Tag: anti-fascism
Por William Gillis. Artigo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, de 8 de agosto 2019. Traduzido para o português por Nico. Mais uma semana, mais um ataque terrorista misógino ou de nacionalistas brancos. Ele estão se inspirando, eles estão formando movimentos amplos, ecossistemas, redes de células. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement,…
William Gillis. Artículo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, del 8 de agosto de 2019. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Otra semana, otro ataque terrorista misógino y/o nacionalista blanco. Se están impulsando unos a otros, están formando amplios movimientos, ecosistemas, redes de células. La base. Atomwaffen. El movimiento Rise Above. Movimiento de Identidad Americana. Nación Hammerskin. Lobos de Vinland. Vástago europeo. Chicos orgullosos. Proliferan los…
Spooky, Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals, March 8 2021. Перевёл Артём Чернышёв. [Послушайте подробное обсуждение этой статьи и её тем в этом выпуске The Enragés] Если вы работаете над каким-либо проектом — политическим или любым другим — вы будете сотрудничать с людьми, с которыми вы не согласны. Марксисты, демократические социалисты и левые либералы могут…
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 4). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/10/31/levaki-i-pushki-chast-chetvertaya/ Защитники права на владение оружием среди слабозащищенных групп населения должны говорить об одной из наибольших угроз, с которыми эти группы сталкиваются: преступления на почве ненависти. Часто в СМИ путают фанатизм и душевные расстройства, при том, что фанатизм…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] If you work on any project — political or otherwise — you’re going to be collaborating with folks you don’t agree with. Marxists, democratic socialists, and left-leaning liberals might have your back on a picket line or protest, and…
Emmi Bevensee, writer and editor at C4SS, and data scientist and misinformation researcher at Rebellious Data, was interviewed recently on the DOOMED podcast, “a leftist politics and culture show for our terrible times.” Emmi joined host Matt Binder to discuss: how white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and misinformation peddlers are using peer-to-peer technology to continue spreading their…
Movimentos populares, que se foquem na auto-defesa comunitária anti-policial, podem ser a melhor maneira de circunscrever com eficácia a influência que as páginas de notícias falsas da direita alternativa continuam a deter na sociedade tanto agora como a longo prazo. Em contraste com campanhas monotemáticas, um movimento amplo pela auto-defesa comunitária iria evitar quaisquer percalços…
Popular movements, focusing on anti-police community self-defense, may be the best way to effectively circumvent the influence that alt-right fake news sites are continuing to have on society now and in the long-run. In contrast to single-issue protest campaigns, a broad movement towards community self-defense would avoid key pitfalls in the struggle for the support…
Соединенные Штаты, став постепенно менее религиозными, одновременно укоренились в квазирелигиозной идеологии своей собственной коррумпированной двухпартийной системы. Благочестивые либералы «крестятся», вновь подтверждая свою веру в Демократического Спасителя, пришедшего в ноябре, — цепляясь за свою веру в демократию, не понимая, что система, которая, как они думают, спасет их, является той самой системой, которая создала нынешнюю политическую ситуацию….
The ruling party of the United States has embraced fascism, but people throughout the country are resisting. Donald Trump had fascist tendencies and appealed to fascists since the early days of his campaign, but by now he has clearly embraced a fascist style of governing. The Republican Party has mostly gone along with it. The…
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato l’otto agosto 2019 con il titolo Anti-State Responses to Terrorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un’altra settimana e un altro attacco terroristico misogino e/o del nazionalismo bianco. Si incitano a vicenda, formano vasti movimenti, ecosistemi, reti di cellule. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement, Hammerskin Nation, Wolves…
Another week, another misogynist and/or white nationalist terrorist attack. They’re urging each other on, they’re forming broad movements, ecosystems, networks of cells. The Base. Atomwaffen. The Rise Above Movement. American Identity Movement. Hammerskin Nation. Wolves of Vinland. European Kindred. Proud Boys. The names and factions proliferate. Hordes congregate online to cheer the latest atrocity and…
In the age of the alt-right, antifascist organizing is increasingly a topic of mainstream political dialogue. While most of what is focused on in the news consists of misinformation around subjects such as black bloc, Nazi punching, and deplatforming, there is another tactic that largely goes undiscussed: counter-recruitment. First off, let’s get this out of…
In addition to all kinds of scariness, it’s important also to mention exactly how mediocre 8ch is. It’s the human equivalent of the magazines in your dentist’s but– if it’s even possible– more tryhard. That they consider themselves to be an intellectual vanguard is on par with a grown adult self-identifying as Rick from Rick and Morty. It’s laughably pathetic and sad.
Mutual Exchange is the Center for a Stateless Society’s effort to achieve mutual understanding through dialogue. As anarchists, we often try to make visible the myriad of state violence that usually goes unseen: the seemingly inexhaustible source of drone bombings, incarceration, police brutality, migrant detention, and the like, which terrorize individuals and their communities around…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 13 agosto 2017 con il titolo Airbnb and the Power of Anti-Fascist Markets. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’antifascismo è multiforme. Ci sono gli ultrapatriottici che riecheggiano la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, gli attivisti del III% che hanno messo sotto assedio Identity Evropa in Texas, il black bloc che ha…
Anti-fascism comes in all shapes and forms. Whether it be the ultra-patriotic types harking back to the legacy of WWII, the III% who put that Identity Evropa kid in a chokehold in Texas, the black bloc protester who punched out Richard Spencer, the antifa rioters who trashed Milo’s events, the programmers who are letting us…
This is the fourth part in a series. Be sure to check out parts 1, 2, 3 and 5. Advocates of gun ownership for marginalized people must talk about one of the biggest threats faced by such groups: hate crimes. Oftentimes, the media confuses this kind of bigotry with mental illness: but bigotry is not a mental illness at…
Let’s face it — the libertarian movement’s flirtations with paleoconservatives over the years have put us in the situation we are in today. Alt-righters and other self-proclaimed fascists, white nationalists, and racial separatists feel that they can use the libertarian movement as an effective recruiting ground: despite their willingness to crush individual liberties in order to…
Every prohibition, no matter how reasonable, has its bootleggers and every state, no matter how authoritarian, is unable to truly enforce a total ban on anything. So when a father in Berlin discovered swastikas painted on a children’s playground, a symbol that is actually illegal according to German law, he realized it was more effective…