica de Stirner ao conjunto de crenças políticas liberais foi que o liberalismo não difere das metanarrativas opostas pela filosofia anarquista. Em seu trabalho fundamental O Único e Sua Propriedade, o liberalismo é retratado como uma ideologia política preocupada com ideias e pensamentos gerais … uma ideologia política que não se preocupa com interesses individuais, mas com fins gerais, uma ideologia política que não se preocupa especificamente com a ideia do eu de carne e sangue, mas com fins últimos. Stirner atacou a ideia moderna de estado e soberania, o hábito de legitimar a existência do estado. A ideia de que não há diferenças acentuadas entre estado e sociedade, e até mesmo a ideia de que a sociedade desenvolve o estado. Stirner também criticou a sociedade. Entretanto, na ausência de uma sociedade idealizada e do estado, retratado como um monstro, o problema de como mesmo as relações humanas mais simples seriam realizadas foi um desafio que precisava ser respondido por Stirner: por esta razão, o pensador argumentou que a estrutura social existente e a forma do estado deveriam ser transformadas em uma “união de egoístas”. Stirner, que se opõe a qualquer tipo de metanarrativa, institucionalização e organização, propõe uma unidade própria sobre como as relações humanas devem ser alcançadas na ausência de tais estruturas, mesmo no sentido mais simples da socialização. Essa unidade que ele propõe possui duas características: (a) ela se baseia em uma ação puramente voluntária e (b) há uma escolha única entre aqueles que dela participam.

Após a morte de Stirner, os anarquistas individualistas americanos começaram a publicar e distribuir literatura libertária de uma organização chamada Fórum de Cultura Livre da Nova Inglaterra. Liderado por um homem chamado Ezra Heywood, o Fórum defendeu o amor livre, a liberdade de expressão, a terra e o pensamento livre, e realizou reuniões semanais em várias cidades. Heywood e seus colegas membros do Fórum não se chamavam “anarquistas individualistas”, mas eram essencialmente anarquistas individualistas que advogavam por uma sociedade descentralizada, onde a intervenção do governo fosse minimizada e o livre mercado fosse permitido florescer. Como Stirner, Heywood e o Fórum eram críticos do capitalismo e acreditavam que a exploração econômica era tão prejudicial quanto a opressão do governo. Embora o Fórum de Cultura Livre da Nova Inglaterra tenha sido pequeno e de curta duração, ele teve um papel importante no desenvolvimento dos movimentos sociais americanos.

Benjamin Tucker, nascido em 1854, foi um anarquista individualista americano. Seu empreendimento mais importante foi a revista Liberty, que iniciou em 1881 e por meio dela compartilhou suas ideias com diferentes escritores, cessando sua publicação em 1908. Ele se tornou uma das figuras mais importantes do anarquismo americano ao interpretar o anticapitalismo antimercado de Proudhon de uma maneira diferente. Ele foi a primeira pessoa a traduzir o livro de Max Stirner, O Único e a Sua Propriedade, do alemão para o inglês. Sua teoria dos quatro monopólios, incluindo o monopólio da terra, o monopólio monetário e bancário, o monopólio aduaneiro e o monopólio dos direitos autorais, foi uma de suas ideias mais importantes. Mais tarde, abandonou o anarquismo individualista de mercado de Proudhon e Spooner, para adotar o anarquismo egoísta de Stirner, o que criou confusão no círculo da Liberty. Em 1908, todo o seu corpo de livros foi destruído em um incêndio, após o qual ele foi para a França com sua esposa e morreu em Mônaco. Nos círculos anarquistas de hoje, argumenta-se que suas ideias podem ter constituído um passo preliminar na síntese do anarcocapitalismo. Isso pode ser verdade, especialmente considerando que Rothbard explicou ter sido influenciado por Spooner e Tucker. O escritor libertário americano Benjamin Tucker, que defendia uma forma um tanto moderada de anarquismo individualista, recusou-se a recorrer à violência para recusar a obediência e, como todos os individualistas, opôs-se a todas as formas de comunismo econômico.

A última figura importante na história do anarquismo individualista foi um advogado chamado Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) que fundou uma publicação chamada “The Anarchist”. Como Godwin, Warren e Stirner, Spooner não se autodenominava um “anarquista”; ele se denominava um “homem sem governo”. Spooner acreditava que o único papel legítimo do governo é proteger os direitos das pessoas e que a única maneira de manter uma sociedade livre é impedir que o governo se torne poderoso demais. Spooner apresentou uma visão do mundo anarquista individualista, comumente chamada de “Lei Natural” ou “Ciência da Justiça”, que se inspira em considerações deísta e utilitárias, segundo as quais as primeiras ações coercitivas contra indivíduos e seus bens, como a tributação, são de fato criminosas, porque são, antes de tudo, imorais. O famoso argumento “propriedade é roubo” de Proudhon, o lema do anarquismo, cristalizaria em sua contraparte americana na proposta de que “imposto é roubo”, que não visa diretamente a propriedade privada, mas desafia abertamente o poder estatal. De acordo com Spooner, a natureza de um crime deve ser determinada essencialmente por sua violação da lei natural; não se pode argumentar que atos supostamente criminosos conforme as leis positivas tornam-se criminosos meramente por violar leis feitas pelo homem (arbitrárias). As pessoas vivem em paz enquanto cumprirem os princípios da justiça, mas sempre que um destes princípios é violado, elas são levadas à guerra. E estarão inevitavelmente em guerra até que a paz seja restaurada.

Stateless Embassies, Turkish
Ahlaki Yamyamlığa Karşı

Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Jason Lee Byas tarafından kaleme alınmıştır ve Bu makale C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium on Anarchism and Egoism‘in bir parçasıdır. 3 Haziran 2022 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmış.

Stirner’in bu terimi kastettiği şekliyle söyleyebilirim ki ben bir egoist değilim. Ahlakı hem anarşizm hem de genel olarak yaşam için çok önemli görüyorum. Fakat Stirnerci, amoralist egoizmin ahlak konusunda çoğu insanın epey yanlış anladığı bir şeyi çok doğru anladığını da düşünmüyorum desem yalan olur.

Önümüzdeki birkaç yazıda genellikle Stirner ile ilişkilendirilen egoizm türünü neden reddettiğim hakkında daha fazla şey söyleyeceğim ancak burada doğru yaptığı şeye odaklanacağım.

Stirner’in Meydan Okuması

Doğru olanı yapmak ile sizin için en iyi olanı yapmanın aynı şey olmadığı konusunda çoğu insan hemfikirdir.

Doğru olanı yapmaya çalışan kişinin, yapmayan kişiye kıyasla genellikle daha iyi bir hayatı olacağı doğru olabilir. Ancak bu sadece bir korelasyondur.

Sosyal düzeyde, ahlaki davranışların damgasını vurduğu bir topluluğun, üyeleri için ahlaksız davranışların damgasını vurduğu bir topluluktan daha iyi sonuçlar üretme eğiliminde olduğu doğru olabilir. Ancak bu da sadece bir korelasyondur ve daha çok sizin ahlaklı olmanızla değil, diğer insanların ahlaklı olmasının size sağladığı faydalarla ilgilidir.

Bir düzeyde, kişisel çıkar ve ahlakın birbirinden ayrıldığı yaygın olarak anlaşılmaktadır.

Bu bir sorun yaratır.

En azından ahlakın kendi terimleriyle “doğru” ahlak teorisinin ne olduğunu zaten belirlediğimizi varsayalım. Bu, en büyük sayı için en büyük iyiyi yaratmakla ilgili faydacı bir teori, kişilere uygun şekilde saygı duymak için deontolojik bir kurallar dizisi, aranacak erdemler ve kaçınılacak kötü alışkanlıklar dizisi veya tercih ettiğiniz dinin kuralları olabilir.

Her halükarda, birisinin “Tamam, teknik olarak ‘yapılması gereken doğru şey’ bu, ama bunu yapmamak benim için daha iyiyken neden yapayım?” diye sorması en azından anlaşılabilir bir durumdur.

Peter Singer‘ın lüks kafelerden kahve almayı alışkanlık haline getirmenin ahlaki açıdan vicdansızlık olduğu konusunda haklı olduğunu varsayalım, çünkü bu para birikiyor ve bunun yerine Sıtmayla Mücadele Vakfı’na gidebilirdi. Tamam, iyi ama neden ahlakı güzel bir fincan kahveden daha fazla önemseyeyim ki?

Bu “amoralist meydan okuma “dır. Ahlakın açık maliyetleri olduğu ve görmezden gelmenin açık faydaları olduğu durumlarda neden ahlaklı olalım?

İlk bakışta bu soru mantıklı bile görünmüyor. Nihayetinde birkaç yazı ileride tam olarak düşündüğümde de mantıklı olmadığını iddia edeceğim. Ancak mantıklı olduğu orta düzeyde bir düşünme seviyesi var ve burada odaklanmak istediğim de bu.

Stirner’in Meydan Okumasını Başarısız Kılmak ya da “Hiç Denemeden Nasıl Amoralist Olunur?”

Orta düzeyde bir düşünme seviyesine ulaşmak için amoralist meydan okumaya verilecek birkaç yanıtı ele alalım.

Bunlardan ilki ilahi cezaya ya da ilahi ödüle yapılan bir çağrıdır. Her şey söylenip bittiğinde, Tanrı’nın yanlış yapanları cezalandıracağı ve doğru yapanları ödüllendireceği söylenir. Dolayısıyla, şu anda yaptığınız yanınıza kâr kalsa bile, o dükkânı soymamalısınız çünkü sonunda yaptığınız yanınıza kâr kalmayacaktır.

İkincisi ise soruyu tamamen reddetmektir. Ahlak teorisinin görevi herkesi doğru olanı yapmaya ikna etmek değildir, diyebilir bu yaklaşımı benimseyen biri, sadece bize doğru olanın ne olduğunu söylemektir. Eğer birisi kendini gerçekten ahlaka bağlı hissetmiyorsa, teori biter ve pratik başlar: “Yaptığım yanıma kar kalırken neden insanları öldürmeyeyim?” diyen kişiyle tartışmayız, sadece insanları öldürmelerini engelleriz. Amoralistlere vermemiz gereken tek “cevap” onlarla savaşmaktır.

Bu iki cevap da başarısız.

İlk cevabın, ahlak ve ahlak dışı kişisel çıkar çatıştığında, ahlak dışı kişisel çıkarın daha yüksek bir çağrı olduğunu düşünerek amoralistin yanlış olduğunu söylemediğine dikkat edin. Sadece Tanrı’nın doğru olanı yapmanın ahlaki olmayan kişisel çıkarınıza uygun olmasını sağlayacağını söyler. Mesele Tanrı’nın çok iyi olduğu ve bu nedenle O’nun dediğini yapmamız gerektiği değil, Tanrı’nın çok güçlü olduğu ve bu nedenle O’nun dediğini yapmamız gerektiğidir.

Bu yüzden ilk cevap teistler arasında bile popüler değildir. Ancak bunu gündeme getirmemin nedeni, çok daha popüler olan ikinci cevabın aslında ilkinin sekülerleştirilmiş bir versiyonu olmasıdır.

Bunun nedeni, ikinci cevabın amoralistle nedenler açısından konuşmayı açıkça reddetmesidir. “Dediğimizi yapmazsan hayatını cehenneme çeviririz” demek, “Dediğimizi yapmazsan cehenneme gidersin” demekten daha iyi bir cevap değildir.

İlk cevapta, doğru bir standart yoktur, sadece Tanrı’nın ve sizin iradeniz, artı Tanrı’nın ikincisini birincisine tabi kılma gücü vardır. İkinci cevapta ise doğru bir standart yoktur, sadece Ahlak Kulübü’nün ve sizin iradeniz, artı Ahlak Kulübü’nün ikincisini birincisine tabi kılma gücü vardır.

Eğer Ahlak Kulübü’nün standartlarına göre namuslu bir insansanız, şimdi “Tamam, iyi, her neyse! Ahlakın kendisinin ötesinde başka bir gerekçesi yok. Ne olmuş yani? Ben hala doğru olanı yapmaya kararlıyım. Başkası yapmıyorsa, çok kötü, yine de onları suçlamaya ve bu standarttan sorumlu tutmaya devam edeceğim. Hiçbir şey değilse, onlar da bundan daha yüksek bir standart olduğunu düşünmüyorlar, bu yüzden şikayet etmek için herhangi bir gerekçeleri yok!”

Ne yazık ki durum bundan biraz daha karmaşık. Eğer konuşmanın bittiği yer burasıysa, amoralistin gerçekten de ahlakçının sahip olmadığı bir şekilde şikayet etmek için gerekçeleri vardır.

Ahlak Kulübü nedenler açısından faaliyet gösterdiğini iddia eder. Amoralist egoist böyle bir iddiada bulunmaz. Onlar sadece bir şey yapmak isterler ve sonra da yaparlar.

Ahlak Kulübü dürüstlüğe değer verdiğini iddia eder. Amoralist egoist ise böyle bir iddiada bulunmaz. Sadece bir şey yapmanızı isterler ve sonra da bunu yapmanızı sağlamak için ne gerekiyorsa yaparlar.

Ve eğer konuşma “tamam, peki, her neyse” cevabıyla sona eriyorsa, o zaman Ahlak Kulübü kendini nedenler açısından savunmuyor ve dürüstçe faaliyet göstermiyor demektir. Başka bir deyişle, eğer Ahlak Kulübü’nün ideallerini benimsiyorsanız, bu sizin Ahlak Kulübü’nün ideallerini benimsemeyi bırakmanız gerektiği anlamına gelir. Amoralist egoist bu idealleri benimsemediği için onları görmezden gelerek tutarsız davranmaz.

O halde, bu tür bir cevap veren ahlakçı en iyi ihtimalle kılık değiştirmiş bir amoralist egoisttir. Açık ahlakçı ile aralarındaki tek fark, ahlak gerçekten önemli olsaydı kripto-ahlakçının daha kınanabilir olacağıdır.

Eğer ahlakın önemli olduğunu düşünmüyorsanız, bunun sizi rahatsız etmesine gerek olmadığını ve önemliymiş gibi davranmaya devam edebileceğinizi düşünüyorum. Ancak ahlakın gerçekten önemli olabileceğini düşünüyorsanız (ki ben kesinlikle düşünüyorum), ahlaksızlara karşı “onlarla savaşmaktan” daha iyi bir cevap bulmak için çok endişelenmelisiniz.

Ve eğer bir anarşist, özgürlükçü ya da sadece bir liberalseniz (ki ben üçüyüm), daha iyi bir cevap bulmak için çok ama çok endişelenmelisiniz. Çünkü eğer ahlakın üzerimizde rasyonel bir etkisi yoksa, sadece insanların ona verdiği sosyal, psikolojik ve fiziksel etkiye sahiptir. Ve eğer rasyonel bir önceliği yoksa, pek çok bakış açısı arasında sadece bir tanesidir. Bu iki şeyi bir araya getirdiğimizde şu sonuca ulaşırız: Ahlak, Ahlak Kulübü’ne katılmış olanların katılmamış olanlara hükmetmeye çalıştığı, kendi keyfi çıkarlarını büyük miktarlarda sosyal, psikolojik ve fiziksel baskı ile ön plana çıkardığı bir kontrol sistemidir.

Dolayısıyla, tahakkümü ahlaki olarak reddeden herkesin amoralistlere verecek bir cevabı olmalıdır. Aksi takdirde, tahakkümü gerçekten reddetmiş olmazlar, sadece kendi seçtikleri çetenin dışındakiler tarafından uygulanan tahakkümü reddetmiş olurlar.

Dahası, böyle bir cevap olmaksızın, Ahlak Kulübü’nün tahakkümü, reddettiği tahakkümden çok daha sapkın ve çok daha acınası olacaktır.

En azından diğer tahakküm biçimleri kontrol sistemleri olduklarını kabul eder ve en azından size karşı kullanabildikleri zorlama sayesinde sizden beklediklerini beklerler. Buna karşılık, herhangi bir rasyonel zeminden yoksun bir Ahlak Kulübü, talep ettikleri şeyi talep ettikleri için yapmanız gerektiğinden yakınır. Eylemlerinizi onlarınkine göre yeniden düzenlemeniz yeterli değildir, motivasyonlarınızı da yeniden düzenlemelisiniz ki artık onların isteklerini yerine getirmek için havuç ve sopalara ihtiyacınız kalmasın.

Aslında, başka hiçbir tahakküm sistemi tek başına bu kadar cesur olmamıştır. Ne zaman bu kadar ileri gitseler, bu ancak Ahlak Kulübü ile iktidarı pekiştirme girişimi olabilir. Devlet sizden hiçbir zorlama olmaksızın kendisine itaat etmenizi talep ediyorsa, bunun nedeni yasalara itaat etmenin ahlaki bir yükümlülük olduğunu iddia etmeleridir.

Ahlak Kulübünü aradan çıkardıktan sonra daha dürüst bir değerlendirme yapabiliriz: Eğer Devletin dediğini yapmazsam ve Devlet beni yakalarsa, o zaman beni cezalandırmasını bekleyebilirim. Pekala, şimdi maliyetler ve faydalar hakkında bir yargıya varabilir ve buna göre hareket edebilirim. Ancak Devlet, Ahlak Kulübü ile olan ortaklığı sayesinde bu süreci atlatmaya ve itaatsizliğin faydaları ceza maliyetlerinden daha ağır bassa bile itaatimi ucuza getirmeye çalışıyor.

İşte bu yüzden amoralistin gerçek bir cevaba ihtiyacı vardır. Çünkü aksi takdirde, ahlakın kendisi en derin ahlaksızlığın kalbinde yer alır ve adaletin kendisi de en büyük adaletsizliktir. O zaman “anarşizm” için herhangi bir ahlaki dava anarşist değil, keyfi olarak seçilmiş bir aristokrasiye, bu durumda çıkarları Ahlak Kulübü’nün çıkarlarıyla örtüşen insanlardan oluşan bir aristokrasiye itaatinizi yönlendiren başka bir siren şarkısı olacaktır.

Stirner’in Meydan Okumasına Cevap Vermek

Açık olmak gerekirse, cevabı reddeden cevapta da doğru olan bir şey var. Eğer ahlak bir yere varacaksa, psikolojik olarak mümkün olan her şüpheye rehin bırakılamaz. Bir noktada, sorunun şüphecide olduğunu ve kusurlu akıl yürütmelerinin onları ahlakın üzerine çıkarmayacağını söyleyebilmeliyiz.

Oysa sahip olmamız gereken tam da bu tür bir cevaptır. Amoralistin muhakemesinde bir kusur olmalı ve göremedikleri bir sebep olsa bile ahlakın iddialarını kabul etmeleri için bir sebepleri olmalı. Çağrıyı reddetseler bile ahlak onlara kendi sesleriyle konuşmalıdır.

Ahlak bir nedenler dünyasıdır. Amoraliste cevap vermek, bu alanın neden kaçınılmaz olduğunu, neden geri çekilip her şeyin dengesiz bir güç oyunundan başka bir şey olmadığını ilan edebileceğimiz bir perspektif olmadığını göstermektir.

Bu alanın haritasını çıkarmanın bazı yolları onun her yere yayılmış olduğunu öne sürecek, diğerleri ise sürmeyecektir. Dolayısıyla amoralist meydan okuma, ahlakın neye benzediğini anlamamıza da yardımcı olacaktır. Çünkü neye benzerse benzesin, bazılarının çıkarlarının herhangi bir gerekçe gösterilmeksizin basitçe diğerlerinin çıkarlarına feda edildiği bir ahlaki yamyamlık sistemi olamaz.

Bu nedenle, Stirner’in vardığı sonuçları reddetsem de önerdiği türden bir meydan okumanın etiğin en temel sorusu olduğunu düşünüyorum. Görmezden gelinemez.

Spanish, Stateless Embassies
Breve historia del anarquismo individualista

Escrito por abc. Título original: A brief history of individualist anarchism, del 25 de noviembre de 2022. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa.

En todo el mundo, la palabra “anarquismo” tiene diversos significados. Cuando la mayoría de la gente piensa en “anarquismo”, lo primero que le viene a la mente son lanzadores de bombas incendiarias y alborotadores enmascarados rompiendo escaparates de Starbucks y McDonald’s. En el imaginario popular, anarquismo es sinónimo de caos. Armados con esta imagen del anarquismo como ideología nihilista y violenta, muchas personas no pueden entender cómo alguien puede autoidentificarse como anarquista. Después de todo, ¿no odian los anarquistas la autoridad y el gobierno? ¿No quieren destruir la sociedad y crear una especie de utopía anárquica poblada por bandas itinerantes de hippies drogadictos que se pasan el día fumando hierba y acostándose con quien les da la gana en almacenes abandonados? No es de extrañar que tanta gente encuentre esta idea tan risible… Sin embargo, dentro de la amplia categoría de movimientos sociales y políticos conocidos como “anarquismo”, existen muchas ideas diferentes sobre cómo lograr una mayor igualdad, libertad y justicia para todas las personas. Algunos anarquistas abogan por la resistencia no violenta o la coexistencia pacífica con otras ideologías y estilos de vida; otros anarquistas apoyan el vandalismo y la destrucción de la propiedad como táctica contra las instituciones opresoras; algunos piden la abolición del gobierno, mientras que otros exigen un mayor control local sobre la educación, las prisiones, las carreteras, los parques, etc. En este artículo, exploraremos el anarquismo individualista primitivo en EEUU que es, en mi honesta consideración, lo más cercano a lo que realmente es el concepto de anarquismo. Analizando la historia del movimiento anarquista, los principales representantes del anarquismo individualista son pensadores como Godwin, Stirner y Tucker.

El anarquismo individualista se basa en los puntos extremos y a veces vagos de la filosofía libertaria, ya que rechaza la base social del verdadero anarquismo al tiempo que intenta garantizar la independencia absoluta del individuo. En concreto, rechaza tanto el Estado como la sociedad en particular y reduce la organización a una asociación de egoístas basada en el respeto mutuo de individuos únicos, cada uno por su lado. Según estas afirmaciones, el anarquismo individualista, basado en filosofías libertarias, busca asegurar un estado de independencia absoluta para el individuo e ignora la base social. Los anarquistas individualistas favorecen el poder absoluto del individuo sobre lo social y sostienen que no hay más sujeto real que el individuo; por lo tanto, se oponen a que cualquier estructura, incluida la sociedad, anule la voluntad del individuo. En lo que difieren los anarquistas individualistas de los socialistas no es en su énfasis en el individuo, sino en el radicalismo de su énfasis en el individuo. Desde el principio se mostraron escépticos ante las construcciones sociales y argumentaron que obstaculizarían la libertad individual.

El anarquismo individualista es una filosofía política que aboga por la abolición de todas las formas de control social y económico centralizado (es decir, el Estado, el capitalismo, etc.) en favor de la propiedad exclusiva e individual de la tierra y de los propios medios de producción (por ejemplo, fábricas, granjas, talleres, etc.). En otras palabras, los anarquistas individualistas quieren desmantelar los monopolios coercitivos como el capitalismo de estado e instituir en su lugar una sociedad de pequeñas empresas y cooperativas donde los trabajadores controlen los medios de producción. En un mundo ideal imaginado por los anarquistas individualistas, no habría distinciones de clase entre propietarios de empresas, trabajadores y consumidores; no habría Estado (u otras formas de gobierno centralizado) para hacer cumplir la legislación o monopolizar el uso legítimo de la violencia; no habría formas de explotación económica (por ejemplo, propietarios que cobran alquileres exorbitantes a inquilinos pobres, empresarios que se aprovechan de sus trabajadores, etc.); y no habría escasez artificial creada por regulaciones legales (por ejemplo, patentes, derechos de autor, etc.).

La historia del anarquismo individualista en Estados Unidos es increíblemente importante porque demuestra que el anarquismo no es sólo otra palabra para el caos y el desorden. Aunque el anarquismo individualista ha caído en el olvido como movimiento, en su día fue un factor importante en la política y la cultura estadounidenses. A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, los anarquistas individualistas fueron una fuerza poderosa en las luchas obreras estadounidenses, publicaron varias revistas destacadas y se presentaron a cargos públicos. La historia del movimiento anarquista individualista nos dice que el anarquismo no es sinónimo de revolución violenta y caos. El anarquismo tampoco requiere que todos vivamos en un mundo sin reglas ni normas, como han sugerido algunos críticos. La historia del anarquismo individualista en EE.UU. demuestra que se puede conseguir una sociedad libre, igualitaria y justa mediante prácticas anarquistas, puede que no sea un logro tangible, pero sin duda acercará a la gente y la idea se extenderá fácilmente.

William Godwin (1756-1836) puede considerarse un pionero del anarquismo individualista. Como filósofo, novelista y activista político, los escritos de Godwin influyeron enormemente en movimientos sociales como el feminismo y el socialismo, pero poca gente sabe hoy que también sentó las bases del anarquismo. Godwin fue uno de los primeros críticos de la idea de que el gobierno es un “mal necesario”, argumentando que el Estado no es ni necesario ni beneficioso para la sociedad. En opinión de Godwin, el gobierno es una “usurpación” innecesaria que causa más daño que bien. En su obra de 1793, “An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice”, Godwin sostiene que la conciencia individual y la moral natural son suficientes para crear una sociedad justa e igualitaria. Dado que los seres humanos son naturalmente egoístas y poseen un sentido moral, Godwin afirma que lo mejor para todos es tratarse con respeto y abstenerse de perjudicarse mutuamente. Para Godwin, el gobierno es innecesario porque la propia naturaleza humana es una “ley”.

El primer movimiento anarquista americano moderno fue el Consejo de la Equidad, fundado por un hombre llamado Josiah Warren en 1833. Warren era contemporáneo de Godwin y admirador de sus escritos, pero no estaba de acuerdo con la visión que éste tenía del gobierno. Godwin enfatizaba constantemente dos aspectos en su pensamiento, uno que se oponía a la necesidad del gobierno en los asuntos orientados al hombre, y el otro que enfatizaba la importancia de la moralidad para lograr un cambio moral reformando la estructura política y permitiendo así que la sociedad adquiriera virtud. Según él, cuando se impide al hombre comportarse como le dicta su entendimiento, pasa de ser un sujeto capaz de una perfección ilimitada a convertirse en el ser más vil imaginable. Warren no creía que el gobierno fuera innecesario porque la naturaleza humana fuera una “ley”; creía que el gobierno era innecesario porque la naturaleza humana era un “contrato”. En otras palabras, Warren creía que el gobierno es un contrato social: un acuerdo libre entre individuos para respetar los derechos y la propiedad de los demás. Cualquiera que viole este acuerdo (por ejemplo, robando, asesinando o abusando de otros) debe ser castigado de acuerdo con sus delitos, pero el gobierno no tiene derecho a interferir en la vida de las personas fuera de este contexto. En la década de 1840, Warren y sus seguidores fundaron comunidades anarquistas individualistas llamadas “aldeas de la equidad” basadas en estos principios. En estas aldeas, los residentes tenían sus tierras y posesiones en “manos libres” (es decir, no eran propiedad del Estado ni de nadie más); la gente era libre de ir y venir a su antojo, y no había ningún gobierno ni fuerza policial que interfiriera en la gestión de la aldea.

Tras la disolución del Consejo de la Equidad en la década de 1850, el anarquismo individualista entró en decadencia en Estados Unidos. Max Stirner no era miembro del Consejo de la Equidad, pero compartía muchos de los puntos de vista de Godwin. Como Godwin, Stirner creía que el gobierno es una forma de “usurpación” más que un “mal necesario”. Como Warren, Stirner creía que el gobierno no es algo que exista “ahí fuera” en el mundo real; es una forma de “injusticia” en nuestras propias mentes. Y al igual que los individualistas alemanes que le siguieron, Stirner abogaba por un sistema social y económico descentralizado basado en el individualismo de libre mercado. Pero esto no indica que Stirner compartiera puntos de vista con los liberales o con la mayoría de los defensores del libre mercado. La crítica de Stirner al conjunto de creencias políticas liberales es que el liberalismo no difiere de los metarrelatos a los que se opone la filosofía anarquista. En su obra fundamental El Único y su Propiedad, el liberalismo es retratado como una ideología política preocupada por ideas y pensamientos generales… una ideología política que no se preocupa por los intereses individuales, sino por los fines generales, una ideología política que no se preocupa específicamente por la idea del yo de carne y hueso, sino por los fines últimos. Stirner atacó la idea moderna del Estado y la soberanía, el hábito de legitimar la existencia del Estado. La idea de que no existen diferencias tajantes entre Estado y sociedad, e incluso la idea de que la sociedad desarrolla al Estado. Stirner también criticó la sociedad. Sin embargo, en ausencia de una sociedad idealizada y del Estado, que es retratado como un monstruo, el problema de cómo se llevarían a cabo incluso las relaciones humanas más simples es un problema al que Stirner debe dar respuesta: Por esta razón, el pensador argumentó que la estructura social existente y la forma del Estado deberían transformarse en una “unión de egoístas”. Stirner, que se opone a cualquier tipo de metarrelato, institucionalización y organización, propone una unidad propia sobre cómo deben lograrse las relaciones humanas en ausencia de tales estructuras, incluso en el sentido más simple de socialización. esta unidad que propone tiene dos características: (a) Se basa en la acción puramente voluntaria. (b) Existe una elección única entre quienes participan en ella.

Tras la muerte de Stirner, los anarquistas individualistas estadounidenses comenzaron a publicar y distribuir literatura libertaria desde una organización llamada The New England Free Culture Forum. Dirigido por un hombre llamado Ezra Heywood, el Foro abogaba por el amor libre, la libertad de expresión, la tierra libre y el pensamiento libre, y celebraba reuniones semanales en varias ciudades. Heywood y sus compañeros del Foro no se llamaban a sí mismos “anarquistas individualistas”, pero eran esencialmente anarquistas individualistas que abogaban por una sociedad descentralizada en la que se redujera al mínimo la intervención del gobierno y se permitiera el florecimiento del libre mercado. Al igual que Stirner, Heywood y el Foro criticaban el capitalismo y creían que la explotación económica era tan perjudicial como la opresión gubernamental. Aunque el Foro de Cultura Libre de Nueva Inglaterra fue pequeño y duró poco, desempeñó un papel importante en el desarrollo de los movimientos sociales estadounidenses.

Benjamin Tucker, nacido en 1854, fue un anarquista individualista estadounidense. Su empresa más importante fue la revista Liberty, que fundó en 1881 y en la que compartía sus ideas con distintos escritores, y que dejó de publicarse en 1908. Se convirtió en una de las figuras más importantes del anarquismo estadounidense al interpretar de forma diferente el anticapitalismo antimercado de Proudhon. Fue el primero en traducir del alemán al inglés el libro de Max Stirner El único y su propiedad. Su teoría de los cuatro monopolios, que incluye el monopolio de la tierra, el monopolio monetario y bancario, el monopolio aduanero y el monopolio de los derechos de autor, es una de sus ideas más importantes. Más tarde abandonó el anarquismo de mercado individualista de Proudhon y Spooner, para adoptar el anarquismo egoísta de Stirner, lo que creó confusión en el círculo de Liberty. En 1908, todo su corpus de libros fue destruido en un incendio, tras lo cual se marchó a Francia con su esposa y murió en Mónaco. En los círculos anarquistas actuales se argumenta que sus ideas pueden haber constituido un paso preliminar en la síntesis del anarcocapitalismo. Esta idea puede ser cierta, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que Rothbard explicó que estaba influido por Spooner y Tucker. El escritor libertario estadounidense Benjamin Tucker, que defendía una forma algo moderada de anarquismo individualista, se negaba a recurrir a la violencia para rechazar la obediencia y, como todos los individualistas, se oponía a toda forma de comunismo económico.

La última figura importante en la historia del anarquismo individualista fue un abogado llamado Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) que fundó una publicación llamada “El Anarquista”. Al igual que Godwin, Warren y Stirner, Spooner no se llamaba a sí mismo “anarquista”, sino “hombre sin gobierno”. Spooner creía que el único papel legítimo del gobierno es proteger los derechos de las personas y que la única forma de mantener una sociedad libre es evitar que el gobierno se vuelva demasiado poderoso. Spooner propuso una cosmovisión anarquista individualista, comúnmente denominada “Ley Natural” o “Ciencia de la Justicia”, que se inspira en consideraciones deístas y utilitaristas, según la cual las primeras acciones coercitivas contra los individuos y sus bienes, como los impuestos, son de hecho criminales, porque son ante todo inmorales. El famoso argumento de Proudhon de que “la propiedad es un robo”, lema del anarquismo, cristalizaría en su homólogo estadounidense en la proposición de que “la fiscalidad es un robo”, que no apunta directamente a la propiedad privada pero desafía abiertamente el poder del Estado. Según Spooner, la naturaleza de un delito debe determinarse esencialmente por su violación de la ley natural; no se puede argumentar que actos que supuestamente son delictivos según las leyes positivas se conviertan en delictivos por el mero hecho de violar leyes hechas por el hombre (arbitrarias). Los pueblos viven en paz mientras cumplen los principios de la justicia, pero siempre que se viola uno de estos principios, se ven abocados a la guerra. E inevitablemente estarán en guerra hasta que se restablezca la paz.

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Italian, Stateless Embassies
“Il Dilemma Libertario” di Karl Widerquist

Di Uri Strauss. Originale pubblicato il 21 dicembre 2022 con il titolo Karl Widerquist’s “A Dilemma for Libertarianism”. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna.

A Dilemma for Libertarianism” (il dilemma libertario, ndt) di Karl Widerquist, un saggio che merita di essere letto, sottolinea una contraddizione propria del libertarismo sostenitore dei diritti naturali, che è un insieme di principi propugnati da chi aspira a una filosofia politica capitalista basata sui diritti di proprietà.

Alcuni di questi principi:

• L’individuo può detenere legittimamente una proprietà se questa è stata legittimamente presa dalla condizione naturale e trasferita spontaneamente all’attuale possessore.

• L’individuo può godere della proprietà di qualcosa purché così facendo non interferisca con i diritti personali o di proprietà altrui.

• Nessuna persona o stato può influire sul diritto di ognuno di servirsi liberamente della propria proprietà, neanche tramite tassazione o normative.

• Il dovere di promuovere il benessere altrui non esiste.

Secondo Widerquist, uno stato che, con tasse o normative, tocca il diritto alla proprietà privata dei suoi cittadini non si distingue teoricamente da un individuo che, in virtù del monopolio della proprietà, estrae concessioni da altri in cambio del diritto d’uso della sua proprietà. L’unica differenza è nella terminologia. Dunque un libertario sostenitore dei diritti naturali dovrebbe scegliere: accettare la legittimità di uno stato o ripudiare la formulazione classica del diritto alla proprietà individuale.

Un esperimento mentale: il re di Lanai

Immaginiamo un’isoletta abitata chiamata Lanai. Widerquist usa il nome “Gran Bretagna”, ma questo può generare confusione con la più nota isola omonima. Inizialmente, nessuno dei suoi abitanti possiede parti dell’isola. Ad un certo punto, alcune persone cominciano ad appropriarsi di parti dell’isola, acquisendone il diritto di proprietà, finché tutta l’isola diventa proprietà di una parte della sua popolazione. Il titolo di proprietà è assoluto. Dato che lo stato non esiste, ogni proprietario esercita la piena sovranità sul proprio pezzo di terra, e il suo diritto di proprietà non è soggetto a limitazioni da parte di altri.

I singoli proprietari scambiano un pezzo di terra con un altro, o con beni, servizi, o denaro. A volte la lasciano in eredità o la regalano. Finché tutta la terra, dopo una serie di passaggi legittimi, diventa proprietà di una sola persona: un certo Larry.

Ora che è proprietario di tutta la terra, Larry fa qualche modifica terminologica. Si fa chiamare re Larry, definisce gli abitanti di Lanai suoi sudditi e l’isola il suo regno.

In quanto proprietario sovrano della terra, re Larry concede ai suoi sudditi un diritto limitato di possesso della terra, da lui definito “titolo”. Quest’ultimo è un diritto parziale sulla terra, che permette al suo possessore di utilizzarla, darla in affitto, venderla, insomma trattarla come una sua proprietà, ma su cui re Larry esercita quelli che egli chiama “diritti sovrani”: il diritto di “tassare” il possesso della terra e di “regolarne” l’uso. Re Larry chiama “tassazione” la rendita annuale imposta in cambio del diritto sulla terra, e “regolamento” il suo diritto di imporre limiti sull’uso della terra al fine di evitare interferenze con i diritti personali e di proprietà degli altri sudditi.

Il risultato è un ordine che rispetta i diritti di proprietà dei libertari sostenitori dei diritti naturali ma che è sostanzialmente una monarchia che limita il diritto alla proprietà privata di tutti tranne il re. Le tasse e i regolamenti, cose tanto odiate dai libertari, vengono accettati spontaneamente dai sudditi del regno. L’unica “costrizione” è data dalla minaccia di re Larry di impedire a chiunque l’accesso alla terra del regno. Questo non è che un uso legittimo della proprietà privata in linea con la filosofia libertaria, re Larry non è costretto per legge a offrire la sua proprietà per evitare che i sudditi muoiano di fame o di freddo. Se un suddito dovesse servirsi della terra di re Larry senza il suo consenso, evitando tasse e normative, violerebbe i diritti di proprietà del re. Secondo tante interpretazioni libertarie del diritto naturale, commetterebbe il peccato mortale libertario: l’aggressione.

Certo i sudditi possono abbandonare Lanai, che è una monarchia costituzionale e garantisce la libertà personale di tutti. Re Larry non impedisce a nessuno di andarsene. In termini pratici, chiunque può andar via purché abbia un posto dove andare e i mezzi per andarci. Purtroppo, ogni angolo abitabile della terra è solitamente proprietà di qualcuno che non ammette rifugiati sulla sua proprietà e non ha obblighi al riguardo. Come nel mondo reale, gli stati non si occupano di migrazioni ma impongono regole severe sull’immigrazione. Volendo, re Larry potrebbe impedire di fatto l’emigrazione servendosi dello stesso libertarismo. La terraferma più vicina è così lontana che nessuno può andar via a nuoto, e il re potrebbe servirsi della proprietà della terra per imporre il proprio controllo sull’uso delle risorse naturali: il legname degli alberi, il metallo delle miniere, la plastica ricavata dal petrolio e l’acqua dei laghi. Senza queste risorse, chi volesse emigrare non potrebbe costruire una barca abbastanza robusta da sopportare il viaggio fino all’isola più vicina. Il re insomma si troverebbe ad aver realizzato una dittatura libertaria secondo il diritto naturale.

“Ma è assurdo!”

Qualcuno potrebbe obiettare che è assurdo che una persona possa arrivare a possedere tutto lo spazio di un’isola. Io offro due risposte.

Primo, è un’obiezione fuori luogo. Questo è un esperimento mentale che serve a illustrare un problema originato da un insieme di principi filosofici. In termini filosofici, il problema persiste anche se ci sono poche probabilità di incontrarlo nella pratica per ragioni che esulano dai principi presi in esame.

Secondo, perché sorga il problema non occorre che tutta la terra sia proprietà di una singola persona. L’esperimento mentale non cambia se il 95% della popolazione possiede il 100% della terra e istituisce un governo che governi sul restante 5%, o anche se tutti quanti meno uno possiedono tutta la terra e si accordano per sfruttare l’unico escluso. Il problema di fondo, ovvero che qualche proprietario, sulla base dei diritti di proprietà libertari, possa limitare i diritti di proprietà altrui, esiste ogni volta che una o più persone, sfruttando i poteri del mercato, riescono a spingere altri ad accettare un diritto di proprietà limitato da chi ha diritti superiori, sovrani. Abbiamo fatto l’esempio di un monarca per rendere più evidente il caso.

E il mondo reale?

I libertari sostenitori dei diritti naturali, pur accettando il ragionamento teorico, resterebbero probabilmente contrari all’idea di uno stato che impone tasse e normative. Dopotutto, noterebbero giustamente, nella realtà lo stato non nasce da un giusto processo di appropriazione e trasferimento di proprietà ma dalla forza bruta.

Il problema è che lo stesso si può dire della proprietà privata. Secondo Widerquist, quegli stessi libertari che difendono la legittimità dell’attuale regime proprietario privato non possono coerentemente contestare la legittimità degli stati attuali.

Ci sono libertari che riconoscono la generale illegittimità dei regimi proprietari, ma sono rari. La maggior parte accetta lo stato attuale. Questo non perché gli attuali proprietari sono in grado di far risalire la propria proprietà ad un originario legittimo passaggio di proprietà volontario. Le origini della proprietà si perdono nel passato, e non credo che siano molti i casi in cui si possa giustificare la proprietà di un pezzo di terra risalendo ad un atto di appropriazione legittimo. Alle origini di gran parte delle terre c’è indubbiamente un’acquisizione illegittima fatta con la forza, data anche la pratica diffusa e relativamente recente di azioni coloniali, imperialistiche e belliche in tutto il mondo.

Per evitare una situazione di illegittimità diffusa, molti libertari sostenitori dei diritti naturali ricorrono a norme che limitano la possibilità di chi è stato espropriato e dei suoi eredi di contestare l’attuale regime proprietario. Murray Rothbard, ad esempio, nel nono capitolo del suo Ethics of Liberty, ammette la restituzione di una proprietà ottenuta illegittimamente solo in presenza di due condizioni. Primo, bisogna dimostrare che l’attuale possessore non è proprietario legittimo. Secondo, bisogna dimostrare chi invece è il proprietario legittimo o i suoi eredi. Se nessuna di queste due condizioni è soddisfatta, l’attuale possessore della proprietà ottenuta illegittimamente è da considerarsi proprietario legittimo.

Dato un passato di razzie di terre e altro, queste due condizioni rendono difficile se non praticamente impossibile rivendicare la proprietà di gran parte delle terre sulla base del fatto che non sono state acquisite correttamente, anche quando l’illegittimità della proprietà è praticamente certa, questo perché è virtualmente impossibile identificare gli eredi attuali delle persone espropriate. Per cui, chi possiede qualcosa originariamente ottenuta con mezzi illeciti è al riparo dalle conseguenze delle ingiustizie passate.

Applicando coerentemente questi principi, anche gli stati attuali e le loro proprietà sarebbero salvi. Re Larry è semplicemente qualcuno che ha il monopolio della proprietà: la sua condizione monarchica è puramente terminologica. I libertari sostenitori dei diritti naturali non impongono limiti particolari ai monopoli privati, né possono imporli agli stati, a meno che non si faccia distinzione sulla base dei termini. Al contrario, se i libertari insistono che occorre limitare il diritto dello stato di imporre tasse e normative, dovrebbero fare altrettanto con le persone ricche i cui diritti di proprietà permettono loro di estrarre ricchezza e imporre condizioni sfruttando il proprio potere negoziale di grossi possidenti.


Una delle conclusioni di Widerquist è: “Viviamo in un mondo anarco-capitalista in cui gran parte della proprietà è nelle mani di circa duecento aziende chiamate ‘stati’.” L’altra è: “I libertari sostenitori dei diritti naturali hanno sviluppato una tesi a favore del diritto di proprietà così forte che difende anche il diritto di un monarca di possedere un’intero stato.”

Cosa resta ai libertari che vogliono creare un’utopia libertaria basata sulla proprietà privata ma senza lo stato? Niente impedisce a un gruppo di loro di unirsi e creare uno stato in cui tasse e normative sono vietate costituzionalmente. Ma i principi libertari impediscono loro di fare una cosa del genere infrangendo i diritti di qualunque stato esistente. Come dice Widerquist, “creare uno stato libertario togliendo allo stato il diritto di tassare e imporre norme sulla proprietà significa violare l’assioma cardine della dottrina libertaria”, ovvero il principio di non aggressione così come formulato da Rothbard (corsivo dell’originale).

Per dare vita alla loro utopia, i libertari sostenitori dei diritti naturali dovrebbero acquisire non solo la legittima proprietà della terra, ma anche la proprietà suprema, ovvero la sovranità. Per farlo, dovrebbero acquistare i diritti sovrani degli stati attuali. Il fatto che nessun gruppo di libertari finora lo abbia fatto, come nota Widerquist, significa che vivere in un’utopia libertaria semplicemente non vale il prezzo.

Le nostre traduzioni sono finanziate interamente da donazioni. Se vi piacciono i nostri testi, siete invitati a contribuire. Trovate le istruzioni su come fare nella pagina Sostieni C4SS:

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory