Tag: transphobia
The latest success in trans publishing is Jules Gill-Peterson’s A Short History of Trans Misogyny. Released at a time of global backlash to trans rights in a coalition bringing together figures as varied as J.K. Rowling and Javier Milei, it purports to analyze the origins of a world in which hatred of transfemininity has become…
Oleh: James C. Wilson. Teks aslinya berjudul “What if Your Child Was Trans?” Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Saya telah bertahun-tahun mengadvokasi hak-hak trans, termasuk hak-hak trans remaja dan orang tua mereka, dengan pendampingan dokter, untuk memilih jenis layanan kesehatan yang mereka butuhkan. Saya melihat kebebasan ini sebagai bentuk menyelamatkan kehidupan. Meskipun begitu,…
Transphobic protestors and commentators have recently taken to the slogan, “Leave our kids alone.” It’s part of an attempt to brand educators, librarians, authors, artists — whoever works with kids and supports trans children’s right to self-identify however they wish — as “groomers,” threats to the safety of kids via insidious brainwashing. In reality, reactionaries…
James C. Wilson, What if Your Child Was Trans? June 8 2023. На протяжении многих лет я выступаю за права трансгендерных людей. В это входит право трансгендерной молодежи и их родителей, под руководством своих врачей, получать те медицинские услуги, которые они считают нужными. Я считаю эту свободу жизненно необходимой. При этом я из довольно консервативной…
The Woke Nightmare That Doesn’t End! It’s in commercials! It’s on storefronts! It’s on social media, on television shows and streaming platforms! We may not be able to define what “woke” is, but, dammit! Like any obscenity, we know it when we see it! They’re ramming it down our throats and shoving it up our…
I have for years been an advocate of trans rights. This includes the rights of trans youth and their parents, with the guidance of their doctors, to pursue whatever health care they see fit. I see this freedom as life-saving. That said, I am from a rather conservative background, in which many people I know…
Hello, fans of fun and games (gaming)! This month, we’ll have two Anti-Nazi Gaming League live streams, our normal stream on Friday, April 21st, and a special 4/20 Coup de Gras V stream on Thursday, April 20th. First, tune in on 4/20 for a stream on all things stoner culture, drug policy, weed in the…
Escrito por Prax. Fuente: No TERFS, No Patriarchy, del 12 de noviembre 2020. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Cuando surge la tentación De descartar una contribución a la igualdad Basándose únicamente en lo que uno pueda tener entre las piernas Quizá sea mejor no hacerlo Sólo porque algunos humanos tienen genitales que cuelgan Grotesca…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Locusts and Wild Honey tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. 15 Ocak 2023 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmış. “Cancellandım, olamaz!” diye yakınıyor milyonerin teki, “şaka” adını verdiği ırkçı hakaretler içeren bir tweet attıktan sonraki altıncı (podcast bölümlerini de sayarsanız onuncu) TV röportajında. “İfade özgürlüğüne ne olacak bu gidişle!” diye bağırıyorlar sadece kendileri için tasarlanmış kamera(lar) ve…
All over the U.S. imperial core, the trumpets of war are being sounded against queer communities. More than that: reactionary forces are, to put it as bluntly as possible, planning to exterminate us. Consider the following: More than 300 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been filed in 2023 alone. It’s only March. Some of these bills include…
Di Locusts and Wild Honey. Originale: There’s no Such Thing as Cancel Culture, pubblicato il 15 gennaio 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Alla sua sesta intervista in televisione (la decima contando i podcast), il milionario si lamenta: “Sono stato ostracizzato!” E questo per aver pubblicato su Twitter un insulto razzista “per scherzo”. “E la libertà…
“I’ve been canceled!” laments the millionaire in their sixth TV interview (tenth if you count podcast episodes) since tweeting a racial slur as “a joke.” “What about free speech!” they yell freely in front of the camera(s) and microphone(s) meant just for them. I mean really: how “canceled” can someone be if they still have…
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 4). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/10/31/levaki-i-pushki-chast-chetvertaya/ Защитники права на владение оружием среди слабозащищенных групп населения должны говорить об одной из наибольших угроз, с которыми эти группы сталкиваются: преступления на почве ненависти. Часто в СМИ путают фанатизм и душевные расстройства, при том, что фанатизм…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] The human rights of transgender people, and specifically of vulnerable transgender youth, are being systematically denied and dismantled all over the United States. To advance this violent oppression, the states and politicians in question use more than merely legislation…
When the temptation arises To discount one’s contributions to equality Based solely on what might be between one’s legs Perhaps best not to do so Just because some humans have genitalia that dangle Grotesquely and profanely for all to see And other humans have secret gardens hidden from sight Means nothing in regard to misogyny;…
This article is best started by briefly outlining two historical figures: Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) and Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992). Christopher Columbus is believed to have been born in Genoa, Italy and most famously, as the rhyme goes, “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” in order to find a route to Asia under the patronage of…
Di Vishal Wilde. Originale pubblicato il 5 giugno con il titolo The Common ‘Logic’ of Compulsory Education, Homophobia, and Transphobia. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A chiunque contesti l’obbligo scolastico capita prima o poi di ricevere (una variante di) questa obiezione: “un giovanissimo non ha la possibilità di sapere cosa è bene per lui, cosa serve…
Anyone arguing against compulsory education will inevitably encounter (a variant of) this objection: “but a child cannot possibly know what is good for them and what they need to function well in society, we need some basic standards that everyone can conform to.”
This is the fourth part in a series. Be sure to check out parts 1, 2, 3 and 5. Advocates of gun ownership for marginalized people must talk about one of the biggest threats faced by such groups: hate crimes. Oftentimes, the media confuses this kind of bigotry with mental illness: but bigotry is not a mental illness at…
(TW: Brief discussion of suicide) The Washington Post reports that the state of Texas has begun its court case against the federal government for setting guidelines about treatment of transgender students. The Department of Education has stated that because Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex for institutions that receive federal funding, that…