Tag: lgbt
Los niños (trans) están bien
De Alex McHugh. Artículo original: The (Trans) Kids Are Alright, de 30 de octubre de 2018. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Recientemente, la administración Trump, a través del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos, emitió un memorando preocupante sobre la identidad de género. En el memorando, el HHS aboga por una interpretación del género y el sexo…
ANGL: Ratchelor with Brianna Coyle
Tune in this Friday at 7:00 PM as the crew plays Ratchelor and Brianna Coyle joins us to discuss How Furry Fandom is Used as a Proxy War on Queer Folks. We’ll be raising funds for the ACLU and celebrating pride month while discussing how things took such a sharp turn towards bigotry in recent…
ANGL: April Stream & Coup de Gras V Announcement
Hello, fans of fun and games (gaming)! This month, we’ll have two Anti-Nazi Gaming League live streams, our normal stream on Friday, April 21st, and a special 4/20 Coup de Gras V stream on Thursday, April 20th.  First, tune in on 4/20 for a stream on all things stoner culture, drug policy, weed in the…
Леваки и пушки. Часть четвертая
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 4). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/10/31/levaki-i-pushki-chast-chetvertaya/ Защитники права на владение оружием среди слабозащищенных групп населения должны говорить об одной из наибольших угроз, с которыми эти группы сталкиваются: преступления на почве ненависти. Часто в СМИ путают фанатизм и душевные расстройства, при том, что фанатизм…
Леваки и пушки. Часть первая
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 1). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/08/31/levaki-i-pushki-chast-pervaya/ Огнестрельное оружие для гражданского использования — болезненная для левых тема. В их стане можно услышать массу позиций как за, так и против, но все сойдутся в одной мысли: люди нуждаются в пространстве, безопасном для жизни. Копья ломаются…
Permitiendo el abuso de niños en Florida
De Thomas J. Webb. Artículo original: Enabling Child Abuse in Florida, del 12 de mayo de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. “Los niños no son propiedad de nadie: no son propiedad de los padres, ni siquiera de la sociedad. Sólo pertenecen a su propia libertad futura”. -Bakunin Como parte de la reciente ola…
Enabling Child Abuse in Florida
“Children do not constitute anyone’s property: they are neither the property of the parents nor even the society. They belong only to their own future freedom.” -Bakunin As part of the recent wave of legislation targeting LGBTQIA people, especially trans minors, Florida passed a law advertised by its proponents as protection for parental rights, HB…
Review: Ayn Rand, Homosexuality, and Human Liberation
Let’s begin this review honestly: despite having referenced her in multiple articles, I—like almost all leftists regardless of ideology—do not like Ayn Rand and am most certainly not an Objectivist. I approach her much like Karl Hess did: seeing her value in comparison to Emma Goldman but rejecting her ostensive, unflattering solipsism. Yet, I consider Chris…
The Hadal Quadrants, Episode 2: Trans Youth Bills
In this episode of The Hadal Quadrants, host Leslee Petersen speaks to activists Ashley Shade and Logan Marie Glitterbomb about queer liberation, Pride, and the recent rash of trans youth bills. Intro music by Joel Williamson Be sure to follow The Hadal Quadrants on Facebook and Twitter. And if you want early access to C4SS podcasts, free swag, and…
The Attacks on Trans Children
Politicians in several states, notably including Arkansas, North Carolina, and Texas, have introduced new laws to attack trans children. In Arkansas, they’ve already passed several of these laws. It’s hard to keep up with each new bill. As of mid-April 2021, much of the attention focuses on sports and the NCAA’s responses, but some of…
Parole Oltre il Mercato e lo Stato, II
Di Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. 28 agosto 2020. Fonte: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. II. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Intervista con Kevin Carson Presentiamo la seconda parte dell’intervista concessa da Kevin Carson a Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. Per accedere alla prima parte, cliccate qui. In questa seconda parte…
Palabras mas allá del Mercado y el Estado. (Parte 2)
Esta entrevista fue realizada por: Diego Avila y Luis Ricardo Vera. Culminación de la entrevista: 28 de agosto de 2020. Original en inglés: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. II. Entrevista a Kevin Carson Aquí traemos la segunda parte de la entrevista realizada a Kevin Carson, hecha por Diego Avila y Luis R….
Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. II
An Interview With Kevin Carson Here we bring the second part of the interview with Kevin Carson, made by Diego Avila and Luis R. Vera. To access the first part click here. In this part, we finish with the questions related to the counter-economy and Venezuela as other parts of Latin America, as well as…
C4SS Writer Kelly Wright Needs Our Support!
Hey everyone, thanks for all the ways in which you’ve supported our team and our writers over the years. Mutual aid is the foundational principle behind much of what we do, and it’s encouraging to see how far such a simple concept can take us. Supporting each other through good or ill, we’re stronger together…
Queerness Is Not Collectivist, Reactionaries Are Not Individualists
In case it wasn’t already implied by the title, I’m arguably a follower of the “transgender ideology.” I prefer the term “non- binary” instead of “trans,” but I’m part of the community and I do adhere to the “ideology” of validating peoples’ gender identities by using their preferred pronouns. Much like a fair number of…
Help Build a Queer Safe Haven and Intentional Community in the Heart of Cajun Country!
Let’s face it, it’s not easy being LGBTQ+ in this society. There is an ongoing rise in the murder rates of trans and gender non-conforming individuals, with the Human Rights Campaign documenting at least 21 murders just this year, which nearly matches last year’s documented 27 murders despite us only being halfway through the year….
Petition: Marsha P. Johnson > Christopher Columbus
This article is best started by briefly outlining two historical figures: Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) and Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992). Christopher Columbus is believed to have been born in Genoa, Italy and most famously, as the rhyme goes, “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” in order to find a route to Asia under the patronage of…
Navigating the Culture Wars
“Attention to all racists: we will not just “replace” you, we will erase you. All trace of your worthless empty lives will be discarded from history. Your murderous temper tantrums will be like so much static noise lost forever as you are shuffled into the dirt.” – William Gillis, Twitter The internet is a place…
La Pelosità del “Crimine d’odio”
Di Alex McHugh. Originale pubblicato il 4 aprile 2019 con il titolo The Pernicious Protection of “Hate Crime” Laws. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Prima o poi la politica doveva saltare sul carro della protezione della “libera espressione”. Leggi come quella approvata nello Utah, che intende proteggere le opinioni politiche, non hanno niente a che vedere…
The Pernicious Protection of “Hate Crime” Laws
It was only a matter of time before state legislatures jumped onto the bandwagon of “free expression” protection measures. Truly, laws like Utah’s recent bill to include political expression as a protected class in the state, have nothing to do with free expression itself. Instead, they are an outgrowth of the — largely false —…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory