Tag: torture
Oleh: Citizen Ilya. Teks aslinya berjudul “How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Support Ringo by considering becoming his Patron. Jika kalian mengikuti berita mengenai Rusia, kalian pasti mengetahui tentang apa yang terjadi saat ini terhadap para oposisi dan aktivis politik. Kediktatoran Putin sedang berfokus pada penyiksaan…
Di Citizen Ilya. Originale pubblicato il 23 marzo 2019 con il titolo How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se seguite ciò che sta accadendo in Russia, probabilmente sapete cosa stanno passando attivisti politici e persone dell’opposizione. La dittatura putiniana si basa sulla tortura e il carcere per chiunque non condivida…
If you follow the news about Russia, then you probably know what’s happening right now with opposition and political activists. Putin’s dictatorship focuses on torture and imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with authoritarian anti-social politics. If somebody is struggling against total poverty and unfairness, then they will face repression from government structures such as FSB…
Replica a Walter Block Di Thomas Raskin. Originale pubblicato il 25 luglio 2017 con il titolo Animal Torture Violates Rights: A Response to Walter Block. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Introduzione Walter Block è uno dei più stimati teorici libertari nel mondo.1 Eminente studioso di economia presso la Harold E. Wirth, docente di economia presso la…
Introduction Walter Block is one of the most highly esteemed libertarian theorists in the world today.1 The Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics and Professor of Economics at Loyola University, Block has written hundreds of articles and books on the intricacies of libertarian theory, even a cursory review of which reveals the tremendous depth…
Bonnie Kristian discusses the folly of U.S. interventionism around the world. William Seabolt discusses tax avoidance as an American tradition. Laurence M. Vance discusses what Trump shouldn’t do as president. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the War on Drugs and Trump. Sheldon Richman discusses a new book on love, marriage, and the state. Peter Van Buren…
Recensione di: Angela Davis, Are Prisons Obsolete?, Seven Stories Press, 2003. È arrivato il momento di eliminare il sistema carcerario in America e nel resto del mondo? L’attivista, studiosa, icona dei diritti civili Angela Davis nel suo libro del 2003 risponde chiaramente Sì. La Davis è meglio conosciuta per il suo impegno a favore dei…
Il programma di torture della Cia è tornato alla ribalta questa settimana, quando tre ex detenuti hanno denunciato i due psicologi che crearono e gestirono il programma ai tempi di Bush. Secondo l’Unione Americana per le Libertà Civili (che preme affinché il responsabile del Dipartimento di Giustizia, Loretta Lynch, incarichi un pubblico ministero apposito), James…
The CIA’s torture program is back in the headlines this week, as three former detainees have filed suit against the two psychologists who created and administered the CIA’s Bush-era torture program. According to the ACLU (who are pushing for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor in the matter), Drs. James Mitchell and…
Review of Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis, Seven Stories Press (2003) Is it time to do away with the American prison system, and prisons worldwide? Civil rights activist, scholar and icon Angela Davis clearly answers Yes in her 2003 book. Davis is best known for her involvement with the civil rights and black power movements…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nick Ford‘s “The Tortured Logic Behind Using Torture” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. A recent NDAA amendment passed in mid-June makes it a lot harder for the CIA to torture–a good step forward. But it’s also worth noting that torture isn’t “beneath us” as Oliver suggests. It’s…
Jonathan Cook discusses Israel’s endless misery for Gaza. Curtis Bell discusses parallels between U.S. and Israeli racism. Sheldon Richman discusses no compensation to Israel for the Iran deal. Richard M. Ebeling discusses freedom of migration. Lucy Steigerwald discusses America’s limited space for Iran stories. George H. Smith discusses Spinoza’s thought from a critical perspective. Helen…
On July 18th, Donald Trump enraged fellow Republicans by stating that Arizona Senator John McCain is “not a war hero.” Trump referenced McCain’s imprisonment by the North Vietnamese stating, “I like people that weren’t captured.” Americans like to think of all their armed servicemen as heroic, and this is especially true of McCain, a POW who was imprisoned…
The nuclear agreement with Iran is good for two reasons: it reduces the chance of war, and it promises relief from sanctions for the Iranian people. Although American officials still say that war is an option, the chance has now shrunk. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows that his military alone cannot deal a…
Robert C. Koehler discusses the torture of absolute power. William R. Polk discusses not learning from Middle Eastern mistakes. Thomas L. Knapp discusses government debt. Steven Horwitz discusses how marriage doomsday never comes. David N. Gibbs discusses the Srebrenica precedent. George Leef discusses a book on how liberals make it more difficult for blacks to…
If you watched Batman when you were growing up, chances are you saw him torture someone. If you watched Jack Bauer from the hit show 24, chances are even better that torture scenes were involved. And if you watched the Netflix show Daredevil, you probably saw it in almost every single episode. The problem with relying…
If you have even a shred of humanity, the answer is yes. Prisoners Richard Matt and David Sweat have dominated headlines for nearly two weeks after escaping from Dannemora, a maximum security prison in Upstate, New York. One prison employee, Joyce Mitchell, has been accused of providing them assistance in their escape. She too now,…
Harriet A. Washington. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present (New York: Anchor Books, 2006). There has been considerable controversy over the ethics of using knowledge — even to save lives — that was obtained from Nazi medical experimentation on death camp inmates. Unfortunately far…
Doug Bandow discusses the U.S. government’s partnership with the repressive Egyptian regime. Wendy McElroy discusses statolatry. Michael Brenner discusses the CIA. Melvin A. Goodman discusses lies and spies. Greg Grandin discusses how the Iraq War became in Panama. Johanna Fernandez discusses the anti-police brutality movements. Justin Logan discusses a new neocon book. Jesse Walker discusses…
George H. Smith begins discussing the ideas of Bishop Butler. Matt Peppe discusses the U.S. invasion of Panama. Patrick Cockburn discusses the torture report. Kevin Carson discusses the question that Michael Lind has yet to answer. David Roediger discusses the defenders of police violence. David Stockman discusses Wall Street crony capitalist plunder. Sheldon Richman discusses…