Tag: war
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 13
Wendy McElroy reviews a historical work on the surveillance state. Jonathan Cook discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sheldon Richman discusses how intellectual property creates corporate concentration. Jim Lobe discusses the fall of Fallujah. Stephen Kinzer discusses the potential detente with Iran. Thaddeus Russell discusses The Other America. Kevin Carson reviews AFFEERCE: A Business Plan to Save…
La Privatizzazione della Diplomazia, alla Maniera di Dennis Rodman
Il verdetto è stato emesso: Tutti i popoli civili devono odiare Dennis Rodman. Politici da John McCain a John Kerry e opinionisti da Bill O’Reilly a Chris Matthews sono offesi dal fatto che un americano visiti il terzo polo dell’Asse del Male. All’inizio di questa settimana Rodman, assieme a sei suoi ex compagni di gioco…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 12
Review 12 is here! Martin Morse Wooster reviews, Rome’s Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato, Ceaser’s Mortal Enemy. Sheldon Richman discusses the ceding of the war power to Israel. Sheldon Richman discusses how morality and practicality coincide in making the case for liberty. Jim Miles reviews, Goliath – Life and loathing in Greater…
Privatizing Diplomacy, Dennis Rodman Style
The verdict is in: All civilized people must hate Dennis Rodman. Politicians from John McCain to John Kerry and pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Chris Matthews are outraged that an American would visit the third member of the Axis of Evil. Earlier this week Rodman, along with six fellow former NBA players, arrived in Pyongyang,…
An Open Letter To The Peace Movement: Reply To A Friend’s Criticisms
A recent emailing of Roderick Long’s, “An Open Letter to the Peace Movement,” precipitated some criticisms from a non-libertarian and non-anarchist friend. This post will be a response to those criticisms. The author’s name will be withheld. If he so chooses, he can reveal himself in the comments section. The original text of the piece…
2013 In Review: The Year In Left-Liberty
This was quite the year for left-liberty. Others have already examined the year from different ideological perspectives. This has ranged from Lew Rockwell’s Ron Paul filled piece to Medea Benjamin’s take. It’s time for a retrospective that addresses 2013 from a left-libertarian perspective. There are 4 things worth focusing on. 1) The Canadian Supreme Court’s…
La Tregua di Natale del 1914
Il ventiquattro dicembre di novantanove anni fa ci fu la cosiddetta Tregua di Natale del 1914, una tregua spontanea invocata dai soldati che si trovavano sul fronte occidentale francese e che in alcuni punti continuò anche dopo il giorno di Natale. I soldati francesi, britannici e tedeschi, attratti dal suono dei canti di Natale che…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 10
Enjoy review 10! William Pfaff discusses how history will remember Obama Elizabeth Goiten discusses “good guys” and “bad guys” in the War on Terror. Bruce A. Dixon discusses how Obama won a court case to keep sentencing disparities intact. Chris Floyd discusses the murderous character of the American system. Chris Floyd discusses the NSA spying…
La Coscrizione non Ha Mai, Mai, Fermato una Guerra
Nel 2011 partecipai ad una discussione pubblica presso King’s Books a Tacoma, nello stato di Washington. Si parlava dell’effetto che hanno le guerre sui soldati e le loro famiglie. Mi ero preparato a rispondere parlando dell’impatto che le guerre continue hanno sulle famiglie che incontravo nella sala parto dove lavoro. Durante questa discussione, però, fui…
Let There Be Peace On Earth, And Let It Begin With Me
Christmas is full of exhortations to work towards a more peaceful world. But when you get right down to it, what can we actually do, today, to help usher in that world? While there’s no magic button that can be pressed or perfect argument that can be made to bring about peace on Earth, there…
So This Is Christmas, And What Have We Done?
Christmas is now a commercial frenzy, a profusion of overplayed songs and overwrought sentiment, mixed with pleading to remember “the reason for the season” and to “keep Christ in Christmas.” But there’s something else that’s being lost and perhaps was never emphasized enough to begin with, something I think we need now more than ever-…
The Christmas Truce Of 1914
Today is the 99th anniversary of the Christmas Truce of 1914, a spontaneous soldiers’ truce that broke out on Christmas Eve all along the Western Front in France, lasting in places until the day after Christmas. French, British and German soldiers, intrigued by the sound of Christmas carols from the enemy trenches, first tentatively refrained…
Die Trommeln des Krieges
In einer Ansprache, die die Luftangriffe auf Libyen durch die USA und ihrer Verbündeten zum Thema hat, sagte Präsident Obama, dass das Scheitern zu handeln „ein Verrat an uns selbst wäre“, dass ein Massaker in dem Land „das Gewissen der Welt beflecken“ würde. Jedes mal wenn die Elite der Außenpolitik des Imperiums anfängt davon zu…
Remembering Corporate Liberalism
The main plotline of the Star Wars prequel trilogy concerns an apparent conflict between the central government (the Senate) on the one hand and a coalition of mercantile interests (the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, etc.) on the other. As events unfold, however, it quickly becomes obvious to the audience (though much less quickly to the protagonists)…
A Press As Deadly As The State
I am now prepared to state without reservation that the ongoing NSA/surveillance story ranks among the more momentous and nauseating charades perpetrated on a frighteningly gullible public. Any remaining doubt I had on this question — and, in truth, no substantial doubt remained in my own mind — has been obliterated by this story concerning the remarks…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 8
Review 8 time is here! Let’s get started. James Bovard discusses the glut of police shootings. Sheldon Richman explains why government is the problem. Pepe Escobar discusses Erik Prince’s new book. Binoy Kampark discusses the creeping fascism in Europe. Uri Avnery discusses land theft in the Jordan Valley. Patrick Cockburn discusses the complicity of Saudi…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 6
Welcome to my 6th review! Time to begin. Graham Peebles discusses the oppression of Ethiopian migrants in Saudi Arabia. Alexander Cockburn discusses the parallels between JFK and Obama. Ivan Eland examines JFK’s actual record. Jonathan Carp proposes a revolutionary alternative to raising the minimum wage. Jacob Hornberger discusses the post-911 dilution of civil liberties. Sarah…
Obama Prova Ser Realmente Eficaz em Matar Pessoas
Novo livro (Escalada: Mudança de Jogo em 2012, por Mark Halperin e John Heilemann) afirma que o presidente dos Estados Unidos Barack Obama afirmou a seus assessores, durante sua última eleição, ser “realmente eficaz em matar pessoas.” Ele está certo. Por exemplo, na última sexta-feira um ataque de drone [avião não tripulado] visando Hakimullah Mehsud, do…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 5
Review number five is upon us! Let’s begin. Ashley Smith discusses the imperial roots of sectarian violence in Iraq. Horace G. Campbell discusses counter-terrorism and imperial hypocrisy. Daniel White offers us some notes on the American Empire. Sheldon Richman discusses the urgency of stopping war with Iran. Dave Lindorff discusses the question of whether security…
Regicide Day
The JFK administration’s public image has often been compared to that of Camelot, a mythical royal court. What’s more disturbing is that the people who apply such terms to this 20th century gang are almost always applying it in a positive sense. “What could be better,” say these waxing nostalgic imperialists, “than an administration which commands…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory